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AEVI-8 Investigasi Outbreak Avian Influenza di Kabupaten Barito Kuala Tahun 2017 Adi Santosa; Susanti Sri Rejeki
Hemera Zoa Proceedings of the 20th FAVA & the 15th KIVNAS PDHI 2018
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Desa Suryakanta Kecamatan Wanaraya merupakan daerah yang terisolir ditengah tengah Perkebunan sawit. Selain bertani dan berkebun penduduk desa mempunyai usaha sambilan berupa ternak sapi dan unggas,. Belum pernah ada laporan Penyakit Avian influenza ( AI)  pada unggas di desa Suryakanta.Telah dilaporkan adanya kematian unggas di desa ini pada akhir bulan Februari dengan gejala, kematian yang mendadak, Kepala dan kaki  kebiruan. Unggas yang mati adalah ayam kampung, ayam ras pedaging, ayam bangkok  dan itikAvian influenza disebabkan oleh infeksi dari virus yang tergolong familii Orthomyxoviridae genus Influenzavirus A. Virus influenza A diklasifikasikan menjadi subtype berdasarkan antigen haemaglutinin (H) dan neuroaminidase (N). Saat ini OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code (Terrestrial Code) mendefinisikan infeksi avian influenza pada unggas disebabkan oleh virus Influenza A dengan high pathogenicity (HPAI), dan infeksi subtype H5 dan H7 merupakan low pathogenicity (LPAI) (OIE Terrestrial Manual, 2015).Bergantung pada spesies, umur dan jenis unggas atau burung, karakter spesifik dari strain virus yang terlibat, faktor lingkungan, tingkat patogenesitas penyakit pada burung atau unggas yang mungkin terinfeksi sangat bervariasi. Gejala yang ditunjukannya, dapat menunjukkan kematian mendadak dengan tidak ada gejala yang terlihat sampai menunjukan karakteristik penyakit yang sangat bervariasi termasuk gejala pernafasan seperti leleran dari mata dan nasal, batuk, sesak nafas, pembengkakkan pada sinus atau kepala, konsumsi pakan dan air, sianosis pada  kulit yang tidak berbulu, pial dan jengger, inkoordinasi dan gejala syaraf serta diare (OIE Terrestrial manual, 2015).Tujuan kegiatan adalah mengetahui penyebab wabah kematian unggas pada peternakan rakyat di Desa Suryakanta, Kecamatan Wanaraya, Kabupaten Barito Kuala.
Perancangan Fasilitas Penyimpanan dan Pembelajaran Kreativitas untuk Anak Usia Dini Meinasari Ardelia; Adi Santosa; Grace Setiati Kattu
Intra Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Desain Interior 2018/2019
Publisher : Intra

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Aged 3 to 5 years is golden age for children. At these phases they will learn to write, read, and explore their living environment. Beside physical, children will develop in terms of their psychomotor, cognitive, affective and creativity aspects. Furniture is one of the most important needs to support learning and playing activities.  Meanwhile, there are many parents who facilitate their children to learn, play, and store items with less appropriate furniture for children, they are furniture for adults. Furniture for children and adults are different, both in terms of design, color, and size. Therefore, furniture for children with the right design, color and size is needed.
Perancangan Fasilitas Duduk Berbahan Rotan dengan Inovasi Flatpack Yohanes Kevin Pratama; Adi Santosa; Grace Setiati Kattu
Intra Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Desain Interior 2018/2019
Publisher : Intra

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The development of rattan industry currently has considerable opportunities. However, competitions between producers are also quite tight. Indonesia as the largest rattan supplier should have a wider opportunity to develop rattan products and be able to compete with industries in the market, especially international markets. This design is the development of rattan construction, namely flatpack construction. With this system, Indonesia’s rattan products are expected to be more competitive and developing. The method used are understanding rattan characters, understanding rattan construction, deepening design, making prototypes and branding. Products designed are lounge chairs, chosen because they have a fairly high level of difficulty in construction.
Perancangan Fasilitas Duduk Publik untuk Meningkatkan Interaksi Sosial Antar Mahasiswa Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya Ayu Nadia Devina; Adi Santosa; Grace Setiati Kattu
Intra Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Desain Interior 2014/2015
Publisher : Intra

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The development of modern human lifestyle at this time gives rise to a variety of impacts. One of its effects is the increasing individuality which causes lack of direct social interaction. In a smaller scale this thing happens among students of Petra Christian University in Surabaya. A public facility that can accommodate and stimulate social interaction activities on campus is needed, the facilities of public seating. Designed with knock down system, this facility is dynamic in accordance with the activities of social interaction among students on campus. It is expected by designing this public seating facilities on campus social interactions can be increased and can add to the dynamics of student activities on campus.
Intra Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Desain Interior 2012/2013
Publisher : Intra

