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Perbedaan Jumlah Koloni Jamur Trichophyton rubrum pada Media Sabouraud Dextrose Agar dan Modifikasi Glukosa 3gr Natalia Natalia
Jurnal Penelitian Sains Vol 23, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Mathtmatics and Natural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.678 KB) | DOI: 10.56064/jps.v23i3.644


Jamur merupakan salah satu penyebab penyakit infeksi terutama di negara-negara tropis. Jamur yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi salah satunya adalah Trichophyton rubrum. Pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk kultur jamur Trichophyton rubrum ini menggunakan media SDA (Sabaroud Dextrose Agar). Penambahan glukosa dimaksudkan meningkatkan tingkat kesuburan pada media SDA (Sabaroud Dextrose Agar) yang akan membantu proses pertumbuhan koloni jamur Trichophyton rubrum menjadi lebih banyak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan jumlah koloni jamur Trichophyton rubrum pada media Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) dan modifikasi dengan glukosa 3 gr. Metode: metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah true experimen. Sampel yang digunakan strain biakan Trichophyton rubrum yang disetarakan dengan standar 0,5 Mac Farland dengan pengenceran 102. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dengan menghitung jumlah koloni jamur Trichophyton rubrum pada hari ke 6. Hasil: Rata rata jumlah koloni jamur T.rubrum pada media SDA sebanyak 142, sedangkan media modifikasi glukosa 3 gr sebanyak 204. Nilai p=0.000 dengan taraf signifikansi 2 arah (α=0.05) maka p<α. Simpulan: Maka terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara jumlah koloni jamur T.rubrum pada media SDA dan media modifikasi dengan glukosa 3 gr, dan media modifikasi dengan glukosa 3 gr dapat menjadi media alternatif untuk memperbanyak pertumbuhan jamur.
Implementasi Konsep Kasih Pada Interior Rumah Kreatif Mawari Natalia Natalia; Laksmi Kusuma Wardani; Lucky Basuki
Intra Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Desain Interior 2018/2019
Publisher : Intra

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Education is an important factor in improving human resources. The lack of educational facilities for underprivileged children is one of the problems that always arise in big cities, especially in Surabaya. The Mawari Shelter Community is a form of social service for the GKI Pregolan church in Surabaya which provides free educational facilities for underprivileged children. For this reason, the purpose of the Mawari Creative Home Interior Design in Surabaya is for education, a place for social interaction, and a place to facilitate creative activities that can improve the economy in the community. This design uses the Design Thinking method, consisting of 6 stages, Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Implement, and Materialize. The application concept of "Love", applying Christian values into space with a Green touch and the concept of open space that leads directly to the garden to understand God as the light and center of the world. Besides, cheerful ambiance and dynamic in accordance with the character of children also want to be presented. Thus, the existence of this design can provides a positive influence for children, also as a place for talents and interests, which is children can comfortably use the facilities of Creative Houses.
Survei Seroprevalensi Taenia solium Sistiserkosis Di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua (SEROPREVALENCE SURVEY OF TAENIA SOLIUM CYSTICERCOSIS IN MIMIKA REGION, PAPUA) Ida Bagus Ngurah Swacita; Kadek Karang Agustina; I Wayan Polos; Sabelina Fitriani; Natalia Natalia
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 7 No. 2 Agustus 2015
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

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Cysticercosis is an infection caused by the larval stage of pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)which still poses a public health problem. Papua is one of the largest endemic areas of cysticercosisin Indonesia. This survey aim was to determine the seroprevalence of cystisercosis in Mimikaregion, Papua. A total of 44 pig serum samples were collected from Kwamki Narama district (28samples), Mimika Baru (13 samples), and Kuala Kencana (3 samples) they were examined by using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The result of the survey showed that theaverage of seroprevalence of cysticercosis in Mimika region, Papua was 50% (22/44), where thelargest seroprevalence found in the district of Kuala Kencana was 100% (3/3), District of KwamkiNarama was 46,4% (13/28), and district of Mimika Baru was 46,1% (6/13). It concluded that theseroprevalence of cysticercosis in Mimika was very high.Therefore,it is necessary to do moreintensive programs to prevent and control this disease.
Prarancangan Pabrik Akrilonitril Menggunakan Proses Sohio Dengan Disain Alat Utama Kolom Absorber (A-101) Natalia Natalia; Said Zul Amraini
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 8 (2021): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Acrylonitrile has the potential to be used as an additive in the chemical industry including the manufacture of thermoplastics, adiponitrile for the nylon industry, acrylamide, resin, synthetic rubber, acrylic fibers for the acrylic fabric industry and ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) resin for the manufacture of plastic goods. The use of acrylonitrile which is quite varied makes acrylonitrile needed in large quantities in Indonesia. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency for the past 5 years, the demand for acrylonitrile in Indonesia is between 1000-6000 tons/year. Acrylonitrile is produced by the Sohio process using propylene, ammonia and air as raw materials. The acrylonitrile plant operates for 300 days per year in 24 working hours per day with a production capacity of 128,000 tons/year. This factory produces acrylonitrile with a purity of 99.47% as the main product while the byproducts are acetonitrile and hydrogen cyanide. The location of the acrylonitrile plant establishment is planned in the Basilam Baru area, Sungai Sembilan District, Dumai City, Riau Province. The design of the main tool of the absorber column (A-101) is useful for separating ammonia gas that is not completely converted from the resulting product using sulfuric acid as a solvent. Unneutralized ammonia causes ammonia to react with acrylonitrile to form various impurity and acid precipitates to polymerize hydrogen cyanide. This absorption process will produce Ammonium Sulphate. The absorber column with packed bed column has a height of 4.2084 m with a column diameter of 0.5588 m. The type of packing used is rasching ring made of ceramic which is shaped like a hollow cylinder ring with a size of 4 in with a torispherical flanged dished head. Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) of this acrylonitrile plant is $ 59,018,469.7 and Working Capital Investment is 15% of Total Capital Investment (TCI) of $ 10,415,024.1 so that the Total Capital Investment (TCI) value is $ 69,433,493 ,7. The total production cost of the acrylonitrile plant is $226,071,844.0 while the net profit after tax is 35%, which is $406,667,476 and the net cash flow of the acrylonitrile plant is $408,880,669. Return on Investment (ROI) after tax is 59.54%, Pay Out Time (POT) is 1.57 years and Break Event Point (BEP) is 35%. The IRR value of the acrylonitrile factory is 22.67% greater than the bank's RRR value of 22.55%, and the Net Present Flow (NPV) value of $ 2,504,738,736.6 is greater than the Total Capital Investment (TCI) value. From the economic analysis, the acrylonitrile plant is feasible to establish. Keywords: absorber, acrylonitrile, packed bed column, propylene, sohio process
Pelatihan PELATIHAN AKUNTANSI : PENGARUH TRANSAKSI DALAM JURNAL UMUM DI SMA Tri Ratna Sufiyati sufiyati; Karen Andrea Andrea; Natalia Natalia
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jbmi.v6i3.27866


