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Model Penyusunan Analisis Standar Belanja Kabupaten Kudus Dalam Menunjang Proses Perencanaan, Penganggaran, dan Pengawasan APBD Siti Sumiati; Hani Werdi Apriyanti; Khoirul Fuad
INVEST : Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Akuntansi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): INVEST : Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Akuntansi
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Al-Matani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55583/invest.v2i2.158


Local governments need to develop a Standard Expenditure Analysis (ASB) system as mandated in laws and regulations in order to create an effective and efficient budget. It is very important for local governments to provide clarity in determining the time unit and number of units used in activities so that there is uniformity so that the preparation of the Standard Expenditure Analysis is more precise. The basis for preparing the Standard Expenditure Analysis (ASB) should not only look at one year in order to obtain a better ASB model in predicting total expenditure. This study develops an ASB model that can be used by the Kudus Regency Government   Keywords :  Standard Expenditure Analysis, Budgeting, Kudus
Pelatihan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Video “Flipgrid” untuk Pembelajaran yang Lebih Bermakna Sri Wahyuni Ratnasari; Siti Sumiati
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 14, No 1 (2023): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v14i1.10940


Program Pengabdian Masyarakat berupa Pelatihan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Video bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi para guru menguasai aplikasi pembelajaran gratis berbasis Video Flipgrid. Kegiatan ini melibatkan guru SD IT Al Mawadah Semarang dimana para guru di sekolah tersebut sudah memulai penggunaan pembelajaran berbasis video tetapi dalam pengelolaannya masih melalui WA Group. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para guru ketika menggunakan metode di atas diantaranya adalah pengelolaan file tugas video siswa yang kurang praktis. Hal ini dikarenakan aplikasi WAG tidak secara khusus didesain untuk mendukung pengelolaan pembelajaran berbasis kelas. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pelatihan ini meliputi penyampaian materi tentang fungsi dan fitur Flipgrid serta contoh pemanfaatannya dalam pembelajaran. Tahap selanjutnya adalah praktek pembuatan kelas Flipgrid dimana setiap peserta diminta untuk membuat kelas Flipgrid untuk kelas yang diampu. Pelatihan diikuti sejumlah 20 guru SD IT Al Mawaddah dan semua peserta telah terampil membuat kelas Flipgrid untuk masing-masing kelas yang diampu. Para peserta merasakan kelebihan pembelajaran berbasis video dengan memanfaatkan kelas Flipgrid dibandingkan praktek pembelajaran yang selama ini dilakukan. seperti: kemudahan pengelolaan file penugasan video, baik dalam proses pengumpulan maupun penilaian tugas dan lebih menghemat memori Laptop maupun HP. Para peserta memahami pemanfaatan platform Flipgrid dapat meningkatkan keterampilan siswa terutama dalam hal komunikasi/public speaking dan creative thinking.
Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Mahasiswa Vol 1, No 1 (2022): September
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.167 KB)


The purpose of making this article is to analyze the Service Quality and Performance Targets ofApparatus Resources at the DPRD Secretariat of Rembang Regency, to describe the vision,mission, goals, strategies and policies of the Secretariat to improve services to DPRD members.In Improving the Performance of State Civil Apparatus at the DPRD Secretariat of RembangRegency, it is necessary to provide quality service performance so that DPRD Members havethe openness to provide clear and precise information as itis so that DPRD Members feel howappropriate and accurate services are and can be accounted for for the interests andsatisfaction of Members. Board.The result of this research is that the performance of the Secretariat of the Regional People'sRepresentative Council in facilitating the implementation of the tasks of the Rembang RegencyRegional People's Representative Council has generally been optimal. Obstacles faced in theform of inadequate ASN staff resources, and the presence of discommunication, inadequatefacilities and infrastructure and budget allocations. The strategy carried out is by increasingthe resources of ASN or staff and implementers by participating in human resource developmentactivities such as technical guidance, seminars or workshops besides providing opportunities toincrease their level of education and providing direction and explanation, asking and invitingstaff to be serious. in carrying out their duties, equipping facilities and infrastructure,proposing additional budget allocations and communicating between the Secretariat and theDPRD.
Analisis Dampak Kualitas Layanan Pada Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah Imam Hanafi; Muhammad Nana Trisolvena; Caroline; Siti Sumiati
Jurnal EMT KITA Vol 7 No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Otonom Lembaga Informasi dan Riset Indonesia (KITA INFO dan RISET) - Lembaga KITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/emt.v7i4.1604


This study analyzes the impact of service quality at the Faculty of Economics of several universities in the provinces of East Java, West Java, and Central Java. This study aims to evaluate the correspondence between expectations and reality of 100 students from different Economics Faculties in 3 research provinces using the Convenience Sampling method. Research results show that there is a significant difference between expectations and reality in terms of reliability, showing that service quality at economics faculties in three provinces has still not met students' expectations. A similar phenomenon occurs in relation to the responsiveness factor, highlighting the need to increase the level of service responsiveness. The analysis also highlighted the need to improve trust and empathy elements in services, with significant discrepancies between expectations and reality. T-test results confirm that service quality, especially in the aspects of reliability, responsiveness, trustworthiness, empathy, and tangibility, still does not fully meet students' expectations. Faculty of Economics of three provinces. Therefore, relevant universities should increase efforts to improve the aspects of reliability, responsiveness, trustworthiness, empathy, and tangibility so that students can have more confidence in the services are provided. It is hoped that this step will have a positive impact in enhancing student satisfaction and their academic success.