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Aspek Sosial Budaya dalam Penyelenggaraan Penyuluhan: Kasus Petani di Lahan Marjinal Siti Amanah; Endang L. Hastuti,; Edi Basuno
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2008)
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.49 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v2i3.5879


This article focuses on explanation about socio-cultural aspects on the implementation of agricultural extension on farmers living on marginal lands. The paper was based on the research conducted on two population of farmers, in Bogor and Pontianak. Survey methods was used to collect data from 140 farmers’ respondents. Results research showed that farmers in marginal lands ran their business in small scale, the ownership of the lands was less than 0.5 hectares, farmers living condition were in low level soscio-economic condition. There were significant correlation between the dyamic of socio cultural condition, strength agricultural policy, extension workers competency, farmers business with the farmers competency in managing the lands for agricultural business. To promote better condition of farmers in marginal lands, agricultural extension institution should be strengthened and extension workers capacity needed to develop to facilitate the change in terms of increasing the productivity lands to improve farmers welfare and conserving the environment as well. 
Esensi dan Urgensi Kaji Tindak Partisipatif dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Perdesaan Berbasis Sumberdaya Pertanian Muhammad Iqbal; Edi Basuno; Gelar Satya Budhi
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 25, No 2 (2007): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v25n2.2007.73-88


EnglishIt is believed that action research has been numerously implemented for a long time in Indonesia. Nevertheless, it can be generally stated that its implementation was relatively lack in accommodating farmer’s aspiration. As a result, a method of participatory action research needs to be recommended. This article aims to review the essence and urgency of participatory action research focused on rural community-based agricultural empowerment. At least, there are three pillars of participatory action research towards community empowerment, namely participation, facilitation, and intervention. However, the implementation of participatory action research is time-consuming and depends on community’s initiative in determining needs priority. Interactive participation and creativity through participation as well as democracy-based facilitation and intervention should be carried out. Hence, it is implied that the development of community’s aspiration (button-up approach) still requires top-down approach, which is free from paternalistic attribute.     IndonesianKaji tindak merupakan jenis penelitian yang cukup banyak dan telah lama dilakukan di Indonesia, namun secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaannya masih kurang mengakomodasi aspirasi petani. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan metode kaji tindak yang partisipatif perlu direkomendasikan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mereview esensi dan urgensi kaji tindak partisipatif dengan titik tumpu pemberdayaan masyarakat khususnya di wilayah perdesaan berbasis sumberdaya pertanian. Paling tidak ada tiga pilar dalam kaji tindak pemberdayaan masyarakat, yaitu partisipasi, fasilitasi, dan intervensi. Akan tetapi, implementasi kaji tindak dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat memerlukan waktu, tergantung inisiatif masyarakat dalam menentukan keperluan prioritas mereka. Partisipasi secara interaktif dan kreatif serta fasilitasi dan intervensi yang berpedoman pada prinsip demokrasi perlu dijalankan. Implikasinya, pengembangan aspirasi masyarakat tetap membutuhkan upaya yang bersifat pendekatan dari atas namun terbebas dari sikap paternalistik.
Pengembangan Pola Integrasi Tanaman-Ternak Merupakan Bagian Upaya Mendukung Usaha Pembibitan Sapi Potong Dalam Negeri Bambang Winarso; Edi Basuno
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 31, No 2 (2013): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v31n2.2013.151-169


EnglishThe beef self-sufficiency program is aimed at raising beef cattle population to meet national meat consumption. If the program is successful it will reduce imports of live cattle, feeder cattle and beef. Sustainability of this program is expected to achieve beef self-sufficiency in the future. Self-sufficiency is ability to meet domestic demand with beef import of not more than 10 percent which is not produced domestically.  Business of beef cattle breeding today is mostly conducted by small-scale farmers with cow-calf operation pattern usually integrated with other agricultural commodity farms. To increase supply of of feeder cattle and population of beef cattle population at national level it requires certain efforts. In order to enhance cattle breeding business from small-scale to medium-scale ones, some efforts are needed such as integration pattern between crops and cattle. Opportunities for integrating crops and beef cattle are promising. The farmers need to apply technologies to access cheaper feed.  