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Construction of the Meaning of a Motorcycle taxi Driver in Student Perception Mubarok Mubarok; Urip Mulyadi
Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research Vol 1, No 1 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (69.191 KB) | DOI: 10.30659/jamr.1.1.1-9


The development of technology gave birth to a new profession. Millennials plunge into online motorcycle taxi drivers. The presence of various online transportation applications such as Go-Jek, Grab, Uber opens wide opportunities to become partners. Millennials are not ashamed but feel proud. The motorcycle taxi profession which is often underestimated is now in demand by various groups. This study aims to explain the changes in the construction of the meaning of motorcycle taxi drivers in the perception of students who become online motorcycle taxi drivers. The change in meaning construction has made the online motorcycle taxi profession attractive to the younger generation. Changes in construction will be described in various stages of the scheme, the process of externalization, objectification and internalization of values. This research strategy is phenomenological research. The basic question according to Patton (2002) is to find out the essence of experience. Littlejohn (1999: 199) defines phenomenology as the study of experiences that come from consciousness or the way we understand something by consciously experiencing something. Hegel (in Moustakas 1994: 26) states that phenomenology refers to experience as arises from consciousness, he further explains phenomenology is the science of describing what a person receives, feels and knows in his direct awareness and experience. What arises from consciousness is what is called a phenomenon. With this strategy, the researcher seeks to obtain a systematic, logical and coherent reflection of the reality phenomenon about the motorcycle taxi profession
Praktek Politik Kapitalis, Kekuasaan dan Kelas pada Tayangan Iklan Anak di Media Online Dian Marhaeni K; Urip Mulyadi
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.251 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v7i1.13019


ABSTRAK Politik kekuasaan mengacu pada pemahaman adanya praktek dominasi kekuasaan pada tayangan gambar dan pesan  iklan. Demikian juga praktik dominasi kelas turut andil mewarnai  iklan anak di media online. Dominasi kelas dan kekuasaan merupakan simbol ambisi kapitalis. Riset ini bertujuan membangun kesadaran adanya praktek kekuasaan dan praktek kelas  pada iklan anak di media online. Metode Semiotika dipergunakan untuk membedah praktik dominasi tersebut dalam perspektif  teks media. Untuk mempertajam analisis kajian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan focus analisis pada kajian budaya. Budaya dipahami membangun pola pikir dan pola bertindak manusia diera online media.Riset ini menghasilkan temuan adanya praktik kekuasaan dan kelas secara nyata pada pesan dan gambar iklan anak di media online. Makna pesan secara terselubung muncul berupa pesan-pesan halus yang tersamar.  Media online juga telah  melahirkan  budaya khas generasi era millenia yang unik lain dari pada sebelumnya. Kebaruan riset ini adalah mencoba menampilkan teori baru dalam  penggunaan media online baik bagi generasi pemakainya.   Riset ini  menghasilan kesimpulan bahwa ada praktek dominasi kekuasaan dan kelas pada iklan anak di media online.  Riset  ini sangat terbatas dalam  analisis terutama kajian teks media. Analisis bisa diperdalam dengan kajian budaya yang mampu membongkar praktek kekuasaan secara makro.
Konstruksi Media Terhadap Berita Awal Munculnya Covid-19 di Indonesia (Analisis Framing Pada Berita dan Urip Mulyadi; Mubarok Mubarok
Avant Garde Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Avant Garde
Publisher : Fakultas Komunikasi & Desain Kreatif - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36080/ag.v9i2.1245


Covid-19 announcement of the case the first time in Indonesia directly by the President Jokowi has made people panic. Because most of the information circulating on social media comes from online media. The role of the media in a pandemic is as important as doctors and medical personnel, because usually health issues in Indonesia are rarely a concern. This study aims to determine how and framing about the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia. The method used in this research is the analysis of media text context with data analysis through the Pan and Kosicky framing model using the constructivism paradigm through qualitative research methods. The results showed that and perform media functions as a social control with the same framing in response to a situation of panic in the community after President Jokowi announced two positive first citizen Covid-19 in Indonesia. In general, the framing of the news carried out by the two online media has the same theme in informing efforts to deal with the pandemic calmly, moving a healthy lifestyle, not panic buying and anticipating the worst.
Jurnal Mediakita : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Mediakita :Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Usluhuddin dan Dakwah IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/mediakita.v1i2.362


