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Sufistic Consciousness as A Foundation of Religious Well-Being in Ibn ‘Arabi’s Teaching to Understanding Existential Uncertainty Andri Azis Putra; Arqom Kuswanjono; Misnal Munir
Jurnal Theologia Vol 32, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : The Faculty of Islamic Theology and Humanities, UIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/teo.2021.32.2.9456


Consciousness is one of the most vital states of human existence. One of its roles is to explain the context of life in the uncertainty of life itself. The most influential aspect of this means is the human fundamental religious state. This paper aimed to find clarity of humans’ consciousness and religious well-being relation and to obtain an existential ground for a progressive scheme for both subjects as well. This research will use a philosophical-hermeneutic approach with existential uncertainty as to its material object and Sufistic consciousness as the formal object. This research showed that human religious well-being can be used as Sufistic consciousness ground to adjust human existential dilemma. The scheme used is to determine the position of each divine theophany (tajalliy) element on its impact on the level of human psychological consciousness. Al-a'yan ats-tsabitah has taken a leading role in this research, especially in explaining the impossible and possible things for the human condition.
Teologi Feminisme Riffat Hasan dan Rekonstruksi Pemahaman Atas Kedudukan dan Peran Wanita M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin; Arqom Kuswanjono
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Seri 29 Juni 1999
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31674


This research is purposed as an effort to gain a new understanding about status and role of women according to Riffat Hasan's thought. The probelms are; what is status and role of women likes in Riffat Hasan's feminism theology and how did feminism theology reconstruct the comprehension on status and role of women? The elements of the philosophical method that are used in this research are; interpretation, internal coherence, heuristic, and description.Riffat Hasan had analyzed critically the root of the status and role women probelm by disclosing the influence of patriach traditions in the view and religion teachings interpretations that are always used as legitimatization for man's superiority. Considering the Al Qur"an, Riffat Hassan formulated a comprehension that essentially, the status and role of women is equal. Both men and women are created from nafs (living entity) the one is not have superiority on the other one.
Filsafat Perennial dan Rekonstruksi Pemahaman Keberagamaan Arqom Kuswanjono
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Jurnal Filsafat Edisi Khusus Agustus 1997
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.31778


Dalam khasanah pemikiran kefilsafatan istilah filsafat perennial diketahui sudah muncul sejak tahun 1540 ketika seorang tokoh barat bernama Augustinus Steuchus menerbitkan karya yang berjudul De perenni philosophia dan kemudian dipopulerkan oleh Leibniz yang menegaskan bahwa dalam membicarakan pencarian jejak-jejak kebenaran di kalangan filsuf dan tentang pemisahan yang terang dari yang gelap, itulah yang dimaksud dengan filsafat perennial.
Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/khazanah.v21i1.8759


The concept of freedom in historical settings is often regarded as the primary catalyst for the rise and fall of civilizations. In ancient Greece, freedom was deemed to have played a crucial role in propelling Greek civilization to its zenith. The dark ages of Europe were similarly perceived as a period of diminished freedom due to the dominance of the church. However, the emergence of the Renaissance and modern era marked a resurgence of freedom, reminiscent of the values prevalent during the ancient Greek period, characterized by secular principles. Religious values were considered incompatible with modernity. Nevertheless, in a religious society, the essence of freedom lies in the most fundamental realm, namely theology. This article aims to explore how freedom is evident in the attributes of God, the life of Jesus, and the Bible within the context of liberal and liberation theology. Both of these theological perspectives signify a profound shift in religious attitudes, moving away from dogmatism and excessive conformity to orthodoxy, towards a more critical and progressive outlook. Liberal and liberation theology present a responsive depiction of religion, advocating for and fighting alongside human freedom, thus ensuring that religion remains relevant and problem-solving. While liberal theology endeavors to vocalize freedom to bridge the gap between faith and modern sciences, liberation theology strives for human freedom from all forms of discrimination and marginalization. Despite their apparent similarities, they diverge in their interpretation of freedom, leading to distinctions in the practical realm and religious practices.