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JURNAL ILMIAH HUKUM DAN DINAMIKA MASYARAKAT Vol 17, No 1 (2019): Hukum Dan Dinamika Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas 17 Agustus (UNTAG) Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.094 KB) | DOI: 10.56444/hdm.v17i1.1273


This study further examines the previous research that has formulated an integrated food safety system development model in realizing the optimal implementation of PIRT product distribution licenses. With the socio-legal research approach method, it does not only examine normative matters, but also data collection in the field through comprehensive observation and interviews with related parties and is analyzed qualitatively. What is more emphasized from the results of this study is focused on aspects of the embodiment of consumer food consumer protection in the home industry through strengthening synergistic and integrated food security systems. BasedonLawNumber18Year2012concerningfood,alegalchannelis opened for consumers to claim compensation when they suffer losses due to consuming food that causes harm to it, along with the circulation of food that does not meet health requirements namely, safe, quality, and nutritious so that can cause harm to consumers.
Substitusi Pisang Kepok Putih (Musa balbisiana) Pada Pembuatan Tortilla Chips Pisang Elton Cornelis Patola; Dyah Ilminingtyas
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Optimalisasi Pangan demi Kemakmuran
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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Pengembangan tortilla chips berpeluang besar karena dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi pisang kepok putih yang tidak populer, serta menciptakan produk baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi pisang kepok putih terhadap sifat fisik, kimia, β-karoten dan sifat organoleptik.   Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap(RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan substitusi yaitu sebesar 0% (A), 40% (B), 80% (C) dan 100% (D)setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Digunakan Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) untuk menghitung keragaman pada setiap perlakuan. Jika terdapat perbedaan antar perlakuan maka untuk mengetahui mana yang berbeda nyata diadakan uji lanjut menggunakan uji DUNCAN.  Hasil analisis menunjukkan perlakuan substitusi Pisang Kepok Putih berpengaruh terhadap kemekaran linear (23,820-45,752%) dan warna (lightness) yang berkisar antara 54,193-71,740%. Substitusi pisang kepok putih juga berpengaruh terhadap nilai deformation (tekstur) yang berkisar antara 0,546-1,044 mm tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai break strength (tekstur) yang berkisar antara 4,911-6,460 N.  Substitusi Pisang Kepok Putih berpengaruh terhadap kadar air (3,717–5,190%), abu (1,757–4,073%), protein (3,460– 8,533%), karbohidrat (72,180–74,343%), serat kasar (15,430-19,623%) dan betakaroten (0,0023-0,0076 mg/g ) tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar lemak (13,250–14,357%). Perlakuan substitusi pisang kepok putih berpengaruh terhadap rasa (4,760 - 5,800), tekstur (4,440–5,467) dan warna (3,733– 6,093) tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap aroma (4,520 - 4,707)tortilla chips.Kata kunci : Tortilla chips, pisang kepok putih, jagung Bisi-2.AbstractDevelopment of tortilla chips is likely to increase the economic value of unpopular white bananas, and create new products. This study aims to determine the effect of white kepok banana substitution on the physical, chemical, β-carotene and organoleptic properties. The research design was using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 substitution treatments ie 0% (A), 40% (B), 80% (C) and 100% (D) each treatment was repeated 3 times. Used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to calculate the diversity in each treatment. If there is a difference between treatments then to find out which different real test is held further using DUNCAN test. The result showed that Banana Kepok Putih substitution treatment had effect on linear (23,820-45,752%) and color (lightness) which ranged from 54,193-71,740%. The white banana substitution also affects deformation values (texture) ranging from 0.546-1.044 mm but does not affect the value of break strength (texture) which ranges from 4,911-6,460 N.   The substitution of Banana Kepok Putih affects water content (3,717-5,190%), ash (1,757-4,073%), protein (3,460-8,533%), carbohydrate (72,180-74,343%), crude fiber (15,430-19,623%) and beta-carotene 0,0023-0,0076 mg / g) but no effect on fat content (13,250-14,357%). The white banana substitution treatment had an effect on taste (4,760 - 5,800), texture (4,440-5,467) and color (3,733-6,093) but had no effect on aroma (4,520 - 4,707) tortilla chips.
