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ETNOREFLIKA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Volume 6 Nomor 1, Februari 2017
Publisher : Laboratorium Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/etnoreflika.v6i1.400


This study aimed to describe the process of performing Kaghombo ritual that contain special advices about character education of Muna ethnic community in Kecamatan Watopute, Muna Regency. This study used a qualitative approach to describe process of ritual’s implementation with observation technique and depth interview to the intervieews. The result showed that Kaghombo’s process in Kariya tradition in Muna ethnic began from Kaalano oe, Alano Bhansa, Polobha, Kakadiu, Kabasano Haroa, Kafoluku and Kabansule. There are three types of character education which is contain in advices of education’s character that exist in KaghomboofKariya tradition; 1) Nemotehi all deeds are forbidden by Allah SWT, as dont tell a lie, can control his lust, and no other people's rights; 2) Kafekatangka is an important advices of the strength and strength of faith to not be tempted with the luxury of the world such as photoro, infasu, dosabhara, and dotawakala; 3) Polambu is the advice about married life, which concerns the obligation of a wife to husband and duty of a wife who must be able to carry out his family and husband.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.514 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v15i1.193


        Types of crab leading export market is the mangrove crab Scylla serrata soft shell. Soft shell mud crab is a crab mangrove swamp phase moult (moulting). The methods used in the process of cultivation a soft shell mud crab is cutting of claws and Foot Paths methods, popey, and natural. The purpose of this research to determine the level of the highest efficiency among these methods by analyzing the survival rate of survival, growth rate, the amount of time molting crabs, crab molting time, growth of biomass as well as cost analysis. The seeds used was 7.49±0.21 cm in length and 110.52 ± 2.70 g in weight. The results showed that the average of survival rate for all treatment are 88,89-92,59% (P>0,05).  The highest growth rate was in the treatment of cutting claws foot paths at 2.92% (P<0,05). Moult in the fastest method of cutting claws foot paths with an average crab molting on the 14th day, whereas the highest molting time there at night which is at 22.00-24.00. Based on the three treatments showed that treatment not a significanttly different (P> 0.05), but significantly different with growth rate of daily weight (P <0.05). In general, the production of soft shell mangrove crab natural treatment is more efficient than cutting of claws and foot path treatment and popey, whether viewed from the cultivation parameters and economic parameters.Keywords: Soft shell mangrove crab, molting, cutting of claws and foot path, popey, natural.
Mengenal ikan sepatung (Pristolepisgrootii), spesies asli Indonesia kandidatkomoditi akuakultur M Muslim; H.A Sahusilawane; B Heltonika; R Rifai; W.W Wardhani; Eko Harianto
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.688 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v4i2.52


Indonesian leaf fish (Pristolepisgrootii), is Indonesia endogenous fish species. This species is native in open-freshwater on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan.The purpose of this paper is to determine the aspects of bioecology, processed fish products and disseminating information related to Indonesian leaf fish.Data collection methods through surveys, laboratory observations and literature studies.The data collected consists of primary data and secondary data.The results of observations and analysis showed that the Indonesian leaf fish are near families to climbing perch fish (Anabas testudineus), gouramy (Osphronemusgoramy), kissinggouramy fish (Helostomatemminckii).Local names are diverse, the national name of the sepatung fish and the international name are Indonesian leaf fish.Indonesian leaf fish habitat in fresh water. This fish is an omnivore, euryphagic.The morphological differences of male and female fish are not clear, sexual dimorphism is not apparent.Sex ratio in the wild in a balanced condition.Indonesian leaf fish spawn season at the rainy season. This fish can be processed into a variety of menu, and can be preserved by salted, fogged and fermented.Indonesian leaf fish has biological superiority and economic value, so it is worthy of being a candidate for aquaculture commodity.Keywords: bioecology, Indonesian leaf fish, sepatung fish, native Indonesian fish, Pristolepisgrootii AbstrakIkan sepatung (Pristolepisgrootii), merupakan salah satu jenis ikan endogenous Indonesia. Ikan ini native di perairan umum air tawar di pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek bioekologi, harga, produk olahan ikan sepatung dan menyebarluaskan informasi yang terkait dengan ikan sepatung. Metode pengumpulan data melalui survey, pengamatan laboratorium dan studi literatur. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri data primer dan data sekunder. Dari hasil pengamatan dan analisa, ikan sepatung berkerabat dengan ikan betok (Anabas testudineus), ikan gurami (Osphronemusgoramy), ikan tembakang (Helostoma temminckii). Nama lokalnya beragam, nama nasional ikan sepatung dan nama internasionalnyaIndonesian leaf fish. Habitat hidup ikan sepatung di air tawar. Ikan ini termasuk jenis ikan omnivore, bersifat euryphagic. Perbedaan morfologi ikan jantan dan betina tidak jelas, dimorfisme seksual tidak tampak. Sex ratio ikan sepatung di alam bebas dalam kondisi seimbang. Ikan sepatungmemijah pada awal musim penghujan. Ikan ini dapat diolah menjadi berbagai menu masakan, dan dapat diawetkan dengan penggaraman, pengasapan dan fermentasi. Ikan sepatung memiliki keunggulan biologi dan bernilai ekonomi, sehingga layak menjadi kandidat komoditi budidaya perikanan. Kata kunci:bioekologi, Indonesia leaf fish, ikan sepatung, ikan asli Indonesia, Pristolepisgrootii,
Kinerja Produksi Pembesaran Ikan Lele Sangkuriang Clarias gariepinus var sangkuriang Desa Pudak Kecamatan Muaro Kumpeh Kabupaten Muara Jambi Eko Harianto
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.981 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v1i1.10


