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Eko Wulandari
Pendidikan Biologi STKIP YPM Bangko

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Hubungan Sikap Siswa Tentang Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Guru Dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 28 Mesumai Kabupaten Merangin Eko Wulandari
BIOCOLONY Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Juni 2018
Publisher : Pendidikan Biologi STKIP YPM Bangko

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A skilled teacher who is able to develop his basic teaching skills will assist students in understanding the material presented by the teacher. The learning process takes place regardless of the basic skills of teaching teachers. This is seen from students or students who are only asked to record and do the tasks contained in the manual without the description of first explanation. So that learners get a lesson directly from the manual without any process of question and answer and explanation of the material. From the calculation seen that r counted for 0.736 while r table of 0.325 thus the correlation coefficient r count / robservasi greater than r table (0.736≥0,325) so it is concluded that Ha accepted with statement there is positive relation between variable X with variable Y at SMPN 28 Mesumai regency merangin. From the data obtained can be seen that r arithmetic of 0.736 if consulted with r table of 0.325 at a significant level of 95% then (rhit 0.736> rtab 0.325). R count is greater than r table, it shows a positive correlation between student's attitude toward basic skill of teacher teaching with student learning result of biology subject on concept of respiratory system in human.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share (TPS) Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Terpadu Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 22 Merangin Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 Tutut Puji Astuti; Eko Wulandari; Rivo Yulse Viza
BIOCOLONY Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Pendidikan Biologi STKIP YPM Bangko

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This research is motivated by result of integrated science learning student of class VII still have not reached the KKM that is 75. One of the learning models that can improve student learning outcomes is to use the TPS type cooperative learning model. This study aims to find out and describe the Think Pair Share (TPS) type of cooperative learning better than conventional models on integrated science learning outcomes for grade VIIIstudent of SMP Negeri 22 Merangin in 2018/2019 academic year. This type of research is experimental research, the research design is post test only control design. The population in this study were all eight grade student of SMP 22 Merangin in the 2018/2019 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sampling technique in this study is total sampling, and to determine the experimental class and control class using simple random sampling. Data collection technigues are test techniques, trought essay tests totaling 8 items. Data analysis techniques used to test hypotheses are t-test. The result of the study, in the experimental class obtained an average value of 78,6, while in the control class obtained an average value of 75,05, then the data was analyzed using the t-test. Hypothesis test results are obtained, t-count=1,803 an t-table=1,689. Because t-count > t-table then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that the integrated science learning outcomes using cooperative learning model type Think Pair Share (TPS) is better than using conventional learning model class VIII SMP Negeri 22 Merangin in the 2018/2019 school year.
BIOCOLONY Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Pendidikan Biologi STKIP YPM Bangko

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Based on observations made by researchers found that learning in class VIII SMPN 10 Merangin there are students who pay less attention to the material delivered by the teacher, disturbing friends and busy talking with the theme, learning also feels monotonous because teachers still use the lecture method in the teaching and learning process. This has an impact on the results of the Integrated Science test in the last semester and the average of all classes does not reach the Minimum Mastery Criteria value of 75, therefore through this study the researcher wants to know the effect of the Cooperative Script learning model on students' Integrated Science learning outcomes class VIII SMPN 10 Merangin on straight motion material. In this study, researchers used experimental quantitative research because researchers wanted to find out the effect of Cooperative Script learning models on the learning outcomes of Integrated Science students in grade VIII of SMP Negeri 10 Merangin. The population in this study were all students of class VIII of SMPN 10 Merangin consisting of seven classes, from classes VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII D, VIII E, VIII F, and VIII G, totaling 208 students. In determining the sample, the researcher first tests the normality and homogeneity tests of the population. Then from the population data obtained 21 combinations, then the draw was made so that a pair of combinations was chosen, namely DG which means class VIII D as the control class and class VIIIG as the experimental class. Data collection techniques are done using tests. To analyze the test items, researchers used validity tests, distinguishing features, difficulty indexes, and reliability tests. Based on the analysis of this data obtained from the t test where sig of 0.63 where> 0.05. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the Cooperative Script learning model on the Integrated Science learning outcomes of Grade VIII students of SMPN 10 Merangin.
BIOCOLONY Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Pendidikan Biologi STKIP YPM Bangko

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This research is motivated by the still limited learning resources in SMA Negeri 7 such as: students' handbooks are limited to teacher's handbooks, books are not enough library for students to share, books can be borrowed, the borrowing time limit is only three days. Still economical use of media in learning so that the delivery of teaching materials is less attractive, teachers have not yet developed teaching materials that make pocket books. students who have learning resources consist of worksheets and text books / book packages that are obtained from the source as a source of student learning. This research is a development research that uses a 4-D model that is equipped with defining, defining, designing, and developing. In this study there were 5 validators with research subjects consisting of 34 students of class XI of SMA N 7 Merangin. This research instrument uses a questionnaire of validity and practicality questionnaire. The research data is the result of the validation and practicality of a pocket book, then analyzed with descriptive analysis. Based on the results of this study, this resulted in a product consisting of a pocket book oriented to the model, guided inquiry. The Guided Biology Pocket Book Model Guided Questions generated were declared to be very valid by the validator with the percentage of validity obtained that was 89%. The resulting Biology Handbook has also proven to be very practical by teachers and students with an average grade of 3.60 results from teacher assessments and 3.66 results that can be seen by students. The Guidance Demand Biology Oriented Guidance Model Handbook about the food digestive system material produced The Guidance Demand Biology Oriented Guidance Model Guidance based inquiry that has proven to be very valid and very practical.