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Indonesian Students’ Attitudes towards EFL Learning in Response to Industry 5.0 Rolisda Yosintha
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Metathesis : Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
Publisher : English Education Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Tidar Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2360


The main objective of this study was to identify the attitudes of Indonesian students towards studying English vis-a-vis their readiness to compete in the fifth industrial revolution era. The data obtained from a four-point scale questionnaire administered to 216 participants from 12 universities across Indonesia were analyzed through a descriptive case study procedure. The findings showed that even though most students had positive attitudes towards EFL learning ( = 3.29) as well as towards Industry 5.0 ( = 3), they did not have the confidence to affirm that they have the instrumental competencies required by the tight competition of Industry 5.0, especially English competencies ( = 2.37). These findings indicate that despite their positive attitudes towards EFL learning, Indonesian students would be possibly not yet ready for Industry 5.0 in terms of their English proficiency. Therefore, it is suggested that policymakers and all education stakeholders take the necessary measures to improve the students’ English skills to ensure that they will be graduates who match the demands of Industry 5.0.
Learner Autonomy in EFL Online Classes in Indonesia: Students’ Voices Rolisda Yosintha; Sukma Shinta Yunianti
Langkawi: Journal of The Association for Arabic and English Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31332/lkw.v7i1.2637


While learner autonomy has proved to be one of the determinants of successful language learning, little has been scrutinized when implemented in EFL online learning settings.   This study aimed to investigate learner autonomy in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) online classes as viewed from the students’ standpoints. Through a mixed-method approach, the researchers collected data both quantitatively and qualitatively using questionnaires and interviews. As many as 513 students from 8 universities across Indonesia filled out the questionnaires, and 10 of them were interviewed to corroborate the findings. The quantitative data were converted into percentages, while the qualitative ones were analyzed using content analysis by categorizing them into themes, coding, and evaluating to find connections. The findings show that most students (80.5%) had positive attitudes towards their autonomy during English online learning, as indicated in their motivation to be self-reliant. Even so, this positive attitude did not imply satisfactory learning outcomes, for there were only 18.5% of the students who got an A in their English course. To make learner autonomy impact achievement, lecturers could take pedagogical measures, such as encouraging peer-tutoring, selecting interesting and easy-to-use online learning platforms, and implementing the Project-Based Learning model. These findings imply that teachers should be more thoughtful in selecting learning activities and settings that could stimulate the development of learner autonomy.
Challenges in English Writing within Blended Learning Environment Lilia Indriani; Widya Ratna Kusumaningrum; Rolisda Yosintha
ELT Echo : The Journal of English Language Teaching in Foreign Language Context Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JUNE
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/eltecho.v6i1.7480


This study reports a case study research in Writing Blended Learning Environment for higher education that enriched digital environment study especially in the pandemic of Covid-19. It examines the students’ writing apprehension and their performance as perceived by a selected group of EFL students who enroll in Professional Writing class. Questionnaires were administered to three writing lecturers and fifty students of the English Department, Universitas Tidar. The obtained data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics, while those obtained from the interview were analyzed qualitatively using Miles, Huberman, and Saldana’s model (2014). The findings show that there are many challenges faced by both the teachers and the students when they implemented this writing blended learning environment. Though, some challenges give not only the pitfalls but also positive contribution to the students’ learning progress in their writing. The study found that students need specific and intensive instruction, practice, and feedback for improving their writing skills. It is also found that learning writing through writing blended learning environment is somehow interesting and also challenging in some covered topics and activities, while lecturers still have their instructional and pedagogical roles in a blended learning environment.
Structure and Written Expressions of the TOEFL: Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Constraints Rolisda Yosintha; Sukma Shinta Yunianti; Boris Ramadhika
NOBEL: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/NOBEL.2021.12.1.70-90


