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Aplikasi teknik principal component analysis (pca) untuk penyepakatan data pada kompresor multi tahap Wielianto Yudha; Tri Partono Adhi
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 5, No 2 (2006)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2006.5.2.3


Application of principal component analysis (pca) tecnique for data reconsiliation in multi stage compresor.The latest development of gross error detection has been focused on the use of multivariate statistical techniques. These techniques give more accurate and correct detection in determining the variables suspected to contain gross error. These techniques are reliable to solve the problem of correlation present in measurement data. As one of multivariate statistical technique, PCA can be used to detect gross error in the measurement. The objectives of this research are to apply PCA for detection and identification of gross error in measurement data, to apply data reconciliation technique to obtain reconciled data, and to investigate application of PCA leading to its use in the dynamic data reconciliation. In this research, the operation of multistage compressor in urea fertilizer plant is chosen as the studied case. The results of this research prove that PCA can be applied for detection and identification of gross error in measurement data of mass flow, pressure, and temperature. PCA application on steady state data reconciliation can be usedfor detection the location of gross error in the measurement data. Gross error in the data can be eliminated and corrected exactly. Moreover, PCA can be used to detect and isolate fault quickly leading to its use in the dynamic data reconciliation. Nevertheless, process knowledge base must be collected first before the application of PCA. If the process knowledge is more complete, the confidence of the inference becomes higher.Keywords: Measurement Data, Gross Error, Data Reconciliation, PCA AbstrakDalam perkembangannya, deteksi kesalahan nyata dilakukan dengan teknik statistik multi varia bel untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat dan benar dalam penentuan varia bel yang menyebabkan kesalahan  nyata  tersebut.  Teknik  statistik  multivariabel  dikenal  handal  dalam  mengatasi permasalahan dimana terdapat korelasi diantara varia bel proses yang diukur. PCA sebagai salah satu teknik ana/isis statistik kuantitatifmultivariabel dikenal baik untuk mendeteksi kesalahannyata pada pengukuran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk menerapkan PCA dalam deteksi dan identifikasi kesalahan nyata pada data pengukuran, menerapkan teknik penyepakatan data untuk  memperoleh  data pengukuran  yang  tersepakati,  dan  mengkaji penerapan  PCA pada penyepakatan data secara dinamik. Dalam penelitian ini, operasi kompresor multi tahap dalam pabrik pupuk urea dipilih sebagai studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa teknik PCA dapat diterapkan untuk deteksi dan identifikasi kesalahan nyata pada data pengukuranlaju afir, tekanan, dan temperatur. Aplikasi  teknik PCA pada penyepakatan  data keadaan tunak dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi letak kesalahan nyata pada data pengukuran sehingga eliminasi atau koreksi terhadap data yang mengandung kesalahan nyata tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan tepat. Selain itu, teknik PCA dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan melokalisir kesalahan dengan cepat sehingga teknik ini memungkinkan untuk diterapkan pada penyepakatan data dinamik. Akan tetapi, aplikasi teknik PCA ini perlu diawali dengan pengumpulan pengetahuan proses yang lengkap sehingga tingkat keyakinan terhadap keputusan penerimaan ataupenolakan suatu data lebih tinggi.Kata Kunci: Data Pengukuran, Kesalahan Nyata, Penyepakatan Data, PCA
Teknoekonomi Penyingkiran Senyawa Sulfur dari Kondensat Gas Alam dengan Metode Desulfurisasi Oksidatif-Ekstraktif Tri Partono Adhi; Sardenianto Sardenianto; Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.69864


In the oil and gas production process, apart from hydrocarbons, a number of impurities are produced, including CO2 and sulfur in various concentrations, depending on the conditions and characteristics of the reservoir and the location where the oil and gas is located. To process sulfur removal from condensate, the common technology is HDS (Hydrodesulfurization). However, with process requirements such as high temperature, pressure, and intensive hydrogen consumption, an alternative technology is needed for this desulfurization. One of them is oxidative-extractive desulfurization. Technical and economic evaluations to determine the feasibility of applying on an industrial scale need to be studied further. The study of oxidative-extractive desulfurization process of sulfur compounds (represented as dibenzothiophene, DBT) was carried out using H2O2/formic acid as oxidizing agent and catalyst, as well as extraction with DMF. For a capacity of 1000 bpd of condensate with 1%-wt sulfur, desulfurization was successfully carried out with sulfur removal of 96.55% and condensate recovery of 99.41%. A processing fee of 9.14 USD/barrel is required, of which 84% is required for chemicals. The alternative process configuration for DMF recovery succeeded in reducing chemical costs by 35.5% and reducing total processing costs by 27.0% to 6.67 USD/barrel. In this alternative process configuration, 95.80% sulfur removal was achieved with condensate recovery of 99.21%.
Pengaruh Tekanan Dan Tahap Kompresi Dalam Pemurnian Biogas Menjadi Biometana Dengan Absorpsi CO2 Menggunakan Air Bertekanan Anggit Raksajati; Tri Partono Adhi; Danu Ariono
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol 8 No 1 (2020): Edisi Bulan Mei (Edition for May)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/10.30598//ijcr.2020.8-ang


