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Performance measurement of public hospitals through the integration of SWOT and balanced scorecard Yuli Setiawannie; Tiara Rahmania
Jurnal Sistem dan Manajemen Industri Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.142 KB) | DOI: 10.30656/jsmi.v3i2.1472


Performance measurement is an essential factor for an organization to control the implementation of the strategy. The existing performance measurement system only evaluates financial performance. This study aims to propose the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and measuring hospital performance with SWOT and BSC integration. Stages of research are determining internal and external factors with SWOT analysis, formulating alternative strategies, translating strategies into BSC perspective on strategic maps, determining performance indicators (KPI), KPI validation with AHP to obtain indicator weights for each view, and measuring hospital performance. Based on the results of the study, performance indicators (KPI) for hospitals based on the Balanced Scorecard perspective are six financial perspective indicators, two customer perspective indicators, four internal process perspective indicators, and five growth and learning perspective indicators. The internal process perspective is 90.43%, which means that the performance of the hospital is very healthy with the AA category, and learning 68.89% means that the performance of the hospital is very healthy with category A.
Perencanaan Penjadwalan Preventive Maintenance Mesin Pounch dengan Critical Path Method di PT. Grafika Nusantara Yuli Setiawannie; Nita Marikena
INSOLOGI: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.404 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/insologi.v1i1.105


Maintenance is one of the main activities in the manufacturing sector that greatly affects the quality and quantity of production, production costs, and customer satisfaction. Thus, it is necessary to plan a preventive maintenance schedule to maintain the condition of the machine so that the production process runs optimally. PT. Grafika Nusantara is a paper management industry company specializing in continuous form, printing, and office stationery, whose production process runs continuously. In the production process, the company often has problems with the punch machine, which is one of the machines in the factory as a printer for paper into envelopes. The problem is due to lack of supervision and maintenance on the punch machine by the company can result in the machine being damaged and the production target not being achieved. The objective of this paper is to plan preventive maintenance scheduling on the punch machine with the Critical Path Method (CPM) and to determine the cost of preventive maintenance for 1 year. The results that can be concluded in this study are that the maintenance scheduling of the punch machine with the CPM method can save maintenance time, which is 30 hours and the cost of preventive maintenance for 1 year is Rp. 1,400,000.
Focus Group Discussion Kualitas Air Danau Toba dalam Penentuan Status Trofik Danau Toba Nita Marikena; Susilawati; Yuli Setiawannie
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v1i3.814


Lake Toba is a tecto-volcanic lake located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia (disbudpar, 2019). Lake Toba has ecotourism, namely Leuser National Park and Forest Area with Special Purpose Aek Nauli, Kawasan Strategi Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN)/Kawasan Pengembangan Pariwisata Nasional (KKPN), namely Lake Toba and its surroundings, and Geopark consisting of Toba Caldera Geopark. This is what makes Lake Toba a tourism potential and a direction of development that needs attention. Currently, the Lake Toba Water Quality Standard is set to Class One as contained in the Governor of North Sumatra Regulation Number 1 of 2009 and the trophic status of Lake Toba is Oligotrophic as contained in the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra Number 188.44/209/KPTS/2017. The determination of the water quality standard of Lake Toba to be Class One as contained in the Governor of North Sumatra Regulation Number 1 of 2009 and the trophic status of Lake Toba is Oligotrophic as contained in the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra Number 188.44/209/KPTS/2017 currently does not meet. The purpose of this Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is to get input from FGD participants regarding the water quality and trophic status of Lake Toba. The method implemented is in the form of discussion that discusses the quality of water in Lake Toba. Based on the results of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), the water quality of Lake Toba leads to the Class Two quality standard and the Trophic Status of Lake Toba leads to Mesotrophs. This is influenced by human activities around the Lake Toba area and natural factors. The impact of decreasing water quality of Lake Toba will be increasingly influenced by the determination of Lake Toba as a Kawasan Strategi Pariwisata Nasional super prioritas. The decline in the water quality of Lake Toba can be managed with the cooperation of all parties, namely the community, businessmen and the government, such as the use of technology, environmental conservation, compliance with permits and others.  
Konsultasi Publik Kegiatan Revitalisasi Gedung Cagar Budaya Nita Marikena; Yuli Setiawannie
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v2i1.1647


The Wharen Huis Building is a building protected by Law Number 11 of 2010 and the Mayor of Medan Decree Number 433/28.K/X/2021. As a preservation and protection effort that will create an optimal function while protecting or maintaining the authenticity of the Wharen Huis Building as a Cultural Heritage of Medan City, the Government of Medan City through the Housing, Residential Areas and Spatial Planning Office of Medan City plans to revitalize the Wharen Huis Cultural Heritage Building by not violating the applicable theories and regulations related to historic building conservation efforts. The Wharen Huis Heritage Building Revitalization/Restoration Activity Plan consists of 3 (three) stages of activity, namely the pre-construction stage, the construction stage, and the operational stage. Each stage of these activities is predicted to have an impact on the environment. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of State for the Environment No. 4 of 2021, the Revitalization of the Wharen Huis Cultural Heritage Building must have a Type C Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL). Referring to Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021, those in charge of businesses and/or activities in preparing an EIA must go through the stages of public consultation. The results of the public consultation obtained input related to building ownership, transportation circulation and support for the preservation of cultural heritage. Public consultation activities obtained several important issues that became input in public consultation activities, including the following 1. Regarding the revitalization of the Wharen Huis Cultural Heritage Building, the Medan City Government should be able to coordinate or communicate with the building owner in terms of managing the building, 2. In its construction, there will be an impact that the circulation of transportation passing through the building must be disturbed, it should be necessary to place parking bags to the west of the building that still exists and 3. we are very enthusiastic and supportive in revitalizing this building as an example for the public interest and become something different in terms of learning historical buildings in Medan City.
Penyusunan Rencana Persediaan dan Perkiraan Kebutuhan Kapasitas Jangka Panjang di PT.X Nita Marikena; Yuli Setiawannie
INSOLOGI: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/insologi.v2i1.1414