This study aimed at investigating the students’ linguistic and non-linguistic constraints in doing the Structure and Written Expression section of the TOEFL. This was a qualitative study in the form of a case study and was carried out in two universities in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The data comprised document analysis on 42 students’ answer sheets on TOEFL and interviews with four students. The data were analyzed using the difficulty index (IF) formula proposed by Brown (2004) and the interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman (1994) for quantitative and qualitative data, respectively. The findings revealed that the students encountered three linguistic constraints in terms of grammatical items as caused by both intralingual and interlingual interference: active-passive verbs, double comparatives, and pronoun-noun agreement. Besides, non-linguistic factors such as unpleasant past learning experiences and limited exposure to the L2 worsened their performance on the test.
Analyzing EFL Learners’ Factors in Affecting English Pronunciation and The Distribution of Pronunciation Rating: A Qualitative Study Ikrar Genidal Riadil; Rolisda Yosintha
IJELR: International Journal of Education, Language, and Religion Vol 3, No 1 (2021): May
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/ijelr.v3i1.2377


Pronunciation is the production of speech sounds for communication. It is the most difficult area of English. Pronunciation teaching in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) curriculum has also been ignored for many factors. As a result, numerous EFL learners have often found it challenging to speak freely because of their weak pronunciation. This study deals with the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) of speaking skill in EFL Learners of Indonesia. The researcher used qualitative research. There were thirty-five students who filled the questionnaire and ten students read text given First, the researcher looked for the questionnaire and found the questionnaire about Willingness to communicate. Second, the findings of tense were analyzed to know what factors that affect Indonesian learners’ English pronunciation. Third, the findings were shown into tables to know the factors. Then, the researcher asked ten learners to record when they read the text given (reading passage). After that, the researcher analyzed the pronunciation rating based on the trusted rating sheets. Finally, the researcher drew a conclusion based on the findings and discussion. This study is to investigate the factors affecting Indonesian students’ pronunciation and the distribution of pronunciation rating. The study seeks to answer two research questions (RQ): (RQ1) What are the factors affecting Indonesian learners’ English Pronunciation? and (RQ2) What are the distributions of Pronunciation Rating? This study adopted a descriptive qualitative approach which used questionnaire to build this research and reading passage. In conclusion, the researcher elaborated and answered the research questions, and explained the results and discussions about the type of factors that affect EFL learners’ in English pronunciation.
The Impact of Covid-19 on Hotel Industry In Asian Countries Indriyani Tri Agustina; Rolisda Yosintha
Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Indonesia Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47608/jki.v14i22020.159-167


The spread of Covid-19 has led to a global problem in all aspects of life, including in the tourism sector that directly affects the hotel industry. Asia as a continent with many countries that rely most of their revenue on tourism suffers a severe blow. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of the novel Covid-19 on the hotel industry in Asian countries. Through a descriptive qualitative method, the researchers collected data from journals, research reports, books, government documents, articles, and websites. In analyzing the data, the researchers make a comparison between the Asian continent and other continents such as Europe, America, Africa, and Australia by focusing on the hotel occupancy in those continents. The result shows that the rate of hotel occupancy in Asia dropped by 57% and 63,4 million employees lose their jobs. This condition is mainly caused by the travel ban regulation that is followed by the temporary closure of tourist destinations. The hotel industry in Asia has lost up to US$ 1.041 million due to massive booking cancellations, and employees in this industry are even more severely affected as they have no income to support their life.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Souvenir Industry in Marine Tourism Areas in Indonesia Indah Pambudi Arumsari; Rolisda Yosintha
Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Republic of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47608/jki.v15i12021.16-24


Covid-19 is a lethal virus that is being faced by the world. Many sectors are affected by the virus, including the marine tourism industry and all people who work in this industry. This study aimed to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on souvenir traders in the marine tourism area in Indonesia. The researchers used a qualitative method to collect the data and descriptive analysis to analyze the data. The findings show that Covid-19 has detrimentally affected souvenir traders in marine tourism areas in Indonesia as they lost nearly 100% of their income from tourist visits. To overcome this income deficit, most of them choose to switch professions to become farmers, fishermen, seaweed farmers, and antiseptic gel makers
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) IJEE (INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH EDUCATION)| VOL. 9 | NO.1 | 2022
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v9i1.23033


