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Perubahan Pola Perilaku Hidup Sehat Pekerja Transportasi Pendekatan Health Belief Model (HBM) Dengan Media Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser (QRMA) I Wayan Surasta; I Ketut Gama; Ketut Sudiantara; I Nengah Sumirta
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 11 (2020): Nomor Khusus November-Desember 2020
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf11nk420


Transportation workers have jobs that are very risky to carry out unhealthy life behaviors as a result of work demands or the impact of their inability to control their desires for fulfillment of needs. The lifestyle of tourism actors engaged in transportation services is very at risk of experiencing health threats. Efforts to improve behavior can be done in various models, one of which is the Health Bilief Model. This model emphasizes behavior improvement efforts by providing an overview of the severity of the disease and the risks that can arise if healthy living behaviors are not carried out early. Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer (QRMA) is an analytical method with an electromagnetic energy approach. Naturally, every organ in the body emits electromagnetic waves that are different in type and condition. This wave can be detected and can provide an overview of the condition of the body. This type of research was a pre-experiment using a pre and post test one group design. The population in the study were all tourist transportation workers working around Kuta beach in 2016, with population size of 60 respondents. The sample of this research was some of the tourist drivers on Kuta beach, the sample size was 42 people and the sampling technique used was the consecutive sampling technique. The independent variable of this study were the HBM model education with QRMA media and the dependent variable was the pattern of healthy living behavior. The dependent variable of this study was a healthy lifestyle. The data collection instruments were in the form of a questionnaire to collect data on the characteristics of the respondents, and the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer media. Data analysis using descriptive and analytical statistics with paired sample t test. The results of the study described a pattern of healthy living behaviors before the measurement with quantum resonance magnetic analyzer health detection media, respondents in the range 22 - 81 with an average of 47.48 this description showed that respondents' knowledge of healthy living behaviors was still lacking, after measurements with an average of 52.40, this indicated that the respondent's knowledge of healthy living behavior after the measurement and the results were notified to the respondent increased. The mean difference was 47.48 before and after with a mean of 52.40 with p 0.001. The conclusion of the study shows that there is a significant effect of the education treatment with health belief model with quantum resonance magnetic analyzer health detection media. Keywords: education; quantum resonance medium; tourist transport workers ABSTRAK Pekerja tranportasi memiliki pekerjaan yang sangat berisiko melakukan perilaku hidup yang tidak sehat sebagai dampak dari tuntutan kerja atau dampak dari ketidak mampuan mengendalikan keinginan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan. Pola hidup pelaku wisata yang bergerak pada jasa tranportasi sangat berisiko mengalami ancaman kesehatan. Upaya perbaikan perilaku dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai model, salah satunya dengan Health Bilief Model. Model ini menekankan pada upaya perbaikan perilaku dengan memberikan gambaran tentang beratnya penyakit dan risiko yang bisa timbul apabila perilaku hidup sehat tidak dilakukan secara dini. Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser (QRMA) suatu metode analisis dengan pendekatan energy elektromagnetik. Secara alami setiap organ dalam tubuh mengeluarkan gelombang elektromagnetik yang berbeda dengan jenis dan kondisinya. Gelombang ini bisa dideteksi dan bisa memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi tubuh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre experimental dengan menggunakan rancangan pre and post test one group design. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah semua pekerja transportasi wisata bekerja di sekitar pantai Kuta tahun 2016, besar populasi 60 responden. Sampel penelitian adalah sebagian sopir wisatawan di pantai Kuta, besar sampel 42 orang dan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik consecutive sampling. Variabel independent penelitian ini adalah edukasi model HBM dengan media QRMA dan variabel dependent penelitian ini adalah pola perilaku hidup sehat. Variabel dependent penelitian ini adalah pola perilaku hidup sehat. Instrument pengumpulan data berupa koesioner untuk mengumpulkan data karakteristik responden, dan media Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser. Analisis data dengan statistik deskriptif dan analitik dengan uji paired sample t test. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan pola prilaku hidup sehat sebelum dilakuan pengukuran dengan media quantum resonance magnetic analyzer health detection, responden dalam rentang 22-81 dengan rata-rata 47,48 gambaran ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan responden terhadap perilaku hidup sehat masih kurang, sesudah dilakukan pengukuran12 – 81 dengan rata-rata 52,40, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan responden terhadap perilaku hidup sehat setelah dilakukan pengukuran dan hasilnya diberitahukan kepada responden menjadi meningkat. Rata-rata selisih sebesar 47,48 sebelum dan sesudah dengan rerata 52,40 dengan p 0,001. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang bermakna edukasi dengan health belief model dengan media quantum resonance magnetic analyzer health detection. Kata kunci: edukasi; media quantum resonance; pekerja transportasi wisata
Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Media Audiovisual Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pasien TB Paru dalam Pencegahan Infeksi Nosokomial COVID-19 di Puskesmas I Ketut Suardana; Komang Trisna Handayani; I Made Mertha; I Wayan Surasta
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 14, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Gema Keperawatan
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v14i2.1809


