Yetty Komalasari Dewi
Department Of Civil Law, Faculty Of Law Universitas Indonesia

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A Critique Towards Australian Work and Holiday Visa Subclass 462: Where Does It Leave Indonesian Citizen? Dewi, Yetty Komalasari; Setiawati, Wenny,
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Work and Holiday Visa (WHV) is one of the product outcomes from the agreement that Australia engaged with state partners. Initially, this visa aims for cultural exchange and then shifted to supply the needs of Australian industry. In essence, this visa granted the holder one year to spend time in Australia consisting of six months for working and six months for travelling. However, in its application, there are mistreatments on the WHV holder, and there is no sufficient labour protection towards the worker. This paper examines the position of WHV holder in Australia, protection for the worker, and the view of the Indonesian Government on the WHV. It also discusses the Indonesia – Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) on the WHV context since there is a provision regarding WHV in the agreement. The paper concludes that the WHV is not a mere cultural exchange program, but a type of labour migration. The fact that Government of Indonesia still considered WHV as a cultural program is not enough for the safety of Indonesian citizens which partakes the program, it should be governed by the labour law and provided by sufficient protection. The Government of Indonesia failed to see this as part of their scope of protection in IA-CEPA, and the Australian Government also did not set a clear context on WHV. Therefore, the GOI should shift its view on the WHV and take necessary measures to provide better labour protections under this scheme.
Non-Tariff Measure under WTO Laws: Case Study on the Application of Local Content Requirement for 4G LTE Devices in Indonesia Dewi, Yetty Komalasari; Koentjoro, Talissa
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Under the WTO laws, countries are allowed to protect their national industry by imposing tariffs as well as non-tariff measures (NTM). While the WTO is committed to reduce tariff, it does not have uniform treatment towards NTMs. One type of NTM that becomes the disputed subject of several WTO cases is Local Content Requirement (LCR) because while it can help national industry, it is seen as discriminatory towards imported products. This work discusses whether the application of the Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) or LCR provisions for 4G LTE communication devices in Indonesia is in conformity with WTO laws. By analyzing relevant WTO agreements and rulings, this work will demonstrate that Indonesia’s LCR provisions in 4G LTE sector may not be in conformity with the GATT and TRIMS but at the same time it does not violate the GATS, ASCM, and GPA because such LCR provisions do not fall under those three agreements. In light of those, this writing suggests that the government of Indonesia bring the LCR provisions in 4G LTE sector into conformity with WTO laws by revoking the provisions mandating the need to use local over imported products to avoid potential claims from other WTO members.
Should National Sharia Board be Restructured to Sustain the Development of Economic Sharia in Indonesia? Barlinti, Yeni Salma; Dewi, Yetty Komalasari
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The economy of Islamic finance has an important role in improving a nation’s economy and has developed rapidly throughout the world including in Southeast Asia. This paper discusses the role of Board of fatwa (and the fatwa itself) within Indonesia governmental structure in order to enhance the economic activities of sharia. The involvement of sharia scholars are needed in the process of regulating economic policies since only few of Indonesian legislators have good understanding in the law of Islamic finance. At the moment, fatwa issued by sharia scholars in economic activities is not legally binding due to its organization structure in Indonesia governmental system. As a result, it creates legal uncertainty not only to business players but more importantly to the society at large on the issue of whether or not the fatwa is mandatory. Therefore restructuring the board of fatwa is a way to provide legal certainty in order to sustain the development of economic sharia in Indonesia as well as in Southeast Asia.
The WTO Dispute Settlement System Issues on Implementation Dewi, Yetty Komalasari
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The dispute settlement body in the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the important element for the enforcement of rights and obligations to the party of the WTO. So, the implementation of the decision of the dispute settlement body greatly affects the existence of the WTO as a whole system. Regardless of the success of WTO in making a decision to the case between the parties, the certainty of execution of the awards is still not convinced many parties especially the winning member(s). This article will discuss about the reasons which cause the dispute settlement body awards cannot be executed. Besides, this article also analyzes the position of Indonesia against Korea in Korea Anti-Dumpuig Duties on Imports of Certain Paper from Indonesia case.
COMPARATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT MODEL AT SEA: LESSON LEARNED FOR INDONESIA Dewi, Yetty Komalasari; Afriansyah, Arie; Darmawan, Aristyo Rizka
Indonesian Journal of International Law
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported Fishing (IUU Fishing) has grown significantly in the last few decades. This practice certainly has and will undermine global fisheries resources even further. As a result, the international community needs to establish measures to prevent the IUUF through international agreements. Presently, the international communities have formed various organizations, both regional and international (regional fisheries management organizations or RFMO), which shows its attention to the need for sustainable fisheries resources management and to prevent any illegal IUU fishing activity. Therefore, every country is currently seeking the law enforcement model to secure its maritime jurisdictions from any IUUF activity. However, each country has a separate law enforcement model, adjusting to their geographical and geopolitics condition. This article will examine the law enforcement model’s comparison in several countries and seek the best law enforcement model and a lesson learned for Indonesia.
Legal Protection for Indonesian Family-Owned Company Minority Shareholders: Comparative Study with Germany and Australia Gautama, Abhiyoga Dirdanaraputra; Dewi, Yetty Komalasari
Halu Oleo Law Review Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Halu Oleo Law Review: Volume 6 Issue 1
Publisher : Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33561/holrev.v6i1.24290


