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Kandungan Protein Roti Tawar Dengan Subtitusi Tepung Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Adriyani Adam; Firdaus Syafii; Saiful Saiful
Jurnal Gizi Prima (Prime Nutrition Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Gizi Prima (Prime Nutrition Journal)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/jgp.v5i2.205


Background : Malnutrition problem is still the top priority in Indonesia and one of focuses in the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2020-2024. Riskesdas 2018, show the percentage of nutritional status of stunting under five age in Indonesia 2018 was 25.7%, in West Sulawesi Province was the second highest contributor for stunting children in Indonesia with prevalence 41.8%. One of the preventive efforts that can be done is through the development of food products. In this study, the development of white bread with the substitution of Channa Striata fish flour was expected to enrich the nutritional content of bread, especially protein. In this study, using Channa Striata fish because it has a higher protein content than other foodstuffs known as sources of protein such as eggs, chicken and beef. Apart from protein, Channa Striata fish also has a high albumin content which can be used in wound healing. This aims of this study to determine the protein content of white bread with the substitution of Channa Striata fish meal by 5% and 10% Methods : This type of research is an experimental study to determine the protein content in white bread with the substitution of Channa Striata fish meal by 5% and 10%. The analytical method used to assess protein content is the kjeidhal method, which is a simple method for determining total nitrogen in amino acids, proteins, and nitrogen-containing compounds. The test was carried out at Health Laboratory South Sulawesi. Results : The results showed that the protein content of white bread with a substitution of 5% was 9.03 grams, and a substitution of 10% was 10.38 grams. Conclusion : The conclusion of this study was even more substitution of Channa Striata fish flour used, will increase protein content in the white bread.
Journal Of Agritech Science (JASc) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Journal of Agritech Science (JASc)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Politeknik Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30869/jasc.v6i1.875


The aims of research was to make a biscuit formula substituted with modified kepok banana flour. There were four steps of research (modified banana flour, biscuit formulation, organoleptic analysis and physicochemical tests). The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four factors which were F0 (0%), F1 (25%), F2 (50%), and F3 (75%). The parameters measured were organoleptic tests (taste, aroma, color, and texture). In addition, carried out physicochemical tests (moisture, resistant starch, starch digestibility, and total fiber) on the best formula. The results showed that the best formula was obtained in the F2 treatment which was 50% banana flour substituted biscuits. The selected cookies (F2) contained 4.35% moisture, 40.12% resistant starch, 35.24% starch digestibility, and 17.51% dietary fiber. The selected biscuit has good sensory quality and had met SNI standard. it can be used as a functional food and can be consumed especially to control the weight and people with diabetes mellitus.
Analisis Kadar Pati Resisten, Total Serat dan Daya Terima Kabosol Tersubstitusi Tepung Pisang Kepok Termodifikasi Firdaus Syafii; Yudianti Yudianti
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang Vol 8 No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mamuju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v8i1.590


Kepok banana flour is a processed food that has the potential to be used as a functional food. One of the efforts to improve the functional food of banana kepok flour is Modification. Modified kepok banana flour can increase the levels of resistant starch and total fiber. Modified kepok banana flour can be used in the manufacture of processed food typical of Mandar, namely kabosol. This study aims to determine the effect of adding modified kepok banana flour to kabosol on resistant starch content, fiber content and product acceptability. This research is an experimental study with a post-test design.The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with five factors. They were F0 (0%), F1 (25%), F2 (50%), F3 (75%), and F4 (100%). Parameters measured were resistant starch content, total fiber, and hedonic test (taste, aroma, color, and texture). The data was processed using the ANOVA test at a 5% confidence interval. Based on the results of the study, there was an effect of adding modified kepok banana flour to kabosol based on resistant starch content (p=0.0133), fiber content (p=0.0243), and organoleptic tests (color (p=0.0208), taste (p=0.0284), aroma (p=0.0432), and texture (p=0.0459)) at a 5% confidence interval. Treatment F4 (100%) showed the highest values ​​of resistant starch and total fiber, which were 25.02 % and 20.65%. In addition, the F4 treatment (100%) gave a good acceptance of color (4.9), taste (6.1), aroma (6.0), and texture (5.1 kabosol made with the addition of 100% modified banana flour gave a significant effect on the resistance starch content, total fiber and acceptability test. Kabosol with the best treatment can be used as a preferred functional food so that it can be consumed daily, especially for weight control and people with diabetes mellitus.
Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang Vol 5 No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Mamuju

