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Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021): Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri
Publisher : Deputi TIRBR-BPPT

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Based on statistical data in recent years, there are still quite a number of ship accidents due to fires, including on passenger ships. The water mist system is a fire suppression system that allows it to be used in the engine room with the advantage that it can keep the heat production rate low during the extinguishing process and can be operated earlier than the CO2 system. The research is conducted by using fire dynamic simulator in the engine room of a 300 GT ferry ro-ro passenger to compare the heat release rate of fire without an extinguishing system, an existing CO2 system, and a water mist system. The result shows that the CO2 fire suppression system reduces the heat release rate more rapidly to the decay phase at 375 seconds while the water mist takes more than 900 seconds. However, the fully developed phase of the water mist suppression system occurs more quickly than CO2 because the sprinklers are activated shortly after a fire occurs. Unlike water mist, the CO2 system is activated at 60 seconds so that the pre-combustion, growth, flashover, and fully developed phases are at the same HRR and time as the natural one.
Analisis Stabilitas Kapal Ikan Katamaran Daerah Perairan Kalimantan Timur Alamsyah Alam; Wira Setiawan; Elyazha D. C.
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 6, No 2 (2020): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v6i2.865


This paper discusses fishermen who have modified fishing vessels to get a greater number of captures, so that the technical requirements of the ship are not met. Catamaran hull shape has a wider deck surface and has a good level of safety. The purpose of this study is to analyze the stability of fishing vessels when operating. The method used is ship basic data and optimization methods using maxsurf software. The results showed the stability curve area at a heeling of 0° - 30°, 0° - 40°, and 30° - 40°, there was a reduction in the area from loadcase 1 to loadcase 3. The actual GM is above the minimum GM while the actual maximum GZ value occurs above the 10° heeling. All variable values of catamaran hull ship stability value meet the criteria in accordance with IMO A. 749 chapter 3regulations and High Speed Craft 2000 annex 7 Multihull.Key words :  Stability, Loadcase, Fishing Vessels, CatamaranABSTRAKMakalah ini membahas tentang nelayan yang telah memodifikasi kapal ikan untuk mendapatkan jumlah tangkap yang lebih besar, sehingga persyaratan teknis kapal tidak terpenuhi. Bentuk lambung katamaran mempunyai  permukaan deck yang lebih luas dan mempunyai tingkat keselamatan yang baik. Tujuan penelitian menganalisa stabilitas kapal ikan ketika beroperasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah ship basic data dan metode optimasi menggunakan software maxsurf. Hasil penelitian didapatkan area kurva stabilitas pada kemiringan 0°-30°, 0°-40°, dan 30°-40°, terjadi reduksi luasan dari loadcase 1 menuju loadcase 3. GM aktual berada di atas GM minimum sedangkan nilai GZ maksimum aktual terjadi di atas kemiringan 10°. Semua variabel nilai stabilitas kapal ikan lambung katamaran memenuhi kriteria sesuai regulasi IMO dan High Speed Craft 2000 annex 7 Multihull.Kata kunci :Stabilitas, skenario pemuatan, Kapal Ikan, Katamaran
Analisa Potensi Angin Dan Cahaya Matahari Sebagai Alternatif Sumber Tenaga Listrik Di Wilayah Laut Sawu Wira Setiawan; Rio Hermawan; Suardi Suardi
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 4, No 1 (2018): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v4i1.453