Patients with tuberculosis with weak immune systems susceptible to develop nosocomial infections, so that promotive and preventive efforts are needed while the patient is in control of treatment. The aims of this study is to determine the effect of health education with audiovisual media to prevention of COVID-19 nosocomial infection behavior at Patient with pulmonary tuberculosis at Community Health Center Seririt I. This research was conducted in April 2021. The type of this research is Pre- Experimental designs with One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique with 11 respondents. The results showed that the average value of pulmonary tuberculosis patient behavior before being given audiovisual health education, is 57,15 in the sufficient category and after education with audiovisual media 85,34 in the good category. The paired T-test results ρ - value = 0.001 α (0.05), that mean health education with audiovisual media is effective for changing  behavior of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the prevention of COVID-19 nosocomial infection. Health service providers such as puskesmas can increase health promotion efforts, especially for pulmonary TB patients so that they are not exposed to nosocomial infections.
Intervensi Relaksasi Benson pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II dengan Masalah Ketidakstabilan Kadar Glukosa Darah: Studi Kasus Ni Kadek Sinta Mutiara Dewi; I Wayan Surasta; I Ketut Suardana
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 15, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Gema Keperawatan
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v15i1.1941


Prevalence of patients with diabetes mellitus who need hospital treatment due to blood sugar instability problems is still high. The purpose of this study was to describe benson relaxation interventions in patients with type II diabetes mellitus with blood sugar instability through nursing care. This research uses a case study method with a nursing care approach. The results of the study found data on the study of nursing patients complaining of weakness or lethargy, dry mouth, increased thirst and high blood glucose levels of 374 mg/dL. The formulated nursing diagnosis is the instability of blood glucose levels associated with insulin resistance. The outcomes of care in the form of stability of elevated blood glucose levels and the main interventions of hyperglycemia management, interventions supporting dietary education, as well as innovative interventions of benson relaxation therapy are given 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes. The implementation of nursing is carried out in accordance with the planned nursing plan for 3 times 24 hours. The nursing evaluation showed that the goal was achieved as evidenced by weakness or decreased lethargy, moist mouth, decreased thirst and improved blood glucose levels of 184 mg/dL. Benson relaxation therapy can be an intervention used to deal with the problem of instability of blood glucose levels in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.
Relaksasi autogenik menurunkan keluhan gastritis pada orang dengan infeksi HIV-AIDS (ODHA) di RSUD Wangaya, Bali, Indonesia I Wayan Surasta; I Ketut Suardana; I Ketut Labir
Intisari Sains Medis Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): (Available online: 1 April 2020)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.338 KB) | DOI: 10.15562/ism.v11i1.564


Background: The current society is demanded many obligations and responsibilities in daily life. This situation can affect the mental stress that leads to stress in facing many problems of life. Psychological stress has an impact on system disturbances in the digestive organs such as gastritis. People with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) are often faced with this condition, so one of the efforts that can be done is to do autogenic relaxation. This study aims to determine the differences in gastritis complaints of ODHA people before and after autogenic relaxation. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test without a control group was conducted among 21 respondents at Countermeasures AIDS at Badung Regency from May-September 2017. Variables assessed in this study were gender, type of works, marital status, the origin of respondents, and the symptoms of respondents before and after autogenic relaxation intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 17 for Windows.Results: Most of ODHA patients were males (61.9%), followed by working as housewives (28.6%), marriage (81.0%), and living in North Kuta (28.6%). There was a significant difference in the average value of gastritis symptoms before (1.77) and after autogenic relaxation treatment (1.53) (p=0.002). Conclusion: Autogenic relaxation therapy can reduce the symptoms of gastritis among ODHA patients at Wangaya Hospital, Bali, Indonesia.  Latar belakang: Masyarakat saat ini dituntut dengan banyak kewajiban dan tanggung jawab dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Keadaan ini akan berdampak pada tekanan mental yang mengarah pada stres dalam menghadapi banyak masalah kehidupan. Tekanan mental akan berdampak pada organ pencernaan seperti gastritis. Penderita HIV/AIDS (ODHA) kerap dihadapkan pada kondisi ini sehingga salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah melakukan relaksasi autogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan keluhan gastritis pada ODHA sebelum dan sesudah relaksasi autogenik.Metode: Sebuah penelitian eksperimental-semu dengan pre-test dan post-test tanpa kelompok kontrol dilakukan terhadap 21 responden pada Penanggulangan AIDS di Kabupaten Badung dari Mei-September 2017. Variabel yang dinilai dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis kelamin, jenis pekerjaan, status perkawinan, asal responden, dan gejala responden sebelum dan sesudah intervensi relaksasi autogenik. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 17 untuk Windows.Hasil: Sebagian besar pasien ODHA adalah laki-laki (61,9%), diikuti dengan bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga (28,6%), menikah (81,0%), dan tinggal di Kuta Utara (28,6%). Ada perbedaan yang bermakna dalam nilai rata-rata gejala gastritis sebelum (1,77) dan setelah perawatan relaksasi autogenik (1,53) (p = 0,002).Kesimpulan: Terapi relaksasi autogenik dapat mengurangi gejala grastritis di antara pasien ODHA di Rumah Sakit Wangaya, Bali, Indonesia.
Aplikasi Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) untuk Mengidentifikasi Nyeri Kronis pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Ni Nyoman Sri Ayu Desianti; I Dewa Putu Gede Putra Yasa; I Wayan Surasta; VM Endang SP Rahayu
Jurnal Gema Keperawatan Vol 16, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Gema Keperawatan
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jgk.v16i1.2563