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.598 KB) | DOI: 10.33490/jkm.v5i2.163


Appropriate treatment for people with diabetes mellitus (DM) is done by eating patterns to control blood glucose levels. The concept of the glycemic index (IG) is an approach to choose foods that are good in managing blood glucose levels. One of the local food ingredients that has the potential to be used as a substitute for flour and has a low GI is a banana. Modification of banana flour makes bananas have a lower glycemic index value that can control blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of modified banana flour substitution on the manufacture of kabosol on the value of an increase in adult blood sugar levels. The design of this study was carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) using four modified banana four concentration variables (50%, 75%, 100%,) and 0% as a control. Based on the results of the study, there was a significant effect of modified banana flour on making kabosol on the value of an increase in blood sugar (p = 0.007). The lowest increase in blood sugar levels was obtained from respondents who consumed banana flour substitute kabosol with a concentration of 100%, which amounted to 3.1 mg / dL. Kabosol with 100% modified banana flour substitutes can be used as functional food because it can control blood glucose levels.
Journal Of Agritech Science (JASc) Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Journal of Agritech Science (JASc) - November
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Politeknik Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30869/jasc.v6i02.940


Penja fish is endemic to the waters of West Sulawesi. Penja fish is in great demand because it has many advantages, including being easy to obtain, cheap, tastes good, and a source of protein. However, the processing of penja fish is still traditional as result it is easily damaged and has a short shelf life. One way to improve the quality of penja fish is the drying process to produce flour of penja fish. Flour of Penja fish has many advantages, it has a long shelf life, economical, efficient and has a high protein content. However, an improper drying process can affect the nutritional content of the product therefore it is necessary to optimize drying. This study aims to improve the quality of penja fish by optimizing the drying process in the production flour of penja fish. The experimental design used in this study is the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The factors used were temperature and time. Responses measured were protein content, calcium content, moisture and yield. The results showed that the optimum point occurred at a temperature of 60 oC and 24 hours which gave response values ​​for protein content (62.32%), calcium content (240.54 mg/100g), moisture (4.12%), and yield (15.21%).
Journal Of Agritech Science (JASc) Vol 7 No 01 (2023): Jurnal of agritech science (JASc) - Mei
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Politeknik Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30869/jasc.v7i01.1153


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh proses modifikasi tepung pisang terhadap peningkatan kadar pati resisten tipe 3 dan karakteristik fisikokimia pati pisang. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 faktor, yaitu: kontrol, HA-AC1x, HA-AC1x-HMT, HA-AC3x, dan HA-AC3x-HMT. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah kadar pati resisten, kadar gula pereduksi, kadar air, kadar total pati, dan kadar amilosa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat pengaruh proses modifikasi tepung pisang terhadap kadar pati resisten (p=0,000). Kadar pati resisten tepung pisang mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukan modifikasi dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Kadar pati resisten tertinggi dihasilkan dari modifikasi tepung pisang dengan perlakuan hidrolisis asam autoclaving-cooling 3 siklus dengan heat mositure treatment (HMT), yaitu sebesar 47,17%. Proses modifikasi juga berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia pati pisang, yaitu: kadar total pati, kadar amilosa, kadar gula peredukasi, dan kadar air. Tepung pisang dengan kadar pati resisten yang tinggi dapat dijadikan sebagai ingredient produk pangan sebagai pengganti tepung terigu yang berfungsi sebagai pangan fungsonal dan diversifikasi pangan.
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i3.16172


