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Forum Arkeologi VOLUME 31, NOMOR 2, OKTOBER, 2018
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3229.668 KB) | DOI: 10.24832/fa.v31i2.542


Tambora Mountain region still has a mystery about a buried civilization, therefore research is still being carried out to uncover it. This researchaims to obtain archaeological evidence related to settlements on Doro Bente site, located on one of cratersremains on the southern slope of Mount Tambora. Data collection is done through excavation and survey, then analyzed using specific methods which is landscape, contextual, and comparative analysis. At the landscape scale, a recognition to landformis carried out through maps and elevation models, as well as determining the boundaries. Significant artifacts such as clay beads, necklace pendants, mest ballast, bronze ring, ecofacts, features, and the results of landscape reconstruction, further strengthen the indications of settlements, even fromperiod before the 1815 eruption. Kawasan Gunung Tambora masih menyimpan misteri tentang peradaban yang terkubur, maka dari itu penelitian tetap dilakukan untuk mengungkap jejak-jejak peradaban tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti arkeologis terkait permukiman di Situs Doro Bente,yang terletak pada bekas kawah salah satu gunung parasit di lereng selatanGunung Tambora. Pengumpulan datadilakukan melalui ekskavasi dan survei, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode khusus yaitu analisislanskap, kontekstual, dan komparatif. Pada skala lanskap dilakukan pengenalan bentukan lahan melalui peta dan model elevasi, serta menentukan batasannya. Melalui artefak yang signifikan seperti manik-manik tanah liat, bandul kalung, bandul pemberat, cincin perunggu, ekofak, fitur yang ditemukan, serta hasil rekonstruksi lanskap, semakin menguatkan indikasi permukiman, bahkandalam rentang waktu jauh sebelum letusan tahun 1815.
Karakter Geoarkeologis dan Proses Budaya Prasejarah Zona Poros Ponjong – Rongkop di Blok Tengah Jarwo Susetyo Edy Yuwono; Suprapto Dibyosaputro; Tjahyo Nugroho Adji
Majalah Geografi Indonesia Vol 28, No 1 (2014): Majalah Geografi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2437.229 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mgi.13064