Production capacity planning is part of operations management that is realistic and applicable, so estimates of production capacity originating from forecasting consumer demand for these products must be known in advance so that companies can use resources effectively, in terms of quantity, time, and costs used for the production process. PT. X is a company that produces products in two groups, namely Product Group-I and Product Group-II. Product Group-I consists of two types of products, namely Product A and Product B, while Product Group-II consists of Product C and Product D. The Company is still experiencing difficulties in meeting consumer demand for these two product groups for the long term. This study aims to determine the total estimated consumer demand for two product groups within one year and the number of production machines needed to optimize the production process. Based on the results of calculations and analysis, the total estimated demand for Product Group-I for 12 months is 2216 units with a production time of 1520 hours. Meanwhile, the total estimated demand for Product Group-II for 12 months is 2,896 units with a production time of 1,709 hours. To meet consumer demand, PT. X must provide 2 units of production machines that are operated in parallel.
Konsultasi Publik Kegiatan Pengembangan Rumah Sakit Nita Marikena; Yuli Setiawannie; Susilawati Susilawati
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v2i3.2360


MM Hospital is one of the General Hospitals located on Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Harjosari I Village, Medan Amplas District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province. This hospital plans to develop its services in the health sector. Referring to Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management and Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4 of 2021 concerning List of Businesses and/or Activities Required to Have an Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts or a Statement of Undertaking to Manage and Monitor the Environment Appendix I Letter F Health Sector No.12. and Annex II Letter A Multisector with criteria required to have AMDAL, UKL-UPL and SPPL, for building area ≥10,000 m2, AMDAL is required. So that development activities in health services by MM General Hospital, are required to prepare an Environmental Impact Analysis Document (AMDAL) Category C. Based on the results of the public consultation conducted on May 19, 2023, several important issues that became input in public consultation activities, among others, were grouped into the impact of increased vibration, the impact of liquid waste generation, the impact of increased employment and business opportunities, the impact of changes in community income and the impact of changes in community attitudes and perceptions.
Usulan Penerapan Metode Lean Six Sigma Untuk Meminimalisasi Kecacatan Produk Di CV. Fadilah Muhammad Rinaldi; Yuli Setiawannie
Journal Technology and Industrial Engineering (JTIE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): September: Technology and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Research Institute of Science, Technology and Art (RISTecArt)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59840/jtie.v2i1.343


Fadilah adalah sebuah perusahaan industri manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang perbengkelan mesin-mesin perkakas dengan memproduksi engsel dan roda gerbang serta barang-barang manufaktur lainnya seperti soket, pully, shaft, dan lain sebagainya. Cacat produk terjadi karena banyaknya jumlah permintaan pasar serta sering terjadinya kesalahan dalam proses produksi engsel seperti ukuran jantan kekecilan, lubang longgar/lobok, dan permukaan material berlubang, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cacat dominan pada produk dan memberikan usulan perbaikan dalam meminimalisasi cacat produksi engsel yang terjadi di CV. Fadillah.. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu dengan Lean Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control) dan FMEA. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produksi engsel masih belum baik dengan tingkat sigma 2,9 dengan kemungkinan kerusakan 78783 untuk sejuta produksi. Usulan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu meningkatkan ketelitian dan rasa tanggung jawab pada operator, melakukan perawatan mesin dan pergantian jika mesin sudah tidak normal, penggunaan mesin dengan penerapan kerja sesuai waktu dan prosedur yang telah dibuat, serta mengganti material dari besi as yang berkarat dengan besi as yang kayak di produksi.
Analisa Potensi Bahaya Dan Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja Dengan Metode Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Pada CV. Fadilah Ridho Nirwanda; Yuli Setiawannie
Journal Technology and Industrial Engineering (JTIE) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): September: Technology and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Research Institute of Science, Technology and Art (RISTecArt)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59840/jtie.v2i1.371


CV. Fadilah adalah sebuah perusahaan industri manufaktur yang memproduksi engsel dan roda gerbang, serta barang-barang manufaktur lain seperti soket, pully, dan shaft. Perusahaan ini memiliki permasalahan terkait kasus kecelakaan kerja yang cukup banyak terjadi selama periode 2018-2021 pada proses pembuatan roda gerbang yang disebabkan oleh tindakan yang tidak aman (faktor manusia) dan kondisi yang tidak aman (lingkungan/area kerja). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi bahaya, tingkat risiko, dan pengendaliannya pada setiap pekerjaan yang dilakukan dalam memproduksi roda gerbang, sehingga dapat menghindari dan meminimalisir terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Dari hasil analisa, jumlah potensi bahaya dan risiko untuk pekerjaan pembuatan roda gerbang diperoleh sebanyak 55 potensi dari 15 tahapan pekerjaan. Tingkat risiko dari jenis pekerjaan tersebut berada pada rata-rata level sedang dan level tinggi. Bentuk pengendalian risiko dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan hierarchy of control yang terdiri dari lima tingkatan pengendalian diantaranya eliminasi (mengilangkan sumber bahaya), substitusi (penggantian alat, bahan, prosedur kerja), rekayasa teknik (penambahan instrument mesin, merubah struktur objek kerja), administrasi (penyediaan sistem kerja), dan alat pelindung diri (APD).