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Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi pendidikan Vol 2, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi pendidikan

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis  pengaruh implementasi pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian  terhadap  motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar matematika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal melalui eksperimen dengan Post Test Only Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 162 orang siswa kelas VIII yang dipilih dengan teknik Random Sampling. Data diperoleh dengan pemberian kuesioner motivasi berprestasi dan tes hasil belajar matematika kemudian dianalisis dengan multivariate analysis of variance (Manova). Hasil penelitiannya adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan motivasi berprestasi antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran disertai pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran tanpa pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian, hasil nilai Fhitung = 32,8903 lebih besar dari Ftabel (160:0,01) = 8,790, begitu juga dengan hasil t-hitung = 3,490 lebih besar dari t-tabel (t 161:0,01 = 2,369), rerata motivasi berprestasi kelompok eksperimen () lebih tinggi dari rerata motivasi berprestasi kelompok kontrol (). (2) Terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran disertai pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran tanpa pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian, hasil nilai Fhitung = 32,092 lebih besar dari Ftabel (160:0,01) = 8,790, begitu juga dengan hasil t-hitung = 3,448 lebih besar dari t-tabel (t-161:0,01 = 2,369), rerata hasil belajar matematika kelompok eksperimen () lebih tinggi dari rerata hasil belajar matematika kelompok kontrol (). (3) Terdapat perbedaan motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar matematika bersama-sama secara signifikan antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran disertai pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran tanpa pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian, nilai Fhitung = 17,3151 > Ftabel = 4,68. Berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian pada pembelajaran matematika berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar matematika siswa, implementasi pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian pada pembelajaran matematika dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika siswa.   Kata kunci              :  Pemberian Preskriptif dalam Penilaian, motivasi berprestasi, hasil belajar matematika   ABSTRACT This research aims at investigating and analyzing the effect of the implementation of prescriptive giving in assessment toward achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement. It was an experimental study done in SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal using Post Test Only Control Group Design. The sample of the research was 162 eight grade students gathered using random sampling technique. The data was collected by giving the questionnaire of achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement test and was analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (Manova). The results of the research are as follows. (1) there is a significant difference of achievement motivation between students following the learning process with the addition of  giving prescriptive and those following the learning process without the addition of giving prescriptive, Fobs = 32.8903 exceeds Fcv (160:0.01) = 8.790, tobs = 3.490 exceeds tcv (161:0.01) = 2.369, the mean score of achievement motivation of experimental group (X = 173.43) is higher than the mean score of achievement motivation of control group (X = 155.42), (2) there is a significant difference of mathematics learning achievement between students following the learning process with the addition of  giving prescriptive and those following the learning process without the addition of giving prescriptive, Fobs = 32.092 exceeds Fcv (160:0.01) = 8.790, tobs = 3.448 exceeds tcv (161:0.01) = 2.369, the mean score of achievement motivation of experimental group (X = 80.84) is higher than the mean score of achievement motivation of control group (X = 70.64), (3) there is a mutual significant difference of achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement between students following the learning process with the addition of  giving prescriptive and those following the learning process without the addition of giving prescriptive, Fobs > Fcv = 4.68. Based on the finding of the research, it can be concluded that the implementation of prescriptive giving on mathematics learning affects students’ achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement. Furthermore, the implementation of prescriptive giving on mathematics learning can increase students’ achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement. Keywords: Prescriptive giving in assessment, achievement motivation, mathematics learning achievement.