Credit provision with low interest rate and less complicated procedure to the bank for animal procurement will help farmers in increasing their livestock farm scales. Assistance of extension workers and related livestock officers are critically important to farmers in dealing with their beef cattle breeding business. IndonesianProgram swasembada daging sapi (PSDS) pada dasarnya merupakan kegiatan yang diarahkan untuk meningkatkan populasi sapi potong. Program tersebut diarahkan agar kebutuhan konsumsi daging secara nasional dapat terpenuhi. Keberhasilan program tersebut berimplikasi pada menurunnya prosentase impor baik sapi hidup terutama sapi bakalan maupun daging sapi. Kekurangan daging sapi secara nasional selama ini masih ditanggulangi melalui impor daging maupun sapi hidup yang nilainya cukup besar. Keberlanjutan program ini dimaksudkan agar dimasa mendatang secara perlahan diharapkan Indonesia dapat mencapai swasembada. Pengertian swasembada yang dimaksud adalah besarnya kebutuhan daging asal impor tidak lebih dari 10 persen. Besaran daging impor 10 persen tersebut merupakan daging yang memang belum dapat diproduksi di dalam negeri. Dilihat dari pelaku usaha pembibitan sapi potong saat ini, sebagian besar diusahakan  dan dikembangkan oleh usaha peternakan rakyat dengan pola produksi induk-anak (cow-calf operation) dalam usaha skala kecil dan biasanya terintegrasi dengan usaha pertanian lainnya. Untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan jumlah bibit sapi bakalan secara nasional dan dalam  upaya peningkatan populasi sapi potong diperlukan upaya–upaya tertentu. Agar usaha pembibitan ternak sapi potong dapat berkembang dari skala kecil menjadi skala menengah salah satu upaya adalah peningkatan skala usaha yang dapat diimplementasikan melalui pola integrasi antara tanaman dengan ternak sapi potong. Peluang untuk pengembangan kearah tersebut sebenarnya terbuka lebar, hanya saja diperlukan upaya serius untuk menindaklanjuti usaha tersebut. Untuk mengarah dari usaha pembibitan tradisional skala kecil ke usaha pembibitan skala menengah memang tidak mudah, banyak hal yang harus diupayakan dan diperlukan penanganan yang lebih serius oleh pemerintah terutama dalam hal peningkatan aplikasi teknologi ke peternak terutama teknologi pengadaan pakan murah dan mudah yang bisa dijangkau oleh peternak. Selain itu kebijakan penyediaan plafon kredit untuk pengadaan ternak dengan bunga rendah yang mudah diakses dengan aturan yang lebih fleksibel sangat membantu peternak dalam meningkatkan skala usaha pembibitan ternak sapi potong. Untuk semua itu, peran penyuluh maupun dinas peternakan dalam membantu peternak untuk mengatasi permasalahan dilapangan sangat dibutuhkan.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 4, No. 3 November2004
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Bank Dunia mendeteksi rendahnya tingkat adopsi teknologi di lingkup BadanPenelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian. Hal ini menyebabkan digunakannya pendekatanpartisipatif; masyarakat memerlukan teknologi dan hendaknya pemerintah memperhatikanlebih baik aspek-aspek sosial dari para pengguna teknologi. Pembentukan tim inti SocioeconomicAnd Gender Analysis (SAGA) merupakan permulaan program sosialisasi daninstitusionalisasi tentang SAGA di lingkup Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertaniandan tujuan utama program ini untuk mewujudkan kapasitas pemahaman tentang SAGA bagipara pengkaji.Data dikumpulkan dari delapan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP)dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara baik terstruktur maupun semi-terstruktur dandengan diskusi kelompok. Semua responden merupakan alumni lokakarya SAGAsebelumnya. Pelatihan berjenjang diselenggarakan dari tahun 2000 – 2002, yang dimulaidengan pelatihan bagi pelatih utama, pelatih dan staff. Jumlah alumni pelatih utama, pelatihdan staf masing-masing adalah 18, 124 dan 416 orang.Dari segi jumlah tampak sangat menjanjikan, tetapi bukan dari segi kualitas.Pelatihan secara berjenjang belum memberikan hasil seperti diharapkan. Masing-masingalumni diharapkan sebagai focal point SAGA dan mampu mewujudkan jaringan kerja dimasing-masing wilayah. Penyebab utamanya adalah tidak semua alumni mampumenyebarluaskan pendekatan SAGA di masing-masing unit kerja. Kurang optimalnyakinerja alumni pelatih utama menyebabkan sulitnya mengupayakan adanya terbentuknyajejaring SAGA tingkat regional. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan oleh tingginya tingkatketergantungan pelatih utama pada tim inti SAGA. Hal ini juga mempengaruhi kualitasalumni dari pelatihan untuk pelatih dan pelatihan untuk staff. Demikian pula kurangnyapemahaman fasilitator terhadap materi SAGA menyebabkan juga kurangnya pemahamanpeserta pelatihan. Berbagai hasil Monev menunjukkan pelembagaan SAGA di lingkupBadan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian tidak seperti yang diharapkan sebelumnya.Hal ini tercermin dari rendahnya nilai Monev dari BPTP yang di Monev.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 4, No. 1 Februari 2004
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Evaluation on SAGA activity in Research and Assessment within the IAARD.Relatively low technology adoption level by end users had triggered application ofparticipatory approach, user oriented technology and more pay attention to user’s socialaspects. Socio-economic And Gender Analysis (SAGA) Core Team (SCT) establishment wasthe initiation of Socialization and Institutionalization program within the Indonesian Agencyfor Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD). The main objective of the program isto establish SAGA capacity of the researchers and extension workers within the IAARD. Thedata were gained from eight Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) byapplying structured and semi-structured interviews and Focused Group Discussion (FGD).Respondents for the study were alumnae of the SAGA training workshop. The cascadetraining workshops were held within the period of 2000 - 2002, beginning from Training ofMaster Trainers (TOM), Training of Trainers (TOT) and Training of Staff (TOS). Number ofthe TOM, TOT and TOS were 18; 124; and 416 persons respectively. From the quantityaspect, the number seemed to be promising but not from the quality aspect. The cascadetraining has not given yet expected result. Each alumna was expected to be SAGA focalpoints and could establish networking within the region. The main cause was that not allalumnae could disseminate the SAGA approach in each working unit. Less optimal output ofthe TOM alumnae caused a bumpy regional networking establishment. This reflected thatTOM’s alumnae dependency level to the SCT was quite high. It also affected outputs of TOTand TOS. In addition, less understanding on SAGA materials of the respective facilitators ineach workshop ended in less understanding of the workshop participants. Various reportedresults of monitoring and evaluation (Monev) activities showed that the institutionalization ofSAGA approach was less optimal and it was reflected by low Monev grade of each observedAIATs.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 4, No. 2 Juli 2004
