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Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengajuan Kredit Berbasis Web Pada PT. BPR Kredit Mandiri Indonesia Cabang Bekasi Ganda Wijaya; Melza Sari - STMIK Nusa Mandiri
Indonesian Journal on Software Engineering (IJSE) Vol 3, No 2 (2017): IJSE 2017
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.093 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/ijse.v3i2.3001


Abstract - PT. BPR Kredit Mandiri Indonesia Bekasi Branch is a financial institution whose main activity is to collect funds from the public in the form of deposits. The collected funds are then channeled back to the community in the form of credit. In the current running system, customers who wish to apply for credit must come directly to the bank. This is considered less effective, because when it comes to the bank customers do not know the procedure and requirements for credit application. As a result, the customer must come back to the bank to complete the requirements. Web-Based Credit Appli- cation Information System needs to be created in order to provide ease in the process of credit submission. Web Based Information System is chosen because of its superiority that can be accessed anywhere by using internet connection. The Internet and its devices are now also widely used by the public. Data collection methods used are observation, interview and literature study. The method is chosen in order to know the shortcomings of the system, the needs of the system and collect data directly from the object and subject of research. The purpose of this study is to design a web-based credit information submission system that can support the operation of credit application. With the existence of web-based credit information submission system is expected to provide convenience for the perpetrators of the system either the customer or the company. Ease provided in the form of ease in accessing information and also sending files.Keywords: information systems, credit, web-based Abstrak – PT.BPR Kredit Mandiri Indonesia Cabang Bekasi merupakan lembaga keuangan yang kegiatan utamanya adalah menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan. Dana yang terhimpun kemudian disalurkan kembali kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit. Pada sistem berjalan yang saat ini diterapkan, nasabah yang ingin mengajukan kredit harus datang langsung ke bank. Hal ini dirasa kurang efektif, karena saat datang ke bank nasabah belum mengetahui prosedur dan persyaratan pengajuan kredit. Akibatnya, nasabah harus datang kembali ke bank untuk melengkapi persyaratan. Sistem Informasi Pengajuan Kredit Berbasis Web perlu dibuat agar dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pengajuan kredit. Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web dipilih karena keunggulannya yaitu dapat diakses dimana saja dengan menggunakan koneksi internet. Internet dan perangkatnya saat ini juga telah digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Metode tersebut dipilih agar dapat mengetahui kekurangan sistem, kebutuhan sistem dan mengumpulkan data secara langsung dari objek dan subjek penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem informasi pengajuan kredit berbasis web yang dapat mendukung kegiatan operasioanl pengajuan kredit. Dengan adanya sistem informasi pengajuan kredit berbasis web diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi para pelaku sistem baik nasabah maupun pihak perusahaan. Kemudahan yang diberikan berupa kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi dan juga pengiriman berkas .Kata kunci: sistem informasi, kredit, berbasis web
Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Soto Kudus Kembang Joyo Muhammad Suparmono Mono; Andi Saryoko; Ganda Wijaya
Reputasi: Jurnal Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (629.501 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/reputasi.v1i2.89


The development of the technological world provides for humans in carrying out business transactions. With the existence of business process information systems or can be more efficient and effective. Soto Kudus still uses manual paper records in its business processes, so that data requests are less effective which causes data manipulation, and there are no web-based monitoring charts. By implementing a web-based information system, it is expected to be able to provide convenience in running business processes. The programming language used is using the PHP programming language with a codeigniter framework. For storing data, the author uses Mysqli. The results of this application to facilitate the admin in processing data and facilitating management in monitoring sales data charts, as well as saving paper usage and sales data security
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 3 No 2 (2014): JSI Periode Agustus 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (731.882 KB) | DOI: 10.51998/jsi.v3i2.62