Penambahan Tepung Tulang Bandeng (Chanos Chanos) Dalam Pembuatan Kerupuk Sebagai Hasil Samping Industri Bandeng Cabut Duri The Addition of Bone Milkfish (Chanos chanos L.) Flour in Making Crackers as Side Product of Boneless Milkfish Industry Salitus Salitus; Dyah Ilminingtyas; Ery Fatarina
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Optimalisasi Pangan demi Kemakmuran
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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The development of bone crackers milkfish had quite big chance since it was apart from being an alternative waste handling might also increased the economic value of thorns fish, as well as improved the taste and nutritional value, especially calcium. This study aims was to determine the effect of the amount of milkfish bone flour addition for physical properties, chemical properties and preference level of panelists to bone crackers milkfish.The design of research used CRD (completely randomized design) with the addition of four treatment concentration of milkfish bone (K0 = addition of 0% milkfish bone flour, K1 = addition of 10% milkfish bone flour, K2 = addition of 15% milkfish bone flour and K3 = addition of 20% milkfish bone flour). Each treatment was repeated three times. It used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for calculating the  of each treatment. If there were differences among the treatments then to knew which significantly different a further test using DUNCAN test was done. The collected data was calculated by SPSS 21 program software.The addition of milkfish bone flour in the crackers milkfish bone flour processing affected the level of crackers development (115.49% - 327.35%) and the brightness level (65.81% - 77.08%) but had no effect in the level of hardness (1476.17 gf - 3531.17 gf).The addition of milkfish bone flour in the crackers milkfish bone flour affected ash content (3.58% - 7.50%), fat content (21.52% - 32.41%), protein content (1.80% - 6.71 %), carbohydrates (34.43% - 37.83%), calcium levels (0.02% - 1.17%) but had no effect in the water content (1.51% - 2.31%).The addition of milkfish bone flour influenced the color preference level by panelists (4.16 to 5.33) but not for the flavor (4.83 to 5.32), aroma (4.35 to 4.84) and texture (4.68- 5.25) of crackers.
Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Program Sarjana Membangun Desa (SMD) Pada Agribisnis Peternakan Kambing Di Jawa Tengah Ali Umar Dhani; Dyah Ilminingtyas
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Optimalisasi Pangan demi Kemakmuran
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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Permintaan Pangan hewani di Jawa Tengah terutama daging kambing dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat. Data menunjukkan bahwa selama lima tahun terakhir (2006-2010) pemotongan kambing berkisar 3,35 juta ekor. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa permintaan daging kambing terus mengalami pertumbuhan ( BPS Jawa Tengah, 2011). Pangan hewani merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar manusia yang harus dipenuhi dalam rangka meningkatkan gizi masyarakat (Pedoman Pelaksanaan SMD, 2010). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan program Sarjana Membangun Desa (SMD) pada agribisnis peternakan kambing di Jawa Tengah dan merumuskan rekomendasi atau gambaran yang bisa dilakukan agar faktor-faktor keberhasilan program SMD pada agribisnis peternakan kambing di Jawa Tengah berjalan lebih baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey, dan penentuan sampel dengan sampling jenuh. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelompok tani penerima program SMD yang berjumlah 26 kelompok terbagi dalam 16 Kab/Kota dan kelompok ternak kambing di setiap lokasi SMD se Jawa Tengah. Berdasarkan analisis keragaman menggunakan Uji F menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kelompo (X2) dan kompetensi (X3) terhadap keberhasilan program SMD (Y), sedangkan faktor Teknis (X1) tidak berpengaruh nyata negatif terhadap keberhasilan program SMD (Y). Zooteknis SMD (X4)  dan Zooteknis peternak (X5) berpengaruh nyata positif terhadap keberhasilan program SMD (Y). Rekomendasi yang dapat dilakukan dalam program SMD agribisnis peternakan kambing di Jawa Tengah meliputi: 1) menyediakan lahan pakan, 2) melakukan transfer teknologi pakan, 3) mengadakan jejaring sesama penerima SMD, 4) melakukan pelatihan kelompok atau diikutkan dalam kegiatan pelatihan, 5) memanfaatkan modal, 6) meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas ternakagar bisa menangkap permintaan, 7) secara aktif menangkap peluang pasar dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan kelompok.Kata Kunci : SMD, kambing, keberhasilan, agribisnis AbstractDemand for animal food in Central Java, especially goat meat from year to year continues to increase. The data shows that over the past five years (2006-2010) goat cuts ranged from 3.35 million heads. This indicates that demand for goat meat continues to grow (Central Java BPS, 2011). Animal food is one of the basic human needs that must be fulfilled in order to improve the nutrition of the community (Guidelines of SMD Implementation, 2010). The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the success of the Village Development Program (SMD) in goat agribusiness in Central Java and formulate recommendations or descriptions that can be done so that the success factors of the SMD program in goat farming agribusiness in Central Java running better. The research was conducted by survey method, and sampling with saturated sampling. The sample of this research is farmer group of SMD program beneficiaries, amounting to 26 groups divided into 16 districts / cities and groups of goats in every SMD location in Central Java. Based on the analysis of diversity using F Test indicates that there is a significant relationship between the group (X2) and competence (X3) on the success of the SMD (Y) program, while the technical factor (X1) has no significant negative effect on the success of the SMD (Y) program. Zooteknis SMD (X4) and Zooteknis breeders (X5) have a positive effect on the success of SMD (Y) program. Recommendations that can be made in the agribusiness goat livestock SMD program in Central Java include: 1) providing feeding ground, 2) transferring feed technology, 3) networking fellow SMD recipients, 4) conduct group training or be included in training activities, 5) utilize capital, 6) improve the quality and quantity of livestock to capture demand, 7) actively seize market opportunities in an effort to increase group revenue.