Perkuatan Pelat Jembatan Dek Baja dengan Overlay Beton Bertulang Sukrawa, Made; Sudarsana, I K.; Dana, I Wayan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Penelitian tentang metode perkuatan pelat jembatan komposit dek baja bergelombang (CSD) telah dilakukan dengan mempertebal pelat menggunakan overlay beton bertulang. Pengujian Laboratorium dalam skala 1:2 dilakukan dengan membuat dan menguji 12 komponen pelat komposit tebal 95 mm, lebar 500 mm dan panjang 2 kali 700 mm berupa pelat menerus satu arah. Tiga pelat kontrol dan 9 pelat dengan perkuatan diuji sampai runtuh, delapan pelat diberikan pembebanan awal sampai terjadi retak awal pada daerah tumpuan tengah untuk menirukan pelat yang sudah retak. Analisis dengan model elemen hingga (MEH) menggunakan program LUSAS v 13.57 juga dilakukan sebagai perbandingan. Perilaku lentur pelat akibat dua beban garis diamati dalam bentuk grafik beban-lendutan pada umur beton overlay 3, 7 dan 28 hari, dengan bahan accelerator pada beton overlay. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan dan kekakuan lentur pelat dengan overlay beton meningkat secara meyakinkan dengan nilai masing-masing 45% dan 100% pada umur overlay 3 hari. Pada umur overlay 3 dan 7 hari kekuatan pelat komposit hampir mencapai kekuatan pelat pada umur 28 hari. Model Elemen Hingga memberikan kekuatan dan kekakuan pelat yang lebih besar dari hasil pengujian laboratorium, namun perilaku kedua pelat mirip, dimana, pada pembebanan yang lebih tinggi kekakuan pelat menurun. Abstract. Research on strengthening method of bridge deck with corrugated steel deck by increasing its thickness using reinforced concrete overlay was conducted by casting and testing 12 slab specimens with total thickness of 95 mm, width 500 mm and length 2 times 700 mm, which is a 1:2 scale of continuous one way slab. Three control slabs and 9 strengthened slabs were tested until failure, 8 slabs were preloaded until initial crack occurs on the middle support region to simulate cracked deck. Finite element model (FEM) using LUSAS v 13.57 was also done as comparison. Slab behavior under two strip loadings was recorded as load-deformation graph at concrete overlay age of 3, 7, and 28 days, with accelerator in concrete overlay. Test result showed that the strength and stiffness of deck with concrete overlay improved by 45% and 100%, respectively, at concrete overlay age of 3 days. Interestingly enough, at the overlay age of 3 and 7 days, the strength of composite slab almost reach its 28 days strength. Finite Element Model showed that the deck strength and stiffness are larger than those of the test results, however, their behavior is similar in which, at higher load level, the stiffness of the slab reduce noticeably.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2012)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.352 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpepi.v2i2.381


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis  pengaruh implementasi pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian  terhadap  motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar matematika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal melalui eksperimen dengan Post Test Only Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 162 orang siswa kelas VIII yang dipilih dengan teknik Random Sampling. Data diperoleh dengan pemberian kuesioner motivasi berprestasi dan tes hasil belajar matematika kemudian dianalisis dengan multivariate analysis of variance (Manova). Hasil penelitiannya adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan motivasi berprestasi antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran disertai pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran tanpa pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian, hasil nilai Fhitung = 32,8903 lebih besar dari Ftabel (160:0,01) = 8,790, begitu juga dengan hasil t-hitung = 3,490 lebih besar dari t-tabel (t 161:0,01 = 2,369), rerata motivasi berprestasi kelompok eksperimen () lebih tinggi dari rerata motivasi berprestasi kelompok kontrol (). (2) Terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan hasil belajar matematika antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran disertai pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran tanpa pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian, hasil nilai Fhitung = 32,092 lebih besar dari Ftabel (160:0,01) = 8,790, begitu juga dengan hasil t-hitung = 3,448 lebih besar dari t-tabel (t-161:0,01 = 2,369), rerata hasil belajar matematika kelompok eksperimen () lebih tinggi dari rerata hasil belajar matematika kelompok kontrol (). (3) Terdapat perbedaan motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar matematika bersama-sama secara signifikan antara siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran disertai pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian dengan siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran tanpa pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian, nilai Fhitung = 17,3151 > Ftabel = 4,68. Berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian pada pembelajaran matematika berpengaruh terhadap motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar matematika siswa, implementasi pemberian preskriptif dalam penilaian pada pembelajaran matematika dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika siswa.   