ABSTRACTDeveloping productive skills such as pronunciation requires more than just comprehension. Students should have ample opportunities to practice their knowledge. With the strike of Covid-19 that has abruptly shifted learning from offline to an online setting, lecturers have tried to employ technologies such as Elsa Speak in teaching pronunciation online. With the rising popularity of this application, there should be a study investigating how the students perceive Elsa Speak in online pronunciation learning. To do so, this present study employed a mixed-method approach to know the attitudes of 112 English Department students toward Elsa Speak used in their online pronunciation class. Through an analysis of data collected from questionnaires and interviews, the study found that most participants had a positive attitude toward Elsa Speak concerning its use in their online pronunciation class. Even though there were some negative comments from the participants, the benefits outweighed the downside. To make the integration of Elsa Speak into online pronunciation learning more accommodating to students’ needs, lecturers could take some pedagogical measures, such as supplementing the materials provided by Elsa Speak with those from other resources, increasing their involvement during the learning process, and promoting collaborative activities. ABSTRAKMengembangkan keterampilan produktif seperti pengucapan membutuhkan lebih dari sekedar pemahaman. Siswa harus diberi banyak kesempatan untuk mempraktikkan pengetahuan mereka. Dengan adanya wabah Covid-19 yang mengubah sistem pembelajaran dari luring ke daring, dosen menggunakan teknologi seperti Elsa Speak dalam mengajar mata kuliah pengucapan secara daring. Dengan meningkatnya popularitas dari aplikasi ini, harus ada penelitian yang menyelidiki bagaimana persepsi siswa tentang Elsa Speak dalam pembelajaran pengucapan secara daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode campuran untuk mengetahui sikap 112 mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris terhadap Elsa Speak yang digunakan di kelas pengucapan daring mereka. Melalui analisis data yang dikumpulkan dari kuesioner dan wawancara, peneliti menemukan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki sikap positif terhadap Elsa Speak terkait penggunaannya di kelas mereka. Meskipun terdapat beberapa komentar negatif dari partisipan, manfaat Elsa Speak lebih besar daripada kerugian yang ditimbulkan. Supaya integrasi Elsa Speak ke dalam pembelajaran pengucapan secara daring lebih mengakomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa, dosen dapat mengambil beberapa langkah pedagogis, seperti menggunakan materi tambahan untuk memberi variasi terhadap materi yang disediakan oleh Elsa Speak, meningkatkan keterlibatan dosen selama proses pembelajaran, dan mengimplementasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang kolaboratif.
ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning and Research Journal) Vol 8 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/Eternal.V81.2022.A11


The covid-19 pandemic has brought influential disruptions to the education sector. EFL teachers ought to find ways to trigger their learners by utilizing ICT. Digital literacy tools which it possible for young learners to improve their understanding of every word, text, and meaning conveyed. There will be new risks and threats that can only be countered with adequate digital literacy knowledge in all-digital situations. Young learners are indicated as Gen-Z, which might be digital natives. Thus, this study aims to survey EFL teacher and learners in digital literacy at the level of young learners, focusing on the critical digital literacy skills in a rural school. To obtain the data, the authors used questionnaires and some interviews. To assess the young learners’ view, the authors tracked it of 31 EFL learners by using questionnaires. While the interview is used to the EFL teacher’ view. Evidences show the role of critical digital literacy is considered it an effective ability to be acquired in learning English, and it can increase the young learners’ motivation because in learning English using technology is easier and more enjoyable.
Effect of Using Web-Blog on Writing Instruction for English Language Learners Taufik Arochman; Rolisda Yosintha
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 8, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v8i4.2797


This study was aimed to find out the effectiveness of an intervention using a Web blog to enhance the academic writing of English Language Learners. It tries to reveal whether there is any effect in the writing ability of the students taught using Web blog (online) and that of those taught without using it (offline). This study was classified as quasi-experimental research. The sample of this research was 64 students of X Unggulan Classes (XU1 and XU2) at the secondary school level in central java. Class XU2 was chosen as the Experimental Group taught using Web blog media as the treatment employed, whereas Class XU1 as the Control Group, which was not given the treatment (employed other media). Between the beginning and the end of the study, they were given three months of treatment. The results showed that there was an important effect in the writing ability of the students taught using Web blog and that of those taught without using it. It can be seen in the result of the hypothesis testing that the t-observed (2.028) is higher than the t-table (1.671).