Perairan laut Sawu yang terdiri dari Pulau Kupang, Sumba, Rote, Sawu dan Timor  memiliki potensi sumber daya energi terbarukan yang berasal dari angin dan intensitas cahaya. Energi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pembangkit listrik yang ramah lingkungan untuk industri pelayaran, termasuk kapal feri yang  merupakan moda transportasi utama untuk menjamin konektivitas wilayah laut Sawu. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan energi terbarukan di kapal, maka analisa potensi angin dan cahaya matahari perlu dilakukan termasuk skema distribusi daya pada kapal feri tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas pengolahan data kecepatan angin dan intensitas cahaya yang diperoleh dari BMKG setempat. Proses perhitungan daya dilakukan dengan metode distribusi probabilitas Rayleigh untuk mengetahui nilai optimal yang dihasilkan oleh turbin angin dan modul surya yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan daya untuk penerangan dan navigasi pada space kapal feri eksisting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satu unit turbin angin dapat menghasilkan 13.3 kWh sedangkan panel surya sebesar 2.62 kWh per unit. Sehingga dengan menggunakan 4 unit turbin angin dan 56 unitpanel surya sesuai dengan space yang tersedia di kapal feri eksisting, dapat menghasilkan daya sebesar 200.08 kWh yang dapat digunakan untuk suplai kebutuhan listrik untuk penerangan dan navigasi
Desain Ship Power Plant Sebagai Alternatif Krisis Listrik di Pulau Kagean, Jawa Timur Suardi Suardi; Wira Setiawan; Sarani Nigrat Nai Pos-Pos
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 6, No 2 (2020): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v6i2.873


Kangean Island is one of the areas in East Java, Indonesia that does not yet have access to electricity because restricted accessibility by the land routes. To supply the electricity in that area, one of alternative solutions is to create a ship power plant that can be operated independently. This ship can help the program of the ministry of energy and mineral resources (ESDM) for the distribution of electricity from PLN to the area that has not been electrified, and achieve the development of 35,000 MW of electricity in all regions of Indonesia. This research is to design a ship power plant to supply the electricity for 1,439 houses in Kangean Island which requires electricity power of 647,63 kW. The type of ship designed is adopted landing ship tank (LST) with the main dimension of length = 23.68 m, width = 7.8m, height = 2.7 m, draught = 1.9 m and equipped with 8 generators set of 1,320 kW.  Keywords : Ship Power Plant, Kangean Island, LST. ABSTRAKPulau Kagean merupakan salah satu daerah di wilayah Indonesia yang masih belum mendapatkan akses listrik, hal ini dikarenakan daerah tersebut berada di daerah pedalaman yang tidak bisa diakses dari jalur darat. Untuk mensuplai kebutuhan listrik di daerah tersebut maka salah satu solusi yang dilakukan adalah dengan membuat ship power plant yang bisa dioperasikan di daerah tersebut. Sehingga dapat membantu kinerja kementerian energi dan sumber daya mineral (ESDM) dalam penyaluran aliran listrik dari PLN yang belum teraliri listrik, dan pencapaian pembangunan listrik sebesar 35000 MW di seluruh wilayah indonesia. Sehingga dari tugas akhir ini adalah mendesain ship power plant sebagai alternatif krisis listrik di pulau kangean jawa timur dengan daya yang dibutuhkan sebesar 7,7022 mw. Sehingga dirancanglah kapal pembangkit listrik tenaga diesel dengan daya sebesar 7,760 mw. Type kapal yang digunakan adalah kapal LST, Untuk desain ini didapat ukuran utama yaitu: panjang = 53 m, lebar = 7,5 m, tinggi = 4,17 m, dan sarat = 2,25 m yang telah dianalisa dengan metode trial and error. Kata kunci :  Ship Power Plant, Pulau Kangean, LST
Investigating the Local Stress of Car Deck Ro-Ro 5000 GT Alamsyah alamsyah; Ahmed Reza Falevi; Amalia Ika Wulandari; Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Wira Setiawan; Andi Mursyid Nugraha Arifuddin
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Volume 4 Number 1, February 2021
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.022021.08


