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Monitoring Kadar Glukosa Darah Non-Invasif Menggunakan Sensor Photoacoutic Usman Umar; Imran Amin
Celebes Health Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LL-DIKTI) Wilayah IX Sulawesi

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. Diabetes mellitus is a serious chronic disease that occurs in chronic metabolic disorders caused by the pancreas not being able to produce enough insulin or the body cannot use insulin effectively. Indonesia as the seventh-highest diabetes population in the world according to the International Diabetes Federation. Current blood glucose measurements generally use invasive techniques that take blood samples at the tip of the finger by injuring and done in clinics, health centers, and hospitals with high costs, so that the poor can not do routine checks. This study aims to develop a noninvasive system blood glucose measuring instrument. Tools with non-invasive systems use Photoacoustic Spectroscopy sensors in the range of values from the laser pulsation source (λ = 650 nm) that can detect glucose signals in the blood. Methods of developing this tool with stages include, preparation of tool making by conducting a literature study resulting in a theoretical model, developing a tool model by constructing a model through discussion Group Forum activities to obtain a hypothetic model, The results of this study produce glucose measuring instruments that are simple, easy to use and without taking blood samples to measure blood glucose levels routinely at a low cost. Validation of the measuring instrument by comparing invasive techniques with non-invasive techniques to obtain accuracy.
Analisa Keakuratan Kadar Glukosa Darah Menggunakan Clarke-Error Grid Analisis pada Alat Ukur Non-invasive menggunakan Sensor Photoacoustic Usman Umar; Risnawaty Alyah; Imran Amin
Lontara Journal of Health Science and Technology  Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53861/lontarariset.v1i2.80


Blood glucose is a very important element in the human body, but if it is deficient or excessive, it can cause chronic disease that can lead to death. To prevent this, it is necessary to monitor cholesterol and blood glucose levels regularly, at this time the tool for measuring blood glucose levels is still an invasive method by taking a blood sample at the fingertip by injuring it. This study aims to develop a non-invasive blood glucose measuring device using a Photoacoustic Spectroscopy sensor in the range of values from a laser pulse source (λ = 650 nm) which can detect glucose signals in the blood. The method of developing this research is by designing a non-invasive measuring instrument and measuring blood glucose levels in male and female participants to create a linearity equation between blood glucose levels and the output voltage from the sensor, then mathematically obtained a polynominal equation to convert the voltage to values. blood glucose level. Validation of measuring instruments designed by comparing invasive measuring instruments as a reference, using the Clarke EGA to determine accuracy based on the classification of values of blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels based on reference. The results of the Clarke EGA analysis show that all measurement data is in Zone A so that the measuring instrument with a photoacoustic sensor can be accepted.
Desain Alat Ukur Kadar Asam Urat Non-Invasive Dengan Sensor Near Infrared Usman Umar; Hasmah Hasmah; Risnawaty Alyah; Anita Nur Syam
Lontara Journal of Health Science and Technology  Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53861/lontarariset.v2i2.217


Gout disease or commonly known as gout arthritis is a disease caused by the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in the body. Monitoring blood uric acid levels is currently still using invasive techniques by taking blood samples to be included in the test strip, this invasive technique measurement requires money and time to come to health clinics so that many people cannot monitor blood uric acid levels on a regular basis. This study aims to develop a measuring instrument for monitoring blood uric acid levels using sensors by utilizing the absorption and reflectance of infrared rays so that gout sufferers and other individuals can monitor blood uric acid levels regularly and are easy to use. The method of developing non-invasive techniques focuses on monitoring blood uric acid levels using a NIR sensor with an IR LED with a wavelength of 940 nm as a transmitter and a photodiode as a detector at a wavelength of 700-1300 nm and a microcontroller as a minimum system for control. The first stage is measuring uric acid levels with invasive techniques on participants and at the same time measuring voltages with sensors, the results with invasive techniques are correlated with sensor output voltages to obtain non-linear equations in polynomial form, for conversion programs on the microcontroller. The second stage is measuring uric acid levels with invasive techniques and invasive measurements on participants at the same time. Both monitoring results were analyzed by simple ANOVA statistics and calculated SEP and RMSE to determine the accuracy of the prediction equation and its accuracy value.
Jurnal INSTEK (Informatika Sains dan Teknologi) Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of informatics engineering Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin, Makassar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.142 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/instek.v5i1.13690