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Impact Analysis of Improved and Location Specific Agricultural Technologieson Productivity, AIAT East Nusa Tenggara Case. By selecting six topics ofimproved research and assessments (R&A), impact analysis on productivity hadbeen carried out in 2002 fiscal year. However, only four out of six topics wereanalyzed, because the other two were still in adaptive level. Application of introducedtechnologies, in fact, resulted in some additional yield. The highest production andproductivity were experienced by R&A of Backyard Farming System, i.e. 569.63percent, then followed by Milk Fish Culture, Bisma Corn Based Agribusiness, BeefCattle Based Agribusiness 482.10 percent, 284.76 percent and 45.0 percent,respectively. Corn Agribusiness gave the largest impact area of 1,365 ha, while itsimpact on production was also excellent, by adding production of 2,319,308.33kg/planting season. Milkfish culture, on the other hand gave the highest income/haper production cycle. Based on relatively high MBCRs, all analyzed topics werefeasible to be developed in the future. Milkfish culture on brackish water was themost profitable business, reflected by the highest MBCR of 14,08. MBCR figures forBackyard Farming, Beef Cattle Agribusiness and Bisma Corn Agribusiness were1.38, 6.24 and 8.61, respectively. Cost and price ratio of each topics were 0.47; 0.21;0.22 and 0.33 for Backyard Farming System, Bisma Corn Agribusiness, Milk FishCulture and Beef Cattle Agribusiness, respectively. The smallest adoption cost perKg product was indicated by Backyard Farming System (Rp 935.85), followed byBisma Corn Agribusiness (Rp 1,028.30) and Milk Fish Culture (Rp 2181.32), whilethe highest was for Beef Cattle Agribusiness (Rp 9,770.03).
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 6, No. 1 Februari 2006
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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To implement gender mainstreaming activity in relation to regional development,mainly for coastal development, a study on gender mainstreaming had been carried intwo districts, namely Buton in Southeast Sulawesi and Cirebon in West Java out fromJune to December 2003. Data and information were collected using Focused GroupDiscussion approach as well as village level profiles and monograph. Gender analysisusing Harvard Framework was implemented, covering profiles of participation, access,control and influencing factors. The study results showed that in Buton, labor divisionbetween man and woman in sea weed farming was relatively balanced. Participation rateof the household members, both in domestic, public and social sector in both studiedlocations was relatively similar. The role of Women Empowerment Division of TheAgency for Society Empowerment (ASE) in Cirebon has not been optimal and stilllearning to find out suitable activities to meet its mandates. In Buton District, there was acoordination problem in implementing gender mainstreaming program, because therewere two institutions both claimed responsible in implementing gender mainstreamingprogram. One important thing that has never been conducted in the two districts was tocreate collaboration among institutions responsible for the gender mainstreamingimplementation. In the future, The District Level Marine and Fishery Service Officeshould work in collaboration with the ASE and they have to discuss how to incorporategender aspects in coastal development including in Economic Empowerment for CoastalCommunity.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 5, No. 3 November 2005
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Avian Influenza (AI) is poultry infectious disease and can cause dead. Apart from that, as awhole, AI has significant socio-economic impacts on poultry industry. In general, this particular studyaims to observe economic impact of AI towards performance of poultry industry in Central JavaProvince. Economic impact caused by AI towards poultry industry varies from region and from the typeof poultry. The most suffer was experienced by quail and layers farms, while impact on broilersrelatively small. Integrated type of farms suffered more compared to independent farms that spread outwith a better natural barrier. On breeding farms, AI had reduced DOC production to 40 percent and alsoreduced DOC selling price far below break even point (BEP). On feed industries, 14, 58 percentreduction on production was occurred, however, it does not have impact on feed selling. Meanwhile,economic impact of AI towards chicken slaughtering house, broiler middlemen and retailers reduced by40, 80 and 33 – 50 percent respectively and it has impact on temporary selling price. Economic impactof AI towards egg middlemen and egg retailers also decreased by 66, 67 and 53 percent respectively,however it did not influence egg selling price. Relevant policy implications are: (1) implements earlydetection; (2) applies quick and accurate data monitoring; (3) implement tight bio-security; (4) recoverypolicies at the farm level, with compensation and low interest rate credit supports.