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan di Zona Poros Ponjong - Rongkop, yaitu bagian dari Blok Tengah Gunungsewu di Pegunungan Selatan Jawa, yang posisinya diapit oleh dua depresi bekas danau purba, yaitu Ledok Wonosari dan Ledok Baturetno. Morfologinya berupa punggungan perbukitan karst berarah utara-selatan antara daerah Ponjong dan Rong-kop, membentuk semacam poros hampir tegak lurus terhadap bentangan umum Gunungsewu. Bagian paling utara ber-batasan dengan pegunungan non-karst dan memiliki topografi tertinggi di Blok Tengah Gunungsewu, sehingga menjadi wilayah hulu bagi sungai-sungai bawahtanah di Gunungkidul. Melalui beberapa survei ditemukan sejumlah 56 gua yang memiliki potensi arkeologis, tujuh di antaranya sudah diekskavasi dan terbukti menyimpan jejak-jejak hunian prase-jarah dari Kala Pleistosen Akhir - Holosen Awal. Pendekatan geoarkeologis sebagai studi gabungan antara arkeologi dan geomorfologi, dilakukan untuk membangun model-model integral mengenai hubungan sistematik antara manusia dengan bentanglahan karst Gunungsewu di area penelitian. Dua hal yang menjadi tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, menjelaskan karakter geoarkeologis Zona Poros Ponjong - Rongkop sebagai perpaduan antara aspek-aspek geomorfologis (morfologi, morfogenesis, morfokronologi, dan morfoaransemen) dan aspek-aspek arkeologis (distri-busi gua dan potensi arkeologisnya). Tujuan ini dicapai melalui penilaian dan pemetaan distribusi potensi gua sebagai situs arkeologis, kemudian menganalisis hubungannya dengan aspek-aspek geomorfologis setempat. Kedua, menjelas-kan proses budaya prasejarah, yaitu bentuk dinamis dari budaya penghunian gua beserta faktor-faktor yang mempen-garuhinya. Metode untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah dengan menganalisis konteks data arkeologis dan stratigrafi lantai gua yang pernah diekskavasi. Sintesis kajian atas kedua capaian tujuan ini memberikan penjelasan integral atas karakter geoarkeologis dan proses budaya prasejarah di area penelitian, dalam konteks dan perubahan bentanglahan, pembentu-kan dan perubahan situs, serta konteks stratigrafi. ABSTRACT  This thesis presents results of geoarchaeological research conducted in the Ponjong - Rongkop Axis Zone which is situated in the Central Block of Gunungsewu, a karstic area of the southern mountains of Java. This zone run north to south from Ponjong to Rongkop Districts forming an axis nearly perpendicular to the general orientation of Gunungsewu and is flanked by two former ancient lake depressions, the so-called Wonosari Basin and Baturetno Basin. Geomorphologically, it consists of a hilly karstic area. At the northern end lays a non-karst mountain which becomes the highest topography in the Central Block of Gunungsewu and the upstream region for the underground rivers of the Southern Mountains (Gunun-gkidul). Surveys in the zone has located at least 56 caves bearing archaeological potential. Seven of them were excavated and the results demonstrate prehistoric human occupation from the Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene. This research is addressed to contruct a model for human and landscape relationship in the Ponjong - Rongkop Axis Zone. Geoarchaeolog-ical approach, as an interdiciplinary study involving archaeology and geomorphology, is carried out to attain the research objectives which are two folds. Firstly, to explain the geoarchaeological character of the Ponjong - Rongkop Axis Zone that have been formed as a combination of some geomorphological aspects (morphology, morphogenetic, morphochronology, and morpho-arrangement) and archaeological aspects (distribution of caves with archaeological potential). This objective is achieved through assesment and mapping of the potential caves in the zone with regard to the local geomorphological aspects. Secondly, to explain the process of prehistoric culture, namely the cultural dynamic of the occupied caves and factors that influenced it. To attain this second objective, contextual analysis of the archaeological data and its stratigraphy which have been obtained from the archaeological excavations are conducted. Synthesis of the geoarchaeological characters and prehistoric cultural process provides an integrated explanation on the relationship between human and landscape in the re-search area as shown in three aspects: the landscape context and its changes, the formation and changes of the archaeological sites as well as the stratigraphic context.
Naditira Widya Vol 14 No 1 (2020): NADITIRA WIDYA VOLUME 14 NOMOR 1 APRIL 2020
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/nw.v14i1.404


Kawasan karst di Kabupaten Rembang adalah bagian dari Karst Perbukitan Rembang yang membentang dari Jawa Tengah hingga ke Pulau Madura. Di bagian Jawa lainnya terdapat pula barisan karst Gunung Sewu sebagai salah satu kawasan karst Pegunungan Selatan Jawa. Tidak seperti situs-situs arkeologi di Gunung Sewu yang telah diteliti secara intensif, kawasan karst Rembang di gugusan utara belum banyak diteliti. Hal inilah yang menggaris bawahi pentingnya penelitian arkeologi di kawasan karst di perbukitan Rembang, yaitu untuk menjajaki potensi gua-guanya sebagai hunian prasejarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan penalaran induktif, dengan memakai variabel potensi gua, dan dilakukan dengan teknik survei gemorfologis dan arkeologis. Hasil survei kemudian dibagi menjadi tiga variabel pengharkatan, yaitu kandungan arkeologis gua, aksesibilitas, dan morfologi gua. Dalam penelitian lapangan terdapat 41 titik gua yang menjadi objek pengamatan, dan beberapa di antara gua-gua tersebut memenuhi tingkat probabilitas untuk dihuni. Namun demikian, tentu saja untuk membuktikan gua-gua ini benar-benar dihuni atau tidak pada masa prasejarah diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Lebih lanjut, jika dibandingkan dengan segmen-segmen di sebelah barat dan timurnya, potensi arkeologi kawasan karst Rembang, dalam pengertian situs-situs guanya, termasuk rendah. The karst region in Kabupaten Rembang is part of the Rembang Karst Zone that stretches from Central Java to Madura Island. Another mountain range of karst, the Gunung Sewu, lies on the southern region of Java. Unlike the archeological sites of Gunung Sewu that have been intensively investigated, the Rembang karst region in the northern ranges has not been much studied. This underlines the importance of archeological research in the karst region of Rembang, which is to explore the potentiality of its caves as prehistoric dwellings. This research employs descriptive method with inductive reasoning, using potential variables of a cave, and carried out with geomorphological and archaeological survey techniques. Survey results are further divided into three criteria, i.e. archaeological findings in caves, accessibility, and cave morphology. The field observation was focussed on 41 caves, and several of them indicated the probability of inhabitation. Nevertheless, further researches are required to prove whether these caves were inhabited or not during the prehistoric period. Furthermore, in terms of cave sites when compared to the west and east segments, the archaeological potency of Rembang karst regions is low.
Menggalang Potensi Budaya Lokal untuk Mengangkat Bargaining Position Masyarakat: Memetik Hikmah Pemetaan Partisipatif di Gunungkidul JSE Yuwono; Uji Nugroho Winardi
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7596.809 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/bb.37914


