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Standardisasi Pekerjaan Pemeliharaan Pertamanan di Kabupaten Jember Rindha Rentina Darah Pertami; Jumiatun; Bety Etikasari
Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jli.v13i2.35652


Langkah awal untuk meningkatkan kualitas RTH membutuhkan kajian yang matang terkait dengan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan agar hasil pembangunan diperoleh dari analisis yang mendalam dan utuh. Agar hasil pekerjaan sesuai dengan harapan dan seragam maka diperlukan suatu standar dalam pelaksanaan suatu pekerjaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi klasifikasi dan kriteria taman kota yang ramah anak dan masyarakat serta menyusun standar prasarana taman dan keindahan kota ideal sesuai kebutuhan, termasuk jenis taman (RTH dan RTNH), standarisasi pekerjaan pemeliharaan taman, dan pekerjaan pemeliharaan kapasitas kerja. Taman-taman yang tersebar ini tidak terklasifikasi dengan baik sehingga seringkali saat menghitung kebutuhan SFM di bidang pemeliharaan taman, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan satu referensi untuk luas taman yang sesuai dengan klasifikasinya. Menyesuaikan area perawatan dengan persyaratan situs atau taman itu sendiri merupakan bagian penting dari seni dan ilmu manajemen taman dan bahkan dapat memberikan formula atau spesifikasi standar yang pasti yang dapat diterapkan pada jenis taman atau lanskap tertentu. Pemeliharaan dan perawatan rutin suatu kawasan lanskap akan sangat mempengaruhi penampilan lanskap itu sendiri, dan juga mempengaruhi nilainya sebagai kenyamanan (fasilitas) bahkan dalam jangka panjang akan sangat mempengaruhi komunitas tumbuhan dan alam secara keseluruhan. Hal ini benar karena pemeliharaan merupakan upaya untuk menjaga keindahan dan fungsi suatu lanskap atau taman.
Pengaruh perbedaan varietas dan zat pengatur tumbuh terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) Edi Siswadi; Nikmatul Choiriyah; Rindha Rentina Darah Pertami; Setyo Andi Nugroho; Tri Rini Kusparwanti; Vega Kartika Sari

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v13i2.3032


Introduction: Shallots are a horticultural product needed by the Indonesian people, the production of shallots has decreased by 16.54%. The decline in production in 2018 was caused by extreme weather in the first quarter which resulted in a significant decrease in production. The purpose of the study was to determine the interaction between the use of varieties and the administration of ZPT at various concentrations on the growth and development of shallot plants. Methods: The experimental design used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors, namely, the onion variety factor (V1: Bauji variety and V2: Blue Lancor variety) and the concentration of PGR (BAP and GA3) consisting of Z0: control (without PGR), Z1: BAP 50 ppm, Z2: GA3 150 ppm, Z3: BAP 50 ppm + GA3 150 ppm. Results: The results showed that the use of various varieties and concentrations of PGR did not affect the vegetative growth of Shallots. The use of various varieties has a significantly different effect on the generative development of shallot plants. The use of ZPT concentrations did not affect the generative development of plants. Two varieties, namely Bauji and Biru Lancor, were unable to influence the growth and development of shallots in the vegetative and generative phases because of the genetic characteristics of the plants whose function was to characterize each variety. Apart from genetic factors, this is thought to be caused by the degree of suitability of the variety to its environment. Conclusion: The Bauji variety is more suitable to be planted in the lowlands of Antirogo than the Blue Lancor variety.
Sosialisasi Pembuatan Pupuk Trichokompos Dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Pertanian di Desa Sidodadi, Kecamatan Tempurejo, Kabupaten Jember Eliyatiningsih Eliyatiningsih; Rindha Rentina Darah Pertami; Hanif Fatur Rohman; Edi Siswadi; M. Zayin Sukri
Journal of Community Development Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v3i2.90