Kata kunci              :  Pemberian Preskriptif dalam Penilaian, motivasi berprestasi, hasil belajar matematika   ABSTRACT This research aims at investigating and analyzing the effect of the implementation of prescriptive giving in assessment toward achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement. It was an experimental study done in SMP Negeri 2 Abiansemal using Post Test Only Control Group Design. The sample of the research was 162 eight grade students gathered using random sampling technique. The data was collected by giving the questionnaire of achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement test and was analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (Manova). The results of the research are as follows. (1) there is a significant difference of achievement motivation between students following the learning process with the addition of  giving prescriptive and those following the learning process without the addition of giving prescriptive, Fobs = 32.8903 exceeds Fcv (160:0.01) = 8.790, tobs = 3.490 exceeds tcv (161:0.01) = 2.369, the mean score of achievement motivation of experimental group (X = 173.43) is higher than the mean score of achievement motivation of control group (X = 155.42), (2) there is a significant difference of mathematics learning achievement between students following the learning process with the addition of  giving prescriptive and those following the learning process without the addition of giving prescriptive, Fobs = 32.092 exceeds Fcv (160:0.01) = 8.790, tobs = 3.448 exceeds tcv (161:0.01) = 2.369, the mean score of achievement motivation of experimental group (X = 80.84) is higher than the mean score of achievement motivation of control group (X = 70.64), (3) there is a mutual significant difference of achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement between students following the learning process with the addition of  giving prescriptive and those following the learning process without the addition of giving prescriptive, Fobs > Fcv = 4.68. Based on the finding of the research, it can be concluded that the implementation of prescriptive giving on mathematics learning affects students? achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement. Furthermore, the implementation of prescriptive giving on mathematics learning can increase students? achievement motivation and mathematics learning achievement. Keywords: Prescriptive giving in assessment, achievement motivation, mathematics learning achievement.
E-Journal of Cultural Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 Juli 2009
Publisher : Cultural Studies Doctorate Program, Postgraduate Program of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (43.775 KB)


This dissertation contains research findings on the Barong Meeting, a multidimentionalcultural event performed at Pucak Padang Dawa Temple, Baturiti Tabanan Regency. Such ameeting is attended by more than sixty various barongs and rangdas of various types comingfrom various areas in Central Bali, and is the biggest in Bali. The research on such a culturalphenomenon is intended to reveal holistically the existence of the Barong Meeting while theprocess of modernization is taking place in Bali nowadays.Such a cultural phenomenon was investigated based on the problems formulated inseveral research questions. (1) How is the Barong Meeting performed at Pucak Padang DawaTemple, Baturiti, Tabanan Regency?; (2) what ideology is referred to by the Barong Meeting atPucak Padang Dawa Temple, Baturiti, Tabanan Regency?; (3) What does the Barong Meetingmean viewed from the socio cultural system of the Balinese society?By applying qualitative method and regarding the Barong Meeting as a multilayerentity, this study is intended to understand and analyze the ideology and meaning contained inthe Barong Meeting, which is believed to have centralistic strength making the cultures fromvarious areas of Central Bali meet. The problems were solved by applying some relevanttheories such as the theory of power relationship, the theory of religions, the theory of esthetics,and the theory of semiotics.Five important findings of this study are; Firstly, the Barong Meeting at Pucak PadangDawa Temple is a cultural event with religious, social and theatrical dimensions. Secondly, theBarong Meeting is an old religious ritual viewed from what is stated in Purana of the LuhurPucak Padang Dawa Temple. Such a Barong Meeting is still carried out by the society membersat Bangli Village. Thirdly, the Barong Meeting is a cultural event covering the areas of CentralBali such as Tabanan Regency, Negara Regency, Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency and BangliRegency. Fourthly, the Barong Meeting is not an event which is habitually carried out but aritual ceremony which is dynamically repeated by absorbing innovations which still refer to thephilosophy and ethics of Hinduism, making it able to develop collective awareness respectingdiversity featuring the era’s life. Fifthly, the Barong Meeting is a religious event realizingconcrete, real and direct actions based on Hindusm. Such a ritual ceremony densely containingartistic values emphasizes the dynamic relationship and integratedness of performance of artsand art performance in the cultural activities performed in Bali Hindu.What can be concluded in this study shows that the Barong Meeting at Pucak PadangDawa Temple, Baturiti, Tabanan Regency, serves as an inviting and attending processioncovering the initial, the essence, and the end which is both centripetal and centrifugal. Theideology referred to is worshipping, power, and performance. The integration of these three basicideas present ritual ceremony dimension, social activity, and art performance, making the BarongMeeting a multidimensional event. The Barong Meeting contains multilayer senses such asmagic religious, socio unifier, politics of authority, economics and esthetics.