Palm oil mill effluent (POME) from condensate stew, hydrocyclone water, and sludge separator contains organic carbon with a COD more than 40 g/L and a nitrogen content of about 0.2 and 0.5 g/L as ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen. At present, the POME is converted into biogas using anaerobic ponds. Biogas produced contains 60% methane (CH4) and 40% carbon dioxide (CO2) and can be purified into biomethane through CO2 absorption using water. This study evaluates the optimum pressure and feed compression stage in biogas upgrading into biomethane. The results show the rate of circulation of water needed to separate CO2 from biogas feed decreases with increasing absorber pressure due to increased solubility of CO2 in water. Water circulation pumps and biogas compressor works increase due to the increase in pressure difference needed. The optimum pressure of the biogas biogas purification unit is within the range of 7-10 bar. At the same absorber pressure, the 1 stage feed compression unit is cheaper than that of 2 stages. However, the overall process with 1 compression stage might not be more economical than the 2-stage if consider the higher methane loss.
Penyingkiran Merkuri Dari Minyak Mentah Berat: Konversi Merkuri Ion ke Merkuri Metalik Tri Partono Adhi; Harris Prabowo; Antonius Indarto
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Edisi Bulan September (Edition for September)
Publisher : Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598//ijcr.2020.8-tri


The presence of mercury in crude oil creates problems in oil processing in refineries, both in terms of operations and health. The previous removal process of mercury has not yet optimally removed mercury in the product, due to ionic and metallic mercury species. In this study, to obtain optimum results, the process of removal of mercury begins with the process of converting ionic (non-metallic) mercury into metallic mercury thermally in the liquid phase, followed by the transfer of metallic mercury to the gas phase by instant evaporation (flashing) and reinforced by gas stripping using internal gas cone from the evaporation of an instant. The results of the optimization of the process carried out can eliminate mercury with an efficiency of more than 95%.
Teknoekonomi Penyingkiran Senyawa Sulfur dari Kondensat Gas Alam dengan Metode Desulfurisasi Oksidatif-Ekstraktif Tri Partono Adhi; Sardenianto Sardenianto; Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.69864


In the oil and gas production process, apart from hydrocarbons, a number of impurities are produced, including CO2 and sulfur in various concentrations, depending on the conditions and characteristics of the reservoir and the location where the oil and gas is located. To process sulfur removal from condensate, the common technology is HDS (Hydrodesulfurization). However, with process requirements such as high temperature, pressure, and intensive hydrogen consumption, an alternative technology is needed for this desulfurization. One of them is oxidative-extractive desulfurization. Technical and economic evaluations to determine the feasibility of applying on an industrial scale need to be studied further. The study of oxidative-extractive desulfurization process of sulfur compounds (represented as dibenzothiophene, DBT) was carried out using H2O2/formic acid as oxidizing agent and catalyst, as well as extraction with DMF. For a capacity of 1000 bpd of condensate with 1%-wt sulfur, desulfurization was successfully carried out with sulfur removal of 96.55% and condensate recovery of 99.41%. A processing fee of 9.14 USD/barrel is required, of which 84% is required for chemicals. The alternative process configuration for DMF recovery succeeded in reducing chemical costs by 35.5% and reducing total processing costs by 27.0% to 6.67 USD/barrel. In this alternative process configuration, 95.80% sulfur removal was achieved with condensate recovery of 99.21%.
Dynamic Evaluation: Centrifugal Compressor’s Operation in Determining Anti-Surge Controller Tri Partono Adhi; Tanti S Rosyid; Yusrin Ramli; Antonius Indarto
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2022.14.2.6


Anti surging is developed for a compressor system consisting of a booster compressor and a high-pressure compressor in a serial circuit. This evaluation presented 6 options of anti-surge systems with variations of the number of Anti Surge Valve (ASV) and its combination with the addition of Hot Gas Bypass Valve (HGBV) and Cold Gas Bypass Valve (CGBV). From the model evaluation, the option that involves a special ASV (dedicated) for each compressor and coupled with a dedicated CGBV or HGBV is the best because the compressor can be back to normal in less than 1 second (maximum time to return to normal condition is 3 seconds. Referring to these options, dedicated ASV for each compressor provides more benefits to the security of compressor operation. However, the most appropriate option in the field will return to the issue of cost or ease of modification. For facilities that are running (brownfield), the use of tools which already exist in the field and do a little modification is the most appropriate option, while for the new facility (grassroots project), the single ASV for a compressor circuit is the most optimum as it only involves minimum equipment and configuration as simple as possible piping/instrumentation.