bstract— Academic activities is a process which does educational activities on their activities require fast and accurate information. But in fact, not a few obstacles that occur. This is because there is often a buildup of data made it difficult to search the data at any time if necessary. Among the obstacles that occur are obstacles in the processing of the daily value of students. During this time the daily value processed manually students who use more paper media and do not yet have a database.Through research conducted by the method of research, observation and interviews at SMAN 3 Bekasi, the author argues that the need to build a web brasis information system that can minimize the obstacles that occur so as to meet the needs of information for teachers, students and other concerned parties. The end result of this research in the form of web-based information systems that can provide students with a daily value information more efficiently. Intisari— Kegiatan akademik merupakan proses dimana dilakukannya kegiatan pendidikan yang pada aktivitasnya memerlukan informasi yang cepat dan akurat. Akan tetapi dalam faktanya tidak sedikit kendala yang terjadi. Hal ini karena sering terjadi penumpukan data yang mengakibatkan sulitnya pencarian data apabila sewaktu-waktu diperlukan. Diantara kendala yang terjadi adalah kendala dalam proses pengolahan nilai harian siswa. Selama ini nilai harian siswa diproses secara manual yang lebih banyak menggunakan media kertas dan belum memiliki basis data. Melalui penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode riset, obeservasi dan wawancara pada SMA Negeri 3 Bekasi, penulis berpendapat bahwa perlu dibangun sebuah sistem informasi brasis web yang dapat meminimalisasikan kendala yang terjadi sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi bagi para guru, siswa dan pihak terkait lainnya.Adapun hasil akhir dari penelitian ini yakni berupa sistem informasi berbasis web yang dapat menyajikan informasi nilai harian siswa dengan lebih efisien. Kata kunci : Internet, Sistem Informasi Nilai Harian Siswa
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Produk Percetakan Berbasis Web Dengan Pemodelan UML Achmad Maezar Bayu Aji; Verry Riyanto; Ganda Wijaya; Biktra Rudianto - STMIK Nusa Mandiri Jakarta
Indonesian Journal of Networking and Security (IJNS) Vol 8, No 1 (2019): IJNS Januari 2019
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.273 KB) | DOI: 10.55181/ijns.v8i1.1558


Abstract – Information technology system has been successful in the development of trade through an electronic network which of course makes it easier for companies in operation. Competition would make the market makers compete to provide various facilities and conveniences to invite consumers to enter her website with the ultimate goal for purchase of course. Facilities on offer certainly is an easier way for users to trace data and ordering goods. In scientific writing the author discusses the use of PHP as a language that supports the website as a dynamic information and can be managed easily and can provide accurate and effective. The author also uses MySQL database as the database. By using a database application that integrates with web-based view to provide information on the sale of ball T-shirt online so customers who want to know about products, prices, models and ways of payment can be done anytime and anywhere origin connect with the Internet.Abstrak ditulis dalam Fonts Arial seperti ini dalam ukuran 10, ditulis dalam jarak spasi tunggal. Semua naskah diminta ditulis sesuai tatacara menulis ilmiah dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar dan bahasa Inggris. Keywords: Sales, Sales Methods, PHP and MySQL Abstrak – Sistem teknologi informasi telah sukses dalam perkembangan perdagangan melalui jaringan elektronik yang tentu saja memudahkan semua perusahaan dalam beroperasi. Persaingan yang ketat tentunya membuat para pelaku pasar berlomba-lomba untuk menyediakan berbagai fasilitas dan kemudahan untuk mengundang konsumen untuk memasuki website-nya dengan tujuan terakhir agar membeli tentunya. Fasilitas yang ditawarkan tentunya adalah kemudahan bagi user untuk menyusuri data-data barang dan cara pemesanan. Pada penulisan ilmiah ini penulis membahas penggunaan PHP sebagai bahasa yang mendukung website sebagai informasi yang dinamis dan dapat dikelola dengan mudah dan dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat dan efektif. Penulis juga menggunakan database MySQL sebagai database. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi basis data yang diintegrasikan dengan tampilan berbasis web untuk menyediakan informasi penjualan Produk Percetakan secara online sehingga pelanggan yang ingin mengetahui tentang produk-produk, harga, model serta cara pembayaran dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja asal terhubung dengan internet. Kata Kunci: Penjualan, Metode Penjualan, PHP dan MySQL
Techno Nusa Mandiri Vol 20 No 1 (2023): TECHNO Period of March 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/techno.v20i1.3541


Tasikmalaya Regional Representative Council’s is one of the legislative institutions that runs the local government. In carrying out the duties and functions of the Leadership and Members of the Regional People's Representative Council in the regional development planning sector, the Secretariat of the Regional People's Representative Council of Tasikmalaya City has implemented information technology in the regional development planning process, namely the Regional Development Information System. This information system is inseparable from problems that can hinder the regional planning process. This study aims to find out how effective and efficient the use of this information system is based on the maturity level of COBIT 5. This research only focuses on the domains EDM05, APO03, APO07, BAI09, DSS01, and MEA03. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and the dissemination of questionnaires. Tasikmalaya Regional Representative Council’s has implemented IT governance at level 3, namely the Established Process. The results of the questionnaire processing obtained an average value of 3. 04 from a value scale of 0 to 5. The results showed weaknesses in the governance of the regional development planning information system found in the APO07 sub-domain which has the lowest maturity level value from other sub-domains, namely 1. 86.