AbstractAfrican catfish is a commodity that has prospective market and economic value. Grow out techniques are relatively simple allowing implementation of this technique on swamp land with high productivity. This study aimed to give specific information about fish productivity and its economic analysis. The study was conducted from May to August 2016 in the Pudak Village, District of Muara Kumpeh Muara Jambi. Sangkuriang fry from BPBAT Sungai Gelam with an average length of 2.3-2.7 cm and weight of 0.150-0.1725 gram were reared for 90 days using in 200×300×150 cm3 hapa nets with a density of 250 fish/m2. Fry were fed at satiation three times daily (08.00; 17.00; 21.00) with commercial pellet feed (CP 32-35%). Productivity offish reared by farmers in this swamp area show good result with survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion, and the coefficient of variationis 93.78%; 7.75%; 1.03; and 0.02 respectively. Average weight of fish catfish in each sampling during rearing period is 0.0150 g, 60.067 g, 101.233 and 124.567 gr. Value of R/C, breakeven point (BEP), BEP in volume is 1.46, Rp4,121,656.371 and 94.97 kg/cage respectively with production cost per kg is Rp. 10,968. Keywords: African catfish, grow out, productivity AbstrakIkan lele termasuk komoditas yang memiliki peluang pasar yang prospektif dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Aplikasi teknik pembesaran yang relative sederhana memungkinkan penerapan teknologi pembesaran pada lahan rawa dengan produktivitas yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Informasi spesifik kinerja produksi pembesaran ikan lele sangkuriang dan análisis ekonomi dalam usaha budidaya tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Agustus 2016 di Desa Pudak Kecamatan Muaro Kumpeh Kabupaten Muara Jambi Provinsi Jambi. Ikan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah benih lele Sangkuriang dengan panjang rata-rata 2,3-2,7 cm dan bobot rata-rata 0,150-0,1725 gram, berasal dari pemijahan induk BPBAT Sungai Gelam. Pemeliharaan benih lele sangkuriang menggunakan wadah hapa berukuran 200 cm x 300 cm x 150 cm. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 90 hari. Benih dipelihara dengan kepadatan 250 ekor/m2. Pakan yang diberikan berupa pelet komersil kadar protein pakan 32-35%, pemberian pakan dilakukan 3 kali dalam sehari yaitu pukul 08.00, pukul 17.00, dan pukul 21.00 dengan cara ad satiation (sekenyangnya). Kinerja produksi Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus var sangkuriang) yang dipeliharan oleh pembudidaya di daerah penelitian pada daerah rawa menunjukkan hasil yang baik untuk kategori budidaya pembesaran ikan, nilai derajat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, konversi pakan, dan koefisien keragaman masing-masing sebesar 93,78% ; 7,75%; 1,03; dan 0.02. Pada akhir pemeliharaan bobot rata-rata ikan lele sangkuriang selama empat kali periode sampling masing masing sebesar 0,0150 gr, 60,067 gr, 101,233 gr dan 124,567 gr. Nilai R/C sebesar 1,46, Break even point (BEP) pada usaha pembesaran ikan lele sangkuriang di Desa Pudak ini sebesar Rp 4.121.656,371, BEP berdasarkan volum penjualan dalam bentuk ekor diperoleh nilai BEP sebesar 94.97 kg/karamba, Harga pokok penjualan  yaitu Rp 10,968/kg.Kata kunci  :  Ikan lele sangkuriang, Kinerja produksi, Pembesaran ikan, Pertumbuhan
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 3, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.233 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v3i1.25