This paper examines the legal protections provided for Minority Shareholders in Family–Owned Company in Indonesia, Germany and Australia. It further examines whether the Company Law has provided a sufficient legal protection for Minority Shareholders in Indonesia Family – Owned Company after comparing with the equivalent regulation in Germany and Australia. Based on the juridical- normative research which uses statutory and comparative approach, it resulted that there are similarities and differences of Minority Shareholders protection provided by each country, in which the different protections are: (i) Rights on Equal Treatment; (ii) Rights to Appoint and Revoke Management; (iii) Restraint on Contravention; dan (iv) Rights to Information. This paper concludes that Indonesia has not provide a sufficient legal protection for Minority Shareholders compared to Germany and Australia due to the protections which have not yet been regulated under the Company Law while the protections will help provide a more certainty in protecting Minority Shareholders to obtain its rights in Family-Owned Company. Thus, this paper recommends that the unregulated protections shall be added to Company Law to ensure the rights of Minority Shareholders and to reduce oppressive act by Majority Shareholders in Family-Owned Company.
Kegagalan Pendiri PT Melakukan Penyetoran Modal: Studi Kasus PT MBB Conggeang Prima Yulia Jatiningsih; Yetty Komalasari Dewi
Acta Comitas Vol 7 No 01 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/AC.2022.v07.i01.p12


The research objectives are first, to analyze the founders who do not deposit capital as shareholders according to UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 (UUPT); secondly, analyzing the legal consequences of Perkumpulan BUM Desa Bersama Conggeang as the founder who did not deposit capital while PT MBB Conggeang was established. This research is applied by normative juridical with statute, comparative, and case study approach. The research concludes that founders who do not deposit paid-up capital cannot qualify as shareholders as referred to in the UUPT. This is because taking part in shares and making a full deposit is a dwingen recht as stipulated in Article 33 paragraph (1) and (2) UUPT. In addition, recording in the register of shareholders after the capital is deposited becomes a requirement for founders to be able to exercise their rights as shareholders in accordance with Article 52 UUPT. As for the legal consequences of the Perkumpulan BUM Desa Bersama Conggeang as the founder who did not deposit capital, they did not have the right to attend and vote at the general meeting of PT MBB Conggeang, including receiving dividends if the PT MBB Conggeang decided to distribute dividends.
Abuse of Rights by Majority Shareholders in Indonesian Family-Owned Company: Is It Likely? Fiona Priscilia Kohar; Yetty Komalasari Dewi
Sriwijaya Law Review Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28946/slrev.Vol5.Iss1.887.pp29-41


