Ridha Aditya Nugraha
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

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Preserving the Environment within the ASEAN Skies: Lessons from the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Nugraha, Ridha Aditya
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.198 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v4i1.1343


The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change also known as the Kyoto Protocol has set up a framework to reduce carbon emission. The environmental issue is also being addressed at the international aviation sector through the International Civil Aviation Organization’s resolutions. As an international organization sui generis, the European Union (EU) has decided to take up a further step with the enactment of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. The latter has obliged both EU and non-EU airlines to comply with its ambitious goal controlling aviation emissions. However, the legal framework had triggered international objections from legal perspective due to infringement towards the Chicago Convention of 1944 and the international customary law principles. Considering of the nature of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) as an international organization without a supranational law order; as well as recent developments in regards to legal framework on emissions, the future of ASEAN skies from an environmental perspective seems uncertain. However, if ASEAN Emissions Trading Scheme shall take place, they should learn from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme past mistakes and the International Civil Aviation Organization resolutions to prevent non-discrimination towards non-ASEAN member states’ airlines from happening.
Improving Aviation Safety in Indonesia: How Many More Accidents? Nugraha, Ridha Aditya
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 2 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2016
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (792.313 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v2i3.321


Numerous and consecutive aircraft accidents combined with a consistent failure to meet international safety standards in Indonesia, namely from the International Civil Aviation Organization and the European Aviation Safety Agency have proven a nightmare for the country’s aviation safety reputation. There is an urgent need for bureaucracy reform, harmonization of legislation, and especially ensuring legal enforcement, to bring Indonesian aviation safety back to world standards. The Indonesian Aviation Law of 2009 was enacted to reform the situation in Indonesia. The law has become the ground for drafting legal framework under decrees of the Minister of Transportation, which have allowed the government to perform follow-up actions such as establishing a single air navigation service provider and guaranteeing the independency of the Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee. A comparison with Thailand is made to enrich the perspective. Finally, foreign aviation entities have a role to assist states, in this case Indonesia, in improving its aviation safety, considering the global nature of air travel.
Assessing the Liability Convention and the Indonesian Space Act in Light of Active Debris Removal Ardes, Runggu Prilia; Nugraha, Ridha Aditya
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 6 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v6i3.2600


As the orbit in outer space becomes denser, the drive to actively preserve the outer space increases. Active debris removal is the answer to this issue. It serves solemn purposes to maintain the space environment and prevent collision between space objects. This action requires high-level technology and techniques which make it prone to accidents. This article examines the applicability of Liability Convention of 1972 and Indonesian Space Act of 2013 for active debris removal and whether its provisions are sufficient for any future legal issues on this matter. A normative juridical method is used for the analysis. The Space Act from other States like France and Austria will also be briefly mentioned and compared to. At the end, it is concluded that although both of the legal instruments are suitable and applicable for active debris removal, there are still some essential aspects that need to be defined namely property and proof of fault. The paper suggests that it should be emphasized that only catalogued debris can be regarded as property, and that the term “fault” at the minimum should have a modest definition that captures the “deviation from the normal operation”.
Air and Space Law Education: Preparing for the Future in China, Indonesia, Italy and Thailand Nugraha, Ridha Aditya; Kong, Dejian; Guiso, Gaia; Kovudhikulrungsri, Lalin
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 7 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v7i3.3197


Aerospace technology has developed rapidly within the last decade. Facing the future, there is an urgency to balance aerospace technology developments with providing sufficient human resources through education, in this context from the perspective of air and space law. From east to west, this article elaborates on air and space law education in four countries with different experiences in aerospace activities, namely China, Thailand, Indonesia, and Italy. The development of higher education in conducting such programs is essential to ensure that the national aerospace industry will never lack proper human resources from its own nationals, including professionals with specific air and space law expertise. Furthermore, higher education has a significant role in bridging the industry with recent developments and advising the government in setting up aviation and space policies, as in the successful case of China and Italy. In the end, this article provides policy recommendations on promoting air and space law in higher education.
Penguatan Kedaulatan Negara di Udara dan Urgensi Sinkronisasi Hukum Ridha Aditya Nugraha; Konrardus Elias Liat Tedemaking; Vicia Sacharissa
Kertha Patrika Vol 43 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/KP.2021.v43.i01.p05


