Fathurachman Fathurachman
Bagian Orthopaedi Dan Traumatologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran, RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

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Coping Stress of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Medical and Non-Medical Undergraduate Students at Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia Wulan Mayasari; Devia Oktaviandra; Fathurachman Fathurachman
Althea Medical Journal Vol 8, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v8n4.2242


Background: Coping stress is an act of dealing with stress by adapting to the problems of the thought process. The ‘Distance Learning’ policy is a stress factor during the COVID-19 pandemic which may have an impact on psychological conditions and coping stress. This study aimed to determine differences in stress levels and coping stress among medical and non-medical undergraduate students against the global COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: Cross-sectional analytical methods were used. Stratified random sampling recruiting undergraduate students, including from medical students (n=80) and non-medical students (n=84) at Universitas Padjadjaran class 2017–2019. The distributed questionnaire contained 25 questions adapted from the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 42) and the Cope Inventory. Validity and reliability tests were carried out previously, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.26.Results: The median age of both groups was 21 years and most of the respondents were female. There was no significant difference in stress and coping stress. At the time of coping, the medical students focused more on emotions and the non-medical students focused more on the problems.Conclusion: There is no difference in the levels of stress and coping stress with emotional and problems focus in the medical and non-medical students.
Knowledge and Attitude of Women in Reproductive Age toward Clubfoot in Cikeruh Village, Jatinangor Sub−district in 2014 F. M. Dicky Fitraendi; Fathurachman Fathurachman; Nugroho Harry Susanto
Althea Medical Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (549.979 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v5n2.1413


Background: Clubfoot is a congenital anomaly which the ankle is twisted outward from the normal position. Clubfoot is the most common birth defect that can cause disability in the world. 150.000 – 200.000 babies are born with clubfoot every years. Clubfoot is a neglected disease. Immediate intervention is needed to treat the patient with Clubfoot. One of the most common barrier of the treatment is the knowledge and attitude of the society about Clubfoot. This study aimed to know the knowledge and attitude of the society especially women with reproductive age toward clubfoot in Cikeruh village Jatinangor sub−district in 2014.Methods: This research was conducted to 100 women with reproductive age with age interval 15−49 years old which live in Cikeruh village Jatinangor in 2014 with purposive sampling method. A questionnaire was used as instrument to collecting data which is later categorized by good, fair, and low for the knowledge and positive and negative for attitude.Results: From 100 sample women of reproductive age in Cikeruh village at 2014 who were asked about clubfoot, 39% had a good knowledge and 61% had a fair knowledge. There were 42% of respondent who had a negative attitude toward clubfoot and 58% had positive attitude.Conclusion: Majority sample women of reproductive age in Cikeruh village at 2014 have a fair knowledge about clubfoot. The ratio between positive and negative attitude toward clubfoot is almost 1:1 because of the minimal differences. 
Foot Anthropometric Profile of High School Students in Bandung Imam Ramdhani Abdurrahman; Alwin Tahid; Fathurachman Fathurachman
Althea Medical Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.057 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v5n2.1418


Background: During the process of walking, the foot plays a role in supporting the body weight. Due to continously with stand weight, a person will experience foot pain aggravated by the use of improper shoe size. Foot anthropometric data acts as reference in the manufacture of orthotics and shoes with appropriate size, while Indonesia still does not have foot anthropometric data. The purpose of this study was to describe foot anthropometric data of high school students in Bandung in order to obtain good fitting shoes.Methods: The study was performed using observational descriptive method on 81 students aged 16–18 years from three different senior high schools in different regions of Bandung in November 2014.Results: The mean of foot and ankle anthropometry of senior high school students were 25.75 cm for Foot Length, 18.82 cm for Ball of Foot Length, 21.57 cm for Outside Ball of Foot Length, 9.70 cm for Foot Breadth Diagonal, 5.43 for Heel Breadth, 6.00 cm Navicular Height, 6.62 cm for Instep Height and 5.06 for Heel to Lateral Malleolus.Conclusions: The anthropometric data help the footwear industry to determine the design and size for shoes in Indonesia.
Footwear Usage in Children with Flatfoot Disorder in Sukajadi Sub-district, Bandung Wulan Mayasari; Elta Sholihah Putri; Fathurachman Fathurachman
Althea Medical Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.62 KB) | DOI: 10.15850/amj.v6n2.1137


Background: Flatfoot is a musculoskeletal disorder of the foot where the medial longitudinal arch becomes flatter, resulting in a more foot surface touching the ground compared to the normal foot. One of the risk factors for flatfoot is the rather early footwear usage with a considerably long period of usage with the enclosed footwear type. This may cause weakening of supporting tissues of the foot. This study aimed to describe the use of footwear in children with flatfoot.Methods: This study used a descriptive categorical method, conducted from March to June 2017 among students from five elementary schools in Sukajadi sub-district, Bandung. Primary data were obtained by using questionnaires and descriptively presented.Results: Prevalence of flatfoot among included students (n73) of the elementary school with age range of 6–10 years was 54.8%. All students had their first years of wearing footwear in the age range 0-5 years. The majority (52.5%) of footwear usage duration in flatfoot disorder was ≥8 hours/day, and the footwear type of flatfoot disorder was dominated (65%) by sandals/slippers.Conclusions: There is a high number of flatfoot in elementary school, and this needs special attention, especially on how to use the footwear.  
Osteomyelitis kronis supuratif mandibula sebagai komplikasi sekunder impaksi gigi molar tiga Heinz Frick Simanjuntak; Melita Sylvyana; Fathurachman Fathurachman
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.003 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.28778


Chronic osteomyelitis suppurative the mandible as a complication secondary impaction of the mandibular third molars. Impacted third molars is a common thing and become a common reason patients seek dental treatment. Complications of impacted teeth is the most frequently occurring infection oromaksilofasial particularly acute infection. Suppurative osteomyelitis of the mandible due to secondary complications of impacted molars wisdom is rare. The aim of this case report describe treatment  of chronic suppurative osteomyelitis is caused secondary complications of impacted third molars. A female patient reported a history of recurrent toothache previous six months in the region of the right mandible and develop into extra-oral fistula since the last three months. Swelling that does not improve to make the patient come to the oral surgeon poly rs Hasan Sadikin. Preoperative panoramic radiographs showed mesioangular impacted third molars right mandible with deep caries and periapical radiolucent area of the mesial root of the tooth. From the results of clinical examination and radiographic findings made the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis of the mandible. Sequesterectomy and extraction of mandibular right second molar and all third molars upper and lower jaw. Sinus passages excised and closure. Histopathological examination conducted on tissues resected. Sekuesterektomi, fistulektomi and causa tooth extraction is a definitive method for treating chronic osteomyelitis with a satisfactory clinical outcome after surgery
Fraktur comminuted bilateral pada mandibula Ronal Ronal; Abel Tasman; Fathurachman Fathurachman
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (565.558 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.31984


Fraktur comminuted mandibula didefinisikan sebagai adanya lebih dari satu garis fraktur yang menyebabkan terdapatnya beberapa fragmen tulang pada satu daerah tulang mandibula (simfisis, parasimfisis, ramus, angulus). Seringkali disebabkan oleh trauma energi tinggi sehingga menyebabkan displacement yang besar, kehilangan gigi, dan luka pada jaringan lunak. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah untuk menjelaskan penatalaksanaan fraktur comminuted mandibula dengan menggunakan wire, plat dan screw. Hasil yang ingin dicapai pada pasien ini adalah untuk mengembalikan relasi rahang atas dan rahang bawah pasien (oklusi) yang mengalami pergeseran akibat trauma. Pasien laki laki usia 31 tahun mengalami trauma dengan mekanisme rahang membentur trotoar jalan. Pada pemeriksaan panoramik didapatkan gambaran beberapa garis fraktur pada kedua sisi rahang bawah. Sebagai penanganan awal dilakukan pemasangan kawat intermaksilaris dan dilanjutkan pemasangan wire, plat dan screw. Kesimpulan dari kasus ini yaitu rekonstruksi kembali fraktur comminuted bilateral pada mandibula sulit dilakukan karena terdapat banyak fragmen tulang yang kecil, oleh sebab itu diperlukan pemasangan wire pada daerah fraktur sebelum pemasangan plat dan screw.ABSTRACT: Bilateral mandible comminuted fracture. Mandible comminuted fracture is define as a fracture in which there are more than one fracture line that cause a number of bone fragments on a region of mandible (symphysis, parasymphysis, body and angle). It is often caused by high energy trauma so that caused a big displacement, teeth avulsion and soft tissue injury. The purpose of this case report is to describe the treatment of bilateral mandible comminuted fracture with wire, plate and screw. The aim for this patient was to restore the occlusion between the maxilla and mandible as it was mal-aligned due to trauma. We reported a case of 31 years old man with trauma where the mechanism was his jaw hit the sidewalk. Panoramic xray showed some fracture line on both side of his mandible. We did intermaxillary wiring as first treatmentt followed by plate and screw mounting. The conclusion of this case was reconstructing a comminuted bilateral fracture on the mandible is very complicated to be done because of the small fragment of bones therefore fixation of wire at the fractured area need to be done before the fixation of plate and screw.
Penatalaksanaan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula anterior bilateral Novyan Abraham Ning; Endang Syamsudin; Fathurachman Fathurachman
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.112 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.32009


Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula ditemukan 3% dari seluruh dislokasi pada sendi yang pernah dilaporkan, dan tipe dislokasi ke anterior adalah yang paling sering ditemukan. Tujuan dari penulisan  ini adalah untuk melaporkan kasus dan penatalaksanaan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula anterior bilateral. Seorang pasien laki-laki usia 35 tahun datang ke IGD Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin karenatidak dapat menutup mulut kembali setelah menguap, pasien mempunyai riwayat keluhan yang sama sebelumnya ± 2 tahun yang lalu. Penatalaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah pemberian analgesik; muscle relaxant, reposisi manual dan pemasangan head bandage. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula anterior diakibatkan oleh pergerakan kondilus kearah depan dari eminensia artikulare dan untuk penatalaksanaannya dapat direposisi secara manual ataupun dengan pembedahan. Komplikasi yang terjadi bila tidak dilakukan reposisi adalah terjadinya fibro-osseus ankylosis, jejas pada arteri carotis eksternal dan jejas pada saraf wajah. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula sering ditemukan dalam praktek kedokteran gigi sehari-hari dan perlu dilakukan tindakan dengan segera dan cepat karena pasien merasa sangat tidak nyaman walaupun pada kasus ini jarang disertai dengan keluhan nyeri yang hebat.ABSTRACT: Anterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation management. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation represents three percent of all reported dislocated joints and the anterior type has the highest frequencies of occurence. The purpose of this paper is to report the case and the managementofanterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation. A 35-year-old mancame to Hasan Sadikin Hospital Emergency Department because he can’t closed his mouth after yawning. Patient had same history like this before about 2 years ago. The treatment of this patient was medication including analgetic, muscle relaxant and manual reposition of the joint. Then application of head bandage was performed. TMJ dislocation is defined as the excessive forward movement of the mandibular condyle beyond the articular eminence and treatment could be manual reposition or surgery. Complication of anterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation include the following: fibro-osseus ankylosis, injury of external carotid artery and injury to the facial nerve. TMJ dislocation was acommon founding in dental practice, this condition need quick treatment due to the unconvenience felt by the patient, although severe pain was rarely found.
Fraktur midfasial dengan intoksikasi alkohol: emergensi dan elektif Nur Huda Alimin; Asri Arumsari; Fathurachman Fathurachman
MKGK (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Klinik) (Clinical Dental Journal) UGM Vol 2, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.622 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mkgk.32010


Regio maksilofasial selain memegang peranan estetik juga termasuk organ yang melaksanakan fungsi penting tubuh seperti respirasi, bicara, mastikasi, penglihatan, membaui, sehingga kasus trauma wajah harus diberikan perhatian khusus. Prinsip advanced trauma life support (ATLS) harus diaplikasikan untuk pemeriksaan awal pada semua pasien dengan trauma maksilofasial. Tujuan dudi kasus ini adalah untuk menggambarkan prinsip-prinsip penatalaksanaan emergensi, elektif, serta evaluasi hasil terapi pada pasien trauma midfasial yang disertai intoksikasi alkohol. Pasien laki-laki usia 38 tahun mengalami kecelakaan sepeda motor dibawa ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dengan intoksikasi alkohol disertai fraktur midfasial dan laserasi multipel di intraoral. Penanganan emergensi dilakukan dengan mengontrol airway serta menghentikan perdarahan. Terapi pembedahan ORIF dengan insersi miniplate dan screw melalui pendekatan intraoral dilakukan dua minggu setelah kecelakaan. Penanganan awal setiap pasien trauma harus mengikuti prinsip ATLS dankarena regio midfasial memengang peranan penting sehingga koreksinya harus dilakukan dengan tepat dan akurat.ABSTRACT: Midfacial fracture with alcohol intoxication. Maxillofacial region includes organs executing essential functions of the body like respiration, speech, mastication, vision, smelling so special attention must be paid in case of facial trauma. Advanced trauma life support (ATLS) principles must be applied for initial assessment of all maxillofacial trauma patients. Objectives to describe the principles of emergency management, elective, and evaluation of therapy results in patients with midfacial trauma that accompanied alcohol intoxication. A 38 years old male patient suffered a motorcycle accident was taken to the Emergency Room (ER) Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital with alcohol intoxication accompanied by midfacial fracture and multiple laceration intraorally. Emergency management is done by controlling the airway and stop the bleeding. The elective surgical treatment with ORIF (miniplate and screw insertion) through intraoral approach was done two weeks after the accident. Initial treatmentof all trauma patient should follow the principles of ATLS and because of midfacial region plays an important role so that corrections must be done properly and accurately. 
Penatalaksanaan fraktur kondilus bilateral dan korpus mandibula dengan reduksi tertutup pada pasien remajaManagement of bilateral condyle fracture and mandibular corpus with the closed reduction in adolescent patients Deny Rakhman; Farah Asnely Putri; Fathurachman Fathurachman; Endang Sjamsudin
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 33, No 3 (2022): Maret 2022 (Suplemen 3)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v33i3.31027


