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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E-Learning Berbasis Web Di Sekolah Pendidikan Non Formal Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar Kota Palangka Raya Widiatry Widiatry; Michael Isachar
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (695.273 KB) | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v1i3.8817


The development of information technology in the field of education, especially in the SKB (Study of Learning Activities) in the city of Palangka Raya requires e-learning applications to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of learning, because in this Learning Activity Studio it is still conventional, namely the learning process is still by teaching between students with This can only be done with the condition that there is a meeting between students and teachers in the classroom. This school is included in non-formal education which has the aim of replacing, adding to, and complementing formal education.The development method used by the author is the waterfall method in conducting this research. The waterfall method is a method that uses a systematic and sequential approach starting from the level of defining system requirements to maintenance. Where the waterfall method has 6 phases, namely Requirement Specification, Architectural Design, Coding, Integration & Testing, Operation & Maintenance.The results achieved are the availability of applications to support teaching and learning activities that can be obtained without being bound by time and place. The conclusion with this web-based e-learning is that it facilitates teacher and student communication, provides material, facilitates assignment and collection of assignments, and facilitates value information.
Rancang Bangun Website Media Pembelajaran Di Smp Katolik Santa Maria Palangkaraya Dengan Php Mysql Widiatry Widiatry; Dhea Kristina
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (594.898 KB) | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v2i1.8833


Santa Maria Catholic Middle School is a junior high school which is located at Jalan Cilik Riwut, Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City. It does not yet have a website like most schools in Palangkaraya City. So this Junior High School does not introduce its school to the wider community. Not only that, this junior high school also still uses the books offered by the teacher for its learning. Based on this background, "Design and Build a Learning Media Website at Santa Maria Palangkaraya Catholic Middle School with PHP MySQL", in order to support the student learning process. The methodology used in designing and building this website is the waterfall method, namely analysis, design, implementation and testing. The design design uses Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), Flowcharts, ERD, coding using PHP and MySQL and Black Box Testing as a software testing method. From the results of this test it can be concluded that "Designing Learning Media Websites at Santa Palangkaraya Catholic Middle School with PHP MySQL" was created with the aim of facilitating student learning.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Web Profil Dan Kotak Saran Siswa/I Sma Negeri 1 Kurun Berbasis Website Widiatry Widiatry; Elsa Yosepha
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1006.168 KB) | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v2i2.8849


SMA Negeri 1 Kurun is one of the largest high schools in Kuala Kurun, Gunung Mas Regency. Public SMA is run by the government. Since the implementation of regional autonomy in 2001, the management of public high schools in Indonesia, which was previously under the Ministry of National Education, is now the responsibility of the provincial government. Based on this, a website-based Web Application Design for Profile and Suggestion Box for SMA Negeri 1 Kurun is made, which aims to provide information to the general public about SMA Negeri 1 Kurun and as a means of conveying criticism of suggestions from students. The methodology used in making this website is a waterfall, with stages, namely the Requirements Definition stage described using a flowchart, Requirements Analysis and Definition described through DFD (Data Flow Diagram), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), and database. Implementation and Unit Testing with the programming languages used, namely HTML, PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, and MySQL, Integration and System Testing using the Blackbox Method. On this website there are several features, namely homepage, school profile, extracurricular, SIAP data, Lists for Students, Announcements, Albums and for Students. As well as for students it has additional features, such as criticism of suggestions for students. With the aim that the public can get information about SMA Negeri 1 Kurun quickly and students have a forum for delivering constructive criticism for SMA Negeri 1 Kurun.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi E- Laundry Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus : Aquatic Laundry Palangka Raya) Widiatry Widiatry; Elwina Stevani
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.657 KB) | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v2i3.8861


Aquatic Laundry Palangka Raya is an bussiness that engaged in laundry services which is provide various services such as a complete laundry (dry cleaning and ironing), wash and dry, and the ironing only. Based on the analysis conducted, it was found that the transaction system running at Aquatic Laundry Palangka Raya was not optimal and found problems such as accumulation of archives and reports, slow information flow, slow process of collecting data, and difficulty in reporting.The solution for these problems is implementaion of a website that can be accessed by the costumer anytime and anywhere. The systems was built by using waterfall method which is consist of analysis, design, implementation, and testing phase. The design phase was done by making the architectural design of application, DFD (Data Flow Diagram), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), and User Interface. The implementation process was done by using PhPMyAdmin database and VisualStudioCode programming language. Then the system that had been built was tested by using black-box testing.The test results show that the system has been built in accordance with the specified functional requirements. This research has deliver a laundry information system services that can be used for managing laundry service at Aquatic Laundry Palangka Raya.
Website Layanan Pengaduan Masyarakat Pada Bina Marga Kota Palangka Raya Efrans Christian; Viktor Handrianus Pranatawijaya; Widiatry Widiatry; Muhammad Dwi Saputra
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.049 KB) | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v2i3.8867


The public complaint service website is a support system primarily for the community who wish to report road and bridge damage complaints in the Public Works Department. In handling community complaints, the Public Works Department has a mechanism for handling complaints that can be done directly or using WhatsApp applications. This results in complaint handling still being manual and not computerized. The Waterfall software development methodology was used in designing and building this system. The stages involved were: Requirements Definitions, System and Software Design, Implementation and Unit Testing, Integration and System Testing, and Operation and Maintenance. The programming language used in developing the website was PHP, the database used was MySQL, and blackbox testing was performed. After testing, the website can run its functions well, which is to manage complaint data entered into the database. The aim is for the Public Works Department to plan road and bridge construction and repairs in a more structured manner and to help with road and bridge monitoring. This website can facilitate the public in reporting the location of damaged roads and bridges using the Google Maps API, making it easier for users to determine the location of damaged roads and bridges.
Perancangan Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Nilai Siswa Berbasis Website Widiatry Widiatry; Gebri Meizeri Cordias
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.151 KB) | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v2i4.8884