ABSTRACTCultivation technology and systems development   especially on the breedstock phase with a focus of study is the density of the initial activities in determining the degree of success of the cultivation. This research aims to determine the performance of fish production botia (c. Macracanthus Bleeker) with dense stocking 2 e/L, 3 L, and e/e/4 L on recirculation systems as a basis for increased productivity of biomass. Long-term goals to be achieved the creation of a technologypackage pendederan botia fish skalla bulk production to support  the fish are botia Jambi. Maintenance carried out for 3 months with a target size of botia fish scale market. Cultivation of technical indicators that measure in  among others,the degree of viability (DKH), specific growth rate (LPS),  feed conversion (KP), keefesien the diversity of weights (KK) and water quality. The results showed that the degree of viability (DKH) best of 91.67% (treatment A), specific growth rate (LPS) of 9.75 (treatment B),the value of the feed conversion (KP) in A treatment of 1.3 and koefesien diversity of  weights  (KK) highest of 112.67 treatment b. While for water quality data are all in the normal range, the temperature is 28oC, d.o. 5.5 – 7.5 mg/L, CO2 0.5423 – 0.7657 mg NH3/L, 0.0011 – 0.0019 mg/L, and a pH range from 6.68 – 7.89.Keyword: Fish Are Botia, Dense Stocking, Production, Recirculation ABSTRAK Pengembangan sistem dan teknologi budidaya terutama pada fase pendederan dengan fokus kajian kepadatan merupakan kegiatan awal dalam menentukan tingkat keberhasilan budidaya.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetukan kinerja produksi ikan botia  (C. Macracanthus Bleeker) dengan padat tebar 2 e/L,  3 e/L, dan 4 e/L pada sistem resirkulasi sebagai dasar peningkatan produktivitas biomassa. Tujuan jangka panjang yang ingin dicapai terciptanya paket teknologi pendederan ikan botia skalla massal untuk mendukung produksi ikan botia Jambi. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 3 bulan dengan target ukuran ikan botia skala pasar. Indikator teknis budidaya yang di ukur antara lain, derajat kelangsungan hidup (DKH), laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS), konversi pakan (KP), keefesien keragaman bobot (KK) dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat kelangsungan hidup (DKH) terbaik sebesar 91.67% (perlakuan A), laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS) sebesar 9,75 (perlakuan B), nilai konversi pakan (KP) terbaik pada perlakuan A sebesar 1,3 dan koefesien keragaman bobot (KK)  tertinggi sebesar 112,67 pada perlakuan B. Sedangkan untuk data kualitas air semuanya dalam kisaran normal, suhu 28oC, DO 5,5 – 7,5 mg/L, CO2 0,5423 – 0,7657 mg/L, NH3 0,0011 – 0,0019 mg/L, dan pH berkisar 6,68 – 7,89.   Keyword         :  Ikan Botia, Padat Tebar, Produksi, Resirkulasi
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 2, No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (742.02 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v2i1.15