This research focuses from the uniqueness and specificity of traditional group communication in accessing online media. By using qualitative descriptive analysis the researcher reveal the phenomenon of Islamic behavioral pattern, behavior and practice of communication in traditional group. Theoretical studies were conducted by exploring theories about communication patterns, communication behavior and Islamic communication practices from various sources. The research method is done by appointing informants according to the criteria and objectives of the research and selecting groups of informants by purposive and snowball system. Primary data experience the process of reduction and presentation of data with Miles and Huberman analysis to get good data quality. This study resulted in the conclusion that there are two-stage communication pattern for certain types of communication, the centralistic communication pattern and the wheel network. There is a strong client-client relationship in this group. The relationship affects content and communication behavior in online media. A future recommendation for subsequent research is to focus on the traditional group communication behavior in business nd sales transactions.
Jurnal Mediakita : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Mediakita :Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Usluhuddin dan Dakwah IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/mediakita.v3i2.1806


Young voters are very close to online life. Advertising as part of online media products should be able to provide knowledge and change attitudes to the audience. Likewise, peer groups or playing groups. The behavior of young voters will be greatly influenced by their peer group. And as peer group students can point to groups of friends to discuss, friends who can communicate with each other and understand each other among its members. How advertisements in online media and the role of peer groups influence the decisions of young voters. This research intends to prove the uses and gratification theory that audiences will seek and select media content to fulfill their interests in seeking presidential candidacy information. The theory is also supported by social conversation theory. The research methodology uses the Kendall analysis in which this analysis requires a significant and positive relationship to the variables. The analysis shows that there is a positive and significant relationship with sufficient results obtained between advertisements in online media on voting behavior and peer groups on the knowledge of voting for young voters. The conclusion of this research is that online mass media is very much a reference for young voters in gaining knowledge about candidates. The role of peer groups in students in the Semarang community is still strong. The idea recognition model will be more effective utilizing this peer group. This research is still far from perfect, the accuracy of the data because the selected variables are very limited so the relationship between variables needs to be supported by accurate supporting variables. This deficiency can be added to further research by adding or proving separately the groupthink theory and the muted theory.
Praktek Politik Kapitalis, Kekuasaan dan Kelas pada Tayangan Iklan Anak di Media Online Dian Marhaeni K; Urip Mulyadi
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 7, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v7i1.13019


ABSTRAK Politik kekuasaan mengacu pada pemahaman adanya praktek dominasi kekuasaan pada tayangan gambar dan pesan  iklan. Demikian juga praktik dominasi kelas turut andil mewarnai  iklan anak di media online. Dominasi kelas dan kekuasaan merupakan simbol ambisi kapitalis. Riset ini bertujuan membangun kesadaran adanya praktek kekuasaan dan praktek kelas  pada iklan anak di media online. Metode Semiotika dipergunakan untuk membedah praktik dominasi tersebut dalam perspektif  teks media. Untuk mempertajam analisis kajian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan focus analisis pada kajian budaya. Budaya dipahami membangun pola pikir dan pola bertindak manusia diera online media.Riset ini menghasilkan temuan adanya praktik kekuasaan dan kelas secara nyata pada pesan dan gambar iklan anak di media online. Makna pesan secara terselubung muncul berupa pesan-pesan halus yang tersamar.  Media online juga telah  melahirkan  budaya khas generasi era millenia yang unik lain dari pada sebelumnya. Kebaruan riset ini adalah mencoba menampilkan teori baru dalam  penggunaan media online baik bagi generasi pemakainya.   Riset ini  menghasilan kesimpulan bahwa ada praktek dominasi kekuasaan dan kelas pada iklan anak di media online.  Riset  ini sangat terbatas dalam  analisis terutama kajian teks media. Analisis bisa diperdalam dengan kajian budaya yang mampu membongkar praktek kekuasaan secara makro.