Serat Acitya Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya bagi Kehidupan
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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Catfish was favored by many people, but so far their utilization has beenlimited to edible meat whereas the meat section of the catfish was less than 40%.  Bones and head catfish is a mineral-rich waste, especially calcium. The diversification attempt of proccessed catfish by using all parts of catfish was an effort to optimize the utilization of catfish, increasing the economic value and improve the nutritional value, mainly calcium. The purpose of this study was to optimized the utilization of catfish as foodstuffs by way of diversification of processed catfishto makesticks without leaving waste . The experimental design used was a complete randomized design (CRD) of one factors, namely the use of three types of raw material catfish include: meat catfish , catfish intact and waste bones and head catfish.The parameters investigated were the levels of calcium, protein, fat, water, ash, carbohydrate and hedonic test. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan test . The treatment of different catfish raw material usage were catfish meat, whole catfish and waste of bones and head on making sticks successively lowered the levels of the protein but on the other hand can increased the levels of calcium . This treatment affected the levels of protein, fat, water, ash, carbohydrates and calcium. Stick protein content between 9.3 - 13.63%, sticks calcium levels ranged between 0,08 - 2.74. The results of organoleptic test on sticks hedonic scale showed the sticks product which made ​​from whole fish and fish waste meat bones and head were the most preferred.
Penambahan Brokoli Organik Pada Pengolahan Sosis Ikan Barakuda (Sphyreana Barracuda) Untuk Meningkatkan Kandungan Serat Dan Pro Vitamin A Rio H. U. Dondoe; Dyah Ilminingtyas; Diah Kartikawati
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Optimalisasi Pangan demi Kemakmuran
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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Brokoli merupakan tanaman sayur famili Brassicaceae (jenis kol dengan bunga hijau) yang mengandung banyak serat dan antioksidan. Salah satu pengolahan yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan serat dan antioksidan adalah sosis ikan barakuda. Tujuan penelitian ini Mengetahui pengaruh penambahan brokoli organik pada pengolahan sosis ikan barakuda terhadap sifat kimia dan nilai hedonik. Materi yang digunakan  adalah  adalah ikan barakuda, brokoli organik, dan bahan pendukung pembuatan sosis. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan percobaan yaitu RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap). Masing-masing  perlakuan dalam penelitian menggunakan  3  kali  ulangan. Sifat kimia dan data  hedonik  dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA. Hasil penelitian pendahuluan didapat konsentrasi terbaik penambahan brokoli sebesar 10%, 20%, dan 30%. Hasil penelitian utama menunjukkan bahwa penambahan brokoli dalam sosis ikan barakuda memberikan pengaruh yang sangat  nyata (P<0,05)  terhadap  peningkatan kadar abu, kadar serat kasar, kadar protein, pro vitamin A, dan penurunan kadar lemak. Nilai  proksimat dalam g/100 g sosis ikan barakuda dengan penambahan brokoli 0%, 10%, 20% dan 30% berturut-turut yaitu air 9,074-9,668, abu 5,880-6,164, lemak 9,646-11,098, protein 38,136-39,439, karbohidrat 35,388-35,364, dan serat kasar 0,397-2,814. Nilai pro vitamin A dalam mg/100 g sosis ikan barakuda dengan penambahan brokoli 0%, 10%, 20% 30% berturut-turut yaitu 0-0,78. Penambahan brokoli dalam sosis ikan barakuda menunjukan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai hedonik rasa, warna, aroma, dan tekstur.Kata Kunci: Brokoli, Sosis ikan barakuda, Proksimat    AbstractBroccoli is a vegetable plant from family Brassicaceae (cabbage with green flower types) that contain a lot of fiber and antioxidants. One food processing used to increase fiber and antioxidants is barracuda fish sausages. The purpose of this study to know the effect of organic broccoli addition in barracuda fish sausage on the chemical characteristics and hedonic value. The material were barracuda fish, organic broccoli, and supporting materials to make sausages. Method was the experimental