AbstractThis research explains the interconnectedness of physical and chemical conditions of the Gulf waters saleh in site selection for grouper fish farming. Site selection activities in fish farming at sea constitute an obligatory thing to do because of the good location will determine the success of fish farming. The data used for multivariate analysis and the method of primary data is storet direct measurement results (in-situ) sea water quality is Saleh Bay, Sumbawa district Nusa Tenggara Barat were taken on July 8-10 in 2012 at several stations. Analysis of water quality were conducted in a laboratory Environment IPB. Water sampling station parameters of Chemical Physics waters performed on five stations: station 1 taken on coastal areas; Station 2 is taken on the middle of the waters; Station 3 taken at the Mouth of the Bay area 1; station 4 taken on the Mouth of the Bay area 2; station 5 taken in outdoor areas. Based on the results of the analysis of the Storet against physical parameters of chemical and heavy metal waters Saleh Bay, Sumabawa obtained the value of final score totaled-30, this value indicates that the waters of the Gulf of Pious Sumbawa are on the status light polluted (Grade C). This calculation is calculation of the total for all stations, this was desebabkan sampling only do as much as one time. Parameters give the value of the score is negative physical parameters include temperature, chemical parameters i.e., i.e. the parameters of phosphate (PO4) and Total Organic Matter (TOM). From the results of the analysis of PCA looks there are two components that can represent the diversity of PC1 and PC2 total i.e., water quality parameters are dominant i.e. ammonia, nitrate, pb and temperature, in addition there are special characteristics in station 1 which is different with the other stations (score plot). There is a link between some physical chemical variables Saleh Bay waters of regression analysis. Seen that the relationship has the pb parameters very closely with other response i.e. ammonia, nitrate and temperature on the waters of Saleh Bay, with a value of R2 amounted to 96.6%.Keywords: grouper, PCA, Storet, Saleh Bay AbstrakPenelitian ini menjelaskan keterkaitan kondisi fisika dan kimia perairan teluk saleh dalam pemilihan lokasi untuk budidaya ikan  kerapu. Pemilihan lokasi dalam kegiatan budidaya ikan di laut merupakan suatu hal yang wajib dilakukan karena lokasi yang baik akan menentukan keberhasilan budidaya ikan. Data yang digunakan untuk analisis multivariat dan metode storet merupakan data primer hasil pengukuran langsung (in-situ) kualitas air laut Teluk Saleh Kabupaten Sumbawa Nusa Tenggara Barat yang diambil pada tanggal 8-10 Juli Tahun 2012 di beberapa stasiun. Analisis kualitas air dilakukan di Laboratorium Lingkungan IPB. Stasiun pengambilan sampel air parameter fisika kimia perairan dilakukan pada lima stasiun yakni: Stasiun 1 diambil pada daerah pantai; Stasiun 2 diambil pada daerah tengah perairan; Stasiun 3 diambil pada daerah Mulut Teluk 1; Stasiun 4 diambil pada daerah Mulut Teluk 2; Stasiun 5 diambil pada daerah luar. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Storet terhadap parameter fisika kimia dan logam berat perairan Teluk Saleh Sumbawa didapatkan nilai skor akhir berjumlah -30, nilai ini mengindikasikan bahwa perairan Teluk Saleh Sumbawa berada pada status tercemar ringan (Kelas C). Perhitungan ini merupakan perhitungan total untuk semua stasiun, hal ini desebabkan pengambilan sampel hanya dilakukan sebanyak satu kali. Parameter-parameter yang memberikan nilai skor negatif meliputi parameter fisik yakni suhu, parameter kimia yaitu parameter fosfat (PO4) dan Total Organik Mater (TOM). Dari hasil analisis PCA terlihat terdapat dua komponen yang dapat mewakili keragaman total yakni PC1 dan PC2, parameter kualitas air dominan yakni  nitrat, amoniak, pb dan suhu, selain itu terdapat karateristik khusus di stasiun 1 yang berbeda dengan stasiun lainnya (score plot). Terdapat keterkaitan antara beberapa variabel fisika kimia perairan teluk Saleh analisis regresi. Terlihat bahwa parameter pb memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat dengan respon lain yakni amoniak, nitrat dan suhu pada perairan teluk Saleh dengan nilai R2 sebesar 96,6%.Kata kunci  :  Ikan kerapu, PCA, Storet, Teluk Saleh
Kinerja Produksi Benih Ikan Jelawat (Leptobarbus hoevenii Blkr) Dengan Ketinggian Air Berbeda Pada Sistem Resirkulasi Eko Harianto; Muarofah Ghofur; M Sugihartono; Aldi Aldi
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v8i2.178


This study aims to determine the optimal water level for the rearing of jelawat fish (Leptobarbus hoevenii blkr) with a recirculation system. This research was conducted for 60 days at the Telanaipura Ornamental Fish Installation Laboratory, Jambi Province Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications covering a water level of 10 cm (A), a water level of 15 cm (B), a water level of 20 cm (C) and a water level of 25 cm (D). The results showed that the different water level treatments had a significant effect (P<0.05) on survival rate (SR), absolute weight growth (AWG) and feed conversion (FC). The highest percentage of survival was in treatment D (water level 25 cm) of 95.62%. The average SR value tends to increase with the increasing water content of the rearing medium. The lowest SR value was found in treatment A (water level 10 cm) of 87.38%. The average weight of fish at the beginning of the study was 0.12 ± 0.005 g/head, increasing at the end of the study to 0.88 ± 0.048 g/head. The average absolute lenght growth (ALG) and AWG ranged between 1.83g - 2.31g and 1.83g - 2.31g, respectively. The highest FC value was in treatment A (water level 10 cm) of 1.93 and the lowest FC value was in treatment C and D (water level 20 and 25 cm) of 0.79. Blood glucose values at the beginning of the study ranged from 44.33 mg/dL – 56.00 mg/dL while at the end of the study the blood glucose values decreased and ranged from 40.33 mg/dL – 45.00 mg/dL. The results of the analysis of the water quality of the rearing medium show that the water quality is still in the feasible range for the maintenance of barnet fish