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Journal : Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics

ALAT PEMANTAU AIR GALON DAN PENGISI GELAS OTOMATIS BERBASIS ESP8266 Henderi Henderi; Ageng Setiani Rafika; Rani Putri Merliasari
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Journal CERITA : Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Art

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.309 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v6i1.891


Drinking water is very important for the human body, humans will lose concentration and even feel dizzy when lacking water. At the North Serpong District Office there are several locations for drinking gallons of water, but when someone wants to drink but the gallon water runs out the person must tell the officer about it, so the clerk will refill the gallon. When you want to drink you have to hold the glass and open the tap manually to fill the glass and then close it when it's full. This research was conducted using the SDLC method and Black Box testing. This study discusses about designing a gallon water monitor and automatic glass filler with Wemos D1 that uses the ESP8266 chip as a microcontroller, load cell as a detector for the weight of the remaining gallon water and the weight of glass, ultrasonic sensors to measure the distance of glass and servo motor to move the water tap lever . The rest of the gallon water can be monitored through the internet using a smartphone, notifications are sent when the remaining 2 liters of gallon water and the glass can be filled automatically as much as 250ml.
Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Untuk Mengetahui Kerusakan Bangunan Sekolah Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Ageng Setiani Rafika; Ignatius Agus Supriyono; Abdu Roqy
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Journal CERITA : Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Art

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (564.189 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v7i1.1474


The development of technology and information in the era of globalization is growing very rapidly, in addition to being a medium of communication and information, the existence of technology and information also helps humans in completing all work. The world of education in schools is very important in supporting science, therefore the condition of buildings in schools is very important, so this system was created as a solution to be able to solve problems in educational facilities in Indonesia, especially in school buildings with a system of presenting data on the condition of school buildings, after The purpose of the data is to be able to provide information effectively and more efficiently about the condition of the school building so that decisions or actions can be taken on the condition of the school building. The purpose of this system is in addition to being able to provide information on the condition of damage to building components in schools, it is also hoped that it can assist the school in making decisions about buildings in its schools that must be addressed immediately. Because with this system can help provide information to the school to immediately deal with damage to the school building.
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 3 No 1 (2017): JOURNAL CERITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.327 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v3i1.621


Along with the development of increasingly sophisticated digital technology, online payment system rife used both government and private agencies. Similarly, in Higher Education. Financial Accounting System on Higher Education Prog is called GO (Green orchesta) is said to be still using the method of effective and efficient because students are required to come to campus first to find out some of the bills that must be paid. Even to know RBR (details Registration Fees) and Yandex (details Tuition) still use the local network that can only be accessed on BoxSiS (Student iLearning Service Box). With the rapid development of existing technologies, systems GO (Green orchesta) need to be made updates to the onlineversions are able to be accessed anytime and anywhere by students. Hence comes the system that has been updated is GO + (Green Orchestra Plus). GO + (Green Orchestra Plus), enables all payment systems pekuliahan student as the student can check the details of tuition anywhere and anytime. Not hasrus come kekampus and queued at the box sis. GO + (Green Orchestra Plus) highly efficient and effective for use as it can support the process online payments.
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 3 No 2 (2017): JOURNAL CERITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.914 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v3i2.657


In the modern era such as the current quality of the scientific articles are very abundant and diverse. In 2004 Google gives the new innovation with the presence of Google Scholar. Google Scholar is a service that allows users to search for scientific articles or journals in the form of text of various publication formats one of which is a PDF, which aims to let users more easily get the idea or the idea to make a quality scientific work. Google Scholar can produce a scientific article or journal every day. And every scientific article that contained quotes from people who made the article that users could use as a reference in the making of a scientific article or journal. The method used in this research is by literature study, where the existing data into an information that is easily understood and useful. In the method of SWOT one of them provide convenience for users to find information quickly with a matter of seconds in Google Scholar. The research also uses Flowchart and Prototype which shows every step of the program or procedure in the right order and has a basic description when the user uses Google Scholar.
Penerapan Digitalisasi Blockchain Pada Perguruan Tinggi Untuk Mendukung Smart University Ageng Setiani Rafika; Giandari Maulani; Ferry Firmansyah
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Journal CERITA : Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Art

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (755.259 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v8i2.2462


Technological developments in the world are increasingly complex, this makes the world community need digitalization-based technology to increase productivity and reduce costs, inorder to provide more benefits for users. Included in education, a university needs to implement digitization in its organization. In order to create a university that is more efficient, effective, flexible, and secure, technology must be used. Today a faster growing technology is needed, and that technology is blockchain. Blockchain is a concept that can help accelerate the growth of digital-based education. This study discusses the definition of blockchain application in universities. As well as how universities and blockchain are used to build bigger concepts, with the aim of enabling more students to benefit from implementing blockchain. To improve the quality of research, researchers will use two methods, the first will focus on the effect of research on the quality of education and second on the effect of research on academic performance. The results of this evaluation will be concluded to improve the quality of education, both lecturers and students in the university area.
Sistem Informasi Issuance Of Population Documents Pada Kantor Desa Budi Mulya Tangerang Giandari Maulani; Ageng Setiani Rafika; Adisa Lahmania Putri
Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Vol 9 No 2 (2023): Journal CERITA : Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Art

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/cerita.v9i2.2878


Issuance of Population Documents merupakan Penerbitan Dokumen Kependudukan, yang dalam hal ini terkait dokumen-dokumen kependudukan yang ada pada Kantor Desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kantor Desa Budi Mulya yang berada di kabupaten Tangerang. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk menyempurnakan penataan dokumen Kependudukan yang ada pada kantor desa Budi Mulya tersebut dengan membuat Sistem Informasi Issuance of Population Documents berbasis Website. Permasalahan saat ini yakni sering terjadinya kesalahan pada saat memasukkan data-data pada dokumen kependudukan sehingga menyebabkan dokumen tidak akurat, membuang waktu serta tidak efektif dan efisien. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni menggunakan metode PIECES, penggambaran analisa sistemnya dengan diagram-diagram UML, database dengan MySQL, Bahasa Pemrogramannya PHP dan Pengujiannya dengan Black Box Testing. Hasil penelitian ini berupa Sistem Informasi Issuance of Population Documents berbasis Website untuk diterapkan pada Kantor Desa Budi Mulya Tangerang.