Kandungan hemoglobin umumnya digunakan dalam analisis klinis dalam mendiagnosis anemia, mengidentifikasi perdarahan, dan mengelola transfusi sel darah merah.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur hemoglobin darah sistem noninvasif. Sistem noninvasif ini menggunakan sensor Near Infrared (NIR) dengan LED dan Photodiodes dengan panjang gelombang 940 nm. Metode pengembangan alat ini dengan tahapan, antara lain, persiapan pembuatan alat dengan melakukan studi literatur menghasilkan model dan pembuatan alat serta alat pengujian. dengan membandingkan teknik invasif dan non-invasif. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan alat ukur hemoglobin yang sederhana, mudah digunakan dan tanpa mengambil sampel darah untuk secara rutin mengukur hemoglobin dengan biaya rendah. Analisis hasil pegujian dengan menggunakan analysis varian dan uji-t yang menunjukkan bahwa alat yang didesain dapat digunakan untuk memantau hemoglobin darah...Kata Kunci:  Hemoglobin, Invasive .non-invasive, Sensor, ANOVA
Application of Artificial Neural Network and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix to detect blood glucose levels through the skin of the hands. Usman Umar; Syafruddin Syarif; Ingrid Nurtanio; Indrabayu Indrabayu
Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 19, No 2 (2022): Nopember
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v6i2.3756


Increased glucose in the blood can cause a buildup so that it cannot be absorbed by all of the body's cells, this problem can cause various disorders in the body's organs. To avoid problems, it is necessary to check the blood glucose level regularly. Monitoring blood sugar levels is currently still using invasive techniques that are painful, non-invasive monitoring is needed. This study develops a non-invasive method to predict blood glucose through image processing. For investigation, several invasive images and glucose levels were taken. Types of samples based on age classification, 20-60 years. For accuracy and simple analysis, 37 images of participants as volunteers, samples were evaluated and investigated under the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) was used for all training and hand texture testing to detect glucose levels. The performance of this model is evaluated using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient (r). Clarke Error Grid Analysis (EGA) variance was used in this investigation to determine the accuracy of the method. The results showed that the RMSE was close to the standard value, the regression coefficient was 0.95, and the Clarke EGA analysis: 81.08 % was in the A zone. So that the blood glucose prediction model using the GLCM-ANN method is feasible to apply.
Optimasi Posyandu Asoka Ii Dusun Pammase Desa Selli Kecamatan Bengo Usman Umar
Publisher : ADPERTISI

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In general, rural health services in community health centers that require time to carry out child examinations, to be affordable for the whole community for maternal and child health services, have formed integrated service posts in each hamlet, like Posyandu Asoka II Pamamse Hamlet. To improve the quality of services and health for cadres and the community, by optimizing Posyandu management. A manual recording and reporting system was developed with the computerization of the Simposyandu system. Increase the knowledge of cadres and the public about healthy food sources and systems hydroponic planting. The method of implementing community partnership program activities is by identifying problems, through discussions with cadres and providing solutions to solve Posyandu problems and implementing improvements by conducting training to use the Simposyandu, and training in viticultural or hydroponic cultivation. The results of this activity are the establishment of an IT- based Simposyandu program and quality human resources with cadres who are skilled at operating computers with information technology systems so that management and administration can be neater and more effective. Communities can meet healthy food sources from home yards by cultivating hydroponic for vegetables and biopharma, making it a modern Posyandu and a healthy and prosperous family.