A deck construction must be strong enough that it will not suffer structural damage if it works under a given load. In this case the strain stress becomes very important from the strength of the deck, as for one that affects the strength of the deck construction, one of which is the stiffener distance. This study aims to analyze the maximum strain stress on the deck of the Ferry Ro - ro. The method used is Finite Element Method (FEM) by varying the stiffener distance in the deck construction. The research results obtained, namely the variation of the stiffener distance of 600 mm. 285.5 N/mm2 and the maximum strain released is 1.76 x 10-3 mm, at a variation of 700 mm stiffener distance the maximum stress released is 378,075 N/mm2 and the maximum strain released is 1.77 x 10-3 mm, at a stiffener distance variation 800 mm the maximum stress released is 383,737 N/mm2 and the maximum strain released is 1.78 x -3 mm, at 900 mm stiffener distance variations the maximum stress is 389,188 N/mm2 and the maximum strain released is 1.79 x 10-3 mm, at variations in distance stiffener 1000 mm the maximum stress released is 425,388 N/mm2 and the maximum strain released is 1.8 x 10 -3 mm, The value of strain increasingly increases followed by the farther distance of the stiffener equal 0.6%, and the stress value is at a variation increasingly increases followed by the farther distance of the stiffener equal 12.24%.
Wave: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Maritim Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29122/jurnalwave.v14i1.4087


Jumlah sampah yang dibawa ke Tempat Pembungan Akhir (TPA) Manggar Balikpapan saat ini mencapai 305 m3 perharinya. Lebih dari itu, sering pula dijumpai sampah-sampah yang masih tersebar di muara-muara sungai,pelabuhan dan kawasan perairan lain yang tidak diketahui jumlahnya salah satunya di Sungai Klandasan Hilir. Maka masalah yang muncul adalah bagaimana mendesain suatu kapal yang dapat mengatasi penumpukan sampah di perairan sungai dan berapa ukuran utama yang sesuai untuk perairan sungai diKalimantan. solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi penumpukan sampah yang ada disungai yaitu dengan menggunakan bantuan Trash Skimmer Boat. Work Boat ini adalah salah satu jenis dari kapal khusus yang difungsikan untuk melakukan pengambilan sampah perairan baik sungai, danau, laut maupun kanal. Menggunakan metode Parent Design Approach dan dengan bantuan Software Maxsurf maka diperoleh ukuran utama sebesar LOA = 3 m, B =  2 m, T = 0,37 m, H = 0,7 m, B1 = 0,962 m, dan v = 6 knots. Bentuk dasar dari Trash Skimmer Boat ini berlambung pontoon catamaran yang dilengkapi dengan bak sampah dengan kapasitas 1 m3 dan  Setelah dilakukan survey data sampah, disarankan kapal ini dioperasikan sekali dalam seminggu selama 1 jam dengan fasilitas tambahan yaitu 1 bak penampungan sampah dan 1 unit  mini portable crane dengan kapasitas angkut sebesar 300 kg yang diletakkan pada dermaga titik akhir penampungan sampah dari sungai. Kata kunci: Sampah,Sungai Klandasan Hilir, Trash Skimmer Boat
Design of Self-Propelled Container Barge for Logistics Transportation of Samarinda-Kotabangun Muhammad Uswah Pawara; Wira Setiawan; Alamsyah Alamsyah; Suardi Suardi; Rizky Ramadhani
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 25 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

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currently general cargo transportation using containers is preferred. There are many reasons for choosing a container compared to normal cargo transportation, some of the reasons are having a standardized protection system, so it is safer to protect cargo. On the Samarinda - Kota Bangun route, transportation for logistics distribution uses the truck transportation mode. In this mode of transportation, it is highly influenced by traffic conditions and the roads in which it passes. For this reason, the use of self-propelled container barges (SPCB) is considered very efficient because it can overcome problems in container transportation rather than using land transportation modes. To get the design of a self-propelled container barge ( SPCB) the main size of the ship is obtained from the ratio of the main size of the ship. Then make a Line Plan with Maxsurf software and make a general plan with Autocad software and the main measurements obtained are; Lpp = 83.7 m; Lwl = 87.04 m; B = 12 m; H = 6 m; T = 4.5 m; VS = 10 knot; D = 4383 ton. With the number of containers as much as 140 Teus, the largest trim occurs at 0% DWT, namely 0.611 m stern trim. All the stability criteria of IMO A 749 (18) meet the 4 variations of the weight of the ship. In the DWT condition 100% the GZ max value is 0.512 m at an angle of 27.3○, and in the DWT condition 50% the GZ max value is 1.717 m at an angle of 38.2○ and at 25% DWT condition the GZ max value is 2.454 m occurs at an angle of 40.9○, and at 0% DWT condition, the maximum GZ value is 2.674 m occurs at an angle of 25.5○.
Getaran Torsional Sistem Propulsi Kapal Tug Boat Alamsyah alamsyah; Dessy Purwita Hapsari; Amalia Ika Wulandari; Wira Setiawan; Muhammad Uswah Pawara
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 25 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

