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Sampul, Dewan Editor, Daftar Isi Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 19, No 1 (2020)

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Mitra Bestari, Panduan Penulisan, Sampul Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 19, No 1 (2020)

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Kinetic and products of C3H3 and C4H2 reaction: theoretical and computational study Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2011.10.2.7


The formation of first aromatic ring was suggested to be a crucial step of the PAHs and soot growth mechanism. In general, four-, five-, six-, or seven-membered ring molecules could be formed by the addition reaction of two hydrocarbon molecules resulted from many different pathways. Small hydrocarbon molecules with numerous concentrations during combustion/pyrolysis are suspected to play an important role. Propargyl radical (•C3H3) and butadiene (C4H2) have been chosen as the initial reactants in this discussion, since they are found at relatively high concentrations in flame experiments to examine the above particular reaction. Following initial addition mechanisms, their adduct intermediate can form a ring molecule and undergo subsequent rearrangement. All possible molecular structures were considered and the viability of each channel was assessed through a “RRKM + master equation” kinetic study. This study is an attemp and example to develop and apply molecular computational method for solving problems in the chemical engineering.Keywords: reaction kinetic, ab-initio calculation, RRKM theory, unimolecular reaction, propargyl, butadiene.AbstrakReaksi pembentukan cincin aromatic pada senyawa hidrokarbon merupakan mekanisme awal terpenting dari pembentukan Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAH) dan jelaga karbon. Secara umum, senyawa hidrokarbon dengan cincin berjumlah empat, lima, enam, atau tujuh dapat dibentuk oleh reaksi gabungan dua molekul hidrokarbon. Molekul hidrokarbon dengan jumlah atom karbon rendah akan memainkan peranan penting ditinjau dari besarnya konsentrasi senyawa ini saat pembakaran/pirolisis. Dalam diskusi ini, reaksi propargil radikal (•C3H3) dan butadiena (C4H2) digunakan sebagai studi kasus karena konsentrasinya yang relatif tinggi dalam percobaan laboratorium dengan menggunakan bunsen. Secara garis besar, reaksi pembentukan rantai lingkar (cincin) dapat tercapai baik secara langsung setelah reaksi adisi atau melalui penataan ulang molekul. Berbagai struktur molekul dan mekanisme yang mungkin ada dalam reaksi ini akan dianalisis melalui studi kinetika "RRKM + persamaan master (master equation)". Studi ini juga ditujukan sebagai usaha dan contoh untuk memperkenalkan penggunaan kimia komputasi molekuler dalam menyelesaikan berbagai problem di bidang teknik kimia.Kata kunci: kinetika reaksi, perhitungan ab-initio, teori RRKM, reaksi unimolekular, propargil, butadiena.
Sabun Kalsium dari PFAD untuk Pakan Ruminansia: Kualitas PFAD Sebagai Sumber Asam Lemak Bebas Lienda A. Handojo; Antonius Indarto; Dian Shofinita; Muhammad Reyhan Saadi; Dea Yulistia; Fathinah I. Hasyyati
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 19, No 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2020.19.1.2


Abstrak. Dalam rangka meningkatkan komoditas susu di Indonesia, pemerintah menargetkan sapi perah lokal harus mampu menyuplai 41% produksi susu dalam negeri pada 2022. Salah satu cara untuk menaikkan produksi susu sapi adalah memberikan suplemen pakan berupa sabun kalsium. Sabun kalsium telah banyak digunakan di luar negeri, namun tidak di Indonesia, untuk menaikkan produksi susu sekaligus fertilitas ruminansia. Sabun kalsium dapat dibuat melalui reaksi fusi termodifikasi antara Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) sebagai sumber asam lemak bebas dengan sumber kalsium. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi pengaruh jenis PFAD terhadap kualitas produk sabun kalsium. PFAD yang digunakan berasal dari beberapa industri pengolahan kelapa sawit di Indonesia, yaitu Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Bekasi, Kota Bekasi, dan Kabupaten Pelalawan dengan rentang angka asam 195–221 mg KOH/g sampel. Produk sabun kalsium yang dihasilkan kemudian dianalisis nilai angka asam untuk menguantifikasi kualitasnya. Keempat produk sabun kalsium secara keseluruhan memiliki angka asam di bawah 1 mg KOH/g sampel. Rendahnya angka asam pada produk membuktikan bahwa keempat sumber PFAD dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sabun kalsium dengan kualitas baik. Kata kunci:angka asam, kalsium oksida, PFAD, pakan ruminansia, sabun kalsium. Abstract. Calcium Soap from PFAD for Ruminant Feed: Quality of PFAD as a Source of Free Fatty Acids. In order to increase the milk commodity in Indonesia, the government targets local dairy cattle to be able to supply 41% of domestic milk production by 2022. One way to increase the production of cow's milk is to provide a dietary supplement in the form of calcium soap. Calcium soap has been widely used overseas, but not in Indonesia, to increase milk production as well as ruminant fertility. Calcium soaps can be made by modified fusion reactions between PFAD as a source of free fatty acids with a calcium source. This study evaluated the effect of PFAD type on the quality of calcium soap products. PFAD used were obtained from several palm oil processing industries in Indonesia, namely Sidoarjo regency, Bekasi regency, Bekasi city, and Pelalawan regency with the acid number 195–221 mg KOH/g sample. The resulting calcium soap product is then analyzed for the acid number to quantify its quality. The four calcium soap products had an acid number below 1 mg KOH / g sample. The low acid number in the product indicates that the four sources of PFAD can be used as raw material for producing calcium soap with good quality. Keywords: acid value, calcium oxide, calcium soap, PFAD, ruminant feed. 
Application of ionic liquids for separation of propyne from propylene: solubility and selectivity studies Jelliarko Palgunadi; Antonius Indarto; Haryo Winoto; Hoon Sik Kim
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 9, No 3 (2010)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2010.9.3.5


Separation or removal of propyne from propylene, generated by naptha cracking process, is one of the most important processes in petrochemical industries because ppm level of propyne contained in feed olefins can serve as catalyst poisons in the polymerization of olefins. Recently, room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) were introduced as novel solvents for the separation of various gases and hydrocarbons. RTIL is a salt composed of unsymmetrical organic cation and organic/inorganic anion which melts at room temperature. Prior to the decision of material selection for the effective separation of propyne/propylene employing RTIL, solubility behaviors and selectivities of propyne and propylene in various RTILs were investigated. For the solubility of propyne and propylene in 1-R-3-methylimidazolium-based RTILs, solubility measurement, thermodynamic analysis, and computational calculation strongly imply that the solubility of propyne is controlled by a trade-off between a specific solute-solvent interaction (hydrogen bonding of propyne-anion) and non bonding interaction (solubility parameter). In contrast, the solubility of propylene seems to be much strongly dependent on non-bonding interaction (solubility parameter) closely related to the physical attractive forces as suggested by regular solution theory. Thus, to achieve high selectivity of propyne over propylene, a RTIL with smaller-size and stronger hydrogen bonding ability should be employed.Keywords: propyne, propylene, solubility, selectivity, ionic liquidsAbstrakPemisahan senyawa propuna dari propena, yang dihasilkan oleh proses fraksionasi nafta adalah salah satu proses yang paling penting dalam industri petrokimia. Kontaminan propuna yang terkandung dalam umpan olefin dapat menjadi racun katalis dalam proses polimerisasi olefin. Kini cairan ionik temperatur ruang (RTIL) diperkenalkan sebagai pelarut baru untuk pemisahan berbagai gas dan hidrokarbon. RTIL adalah garam yang terdiri dari kation organik dan anion organik/anorganik asimetrik yang meleleh pada suhu kamar. Pemilihan senyawa pelarut RTIL yang tepat untuk pemisahan propuna / propena akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini. Dalam proses pelarutan propuna dalam RTIL berbasis 1-R-3-metilimidazolium, pengukuran kelarutan, analisis termodinamika, dan pemodelan mengisyaratkan bahwa kelarutan propuna dikendalikan oleh kompromi antara interaksi spesifik solut-pelarut (ikatan hidrogen propuna-anion) dan interaksi tak mengikat  (parameter kelarutan). Sebaliknya, kelarutan propena sangat bergantung pada interaksi tak mengikat (parameter kelarutan) yang erat hubungannya dengan ikatan fisik seperti dipaparkan dalam teori larutan biasa (regular solution theory). Dengan demikian, untuk mencapai selektivitas tinggi terhadap propuna dibandingkan dengan propena, disarankan untuk menggunakan senyawa RTIL dengan ukuran molekul lebih kecil yang memiliki ikatan hidrogen lebih kuat.Kata Kunci: propuna, propena, kelarutan, absorpsi, cairan ionik
Teknoekonomi Penyingkiran Senyawa Sulfur dari Kondensat Gas Alam dengan Metode Desulfurisasi Oksidatif-Ekstraktif Tri Partono Adhi; Sardenianto Sardenianto; Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.69864


In the oil and gas production process, apart from hydrocarbons, a number of impurities are produced, including CO2 and sulfur in various concentrations, depending on the conditions and characteristics of the reservoir and the location where the oil and gas is located. To process sulfur removal from condensate, the common technology is HDS (Hydrodesulfurization). However, with process requirements such as high temperature, pressure, and intensive hydrogen consumption, an alternative technology is needed for this desulfurization. One of them is oxidative-extractive desulfurization. Technical and economic evaluations to determine the feasibility of applying on an industrial scale need to be studied further. The study of oxidative-extractive desulfurization process of sulfur compounds (represented as dibenzothiophene, DBT) was carried out using H2O2/formic acid as oxidizing agent and catalyst, as well as extraction with DMF. For a capacity of 1000 bpd of condensate with 1%-wt sulfur, desulfurization was successfully carried out with sulfur removal of 96.55% and condensate recovery of 99.41%. A processing fee of 9.14 USD/barrel is required, of which 84% is required for chemicals. The alternative process configuration for DMF recovery succeeded in reducing chemical costs by 35.5% and reducing total processing costs by 27.0% to 6.67 USD/barrel. In this alternative process configuration, 95.80% sulfur removal was achieved with condensate recovery of 99.21%.
Penentuan Model Adsorpsi Metil Merah pada Karbon Aktif berbasis Torefaksi Arang Batubara Antonius Indarto; Yansen Hartanto; Aditya Putranto; Rendi Bunaidi
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Edisi Bulan Juli (Edition For July)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598//ijcr.2019.7-ind