Ruang udara merupakan medium penting bagi Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan. Seiring perkembangan teknologi kedirgantaraan, kini kesejahteraan suatu negara semakin bergantung kepada pemanfaatan medium ini. Maka sangat berdasar menyatakan bahwa pengamanan ruang udara sebagai hal yang krusial. Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Angkatan Udara bersama Kementerian Perhubungan menjadi garda terdepan dalam upaya menegakkan kedaulatan pada ruang udara nasional. Kehadiran Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pengamanan Wilayah Udara pada tahun 2018 menguatkan landasan hukum dalam bertindak; diantaranya intersepsi hingga pendaratan paksa pesawat asing oleh TNI Angkatan Udara. Mengingat aktivitas penerbangan bersifat lintas batas negara, maka upaya pengamanan wilayah udara nasional erat bersinggungan dengan norma dan hukum internasional. Alhasil, ketentuan Rules of the Air hingga Artikel 3bis Konvensi Chicago 1944 terkait intersepsi pesawat sipil dengan mengedepankan keamanan dan keselamatan penerbangan menjadi tidak terpisahkan. Artikel ini akan membahas perihal intersepsi dari berbagai sudut pandang beserta kewenangan TNI Angkatan Udara maupun Kementerian Perhubungan. Perbandingan dengan hukum positif Thailand dilakukan guna memberikan masukan terhadap peraturan nasional, salah satunya perihal denda administratif yang bertujuan melindungi anggaran negara. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif berlaku dalam penulisan ini. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat suatu urgensi untuk menyempurnakan serta melakukan sinkronisasi hukum positif Indonesia terkait pengamanan wilayah udara nasional.
PENGEMBANGAN BISNIS ANEKA CEMILAN UMKM DI DESA SUKANAGALIH Natasha Wijaya; Leonardo Julianco; Josephine Janto; Bryan Raffael Chandra; Fernando Montero; Ridha Aditya Nugraha; Martina Tiara Kasih; Gianni Tanoto
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Juli 2022
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v6i3.14755


This activity aims to assist in business skills for the small enterprise Rupi-Rupi Cemilan Bu Siti, which produces various snacks, with the aim of business growth. The business owner struggles with limited and irregular sales due to strategic, operational, and marketing limitations. The activity is expected to bring the owner one step closer to achieving their desire to turn the business into a sustainable source of income through the presence of stable demand. The method consists of three stages: planning, intensive guidance through hands-on practice in Sukanagalih village, and follow-up guidance. This activity includes, among others, the increase in operational efficiency and consistency, brand and packaging development, new product varieties, and a simple financial recording system, along with increased revenue. --- Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk kemampuan berbisnis pada usaha kecil “Rupi-Rupi Cemilan Bu Siti” yang memproduksi berbagai jenis makanan ringan, sehingga usaha dapat berkembang. Pemilik usaha mengalami permasalahan penjualan yang terbatas dan irreguler, dikarenakan hambatan dalam bidang strategis, operasional, dan pemasaran. Diharapkan kegiatan ini dapat memungkinkan mitra satu langkah lebih dekat dalam mencapai keinginannya untuk menjadikan usaha tersebut sebagai kesehariannya dengan adanya permintaan produk yang stabil. Metode yang digunakan terdapat tiga tahap yaitu perencanaan, pendampingan intensif yang merupakan praktek langsung di Desa Sukanagalih, dan pendampingan lanjutan. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah efisiensi dan konsistensi operasional, pengembangan merek dan kemasan, varian produk baru, dan sistem pencatatan keuangan sederhana, serta peningkatan omzet.  
Legal Issues Surroundings Airline Alliances and Code-Share Arrangements: Insights For the Indonesian and Airline Industry Nugraha, Ridha Aditya
Indonesia Law Review
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Following the liberalization of the aviation industry, airlines have been searching for the right business model for their expansion. Today the business concept of the airline alliance is deemed as the correct answer, as many big airlines have joined to secure their business. Code-share arrangements could be seen as the perfect implementation of an airline alliance. Alliances are more flexible than cross-border mergers and takeovers due to national restrictions, making it legally viable and thus a preference. However, code-share arrangements have further legal implications that have led into classification of carriers and ended up a liability issue. There are several applicable conventions and protocols dealing with liabilities to protect airline passengers which is known as the Warsaw-Montreal regime. Anti-competition and consumer protection issues are the other main issues. This article shall analyze the legal issues surrounding the tragic code-shared Flight MH17 incident, also mentioning the few Indonesian passengers’ relatives’ rights. Compensation issues in the recent case shall be discussed. Finally, insights of legal risks from conducting code-share arrangements for the rapidly growing Indonesian, and also other ASEAN member states’, airlines are also given.
Indonesia Law Review
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The aviation business in the ASEAN region has shown significant growth during the last decade. With the enactment of ASEAN Open Skies, there is no doubt that intra-ASEAN flights will continue to increase rapidly with Indonesia and Thailand experiencing significant effects from such development. Considering current rapid market capitalization, there is an urgency to establish equilibrium between commercial and passengers’ rights. Flight delays, cancellations, and denied boarding, either on domestic or international flights, are the main airline passengers’ rights issues that are always relevant and must be kept up-to-date with recent developments. In the context of the so-called integrated ASEAN skies, the urgency to establish a uniform legal framework on passengers’ rights has become essential. Learning from the current international legal framework, namely the Warsaw Convention, the Montreal Convention, and EU Regulation No. 261/2004, they could present the source of best solution. Considering that the latter was established by another regional initiative, it could be a particularly valuable guide for ASEAN, even though the current integration level of the EU and ASEAN are quite different. Also of importance, the bomb threat hoax phenomenon within Indonesia and Thailand shall also be discussed. Passengers’ rights must also be protected against the implications of such irresponsible acts.
Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS): Tantangan dan Peluang Kemaritiman Masa Depan Taufik Rachmat Nugraha; Arfin Sudirman; Yaries Mahardika Putro; Ridha Aditya Nugraha
Media Iuris Vol. 5 No. 1SpecialIssue (2022): MEDIA IURIS
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mi.v5i1SpecialIssue.38307


AbstractMaritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) are considered the promising future of maritime transport. MASS technology is safer and more effective in tackling current maritime issues, such as vessel collisions and accidents. MASS has a wide array of spectrum such as environmental spectrum, MASS could decrease marine accidents that result mostly from human error factors and commonly, those accidents have endangered the maritime environment and biotas. Ship accidents commonly occur in this region and result in immense oil pollution, and more than 60% is linked to human error factors. Furthermore, replacing the human decision approach with a technology such as appears in MASS on the fourth category is believed will reduce this kind of accident since the third category will be controlled by remote and the fourth will controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This kind of technology commonly depends on Satellite communication in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO), which must be secure for global MASS navigation to prevent mishaps leading to another environmental catastrophe. On the other hand, the ceasing of seaman onboard intervention will likely cause a new issue regarding the jurisdiction enforcement from the coastal states. Finally, this article will scrutinise the MASS operation’s prospects and challenges in the Future. AbstrakMaritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) memiliki masa depan yang cukup menjanjikan. Teknologi MASS diklaim memiliki tingkat keamanan dan keselamatan yang lebih memadai, khususnya jika dikaitkan dengan masalah-masalah maritim seperti tabrakan kapal, kecelakaan kapal dan juga isu lingkungan laut. Dalam perspektif lingkungan, MASS diyakini dapat menurunkan angka kecelakaan kapal yang berimplikasi pada penurunan jumlah pencemaran bahan-bahan berbahaya ke laut sebagai hasil dari sebuah aksiden kapal laut, yang pada umumnya disebabkan oleh kelalaian fatal dari kru kapal sebesar 60%, yang dapat mencemari lingkungan dan biota laut di kawasan sekitar tempat terjadinya kecelakaan. Peniadaan keputusan oleh manusia diatas kapal pada MASS kategori empat dipercaya dapat menurunkan risiko kecelakaan kapal karena pada kategori ini kapal sepenuhnya akan dikontrol melalui penggunaan kecerdasan buatan. Namun, secara umum penerapan teknologi tersebut memiliki tantangan tersendiri yakni terjaminnya konektivitas internet secara simultan dengan menggunakan teknologi satelit Orbit Bumi Rendah atau LEO, yang harus sesegera mungkin diatur untuk memastikan keamanan pengoperasionalan MASS agar tidak terjadi kecelakaan MASS yang akan berakibat fatal pada lingkungan laut. Masalah selanjutnya terkait MASS, peniadaan kru kapal pada MASS kategori tiga dan empat akan menimbulkan tantangan tersendiri bagi negara pantai. Artikel ini akan membahas tantangan dan peluang pengoperasionalan MASS di masa depan.
Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The outer space has become a forum for international cooperation. History has revealed that many countries with different ideologies could work together when it comes to space activities. The existence of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a subject of international law with ten member states shall test that premise. The actualization of regional cooperation on space activities could be in many forms, one of them is through the establishment of an ASEAN Space Agency. In a smaller scale, considering there is no legal system applied in the ASEAN level, arranging a joint satellite operation seems rather realistic. Both scenarios could become solutions to answer several actual issues, such as utilizing Geostationary Orbit (GSO) slots for Indonesia as well as determining space activity goals in the ASEAN region.