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Implementasi data mining untuk menganalisa pola penjualan produk cap-lang menggunakan metode associatin rule ulfa Dwi Yanti; Ahmad Zakir; Dedy Irwan
Publisher : Unit Pengelola Jurnal Universitas Harapan Medan

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Data mining is operation of resourcing and using data to find patterns or relationships from large data sets. Data mining has been implemented in various aspects, one of which is in the field of product sales. The company can find out the buyer's interest by utilizing data mining to process data on sales of wind oil products. This study analyzes the search for information from wind oil sales transaction data using data mining with a priori algorithm. The results obtained are quite accurate as an analysis in conducting stock in sales transactions and with easy work steps. Making this method appropriate for the system in this study. And it is hoped that in the future they can develop this research related to the method used or the web that has been built to complement the shortcomings of this researc
Medan Wedding Organizer Berbasis Web Hani Aisyah; Ahmad Zakir; Andi Marwan Elhanafi
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i4.4454


Teknologi informasi adalah suatu proses dari mulai mendapatkan data hingga mengolah dan menganalisis data tersebut sehingga tersimpan dengan berbagai cara untuk membuat atau menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas. Saat ini perkembangan teknologi informasi sangatlah pesat dan cepat termasuk di indonesia sendiri maka dari itu penelitian ini mengeksplorasi perancangan sistem informasi berbasis website, "Medan Wedding Organizer," yang bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi pasangan pengantin dalam mencari, memilih, dan memesan layanan wedding organizer secara efisien di Medan. Teknologi informasi digunakan sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan, mengolah, dan menganalisis data guna menghasilkan informasi berkualitas. Peningkatan pesat dalam teknologi informasi telah menciptakan peluang bisnis baru, seperti marketplace dengan banyak vendor dan industri wedding organizer yang berkembang pesat. Analisis data dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data dari studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi, dan data profil jasa Wedding Organizer. Perancangan sistem menggunakan metode prototyping, yang melibatkan Customer dalam setiap tahap perancangan, sehingga menghasilkan sistem yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Customer. Sistem ini diuji menggunakan metode black box testing, yang mengidentifikasi masalah atau kesalahan tanpa memperhatikan struktur internalnya. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini memenuhi berbagai kriteria yang diharapkan, termasuk tampilan yang baik dan fungsionalitas yang sesuai. Pembahasan mengungkapkan bahwa sistem ini bertujuan mempermudah seller jasa dalam mempromosikan produk mereka dan memberikan informasi kepada pelanggan. Meskipun sistem ini telah berhasil, masih ada ruang untuk peningkatan, seperti penambahan fitur dan validasi yang lebih ketat pada input seller. Di masa depan, diharapkan pengembangan sistem berbasis mobile untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan aksesibilitas sistem ini.
Implementasi Sistem Pemilihan Agen Perubahan Pada Pengadilan Militer Tinggi I Medan Menggunakan Metode Topsis Ahmad Zakir; Febrica Hotmaulina Sitorus; Fachrul Rozi Lubis
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN ILMU KOMPUTER PRIMA (JUTIKOMP) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Jutikomp Volume 6 Nomor 2 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Prima Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/jutikomp.v6i2.4294


The Medan High Military Court I is an essential institution in Indonesia's military justice system, and change within this institution plays a crucial role in improving efficiency, accountability, and legal services. Change agents within the military justice system are crucial in improving the system, increasing accountability, and ensuring compliance with human rights principles and applicable laws. Selecting effective change agents at Medan High Military Court I using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The TOPSIS method measures and compares change agent candidates based on predetermined criteria. These criteria included competence, experience, understanding of the military justice system, communication, and leadership ability. Data was obtained through surveys and interviews with staff and stakeholders at Medan High Military Court I. This system will assist decision-makers at Medan High Military Court I in determining the most suitable change agent to lead change in the institution. In addition, this research can also provide insights into the importance of selecting the right change agent in the context of military justice, which in turn can improve the effectiveness of the military justice system as a whole.
Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Layanan Service AC Menggunakan Metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Yumna Shafira; Ahmad Zakir; Andi Marwan Elhanafi
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : LKP Unity Academy

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Consumer satisfaction is a major factor in the service and goods business sector. Efforts to determine consumer satisfaction at the level of performance in terms of service quality contained in PT. BEST is currently conducted through a consumer satisfaction survey. The survey was conducted manually and the form of the interview was not based on the criteria as a standard required for the uniformity of survey material, so it was difficult to carry out further analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to have a system to measure the level of customer satisfaction by applying an analytical method that considers the level of performance between the level of interest or expectations of the respondents. The purpose of this study is to apply the IPA method which is used to find out the attributes that need to be improved or reduced based on the location of the quadrant mapping. The result of this research is a system that is able to determine the level of customer satisfaction based on the level of performance and the level of importance as well as which attributes should be improved or reduced.
Rancangan E-Commerce Sablon Baju Menggunakan Metode Prototyping Pada Toko Urban Sablon Ari Pramana; Ahmad Zakir; Arie Rafika Dewi
Jurnal Minfo Polgan Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): Artikel Penelitian 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/jmp.v12i2.13396


Di era perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin canggih seperti saat ini dari sekian banyak tempat sablon yaitu urban sablon (URSA) awal berdiri hanya menyediakan jasa sablon kaos saja. Salah satu masalah pada toko Urban Sablon ini adalah ketika ada pelanggan yang ini menjadi reseller, penjual harus mendata pelanggan tersebut dengan cara lama yang kurang efektif serta harus memberikan harga khusus reseller secara manual dari Whatsapp pada setiap produk yang dijual, itu dapat memakan banyak waktu serta saat ini juga untuk pemesanan sablon hanya melayani pemesanan di tempat sehingga konsumen harus datang langsung ke lokasi. Hal ini kurang efektif karena dapat membatasi konsumen yang tertarik pada sablonan yang ditawarkan terutama pada konsumen yang bertempat tinggal jauh dari lokasi URSA. Oleh karena itu dibuat sistem informasi yang sudah terkomputerisasi yang dapat memudahkan konsumen untuk memesan dan membicarakan sablon kaos tanpa datang ke toko, begitu juga untuk penjual dapat mempermudah dan mempersingkat pekerjaan dengan system yang terkomputerisasi seperti mengolah data penjualan ,peneliti membuat Perancangan sistem informasi Urban Sablon (URSA) berbasis web menggunakan metode Prototype. Sehingga, toko Ursa dalam mengelola perusahanya semakin mudah dan cepat terutama dalam mengelola data produk, data konsumen, pemesanan dan penjualan.
Analysis Of Decision Support Systems Edas Method In New Student Admission Selection Yunita Sari Siregar; Ahmad Zakir; Nenna Irsa Syahputri; Herlina Harahap; Divi Handoko
Journal of Computer Networks, Architecture and High Performance Computing Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Article Research Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2023
Publisher : Information Technology and Science (ITScience)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47709/cnahpc.v5i1.2057


University of Harapan Medan is one of the private tertiary institutions in North Sumatra which has an informatics engineering study program. The informatics engineering study program is a study program that has many enthusiasts. Every year this study program graduates more than 200 students. To produce graduates who have potential, reliability and competence in the field of technology and information, it is necessary to make a selection at the beginning, namely at the time of admission of new students. There are 5 criteria used in the selection process, including the average report card score, basic ability test, computer ability test, psychological test, and interview. Each criterion has 5 weights of values, namely very high, high, medium, low and very low.  The selection process for admission of new informatics engineering students with a decision support system for the EDAS (Evaluation Based On Distance From Average Solution) method.  Where the stages in this method are by normalizing the decision matrix and looking for the average from alternatives, then from these results calculate the average positive distance (PDA) and negative distance (NDA) as well as the assessment of the weighted attribute weights of SPi and SNi, after that the normalization of positive and negative distance weights is carried out for determining the ranking score. From the results of the analysis carried out using the EDAS method, with a sample of 10 prospective students it was concluded that the 6th order student candidate had the highest score with a score of 0.519 and the lowest score in the 7th order student with a score of 0.14. Therefore, the level of accuracy of the EDAS method in selecting new student admissions is around 20%. Of course, this accuracy value will change with large data samples.