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Showroom adalah sebuah ruangan yang dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memamerkan produk-produk yang akan dijual di area tersebut. Showroom umumnya hanya memamerkan produk-produk yang bermutu atau memiliki merek yang cukup dikenal. Aturan ini tetap berlaku bagi produk otomotif, sehingga tiap merek otomotif umumnya menekankan memiliki showroom tersendiri. BMW, salah satu merek mobil terkenal di Indonesia juga menekankan showroom perusahaan yang unik. BMW merupakan salah satu brand mobil premium, yang dikagumi dalam hal konsistensinya menghadirkan mobil sport premium dengan performa tinggi, tingkat keamanan yang tinggi, desain yang menarik / berciri khas, nyaman dikendarai serta menghadirkan inovasi-inovasi baru di setiap model yang diperkenalkan. Penataan showroom memiliki peranan penting dalam membentuk brand image yang diinginkan pada masyarakat. Desain interior yang baik sangat diperlukan agar showroom sebuah produk sekelas BMW dapat berfungsi dengan baik.
Perancangan Set Mebel Rumah Tinggal Dengan Konsep Filosofi Tato Dayak Linda Wong; Adi Santosa; filipus priyo suprobo
Intra Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Desain Interior 2013/2014
Publisher : Intra

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Dayak is one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia which has a fairly high cultural value. Among the many ethnic groups in Indonesia, the Dayak tribes became the oldest and the only original tribes of Borneo. Dayak tribe has its own traditions and cultural traits, namely as a tradition that has always been their ancestral worship; body or merajak tradition known as tattoos, which are now known as “Borneo Tattoo” society;, the tradition of letting their ears, and much more to culture and traditions. But the tradition and culture that the rich are now extinct, they had long abandoned their traditions and culture. The appointment of these themes to cultural traditions and reintroduced the Dayak community to Indonesia with the existence or the more modern packaging however contain cultural values in it.
Perancangan Interior Kafe Basket di Surabaya Clarissa Cindy Yossy; Adi Santosa; Anik Rakhmawati
Intra Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Desain Interior 2015/2016
Publisher : Intra

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The enthusiasm towards Basketball is increasing in Surabaya. Sadly Surabaya has limited facilities for Basketball. Therefore, a café with basketball theme, which provides various basketball facilities, is designed to respond that problem. The café is designed to bring the atmosphere of basketball arena inside the room. The facilities provided are adapted from some facilities that existed in Basketball arena, so that visitors can experience the basketball arena while inside the café. The Interior Design of Basketball Café in Surabaya will be able to accommodate people’s needs in Surabaya, which are a place to deliver their hobby toward basketball as well as gaining some knowledge about Basketball. Visitors can enjoy basketball matches through a screen provided inside the café. They also can do basketball in the court, which also provided by the café. Visitors can also enjoy VIP facilities and purchase basketball accessories at the store.
Perancangan Interior Shinjuku Hairmake di Surabaya Irene Yovita Yusuf; Adi Santosa
Intra Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Desain Interior 2013/2014
Publisher : Intra

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Interior Design Shinjuku Hairmake Surabaya is a project of designing the interior of a place of beauty and hair care that located in the city of Surabaya. interior design can attract the curiosity and provide comfort for visitors. Facility that will be designed are the lobby, waiting room, haircut hall, hairwash room, hair care hall, makeup hall, nail art hall, retail hall, and staff hall. This design is expected to provide the characteristics and identity of the Shinjuku Hairmake in Surabaya. With an attractive interior and comfortably space can be a plus point for the salon itself, supported with lighting and regular circulation
Perancangan Interior Pusat Terapi dan Sekolah Anak Autis di Surabaya Jessica Celia; Adi Santosa
Intra Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Desain Interior 2013/2014
Publisher : Intra

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Therapy Centre for Autism in Surabaya is a privately owned institution that engages in special education for children with special needs. The increasing number of children with autism is not matched by the number of school and therapy center for children with autism. In terms of the physical building, capacity, activity and space needs are still not sufficient. The design is intended to allow children with autism can grow to be better with the facilities provided such space one on one therapy, speech therapy room, space occupation, space sensory stimulation, gymnastic space, counseling rooms, a library, a ballroom, a health room, and space other support such as lobbies, offices, restrooms and service
Perancangan Mebel Multifungsi Untuk Home Office Yuvensius Kevin Constantine; Adi Santosa
Intra Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Desain Interior 2014/2015
Publisher : Intra

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The convenience of mobility and the efficiency of work are greatly needed nowadays, thus, a lot of  companies are now starting from a home office. The work activities, along with another activities when people are not working have become a requirement to be fulfilled and obtained from a furniture. Generally, workstation furnitures only meet the work activities alone, meanwhile, the other activities aren’t being fulfilled. Therefore, a multi-functional furniture is needed in order to accommodate the working activities and another things as well. Forms and colors of the furniture must use universal colors in order to be one with the room related. Ergonomy and material standards are also influential in order to support the user working activities.