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Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Terhadap Metode Pembelajaran Online iLearning+ Pada Perguruan Tinggi Untung Raharja; Ninda Lutfiani; Indri Handayani; Fitria Marwati Suryaman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30700/jst.v9i2.497


Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan manusia yang harus selalu berkembang sesuai dengan perubahan zaman yang ada. Perkembangan yang semakin pesat di dunia pendidikan dan teknologi sangat menjadi acuan untuk kualitas pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Sistem pembelajaran online adalah satu-satunya media pembelajaran yang dapat memudahkan bagi siapa saja yang ingin melanjutkan ke jenjang Diploma ataupun Sarjana tanpa harus bersusah payah datang ke tempat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Banyaknya Universitas ataupun Perguruan Tinggi sudah menerapkan sistem belajar online bagi peserta didik yang terhalang oleh suatu pekerjaan atau sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa dalam sistem belajar online. Pembelajaran online yang sudah diterapkan di Perguruan Tinggi Raharja disebut dengan atau sering disebut iLearning+, namun pembelajaran online tersebut masih kurang maksimal dimana mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki motivasi belajar menjadi permasalahan yang harus dipecahkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mind mapping dan literature review. Dengan adanya penghargaan berupa nilai tambahan membuat motivasi dalam belajar menjadi meningkat. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya penghargaan berupa nilai tambahan bagi mahasiswa yang aktif menjadi pemacu semangat belajar mahasiswa menjadi bertambah.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Vol. 16 No. 2 (2019): Edisi Juli 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.319 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jptk-undiksha.v16i2.17859


Saat ini Indonesia telah memasuki era Industri 4.0 dimana perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) sangat pesat. Berbagai manfaat pun bermunculan khususnya dalam bidang Pendidikan. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi memegang peran sangat penting dalam kecanggihan berkomunikasi. iLearning Plus merupakan inovasi metode pembelajaran Universitas Raharja secara  jarak jauh dimana para mahasiswa tidak perlu datang ke kampus untuk melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran.  Disinilah peran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sangat diperlukan guna kelancaran kegiatan pembelajaran. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran sekaligus media komunikasi antara mahasiswa dengan dosen. Sebagai media pembelajaran Mahasiswa akan mendapatkan materi perkuliahan beserta latihannya melalui website tanpa perlu tatap muka dengan Dosen yang bersangkutan. Materi yang diberikan dapat berupa teks ataupun video. Meskipun tidak bertatap muka, komunikasi antar Mahasiswa dan Dosen tidak lepas begitu saja, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi sebagai media komunikasi menyediakan sarana bagi Mahasiswa dan Dosen sehingga antar Mahasiswa dan Dosen masih dapat berkomunikasi untuk membahas materi perkuliahan yang masih belum dapat dimengerti oleh Mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dengan maksud dan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang peran perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi pada metode pembelajaran iLearning Plus.
Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Vol. 17 No. 1 (2020): Edisi Januari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.905 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jptk-undiksha.v17i1.22828


Hak Kekayaan Intelektual atau biasa disebut dengan HKI adalah Hak ekonomis yang dimiliki oleh seseorang bagi hasil pemikirannya yang berbentuk produk ataupun proses yang berguna bagi manusia. Pengelolaan serta pemanfaatan HKI saat ini masih dirasa kurang maksimal, informasi terkait HKI belum tersampaikan kepada masyarakat luas. Perguruan Tinggi memiliki kewajiban untuk mengelola serta memanfaatkan hasil kegiatan dan inovasinya yang kemudian hasil tersebut wajib untuk disebarluaskan. Sistem Pengelolaan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual sangatlah penting bagi Perguruan Tinggi dalam mengelola serta menyebarluaskan informasi terkait HKI.  Namun, saat ini sistem pengelolaan HKI yang ada di Universitas Raharja masih bersifat manual sehingga penyebarluasan informasi terkait HKI masih belum dapat dilakukan. Dari permasalahan tersebut maka diperlukan adanya sebuah Sistem Pengelolaan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Berbasis Web supaya dapat mengelola sekaligus menyebarluaskan informasi terkait HKI yang diakses secara online sehingga informasi didapatkan dimana saja dan kapan saja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis SWOT dan menggunakan Content Management System (CMS). Kata kunci— Sistem Pengelolaan, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Website
Optimalisasi Sistem Dan Desain CCTV Pada PT Jet Teknologi Express Berbasis Cloud Indri Handayani; Ade Setiadi; Ade Muhamad Ridwan
Technomedia Journal Vol 4 No 1 Agustus (2019): Technomedia Journal
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4464.159 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v4i1.888