Sidodadi village, Tempurejo sub-district is one of the villages in the southern part of Jember Regency. The majority of the population works in the agricultural sector. The village is known as an agriculture-based village in Jember Regency. The “Ngudi Rejeki” Farmer's Group in Sidodadi Village, Tempurejo District, Jember is constrained by the problem of increasing non-subsidized fertilizer prices which makes it an obstacle in increasing agricultural yields. On the other hand, the regulation of subsidized fertilizers is quite limited among farmers so that it is suspected that it will increase production costs. The results of direct discussions with partners revealed an interesting fact that the average use of chemical fertilizers is very high even though currently the use of organic fertilizers can reduce production costs with the basic ingredients for making fertilizers derived from agricultural production residues. This area has a lot of waste rice straw and cow dung that has not been utilized. Some of the solutions offered to deal with partner problems include socializing the use of organic fertilizers, one of which is trichocompost fertilizer as a substitute for the use of chemical fertilizers, demonstrations on how to make trichocompost fertilizer with cow dung as raw material with the biodecomposer Trichoderma sp. This extension activity is carried out with a participatory approach, which means that farmers as extension participants are actively involved in the activity. The method used in the implementation of community service is socialization, discussion, and demonstration of making trichocompost fertilizer. The results of the socialization of trichocompost organic fertilizer obtained as many as 77% of farmers interested in using trichocompost fertilizer as soil improvement fertilizer.
Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (763.542 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtsl.2022.009.1.18


Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) is a horticulture comodities that high demand because it has a high economic value. The demand of Chilli increase every year as the population grows and the industry grows which requires Chilli as raw materials. The productivity of red chili in Jember Regency is also low, which is only 87.68 quintals hectare-1. Fluctuations in red chili production that occurred in the Jember area were caused by several things including an unsupportive environment such as declining soil fertility, high pest attacks, and excessive use of pesticides. Therefore there is a need for agricultural development in order to be able to meet food needs and increase export opportunities to neighboring countries. The parameters observed in this study were secondary data from the soil unit map. The secondary data referred to are soil drainage, soil depth in cm, slope related to erosion, altitude, standing water, soil cation exchange capacity, and soil pH. The improvement efforts made to improve the land suitability class is by setting the spacing, giving organic matter, agricultural lime, P fertilization, cutting and filling the land with a mound terrace system or bench terrace to reduce soil erosion.
Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pegagan pada Aplikasi Jenis Pupuk Organik Refa Firgiyanto; Vera Elfina; Tri Rini Kusparwanti; Gallyndra Fatkhu Dinata; Fadil Rohman; Rindha Rentina Darah Pertami
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 28 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.28.4.566


Gotu kola is one of the medicinal plants that is widely used because of its various nutritional content. In general, the cultivation only uses inorganic fertilizers, which have long-term effects that are not good for the environment. The use of organic fertilizers is an effort to produce high-standard products. Rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer and goat manure are alternative types of fertilizer that can be given. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the response of giving liquid organic fertilizer of rabbit urine and goat manure and their interaction with the growth and yield. The study used a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD). The first factor was rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) with a concentration of 0, 2, and 4%. The second factor was goat manure with doses of 0, 37, and 75 g/polybag. The results showed that applying rabbit urine (LOF) and goat manure increased the growth and yield of gotu kola. Application of 2% rabbit urine LOF significantly increased stalk length compared to controls. Gotu kola plants given 37 g/polybag of goat manure produced stolons that were significantly longer than those treated with goat manure 75 g/polybag and had significantly heavier roots than other treatments. The interaction of rabbit urine LOF and goat manure application had no significant effect on all observed variables. Keywords: goat manure, gotu kola, liquid organic fertilizer, rabbit urine
Aplikasi berbagai jenis pemberian konsentrasi asam amino sitokinin dan giberelin pada tanaman melon (Cucumis melo L.) hidroponik Tri Rini Kusparwanti; Rindha Rentina Darah Pertami; Eliyatiningsih Eliyatiningsih; Edi Siswadi; Abdurrahman Salim Salim

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35891/agx.v14i2.3637


Introduction: This study aims to determine the growth and yield of melon plants in drip irrigation systems in conventional and hydroponic cultivation techniques. Method: The research was carried out in July – September 2022, on the Smart GreenHouse area of ​​the Jember State Polytechnic with an altitude of ± 89 meters above sea level and an air temperature of 22 – 32 °C. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), plant diameter (cm), number of leaves (strands), fruit weight per sample (kg), fruit brix content per sample (0brix), fruit diameter per sample (cm). Result: Based on the results the t-test recapitulation of the use of drip irrigation systems in conventional and hydroponic melon cultivation gave a significant effect on the observation of plant height at 2 – 6 WAP, plant diameter at 2 WAP and 3 WAP, number of leaves at 2 – 6 WAP, as well as giving effect on yield parameters, namely fruit weight, fruit brix content, and melon fruit diameter. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that the use of drip irrigation systems in conventional and hydroponic melon cultivation has a significant effect on all plant parameters. However, it did not affect the parameters of plant diameter at the age of 4 - 6 WAP. The use of this drip irrigation system is well applied to the cultivation of melon plants with substrate hydroponic cultivation techniques using coco peat growing media.