Produksi pisang di Kabupaten Mamuju yang melimpah namun di sisi lain pisang cepat mengalami kerusakan, sehingga diperlukan inovasi untuk meningkatkan nilai mutu pisang. Inovasi dapat berupa pengolahan pisang menjadi tepung pisang termodifikasi. Kabupaten Mamuju juga merupakan salah satu daerah yang potensial untuk pengembangan UMKM sektor pangan. Namun kenyataannya tingkat produktivitas dan kualitas produk inovasi yang masih rendah. Olehnya itu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan UMKM terhadap pengembangan produk olahan tinggi serat tersubstitusi tepung pisang. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan ceramah, tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan praktik. Hasil dan luaran yang dicapai adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam pemanfaatan pangan lokal sebagai pangan fungsional, yaitu pembuatan tepung pisang modifikasi dan pengembangan produk berbasis tepung pisang. Pengetahuan mitra dengan kategori cukup mengalami peningkatan dari 25% menjadi 90%. Meningkatnya keterampilan diukur dari kemampuan seluruh peserta dalam mempraktikkan pembuatan tepung pisang modifikasi dan hasil uji hedonik yang menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dihasilkan disukai panelis berdasarkan atribut warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur dan keseluruhan. Diharapkan mitra dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pengembangan olahan produk dari tepung pisang dalam menjalankan kegiatan UMKM di Kabupaten Mamuju sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan kesejahteraan. Selain itu, tepung pisang yang dibuat dapat diaplikasikan ke produk olahan pangan lain dan dapat menggantikan penggunaan tepung terigu dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan pangan lokal sebagai pangan fungsional dan diversifikasi pangan.
The Effect of Modified Banana Flour and Soy Flour Ratio on The Organoleptic Parameters of Snack Bar as Supplementary Food in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Firdaus Syafii; Ahmad Yani
Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control
Publisher : Hypertension Prevention and Control Research Center, The Polytechnic of Health of Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61843/jondpac.v1i1.479


This study aims to determine the effect of modified banana flour and soybean flour formulations on the organoleptic properties of snack bars. The formulation used in this study was based on the ratio of differences in the use of modified kepok banana flour with soy flour. The design used in this study was a complete randomized design (RAL). The factors used in this study were 5 formulations with a ratio of modified kepok banana flour and soybean flour, namely F1 (100:0), F2 (70:30), F3 (50:50), F4 (30:70), and F5 (0:100). The response measured in this design is a hedonic test (favorability level), which includes taste, aroma, color, and texture attributes. The selected snack bar formula results from the hedonic test are then tested for water content, protein content, and fiber content. Based on the results of hedonic test analysis on 5 formulas using the ANOVA test, it showed significant results (p<0.05) for the hedonic test response of taste, aroma, and texture attributes and an insignificant response (p>0.05) to the hedonic test of color attributes. Formula F3 with a modified ratio of banana flour and soy flour (50:50) is the most preferred formula based on taste attributes (4.48), aroma (4.40), and texture (4.37). A snack bar with formula F3 has a moisture content of 4.58%, a protein content of 18.28%, and a fiber content of 13.42%. The high protein and fiber content in this snack bar makes it suitable as a supplementary food for consumption by people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Potential of Analog Meatballs Made from Tempeh and Seaweed as An Alternative Food for Hypertension Patients Firdaus Syafii; Hasmar Fajriana; Ahmad Yani; Venny Patricia
Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control
Publisher : Hypertension Prevention and Control Research Center, The Polytechnic of Health of Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61843/jondpac.v1i2.601


This study aims to determine the effect of the formulation of the use of tempeh and seaweed on the organoleptic properties of meatball analogues. The formulation used in this study was based on the ratio of differences in the use of tempeh and seaweed. The design used in this study was a complete randomized design (RAL). The factors used in this study were 5 formulations with a ratio of tempeh and seaweed, namely F1 (100: 0), F2 (90: 10), F3 (80: 20), F4 (75: 25), and F5 (70: 30). The parameters measured in this design are hedonic tests (favorability levels) which include taste, aroma, color, texture, and over all attributes. Based on the results of hedonic test analysis on 5 formulas using the ANOVA test, it shows that the difference in the ratio of tempeh and seaweed in the formulation of making analog meatballs has a significant effect on the sensory attributes of taste, aroma, texture, and overall (p<0.05) and has no real effect on color attributes (p>0.05). The F3 formulation with tempeh and seaweed ratio (80:20) in the manufacture of analog meatballs gives different values and is the formula that has the most preferred acceptance rate based on the attributes of taste (4.24), aroma (4.23), and texture (3.97), and overall (4.36). Meatball analogue with the most preferred formula of the results of this study can be used as an alternative food for consumption by people with hypertension