Chronic pain is the main complaint of breast Cancer patients. Appropriate pain assessment is needed in palliative care of cancer patients. This study aims to describe the characteristics of pain in breast cancer patients who are studied with BPI at Bali Mandara Hospital in 2023. This research method uses a quantitative method which is carried out at the Surgical Oncology Polyclinic at Bali Mandara Hospital. This research activity was carried out in April 2023 using a purposive sampling technique of 44 respondents. The BPI Pain Inventory Brief Questions cover several aspects of pain assessment, many factors can be identified that affect pain objectively. This is very helpful in managing pain by the Nursing team. The results showed characteristic age respondents 30-40 years old was 7 (15,9%), 41-50 years old was 17 (38,6%), 51-60 years old was 13 (29,5%), 61-70 years old was 4 (9,1%) and 71-80 years old was 3 (6,9%). Respondents' characteristic length of the used contraceptive method was mean: 2 years 5 months, minimum at 5 years dan maximum at 72 months. that out of 44 respondents, 25 respondents (56.8%) experienced mild pain with a score of 1-3, moderate pain as many as 18 respondents (40.9%) with a score of 4-6, and severe pain as much as 1 (2.3%) with a score of 7-10. It can be concluded that this study showed that most of the respondents experienced pain that was not too severe. This is very helpful in managing pain by the nursing team.
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 5, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jpms.v5i2.2569


The background for conducting bioacupressure training for health cadres is to accelerate the reduction of stunting rates in the Banjar 1 Buleleng health center area. Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children due to malnutrition and lack of quality, so that body length or height has a z-score value of less than -2SD. Stunted toddlers have a negative impact on health and functional bodies and increase child morbidity. The prevalence of stunting in Buleleng is still 20.5 percent and is above the WHO setting of 20 percent. Various efforts have been made, one of which is in the Banjar sub-district, a stunting consultation group has been formed and the implementation of programs for providing supplementary food, providing vitamins and cross-sectoral improvements to sanitation . Even so, in the Banjar 1 health center area, there are still 69 stunted toddlers. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of the cadres about bioacupressure massage for stunting toddlers. The training was conducted for 40 cadres representing 11 villages in the working area of the puskesmas. The results of the training before being given training showed sufficient knowledge, there were 5 people (7.5%) who had less knowledge, 32 people (80%) had sufficient knowledge, and 12.5% (3 people) had good knowledge. After the training was carried out there was an increase in knowledge with a significant difference with the t test analysis obtained. The conclusion of the results of this community service is that the level of knowledge of health cadres about Bioacupressure massage has increased and can become a companion and motivator so that mothers who have stunted toddlers do bioacupressure massage on their toddlers so that their appetite and height growth become more maximized
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 5, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jpms.v5i2.2569


The background for conducting bioacupressure training for health cadres is to accelerate the reduction of stunting rates in the Banjar 1 Buleleng health center area. Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children due to malnutrition and lack of quality, so that body length or height has a z-score value of less than -2SD. Stunted toddlers have a negative impact on health and functional bodies and increase child morbidity. The prevalence of stunting in Buleleng is still 20.5 percent and is above the WHO setting of 20 percent. Various efforts have been made, one of which is in the Banjar sub-district, a stunting consultation group has been formed and the implementation of programs for providing supplementary food, providing vitamins and cross-sectoral improvements to sanitation . Even so, in the Banjar 1 health center area, there are still 69 stunted toddlers. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of the cadres about bioacupressure massage for stunting toddlers. The training was conducted for 40 cadres representing 11 villages in the working area of the puskesmas. The results of the training before being given training showed sufficient knowledge, there were 5 people (7.5%) who had less knowledge, 32 people (80%) had sufficient knowledge, and 12.5% (3 people) had good knowledge. After the training was carried out there was an increase in knowledge with a significant difference with the t test analysis obtained. The conclusion of the results of this community service is that the level of knowledge of health cadres about Bioacupressure massage has increased and can become a companion and motivator so that mothers who have stunted toddlers do bioacupressure massage on their toddlers so that their appetite and height growth become more maximized