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Implementasi Misi Televisi Republik Indonesia: Antara Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Kompetisi Media Retor Aquinaldo Wirabuanaputera Kaligis; Nada Sofiyani; Cindy Clara
Jurnal Kajian Jurnalisme Vol 5, No 1 (2021): KAJIAN JURNALISME
Publisher : School of Journalism, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkj.v5i1.31893


Di tengah perkembangan stasiun televisi swasta dan media online, TVRI tidak hanya menghadapi tantangan meraih khalayak. Berbagai program acara televisi swasta dan media online yang hanya mengejar keuntungan menimbulkan sejumlah ekses terhadap lingkungan sosial khalayak. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Pers Tanggung Jawab Sosial yang dikaitkan dengan misi TVRI sebagai lembaga penyiaran publik.  Misi TVRI menggambarkan upaya pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial harus diletakkan dalam  konteks kompetisi media.  Jika TV Publik tidak banyak ditonton orang maka upaya pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial  tidak berdampak signifikan di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui implementasi misi TVRI dalam pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial  pers di tengah kompetisi media di era Direktur Utama Helmy Yahya (2017-2020). Dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan organisasi sebagai unit analisis, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam terhadap sejumlah informan kunci dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi misi TVRI dilakukan melalui sejumlah terobosan dari pembaruan sarana dan prasarana hingga sumber daya manusia. Namun upaya TVRI memenuhi tanggung jawab sosial terkendala faktor regulasi dan konsolidasi internal. Revisi UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 diperlukan untuk mereposisi kedudukan dewan pengawas dan kemandirian pembiayaan TVRI. Adapun konsolidasi internal memerlukan perbaikan manajemen administrasi internal TVRI, pengembangan budaya organisasi baru, dan penguatan bidang pengelolaan sumber daya manusia.
Communication of the TeleCTG innovation diffusion process with midwives’ participation and empowerment Retor Aquinaldo Wirabuanaputera Kaligis; Faridhian Anshari; Sofia Primalisanti Devi
Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkk.v9i2.34307


TeleCTG is a telemedicine-based medium technology that Indonesia makes. Nowadays, Cardiotocography has only been operated by an obstetrician/gynecologist (ob-gyn) at the hospital. The occurrence of TeleCTG at Puskesmas (the public health center) helps midwives send the diagnosis online to an ob-gyn for immediate response. This technology helps to equalize the quality of health services. The research purpose is to analyze the innovation diffusion process in using TeleCTG medical devices for participation and empowerment of midwives as the frontline of public health services in the Kupang. Diffusion of innovation is a persuasive process of spreading innovation through specific channels among the members of a social system. Using an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design, then this research explored qualitative data through in-depth interviews with four informants. Questionnaires were distributed to draw the generalizability of the findings at the population level. The population is midwives from 13 sub-districts using TeleCTG in Kupang and cluster sampling techniques. Path analysis is used to see the causal relationship among elements of innovation diffusion, midwives’ participation, and midwives’ empowerment. The results found that the diffusion of innovation encourages the participation of midwives, then the participation level increases empowerment. The diffusion of innovation does not directly influence the empowerment of midwives, but there is an indirect effect of the elements on the empowerment mediated by midwives’ participation. As the final discussion, the participation of midwives is the key to increasing the empowerment of Puskesmas midwives in Kupang.