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The Torsional Vibration of Propulsion System of the Tug Boat Ship. Vibrations that occur in the ship's propulsion system can cause reduced operating capability and cause damage to the ship's components, one of the vibrations that occur in the ship's propulsion system is torsional vibration. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of torque oscillations in Tugboat Ship propulsion systems and to find out the value of noise radiation following ICES 209 standard with variations of ST 60 steel material, stainless steel, and carbon steel, using analitical methods. The results obtained by the torque oscillation value of the propulsion system from Tugboat Ship BPW 3 with the variation of ST 60 steel material is 0.0004854, while for carbon steel material, the torque oscillation value is 0.0004690 and the propulsion system that uses stainless steel material variation is 0.0004527. The level of noise radiation (SL) that occurs in propulsion systems using variations of ST 60 steel material is 133.22 dB, while for carbon steel material is 133.23 dB and for stainless steel material is 133.25 dB, of the three noise radiation values (SL ) produced, is still included in the ICES 209 noise level standard.
Perancangan Trash Skimmer Boat pada Sungai Karang Mumus Kota Samarinda Wira Setiawan; Amalia Ika Wulandari; Muhammad Rafi Renaldy
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 25 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

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Menurut data Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Samarinda pada tahun 2020, sampah yang dihasilkan di kota tepian tersebut mencapai 610 ton dalam sehari. Salah satu Sungai yang terdampak sampah di Kota Samarinda adalah Sungai Karang Mumus. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah pada sungai tersebut adalah dengan bantuan Trash Skimmer Boat. Kapal ini memiliki jenis lambung monohull dengan ukuran utama sebesar LOA=10 m, B=3 m, H=1 m, T=0.5 m dan dengan kecepatan 4 knots. Proses pengangkutan sampah dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan conveyor dengan daya penggerak 3.44 kW. Kapal pengangkut sampah dilengkapi dengan tempat penampungan sampah dengan kapasitas 3,5 ton yang dilengkapi dengan jaring. Adapun rute pembersihan sampah yang dilakukan dari muara Sungai Karang Mumus hingga Sungai yang berada pada jalan Dr. Sutomo dengan jalur pembersihan sepanjang 4.1 km. Adapun tempat pembuangan sampah darat tetap direncanakan sesuai kondisi eksisting yang ditempatkkan pada tepian di jalan jelawat Kota Samarinda
Interior Design of Public and Accommodation Spaces for A 5000 GT Ferry Ro-Ro Wira Setiawan; Muhammad Yogi Raditya; Husein Syahab
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i4.13643


Currently in Indonesia, the need for maximum service in terms of passenger transportation on ships needs to be increased in order to compete with other modes of transportation such as airplanes and trains. The lack of customer satisfaction is caused by several factors such as the condition of the facilities and the comfort of the passengers on the trip. The quality of the facilities and services of the passenger ship can be improved by redesigning the interior of the public facilities and accommodation space for the passengers of the ship. The interior design is carried out to increase public interest in using the services of the ferry. Based on the results of a survey of ship passengers' opinions, it is known that passenger comfort can be improved, especially on the factors of cleanliness, room arrangement, air circulation, rejuvenation of the room as well as interior visuals that are made more attractive. The result of conceptualizing and designing the interior of the ship is that it is necessary to have an interior design that is popular with the public, has its own characteristics, attracts public attention, and is simple and not shabby design. The design concept that fits the needs above is the Avant basic concept because this design theme is a translation of current design trends and presents its own characteristics for the ship. Interior rearrangements and furniture adjustments were made according to the activities on the ship and adjusted to the passenger comfort factor according to marine standards while taking into account the statutory regulations.