Baris Memedi Dance in Jatiluwih Village Tabanan Bali: A Strategy to Preserve Traditional Arts Dana, I Wayan; Artini, Ni Kadek Juni
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education Vol 21, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Department of Drama, Dance and Music, FBS, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/harmonia.v21i2.31890


The Baris Memedi dance depicts a group of ‘ghosts’ who live in haunted places such as graves, cliffs, and in large trees. It is danced by 7-15 male dancers. This dance is performed in Ngaben (cremation) ceremony called Pitra Yadnya, using the Baleganjur gamelan accompaniment. The objective of this study is  to analyze the form of existence of the Baris Memedi dance in implementing the Pitra Yadnya ceremony. Another objective is to understand the strategy for its preservation as a traditional art so that this dance can live and be long-lasting until today. The additional objective is to find the uniqueness of the dance that it needs preservation. The method used was a qualitative method that considers the issues of cultural context, ideology, interests, power in the culture, and meaning which refers to the culturalistic-humanistic paradigm, namely civilizing humans and humanizing humans. Based on observation, Baris Memedi dance has four stages in its presentation form. The preservation strategy is the active role of supporting the community, the role of Jatiluwih Village apparatus, Jatiluwih artists’ participation, and the government’s support. The most important aspect of Baris Memedi it is inseparable from its community. The proponents of traditional arts should continue to pursue these preservation efforts so that the arts have cultural resilience through Ajeg Bali. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA) Vol 8 No 2 (2024): ON GOING
Publisher : LPPM STIE Muhammadiah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31955/mea.v8i2.4075


Begawi adalah tradisi upacara adat Lampung yang dilakukan saat upacara perkawinan selama tujuh hari tujuh malam. Istilah lengkapnya adalah Begawi Cakak Papadun, karena hanya dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat suku Pepadun. Dalam serangkaian prosesi upacara adat Begawi teradapat malam Cangget Agung yang merupakan malam menari bagi Muli-Mekhanai (Bujang dan gadis) yang dilaksanakan pada malam terakhir upacara tersebut. Malam Cangget Agung tidak dapat dipisahkan dari upacara adat Begawi sekaligus merupakan pengesah upacara sebelum dilaksanakannya Mepadun atau naik tahta. Di dalam malam Cangget Agung dilaksanakan prosesi yang berupa tarian adat yang bernama tari Cangget. Tari Cangget ditarikan oleh putri-putri penyeimbang dengan jumlah penari kurang lebih sekitar 20-40 penari. Ragam gerak tari Cangget terdiri dari gerak sembah, ukel kilat mundur, ngecum, kenuy melayang, dan tutup malu. Ragam gerak tari cangget merupakan transformasi dari gerak tari Sai Batin. Selain itu dalam sajian tari Cangget terdapat beberapa unsur yang merupakan hasil transformasi dari kebudayaan sebelumnya, hal tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh berkembangnya masyarakat Lampung dan akulturasi dari beberapa kebudayaan. Perubahan tersebut menghasilkan sebuah keestetikaan baru dalam sajian tari Cangget.