Education is very important for the future of Indonesia's young generation today. In order to give birth to a better Indonesian golden generation, teaching staff must have a benchmark of student values in the development of student values and activeness which is commonly called a report card. The lack of application of technology as a medium for managing report cards for teachers is still considered ineffective and also inefficient in terms of time. Besides that, there are many problems regarding the difficulty of parents to check report cards because they have very busy activities and busyness in work matters besides that teachers need special time to meet and discuss in preparing report cards so we need a system that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Report cards are one of the important documents for students. So it is necessary to be careful when storing it. Filling out a report card is also a troublesome thing for teachers. The teacher must fill in the lesson values as many students as there are in his class. Of course it is not efficient. Then a website-based report card value processing information system was created called E-Raport or Electronic Reportport. This system was developed using Sublime Text software, PHP, XAMPP, and MySQL database. This system is expected to make it easier for teachers to fill in value data and students in checking and storing report cards.
Sistem Informasi Administrasi pada Lembaga Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi dan Bisnis (ELTIBIZ) Diana Diana; Abertun Sagit Sahay; Widiatry Widiatry
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v3i1.10795


This research produce an information system about course administrative, internship administrative and score administrative. Course administrative there is course with instructors. Internship administrative there is internship locations and student input logbooks. Score administrative there is custom weight score and print grade transcript. The methodology used in the application Administrative Information System In Information And Business Information Technology Educational Institutions (ELTIBIZ) is the waterfall method which has stages, namely, the requirements Definition stage is described using a Flowchart, Requirements Analysis and Definition is described through UML (Unified Modeling Language) with Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Activity Diagrams and databases. Implementation and Unit Testing using the Laravel framework and MySQL as well as testing using the Black Box method. Administrator has control users role. Lecture can custom weight score for final result and input score to student based on class at course. Student can choose an internship location and upload a log book after that print grade transcript.
Rancang Bangun Prototype Pelacak Lokasi Dan Pemutus Arus Listrik Sepeda Motor Jarak Jauh Berbasis Website Khairul Fahmi; Agus Sehatman Saragih; Widiatry Widiatry
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v3i1.10800


Motorized vehicles are an important part of the daily life of the Indonesian people. The number of motor vehicle users is increasing every year, making the crime rate of the loss of a motorcycle a news that is often heard in the community. To prevent loss, a security is needed that does not only rely on handlebar locks and padlocks on motorcycles. Based on these problems, a security system is needed that can track the location of the motorcycle using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and turn off the electric current of the motorcycle over long distances that can be monitored by users through the website. This research uses a waterfall method developed based on research needs. In the design of the hardware system used by the Arduino UNO microcontroller as a system control, the SIM808 module as a network and GPS intermediary, and the relay as an electric circuit breaker. Based on the research that has been carried out, it was concluded that the system can read the location point of the motorcycle and can decide the remote electric current that is monitored through the website. Where data transfer uses GPRS communication with HTTP protocol.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pelaporan Bencana Di Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (Bpbd) Kabupaten Gunung Mas Berbasis Website Elsa Yosepha; Widiatry Widiatry; Viktor Handrianus Pranatawijaya
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v3i2.10823


Regional Disaster Management Authority (RDMA) is a government institution that is authorized in terms of dealing with disasters in the regions, both provinces and districts/cities by referring to the policies set by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). The vision of RDMA is to create a prosperous, safe, and comfortable Gunung Mas Regency through responsive, fast and appropriate disaster management. Therefore, The Design of Website Based Disaster Reporting App in Regional Disaster Management Authority (RDMA), which aims to provide information to the public about the RDMA of Gunung Mas Regency and as a forum for distributing Disaster Reports that occur in the Gunung Mas regency.The methodology used in making this website is waterfall, with stages, namely the Requirements Definition stage is described using a flowchart, Requirements Analysis and Definition is described through DFD (Data Flow Diagram), ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), and database. Implementation and Unit Testing with the programming languages ​​used are HTML, PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, and MySQL, Integration and System Testing using the Black Box Method. The features contained in this website are Home, RDMA Profile, News, Gallery Information, Knowledge about Disasters, Disaster Reporting Services related to reporting procedures and report forms. With the aim that people can get information about RDMA in Gunung Mas regency quickly and people in Gunung Mas regency have a place to submit Disaster Reports that occur in the Gunung Mas regency area
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menggunakan Metode Technique For Orders Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) Pada Pemilihan Ketua OSIS Berbasis Web Tanciang Tanciang; Viktor Handrianus Pranatawijaya; Widiatry Widiatry; Efrans Christian
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): JOINTECOMS : Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47111/jointecoms.v3i2.10825


The election committee has difficulties in deciding which student council presidential candidates will be prioritized. The obstacle faced is the Committee does not use methods that can deal with priority problems with many criteria, where the criteria are based on one's perception. Another obstacle that arises in choosing the best student council president is that often the committee as decision maker still relies on intuition (subjective). This is of course a disadvantage to determine whether or not someone is selected as the best candidate for the student council president. Based on these problems, a website-based Decision Support System (SPK) is made to speed up and make a decision easier. One method that can be used in decision making for the selection of the Student Council Chairperson is the TOPSIS method (Techinique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) which is based on the concept where a good chosen alternative not only has the shortest ideal positive solution but also has the longest distance from the negative ideal solution.