CCTV is a video camera device that serves to display and record an event at a time and place wherever the device is paired. CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television. Cctv seing is used for the security system of a place whether it is office, shop, street or housing. This device becomes reliable when many cctv manufacturers are issuing the latest cctv output technology. Such as motion recording mode, auto line, alarm detector and many more. Therefore this device can be the most popular security tool nowadays. One company that uses cctv device as its security support is PT. Jet Technology Express. Almost all agents of PT. Jet Technology Express already installed cctv. Many benefits that can be obtained from the company with the cctv, among others, to monitor employee activities, monitoring the packet and its main function is to security agents spread across Indonesia. Keywords : CCTV, PT. Jet Teknologi Express, Secure
Alat Pengukur Ketinggian Air Berbasis Microcontroller Sebagai Peringatan Banjir Dengan Notification Indri Handayani; Ade Setiadi; Fajar nur iman
Technomedia Journal Vol 4 No 1 Agustus (2019): Technomedia Journal
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1032.93 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v4i1.896


Ultrasonic sensor is a device that is often used in industrial companies. Ultrasonic sensor has a function as a detector and distance measuring. Ultrasonic sensor work is the sensor will emit ultrasonic waves on the surface and then catch it back, so the results obtained in accordance with the original state. Some car companies use this ultrasonic sensor on the car as a means to measure the distance so as not to collide with other vehicles. This sensor is very suitable for designing a water level gauge, because in addition to effective sensors also provide accurate results. From several experiments conducted, it was generated that ultrasonic sensors were quite effective in measuring at a distance of 1 cm - 300 cm. from the design of ultrasonic sensor-based water meter this results obtained will be displayed on the 16x2cm lcd screen as a giver of information and some led lights to provide restrictions of the height and buzzer as a warning sign that the maximum water level. Keywords: ultrasonic sensor, water level meter, arduino
Sistem Penilaian Penguji Sidang Proposal Pada PESSTA+ S2 di Universitas Raharja Erick Febriyanto; Indri Handayani; Vivid Kristiani Alfad Zebua
Technomedia Journal Vol 4 No 1 Agustus (2019): Technomedia Journal
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2043.173 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v4i1.1001


Assessment of examiners is very important in giving a decision to every leaners. Raharja University as one of univesity that has concentration in the field of computer science have various system to support academic activities , one of them is system PESSTA+S2. PESSTA+S2 ( Trial thesis evaluation plus postgraduate) is an information system which provides convenience to students as media to fulfill the evaluation point of proposal trial. The problem this now is assessment of examiners in the trial proposal really need precision and wary of examiners in inputting values of students cause still us Ms.Excel. The purpose of this research is to designing a system assessment of examiners in order to access by online on the system PESSTA+S2, so the system can be integrated by national. In solving existing problems,researcher use SWOT analysis system method and literature review. The result from this researcher is in the form system of assessment examiners proposal trial inside website PESSTA+S2 bassed Yii Framework that be convenience to inputting assessment of examiners at the Raharja University. Keywords : PESSTA+S2, assessment of examiners, The Trial Proposal, SWOT, Yii Framework
Pemanfaatan Indeksasi Mendeley Sebagai Media Pengenalan Jurnal STT Yuppentek Indri Handayani; Erick Febriyanto; Teguh Arya Yudanto
Technomedia Journal Vol 3 No 2 Februari (2019): Technomedia Journal
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2240.09 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v3i2.1057