Accounting science is used by all fields of business, both large and small companies. Accounting is very useful for all users of financial reports and for all forms of business. During our visit to Tri Ratna High School and based on the results of discussions with the Tri Ratna High School economics teacher regarding economics, class X students had not yet received material on accounting transaction analysis and the effects of transactions in general journals. This material is very important to open Tri Ratna High School students' insight into the influence of accounting transactions in general journals. This material is the first stage in the accounting cycle. By understanding the effects of transactions in a general journal, students can learn more about the accounting cycle and prepare financial reports. The achievement of this training is that class X students at Tri Ratna High School have an understanding of accounting, especially how accounting transactions affect general journals. This training is equipped with a module containing related theory accompanied by examples and practice questions in the hope that students will better understand the material. The next step is to coordinate the training implementation schedule. During the training, students were quite active in discussing and seemed enthusiastic about learning this material. The conclusion obtained is that students can understand the material on the influence of transactions in the journal, reflected in the results of the quiz given after the training and broaden their knowledge/insight regarding accounting science. ABSTRAK Ilmu akuntansi digunakan oleh semua bidang usaha baik perusahaan besar maupun perusahaan kecil. Akuntansi sangat bermanfaat bagi semua pengguna laporan keuangan dan bagi semua bentuk usaha. Dalam kunjungan kami ke SMA Tri Ratna  dan berdasarkan hasil diskusi dengan guru ekonomi SMA Tri Ratna terkait dengan ilmu ekonomi, siswa kelas X belum memperoleh materi analisis transaksi akuntansi dan pengaruh transaksi dalam jurnal umum. Materi ini sangat penting untuk membuka wawasan siswa SMA Tri Ratna bagaimana pengaruh transaksi akuntansi dalam jurnal umum. Materi ini merupakan tahap pertama dalam siklus akuntansi.  Dengan memahami pengaruh transaksi dalam jurnal umum, siswa dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut siklus akuntansi sampai menyusun laporan keuangan. Capaian dari pelatihan ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Tri Ratna, memiliki pemahaman mengenai akuntansi khususnya bagaimana transaksi akuntansi mempengaruhi jurnal umum. Pelatihan ini dilengkapi dengan modul yang berisi teori terkait disertai dengan contoh dan latihan soal dengan harapan siswa lebih memahami materi.. Langkah berikutnya adalah  melakukan koordinasi untuk jadwal pelaksanaan pelatihan. Dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan, siswa cukup aktif dalam berdiskusi dan terlihat antusias mereka untuk mempelajari materi ini. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah siswa dapat  memahami materi  pengaruh transaksi dalam jurnal, tercermin dari hasil kuis yang diberikan setelah pelatihan dan memperluas pengetahuan/wawasan  mereka mengenai ilmu akuntansi.
Analisis Laporan Keuangan BCA Syariah Natalia Natalia; Juli Anggraini; Daffa Salsabilla Sanjaya; Aulia Davita; Hisyam Fadhlurrahman; Endy Putra
GEMILANG: Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Januari : Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56910/gemilang.v4i1.1037


Banks are really needed by society when they want to progress and develop. Various types of financial activities are carried out by banks as a form of financial institution that can be trusted by the wider community. With the aim of obtaining maximum profits, Islamic banks adhere to sharia principles in asset management and maintain customer trust in the form of accountability in fulfilling their obligations as an organization that relies heavily on the principle of trust. In this case, financial support will be provided by Bank BCA Syariah through a profit sharing program.