The Rate Determining Step (RDS) in adsorption proses plays a key role in order to understand the correct adsoption mechanism. In this experiment, a simple method used for distinguishing the RDS of liquid adsorption on solid adsorben was studied by an experiment based on Shrinking-Core Diffusion-based Model (SCM). RDS determination was done by comparing experimental data of two SCM Models: (1) Pore-Surface Model Diffusion (PSDM) and (2) Film-Pore Diffusion Model (FPDM). The adsorption of methylene blue by activated carbon obtained from Jatropha curcas L. was used as a case study. The result of experiment by three variated parameters: initial concentration (C0), pH, and type of adsorben shows that PSDM has more accuration compared to FPDM in representating the characterstic of mass transport of metil red adsorption on activated carbon.
Mekanisme Teoritis Pembentukan Senyawa Siklik Hidrokarbon dari Reaksi C4H5 dan C4H2 Antonius Indarto; Lienda Handojo
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Edisi Bulan Januari (Edition for January)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598//ijcr.2020.7-ant


Acetylene and polyyne are intermediates in the formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and soot in combustion or pyrolysis. PAH formation from acetylene is known as the most adopted pathway because it has a low reaction energy. Another mechanism for the formation of PAH is a mechanism that involves polyyne or known as a radical pathway, proposed by Krestinin. This pathway involves the reaction of alkyne + alkenes which results in the addition of radical sites to the molecular structure. In this study, the two reaction mechanisms will be compared. Electronic features and energy requirements of the reaction process will be evaluated using molecular computational studies based on electron density (DFT). In combustion conditions (high temperature), the formation of radical sites requires relatively little energy, with a range of 2-5 kcal/mol. This is very different when compared to the energy profile for the same reaction at room temperature. From this study, it can be concluded that the mechanism of radical growth has the potential to occur in combustion reactions.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, radical growth, combustion, polyyne.
Penyingkiran Merkuri Dari Minyak Mentah Berat: Konversi Merkuri Ion ke Merkuri Metalik Tri Partono Adhi; Harris Prabowo; Antonius Indarto
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Edisi Bulan September (Edition for September)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598//ijcr.2020.8-tri


The presence of mercury in crude oil creates problems in oil processing in refineries, both in terms of operations and health. The previous removal process of mercury has not yet optimally removed mercury in the product, due to ionic and metallic mercury species. In this study, to obtain optimum results, the process of removal of mercury begins with the process of converting ionic (non-metallic) mercury into metallic mercury thermally in the liquid phase, followed by the transfer of metallic mercury to the gas phase by instant evaporation (flashing) and reinforced by gas stripping using internal gas cone from the evaporation of an instant. The results of the optimization of the process carried out can eliminate mercury with an efficiency of more than 95%.
Teknoekonomi Penyingkiran Senyawa Sulfur dari Kondensat Gas Alam dengan Metode Desulfurisasi Oksidatif-Ekstraktif Tri Partono Adhi; Sardenianto Sardenianto; Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.69864


In the oil and gas production process, apart from hydrocarbons, a number of impurities are produced, including CO2 and sulfur in various concentrations, depending on the conditions and characteristics of the reservoir and the location where the oil and gas is located. To process sulfur removal from condensate, the common technology is HDS (Hydrodesulfurization). However, with process requirements such as high temperature, pressure, and intensive hydrogen consumption, an alternative technology is needed for this desulfurization. One of them is oxidative-extractive desulfurization. Technical and economic evaluations to determine the feasibility of applying on an industrial scale need to be studied further. The study of oxidative-extractive desulfurization process of sulfur compounds (represented as dibenzothiophene, DBT) was carried out using H2O2/formic acid as oxidizing agent and catalyst, as well as extraction with DMF. For a capacity of 1000 bpd of condensate with 1%-wt sulfur, desulfurization was successfully carried out with sulfur removal of 96.55% and condensate recovery of 99.41%. A processing fee of 9.14 USD/barrel is required, of which 84% is required for chemicals. The alternative process configuration for DMF recovery succeeded in reducing chemical costs by 35.5% and reducing total processing costs by 27.0% to 6.67 USD/barrel. In this alternative process configuration, 95.80% sulfur removal was achieved with condensate recovery of 99.21%.