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Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Maret
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v5i1.44


Background : Hydroquinone is natural substance chemistry that were using by cosmetics as bleachers skin. The creams contains of more than >2% hydroquinone could cause irritation in the skin. In long usage will caused skin bluish black and ochronosis. The aims of this study is to find the effect of hydroquinone to the fetus development. Method : The research about the influence of hydroquinone to the mouse fetal development has been done on February – April 2014 at The Research Center (LPPT) Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. This research used randomized complite design 5 treatment and 5 replicated. The datas were analyzed with one way Anova and then with Duncan’s test. Hydroquinone administrated intraperitoneal injection at a dosage 10 mg/kgbw, 20 mg/kgbw, 30 mg/kgbw in 6 days of gestation. The remaining animals were used as an untreated control, and placebo were given by aquades. at 18th days of gestations, twenty five pregnant mice were sacrificed and caesarian sectioned to remove the fetuses and then check fetus body wight, life fetus, dead fetus and morfology fetus. The results showed that administration of hydroquinone to pregnant mice decreased the average number of fetuses, fetal weight, and implantation. The congenital malformation that caused by administration of hydroquinone were neural tube defects, anotia, microtia, Intra Uterine Fetal Defects, limb defects, tail defects.It was concluded that hydroquinone administrated to the pregnant mice inhibits the fetal growth, decreased the number of fetal and increased malformation of fetal.Keywords : Hydroquinone, Mice, Fetal, Malformation, NTDs
JURNAL KEBIDANAN AKADEMI KEBIDANAN BUDI MULIA PALEMBANG Vol 5 No 1 (2015): Jurnal Ilmiah Medical Sciences Ilmu Kesehatan Akademi Kebidanan Budi Mulia Palemb
Publisher : STIKes Budi Mulia Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.832 KB) | DOI: 10.35325/kebidanan.v5i1.74


ABSTRACT Antenatal Care is the care given to pregnant woman to monitor, support maternal health and maternal detect, whether normal or troubled pregnant women. Aki in Indonesia amounted to 359 in 100.000 live births. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between age and education in the clinic Budi Mulia Medika 2014. This study used a survey method whit cross sectional analytic. This is the overall study population of women with gestational age ≥36 weeks who come to visit the clinic Budi Mulia Medika Palembang on February 10 to 18. The study sample was taken in non-random with the technique of “accidental smapling “ with respondents who happens to be there or variable. The obtained using univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic. The results of the univariate analysis showed that 83,3% of respondents did according to the standard prenatal care, high risk age 40,0 %, 60,0% lower risk of age, higher education 70,0%, 30,0% low education. Bivariate analysis showed that there was no significant relationship betwee age and pregnancy tests wit p value= 0,622, and significant relationship between education and prenatal care with p value= 0,019. From the results of this study are expected to need to increase outreach activities to the community about the importance of examination of pregnancy according to gestational age in an effort to reduse maternal mortality. ABSTRAK Antenatal Care merupakan pelayanan yang di berikan pada ibu hamil untuk memonitor, mendukung kesehatan ibu dan mendeteksi ibu, apakah ibu hamil normal atau bermasalah. Di Indonesia AKI berjumlah 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara usia dan pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di klinik budi mulia medika tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalahseluruh ibu dengan usia kehamilan ≥ 36 minggu yang dating berkunjung ke Klinik Budi Mulia Medika pada tanggal 10-18 Februari. Sampel penelitian ini di ambil secara non random dengan tekhnik ‘’ Accidental Sampling’’ dengan responden yang kebetulan ada atau tersedia. Data yang di peroleh menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil analisis univariat ini menunjukan bahwa 83,8% responden melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, 16,7% tidak melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai standar, usia resiko tinggi 40,0%, usia resiko rendah 60,0%, pendidikan tinggi 70,0 %, pendidikan rendah 30,0 %. Analisis bivariat menunjukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara usia dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value =0,622, ada hubunngan bermakana antara pendidikan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan p value = 0,019. Dari hasil penelitian ini di harapkan perlu meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sesuai dengan umur kehamilan sebagai upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu.