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Perencanaan Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Menggunakan Analisis MSP+DM Setiawan Priatmoko
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 10, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - Maret 2019
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (535.697 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v10i1.5624


Abstract - This methodology tools approach was conducted to design an analysis for the development of community-based tourism areas planning. The initial condition of an area needs to be determined first in a measurable quantitatively manner so that its development and goals can be established and more easily being evaluated. The variables used are elements in a tourism business activity, namely: Marketibility, Sustainability, Participatory, and Disaster Mitigation (MSP + DM). The conversion of several variables quantitatively becomes a value scale to measure of the attractions and tourism potential in the destination area. Keywords: Community Based Tourism, Marketing, Sustainability, Participatory, Disaster Mitigation, MSP + DM Abstrak - Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang sebuah analisis untuk pengembangan kawasan wisata berbasis masyarakat. Kondisi awal sebuah kawasan perlu ditetapkan secara terukur agar pengembangan dan starteginya dapat ditetapkan dan lebih mudah dievaluasi. Variabel yang digunakan adalah unsur-unsur dalam sebuah aktifitas bisnis kepariwisataan yaitu: Kepemasaran/Marketibility, Keberlanjutan/Sustainibility, Parisipatif/Participatory, dan Mitigasi Bencana/Disaster Mitigation (MSP+DM). Pengkonversian beberapa variabel tersebut secara kuantitatif menjadi skala nilai untuk mengukur atraksi dan potensi wisata yang ada di kawasan pengembangan. Kata Kunci : Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat, Kepemasaran, Keberlanjutan, Partisipatif, Mitigasi Bencana, MSP+DM
Working Rural Eco Tourism Planning in Yogyakarta Using MSP+DM Analysis Setiawan Priatmoko
E-Journal of Tourism Volume 5 Number 1 (March 2018)
Publisher : Centre of Excellence in Tourism Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.212 KB) | DOI: 10.24922/eot.v5i1.38457


Ecotourism planning requires a systematic simple tool. This is because generally the actors of ecotourism in the region of Yogyakarta is a rural community activist which need a simple tools. Ecotourism activities are often associated with village tourism activities managed by the local community as community based tourism (CBT). Using MSP + DM analysis helps facilitate the planning and development of ecotourism for all stakeholders. Keywords: ecotourism, planning, rural, CBT, MSP+DM
KUAT : Keuangan Umum dan Akuntansi Terapan Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Edisi Maret
Publisher : Polytechnic of State Finance STAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (773.963 KB) | DOI: 10.31092/kuat.v2i1.698


Abstraksi Bisnis pariwisata memerlukan standar-standar pelayanan minimal yang terukur. Pemanfaatan kegiatan pariwisata dengan adanya bandara baru Yogyakarta International Airport yang berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Purworejo dapat mendorong peran serta desa-desa di sekitarnya. Trend perjalanan wisata yangmeningkat juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk mendorong peran serta mereka ikut aktrif dalam kegiatan tersebut. Pada tahapan awal, rencana penyiapan unsur-unsur pariwisata di Desa Pacekelan akan berpengaruhgsecara langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap meningkatnya kualitas hidup masyarakat desa. Kata kunci: desa wisata, Desa Pacekelan, atraksi wisata, kualitas hidup  Abstract The tourism business requires measurable minimum service standards. Utilization of tourism activities with the existence of the new airport Yogyakarta International Airport which borders Purworejo Regency can encourage the participation of surrounding villages. Increasing the trends of traveling activities  can also be utilized by the community to encourage their participation in the activity. In the initial stages, the plan is to prepare elements of tourism in Pacekelan Village and will directly and indirectly affect the improvement of the quality of life of the villager. Keywords: community-based tourism, Pacekelan Village, attractions, quality of life