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Fraktur kondilus dan Korpus mandibula merupakan fraktur pada mandibula yang cukup sering terjadi pasca trauma. Komplikasi yang sering terjadi akibat fraktur kondilus dan korpus mandibula pada anak adalah ankilosis dan gangguan sendi sendi temporomandibula. Perawatan fraktur mandibula dapat dengan reduksi terbuka atau reduksi tertutup. Penanganan fraktur secara sederhana dan teknik yang tepat dapat mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut. Tujuan laporan kasus ini memaparkan dan membahas penatalaksanaan kegawatdaruratan pada pasien remaja yang menderita fraktur kondilus dan korpus mandibula dengan reduksi tertutup. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan usia 16 tahun datang ke Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Unpad dengan keluhan perdarahan dari mulut dan sulit membuka mulut akibat kecelakaan lalu-lintas. Pemeriksaan klinis dan radiografis menunjukan adanya fraktur kondilus bilateral dan fraktur korpus mandibula. Pasien dilakukan pembersihan dan penjahitan luka, perawatan fraktur kondilus dengan reduksi tertutup dan fiksasi maksilomandibular dengan arch bar. Kontrol pada minggu ke 12 menunjukkan hasil perbaikan. Simpulan: Penatalaksanaan fraktur kondilus dan Korpus mandibula dengan reduksi tertutup yang tepat menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan secara anantomi dan fungsi pada saat penatalaksaan kedaruratan trauma.Kata kunci: fraktur kondilus bilateral; fraktur korpus mandibula; reduksi tertutup; fiksasi maksilomandibular ABSTRACTIntroduction: Condyle and mandibular corpus fractures are quite common post-trauma mandibular fractures. Complications that often occur due to condyle and mandibular corpus fractures in children are ankylosis and temporomandibular joint disorders. Mandibular fractures can be treated with open reduction or closed reduction. Simple fracture management and proper technique can prevent further complications. This case report aimed to present and analyse the emergency management of condyle and mandibular corpus fractures in an adolescent patient with closed reduction. Case report: A 16-year-old female patient came to Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital with complaints of oral bleeding and mouth-opening difficulty due to a traffic accident. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed bilateral condylar and mandibular corpus fractures. The patient was cleaned and sutured, treated for condylar fractures with closed reduction and maxillomandibular fixation with arch bars. The improvement showed at the control visit after 12 weeks. Conclusion: Management of condylar and mandibular corpus fractures with properly closed reduction showed satisfactory anatomical and functional results.Keywords: bilateral condyle fracture; mandibular corpus fracture; closed reduction; maxillomandibular fixation 
Perbandingan efek pemberian ekstrak kunyit dengan ibuprofen terhadap pencegahan pembentukan adhesi pasca penyambungan tendon Diki Julkarnain; Dicky Mulyadi; Fathurachman Fathurachman
Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Vol 43, No 1 (2020): Published in January 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.616 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/mka.v43.i1.p15-22.2020


Proses penyembuhan cedera pada tendon masih sering kali terganggu dengan kejadian adhesi. Adhesi dari tendon harus dikurangi agar proses penyembuhan tendon dapat kembali ke fungsi maksimal. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi adhesi adalah melalui penekanan proses inflamasi. Tujuan: Untuk melihat perbandingan pemberian ekstrak kunyit dengan ibuprofen terhadap pembentukan adhesi pasca penyambungan tendon achilles kelinci. Metode: Merupakan penelitian laboratorium eksperimental dengan rancang acak sederhana dengan menggunakan 27 ekor kelinci putih jantan (ras New Zealand) yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perlakuan. Tendon achilles dipotong secara tajam kemudian dijahit kembali, kemudian di-imobilisasi dengan circular cast. Kemudian masing-masing kelompok perlakuan diberikan pemberian ekstrak kunyit, ibuprofen, dan placebo pasca tindakan selama 5 hari. Hasil: Didapatkan adanya perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol (p=0.000), ditemukan kelompok perlakuan mengurangi adhesi lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dan ekstrak kunyit lebih baik dibandingkan dengan ibuprofen. Simpulan: Dari penelitian ini, ekstrak kunyit lebih baik dibandingkan ibuprofen dalam pencegahan pembentukan adhesi pasca penyambungan tendon achilles kelinci.