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Journal : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Perikanan Tangkap

Studi distribusi tertangkapnya ikan pada Soma Tono selama satu siklus bulan Octaviani Kaseti; Fanny Silooy; Johhny Budiman; Alfret Luasunaung; Lefrand Manoppo
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.47990


This study aims to determine the distribution of caught fish in "soma tono" and the types of fish caught and how the fish are caught. Soma Tono is classified in gillnets that are rectangular in shape and equipped with buoys, upper ropes, lower ropes, weights and sign buoys. Operation of soma tono fishing gear consists of preparation, net lowering (setting), soaking (soaking) and lifting the net (hauling). The principle of soma tono fishing gear (gillnet) is to wait for fish to be entangled in the body of the net. The method used is a descriptive method, namely managing data obtained when making observations, interviews and documentation. The dominance of fish obtained by bounced fish, the type of fish obtained is the dominance of demersal fish or bottom fish, namely jackfruit seed fish (Upeneus molluccensin), lencam fish (Letrinus lencan), snapper fish (Lutjanus campechanus), lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona), kuwe fish (Caranx ignobilis), grouper (Epinephelus longispinis), curisi fish (Nemipterus nemaptohorus), sako fish (Tylosurus crocodilus), parrotfish (Scarus rivulatus Valenciennes), puffer fish (Tetraodontidae), sardines (Amblygaster sirm),  baronang fish (Siganus) and sea eels (Muraenidae).  The results obtained four phases of the moon, namely the 1st  quarter moon phase (101.5 kg), the new moon phase (168.7 kg), 2nd quarter moon phase (89 kg) and the full moon  phase (63kg).
Kajian tentang jenis umpan dan waktu penangkapan bibit ikan Kuwe pancing banbu Fajri Salote; Alfret Luasunaung; Ivor Labaro; Welhelmina Patty; ixchel F. Mandagi; Vivanda O. J. Modaso
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.48883


Abstract Kuwe fingerlings ( Caranax spp) are classified as important economic resources which are produced from coastal waters, especially waters near estuaries. The tool commonly used in capturing these resources is a bamboo fishing rod, because of its simple construction, relatively inexpensive and easy to operate. However, there are no fishermen who have made comparisons of bait for the catch of catfish fingerlings. This study aims to study the effect of different types of bait on the catch of giant trevally fingerlings; and learn effective catch times. This research was carried out using an experimental method, in the coastal waters of Likupang Village, Ambong Village, East Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency, during 10 days from February 7 to 16, 2023. Data collection was carried out by operating 6 bamboo fishing rods (3 units using shellfish bait and 3 units using malalugis fish bait). ). The total catch was 424 catfish fingerlings, consisting of 293 fish caught using shellfish bait and 131 fish caught using malalugis fish bait. The use of this type of shellfish bait gave a better catch of fingerlings (69%) than the type of bait for malalugis (31%). The results of the analysis of morning arrests at 06.00 - 07.00 were 51% and afternoon at 16.00 - 17.00 as many as 49%, meaning that they were not significantly different.Keywords: Kuwe fingerlings, bamboo fishing rods, bait for malalugis fish and shellfish, time of catching.Abstrak Bibit ikan kuwe (Caranax spp) tergolong sumberdaya ekonomis penting yang di hasilkan dari perairan pesisir terutama perairan dekat muara. Alat yang umum digunakan dalam menangkap sumberdaya tersebut adalah pancing bambu, karena konstruksinya sederhana, relatif murah dan mudah dioperasikan. Namun belum ada nelayan yang melakukan perbandingan umpan untuk hasil tangkapan bibit ikan kuwe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh perbedaan jenis umpan terhadap hasil tangkapan bibit ikan kuwe; dan mempelajari waktu tangkapan yang efektif. Penelitian ini dikerjakan dengan metode eksperimental, di perairan pantai Desa Likupang Kampung Ambong Kecamatan Likupang Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, selama 10 hari dari tanggal 7 - 16 Februari 2023. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengoperasikan 6 unit pancing bambu (3 unit menggunakan umpan Kerang dan 3 unit menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis). Tangkapan total berjumlah 424 ekor bibit ikan kuwe, terdiri dari 293 ekor yang tertangkap dengan mengunakana umpan kerang dan 131ekor yang tertangkap dengan menggunakan umpan ikan malalugis. Penggunaan jenis umpan kerang memberikan tangkapan bibit ikan kuwe yang lebih baik (69%) daripada jenis umpan ikan malalugis (31%). Adapun hasil analisis waktu penangkapan pagi pukul 06.00 – 07.00 sebanyak 51% dan sore pukul 16.00 – 17.00 sebanyak 49% artinya tidak berbeda nyata.Kata kunci : Bibit ikan Kuwe, pancing bambu, umpan ikan malalugis dan kerang, waktu penangkapan.
Kajian tentang perbedaan umpan pancing Noru terhadap hasil tangkapan Adhitya Teguh Prasetyo Saselah Aditya; Ivor Lembondorong Labaro; Alfret Luasunaung; Mariana Elizabeth Kayadoe; Lefrand Manoppo
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.8.2.2023.49169


The aims of this study to analyze the differences the catch of the “noru” fishing gear using nipple rubber and silk fibre lures, as well as to identify the catches  obtained. Small pelagic fish are organisms that live in the open sea, separated from the bottom of the water and towards the surface layer. These fish generally like to be in groups, both with their groups and with other types of fish. Also have positive phototaxis (attracted to light) and are attracted to floating objects. Bait is an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of catching small pelagic fish using “noru” fishing gear or hand lines. The interest of artifial bait in this fishing gear has several criteria, including: the shape of the bait must be similar to shape of food, easy visible because of the color and the bait looks alive when the gear is operated. The results of the study showed that noru (hand line) to used nipple rubber lures gave more catches compared to using silk fibre lures. From the catch, there were 4 species of fish caught using nipple rubber lures, namely yellowstrip scad, bigeye scad, trevally and Indian mackerel while using silk fiber lures 2 species of fish, namely  yellowstrip scad and bigeye scad.
Studi pemanfaatan fasilitas di pangkalan pendaratan ikan Amurang Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Fernanda M.F. Mailakay; Wilhelmina Patty; Frangky E. Kaparang; Kawilarang W.A. Masengi; Revols D.C. Pamikiran; Alfret Luasunaung
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jitpt.9.1.2024.45882


It can be said that a fishing port has carried out its functions properly if all the facilities owned by the port, including the main facilities, functional facilities, and supporting facilities, are in accordance with what is expected. This research was carried out by following the descriptive method. The data taken in this study are primary data and secondary data. PPI conditions were analyzed descriptively. The steps taken to analyze the condition of the facilities are (a) taking an inventory of the types and conditions of existing facilities; (b) collect data on the size and capacity of each facility, and (c) look at the procedures for using the facility, whether it is in accordance with its function. The main facility is a facility at a fishing port that is used for mooring and berthing of fishing vessels and minimizes natural disturbances and shipping safety. The main facilities at the Amurang Fish Landing Base include the Harbor Pool Pier, Complex Roads, Mooring Poles. Functional facilities are said to be superstructures where these facilities function to increase the use value of the main facilities that can support activities at fishing ports. These facilities, among others, do not have to exist in a port, but these facilities are provided in accordance with the operational needs of the port. Functional facilities at the Amurang Fish Landing Base include Fish Auction Sites, SPDN (Solar Packed Fishermen Dealers), Cold storage, Packing Buildings Supporting facilities are facilities at fishing ports that can indirectly help and support the activities of fishing communities and even the general public Mess Office Extension Post Guard Post.