The familial relations entwining the ownership and management of a family-owned company creates a significant opportunity for majority shareholders to exercise their rights to others' detriment. Various jurisdictions have addressed such issue by projecting the concept of abuse of rights by majority shareholders (abus de majorité). The concept aims to detect which behaviour could be considered an abuse and provide legal protection for minority shareholders and companies. In Indonesia, however, such a concept has not been explicitly adopted nor discussed at length.  This work examines what behaviour which could be considered as a form of abuse of rights by majority shareholders under the Indonesian company law, and how the protection and practice of Indonesian private company law against such behaviour. This work is a normative legal research using conceptual, comparison, statutory, and case-law approaches. The comparison and case-law approaches will be utilized to examine the universal concept of majority shareholders abuse of rights by examining the adoption of the concept in various jurisdictions and examine several relevant cases brought to the Indonesian court. As a result, it concludes that there are still problems surrounding the legal measures available, as this behaviour is still prevalent, especially in Indonesia's family-owned companies. Hence, more stringent rules are needed to protect minority shareholders and the Indonesian Company's interests effectively.
Surat Pernyataan Kepemilikan Manfaat: Perlindungan Terhadap Notaris Dalam Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat? Kristantini Sugiharti; Yetty Komalasari Dewi
Jurnal Pembangunan Hukum Indonesia Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jphi.v4i2.150-169


Notaris membutuhkan suatu perlindungan hukum ketika melaksanakan kewajibannya untuk menerapkan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat dari suatu Badan Hukum. Perlindungan tersebut menjadi penting guna meminimalisasi konsekuensi risiko hukum yang dapat terjadi serta mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan Perpres 13/2018 sebagai upaya pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang dan Tindak Pidana Pendanaan Terorisme. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis isu-isu terkait Penerapan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat oleh Notaris sebagai salah satu lembaga pelaksana yang ditunjuk oleh Perpres tersebut, yaitu mengenai alasan penting Notaris menerapkan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat dan bagaimana Surat Pernyataan Pemilik Manfaat dapat memberikan perlindungan bagi Notaris yang telah menerapkan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat dari tuntutan hukum. Dengan menerapkan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan, tulisan ini menyimpulkan,  bahwa penting bagi Notaris untuk menerapkan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat, karena Notaris memiliki kewenangan untuk mengenali penghadap guna memperoleh informasi yang benar mengenai penghadap, sehingga dapat berperan sebagai gatekeeper untuk berkontribusi dalam upaya pemberantasan TPPU atau setidaknya mengurangi risiko terjadinya TPPU. Namun demikian, di sisi lain perlindungan hukum bagi Notaris yang telah melaksanakan Prinsip Mengenali Pemilik Manfaat melalui Surat Pernyataan Pemilik Manfaat yang dibuat oleh penghadap tidak sepenuhnya dapat melindungi Notaris dari tuntutan hukum, karena surat tersebut hanya memiliki kekuatan pembuktian sempurna apabila tidak disangkal oleh yang menandatanganinya.
Dispute Settlement Mechanism In Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) Yetty Komalasari Dewi; Arie Afriansyah
Yuridika Vol. 34 No. 1 (2019): Volume 34 No 1 January 2019
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.487 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v34i1.11403


The Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) or in Indonesia known as “Perjanjian Promosi dan Perlindungan Penanaman Modal (P4M)” contains a very powerful dispute settlement mechanism that allows investors to file a lawsuit directly against a host country allegedly violating investment protection under international law. This is known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). The ability of investors to “impose” their rights directly against a country without the existence of an arbitration clause is considered as one of the extraordinary achievements of the BIT innovation. This paper discusses two types of dispute resolution models contained in almost all BITs signed by Indonesia, namely State-State Dispute Settlement (SSDS) and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). It also elaborates the weaknesses of the current dispute resolution formula, especially in the ISDS clause and provides the possibility of improvements to the formulation of the ISDS clause to better ensure a balance between the protection of foreign investors and the needs of the host country.