The district of Gunungkidul was chosen as a potential area for the adoption of a new approach in Community Engagement (CE) program. Participatory mapping, reinforced by the application of the Geographic Information System (GIS) as a new approach, became a breakthrough amid the vastness of humanities, which still seems to be fragmented in each study program. Terefore, a platform is neended to optimize the potential of FIB UGM to address the diversity of cultural aspects in a community. Tis CE is designed to empower both parties at once, ie community and college. For the community, recollecting of their cultural properties can be a powerful capital for potential development with a structured and accessible database. Tis cultural richness helps them to initiate and implement the sustainable village development programs. Strengthening and developing their identity and integrity of local culture can be achieved if their overall potential can be mapped. For the college, CE becomes a model that can provide more mature readiness in actualizing its “tri dharma”, either through the preparation of human resources and methodological reinforcement.
LANSKAP SPIRITUAL SITUS LIYANGAN Daud Aris Tanudirjo; Jarwo Susetyo Edy Yuwono; Ari Mukti Wardoyo Adi
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 39 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1481.273 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v39i2.474


Liyangan archaeological site in the village of Purbasari, Residency Temanggung, Central Java, is an Old Mataram settlement predictably existed from around 8th to 10th century CE. In this site, which was buried by thick layers of pyroclastic materials of Gunung Sindoro eruption, various artefacts as well as stone structures are found including pavement, altars, retaining walls, water-temple, and remains of wooden structures. One of the most interesting aspect of this site is the orientation of the stone structures. Although the whole settlement was arranged to follow the sloping contour of the Mount Sindoro, most of the stone structures were oriented to southeast, which was not common for stone shrines built at the same period. This paper attempts to explain the reason for such an exceptional orientation using landscape archaeological approach. Our research demonstrates that the ten Liyangan stone structures were oriented to either Mount Merapi, Baka Hill, or the Prambanan temple. The orientation of the stone structures is believed as a reflection of the spatial map and the cosmology of the community lived in Liyangan centuries ago. It is suggested here that such an orientation represents the so-called “spiritual landscape”of the people.
Rekontemplasi Periodisasi Prasejarah Di Indonesia Jarwo Susetyo Edi Yuwono
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 15 No 3 (1995): Edisi Khusus
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (552.502 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v15i3.687


This paper is written to provide material for reflections on the prehistoric periodization system in Indonesia. Some of the main questions that become material for reflection are: whether the basis used to create the periodization system is in accordance with the objectives to be achieved; whether the periodization system is able to provide alternative solutions to various prehistoric phenomena in Indonesia; whether the periodization system can identify the process of cultural change; and finally, whether the current periodization system is still relevant with the rapid development of archaeological methods and theories. These kinds of questions are urgent for further study.
Kontribusi Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Dalam Berbagai Skala Kajian Arkeologi Lansekap Jarwo Susetyo Edy Yuwono
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 27 No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3660.314 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v27i2.954


The recent development of the Geographical Information System (GIS) has had an impact on archaeological interests, both at the level of estimation and site exploration, presentation of site distribution, various types of spatial analysis and modeling, to the level of archaeological resource management especially for decision making. On the side of archaeological studies, the demands and tough task ahead, is how this discipline is able to access, process and structurize, present, and update all geo-cultural information in the dimensions of form, time and space which are increasingly unlimited in complexity. All forms of geo-cultural information and their dynamics, which are the substance of a landscape condition, require archaeology to "take action" in various scales of multidisciplinary studies. The existence of a comprehensive and structured landscape database, as well as the ability to analyze and evaluate the forms of interrelation between geosphere phenomena, are the basic assets for the success of such studies.