Scientific works or journals at STT Yuppentek are currently less globally known and indexation is an important element to increase the popularity of scientific papers or journals. Mendeley is a software that is devoted to integrating citation & reference managers into a social network, where researchers in various parts of the world can collaborate and share research data. Mendeley can be accessed through desktop, web and mobile applications by providing full-text search for all papers in the database and sharing documents on the database with other users and synchronizing reference libraries with data stored on Mendeley's web server. However, there are several problems faced in the research at STT Yuppentek, namely the lack of quality and authenticity of scientific works or journals, and the popularity of scientific works or STT Yuppentek journals in global circles. This research was carried out using data collection methods, problem analysis and needs analysis because the method was in accordance with this study to identify the problem at hand. The results of this study are applying the management application of quotes and references from the STT Yuppentek journal and increasing the popularity of scientific papers or STT Yuppentek journals globally. Keywords: Indexation, Yuppentek STT Journal, Mendeley.
Desain Prototype Sales Report Online Menggunakan Konsep Smart Application Pada PT Evergreen Sentosa Indri Handayani; Qurotul Aini; Citra Yulian Kristanti
Technomedia Journal Vol 5 No 1 Agustus (2020): TMJ (Technomedia Journal)
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.509 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v5i1.1225


The development of today technology evolving so rapidly, especially in industry. Competition in the industry is getting tighter so that the company will always strive to continue to be first in satisfying consumers and that consumers do not switch to another. Information systems sales report is needed by the company to know at any time the sales summary, sales growth can be monitored at any time and are still manually input method can be done in computerized to avoid many mistakes. Recapitulation of sales at PT. Evergreen Sentosa in Tangerang previously used in the bookkeeping and input using Microsoft Excel 2007. The main purpose of the research conducted by the authors is to assist the Company in the sales summary in order to avoid many mistakes, change a system that is still done manually into a computerized online by using the Other: direct observation, conducting interviews with stakeholders, studying the data that has been given from PT. Evergreen Sentosa in Tangerang, and the method of literature done by seeking additional information from a variety of books obtained, analyzed in the form of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) using visual software design paradigm 6.4 and made proposals as you wish stakeholders. From the observations made by the author, the authors obtain results or conclusions that the information system sales reports beneficial to the Company. Keywords: Sales Report , PT . Evergreen Sentosa , UML
Perancangan Aplikasi Fit Your Weight Untuk Menghitung Berat Badan Ideal Berbasis Android Ade Setiadi; Indri Handayani; Farah Fadilah
Technomedia Journal Vol 5 No 2 Februari (2021): TMJ (Technomedia Journal)
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.894 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v5i2.1324


Knowledge about ideal body weight at this time is very much discussed, ideal body weight is certainly a good thing for health in themselves and appearance, For women and men weight is one thing that is often the main focus for health, those that are does not care about his weight so that he does not control his food patterns or irregular eating patterns, then see developments in this digital age all things are easily accessed through digital applications, with that basis we combine the android system with the calculation of ideal body weight, to find out body weight through the application certainly makes it easy and includes a fast way with it we made an android-based application to calculate whether the weight is ideal or not, so not only is a calculator, we also provide tips in it, with many methods of calculating body weight we chose to use the method Brocca and MIT App Inventor tools in making the application, because this method is simple enough to be used as a reference in the calculation, we hope that by making this application can facilitate the public in calculating the ideal body weight.
Optimalisasi Sistem Pengelolaan E-Journal Berbasis Open Journal System (OJS) Menggunakan Framework CSS Bootstrap Pada Instansi dan Asosiasi Indri Handayani; Giandari Maulani; Evira Noviandri; Hesti Widya Ningsih
Technomedia Journal Vol 5 No 1 Agustus (2020): TMJ (Technomedia Journal)
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1082.875 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v5i1.1329


A journal is a special article in articles in several fields of science. The journal is used as a reference in conducting scientific work both by students and by lecturers. At present several institutions and associations which are the object of research have used the OJS-based scientific journal processing and publication system. However, its publication is still based on OJS Version 2.4.8. In OJS Version 2.4.8, it's still not optimal, one of which is in terms of customization that can't adjust the display easily. Therefore, optimization of the e-journal management system is needed by using OJS Version which is more flexible and has an attractive appearance and is easily customizable using the CSS Bootstrap Framework theme. The research methods in this study include the method of challenge analysis, the method of analyzing the need for system upgrade, and the method of software development using the waterfall method. After optimizing using OJS version, publications are easier to do and most importantly can be customized using the CSS Bootstrap Framework so that it is more user-friendly.