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Peran Penyuluh (Da’i) Dalam Pembangunan Ekologi: Upaya Pengendalian Terhadap Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup Ari Rohmawati; Habib Ismail
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 6 No 2 (2018): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Environmental damage is a national issue at a time of global issues that become a very urgent problem that needs to be resolved given that the environment is part of the sustainability of human life in advance. Environmental degradation has an impact which is very crucial, namely drought, landslides, floods, coastal erosion, seawater intrusion, the uncertain climate change and others. The impact of the above will greatly affect the living conditions of the communities, either on the region's economic, social and cultural. Then the State has responsibility for rational and ethical responsibility to save the environment for sustainability of public life, including through the development of the role of the da'i as construction of extension officers in an attempt to damage control of the environment. This type of research is qualitative research using normative approaches. Its object is the extension officers of development of religion (Da'i) and ecological development. The methods used in this study is the study of librarianship.
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 8 No 1 (2020): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Perkawinan yang sering menimbulkan perdebatan adalah perkawinan beda agama. Dari perkawinan beda agama tersebut dipandang sebagai salah satu faktor penghambat dalam mendapatkan kewarisan dari orang tuanya.Rumusan masalah adalah apakah faktor dan dampak perkawinan beda agama pada suku Bali sehingga tidak mendapatkan hak waris dan bagaimanakah hak waris akibat perkawinan beda agama perspektif hukum Islam dan gender pada masyarakat suku Bali di Desa Mulyosari Kecamatan Pasir Sakti Lampung Timur. Serta bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor dan dampak perkawinan beda agama pada suku Bali sehingga tidak mendapdan untuk mengetahui atkan hak waris hak waris akibat perkawinan beda agama perspektif hukum Islam dan gender pada masyarakat suku Bali di Desa Mulyosari Kecamatan Pasir Sakti Lampung Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan (Field Risearch).. Sumber data pada penelitian ini yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Faktor dalam perkawinan beda agama yang terjadi Desa Mulyosari Kecamatan PasirSakti Lampung Timur yang mengakibatkan terhalangnya ahli waris untuk mendapatkan harta warisan. Akan tetapi terdapat solusi seorang ahli waris beda agama tersebut tetap memperoleh harta waris melalui wasiat wajibah. Wasiat wajibah merupakan solusi dalam hal pembagian waris kepada ahli waris beda agama dengan jumlah perolehannya tidak boleh melebihi 1/3 dari harta waris. Dari adanya solusi dalam masalah waris bagi non muslim menjadi prinsip keadilan dalam gender yang mengutamakan kerukunan keluarga, menjaga dan mempertahankan keutuhan keluarga dengan tetap saling menghargai dan menghormati.
Lazisnu Dan Penanggulangan COVID 19; Impelemntasi Fatwa MUI Nomor 23 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pemanfaatan Zakat Infak Shadaqah Habib Ismail; Ari Rohmawati; Rakhmat Rakhmat; Niswatin Nurul Hidayati
AT-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah Vol 9 No 1 (2021): At-Tahdzib
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang Indonesia

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Background. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the presence of this fatwa has become a phenomenon appearing recently. If all this time research on the use of zakat in normal situations, then a research is needed to see how the realization and implementation of the fatwa of MUI regarding the use of assets during the Covid-19 pandemic. Aim. Describing of implementation of fatwa MUI Number 23 year of 2020 about utilizing of zakat, infaq and shadaqah to cope with impact of the spread Covid-19 Methods. This research was a field research with a phenomenological approach. This research was a qualitative research using descriptive analysis of the MUI Fatwa Number 23 of 2020 and its implementation in LazisNU, Metro City. Results. The result of this research was that the implementation of the MUI fatwa Number 23 of 2020 concerning the use of zakat, infaq and shadaqah was carried out using the fatwa determination methodology with various legal considerations and based on clear legal aspects. As for the Covid-19 Outbreak management implemented by LazisNU, Metro City in the first two important aspects, fatwas was implemented conceptually through several emergency response programs implemented by the Covid-19 outbreak response officer unit. Second, the fatwa was implemented constructively, where the fatwa still paid attention to the social aspects of society by sorting out two aspects, including the distribution of zakat specifically for Moeslim communities affected by Covid-19 while for the wider non-Moeslim community affected by Covid-19, it was taken from infaq, shadaqah and other donations funds.
Criticism of Feminist Thought on the Rights and Obligations of Husband and Wife from the Perspective of Islamic Family Law Agus Hermanto; Habib Ismail
Journal of Islamic Law Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Journal of Islamic Law
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.072 KB) | DOI: 10.24260/jil.v1i2.61


In the Islamic concept that the husband is the head of the household and the wife is the housewife, but the development of the wife is looking for income in public spaces. What is interesting to study is, is it possible for the wife to become a partner in the household? With the aim, to get scientific insights about the rights and obligations of husband and wife that are relevant to the current context. This study is a library study that has qualitative research types. For criticizing the feminist concepts about the rights and obligations of husband and wife, I used Maslahah theory with philosophical-sociological approach. Feminists interpret the rights and obligations of husband and wife in the household, arguing that contextually the wives are no longer in charge of being housewives, but rather help to make a living in the public sphere, for the sake of justice, equality, democracy and doing good. Things this is not an absolute thing, but an offer and casuistic that should not be provoked because the concept of Islam has brought benefit if applied properly.