laboratory with experimental design is CRD (Completely Randomized Design). Each treatment in the study using 3 repetitions. Chemical characteristics and hedonic value were analyzed by ANOVA. Preliminary research obtained adding broccoli in the concentration of 10%, 20%, and 30%. The main research results showed that the addition of broccoli in a barracuda fish sausage provide a significant influence (P <0.05) increased levels of ash, crude fiber content, protein content, pro-vitamin A, and a decrease in fat content. Proximate values in g/ 100 g of barracuda fish sausage with broccoli addition of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% that were water from 9.074-9.668, ash from 5.880-6.164, fat from 9.646-11.098, proteins from 38.136-39.439, carbohydrates from 35,388-35,364, and fibers from 0.397-2.814. The value of pro-vitamin A in mg/100 g of barracuda fish sausage with broccoli addition of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30%, respectively were 0-0.78. The addition of broccoli in a barracuda fish sausages showed real significant differences (P <0.05) on hedonic value of flavor, color, aroma, and texture.Keywords: Broccoli, Barracuda sausage, Proximate
Pengaruh Rasio Substitusi Kacang Merah (Phaseolus Vulgaris.L) Dan Jenis Bahan Penggumpal Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia Dan Organoleptik Tahu Press (The effect of Red Bean As Soybean Subtitute and Coagulant Agent to the Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Protein Precipitation Indonesian Press Risa Priherlista; Diah Kartikawati; Dyah Ilminingtyas
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Optimalisasi Pangan demi Kemakmuran
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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Tahu adalah makanan berprotein tinggi yang berbentuk gel yang dibuat dari protein  larut air dari kedelai dengan penambahan koagulan pada susu kedelai yang dipanaskan. Tahu press atau preseed tofu merupakan jenis tahu yang dibuat melalui proses pengepresan yang kuat, sehingga dihasilkan tahu dengan sifat yang kompak dan kenyal. Komponen utama tahu terdiri dari protein yang terekstrak disamping air, vitamin, dan mineral.Pada penelitian, tahu dibuat dengan substitusi kacang merah (Phaseolus vulgaris .L) dengan rasio 0%, 20% dan 30% dengan menggunakan penggumpal asam cuka (1,6%) dan batu tahu (10%). Proses pembuatan tahu press meliputi sortasi, perendaman, pengiilingan, penyaringan, pemanasan, penggumpalan dan pencetakan/pengepressan.Parameter yang dianalisis pada penelitian adalah rendemen, tekstur, warna, kadar air, kadar protein, kadar abu, kadar serat dan pH whey serta uji  organoleptik (tingkat kesukaan yang diikuti 25 panelis semi terlatih).Hasil penelitian diketahui rendemen curd tahu 16,01% - 19,35%, tekstur, 322,05 gf - 716,21 gf, warna 84,24 - 85,3;  kadar air 71,74% - 78,12%; kadar protein 12,69 % - 19,13 %; kadar abu 1% - 1,94%, kadar serat 2,04% - 3,34%. Uji  kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa tahu press yang dihasilkan substitusi 20%KM skor 2,94 “ agak suka”, aroma tahu substitusi 20% KM skor 3,30 “Netral/biasa”, warna tahu substitusi 0%KM skor 3,08 “ agak suka” dan tekstur tahu substitusi 20%KM skor 3,08 “agak suka”.        Kata kunci : Tahu press, substitusi, bahan penggumpal Abstract Tofu is a gel-shaped high-protein food made from water soluble protein from soy with the addition of coagulant to heated soy milk. Know the press or preseed tofu is a type of tofu that is made through a strong pressing process, so the resulting tofu with a compact and chewy nature. The main components of tofu consist of extracted proteins in addition to water, vitamins, and minerals.  In the study, the tofu was made with red bean substitution (Phaseolus vulgaris .L) with a ratio of 0%, 20% and 30% using vinegar clumps (1.6%) and tofu (10%). The process of making the tofu press includes sorting, soaking, grinding, filtering, heating, clotting and printing / pressing.  Parameters analyzed in the study were rendement, texture, color, moisture content, protein content, ash content, fiber content and pH of whey and organoleptic test (favorite level followed by 25 semi trained panelists). The result of the research is known that curd yield of 16.01% - 19.35%, texture, 322,05 gf - 716,21 gf, color 84,24 - 85,3; moisture content 71.74% - 78.12%; protein content 12,69% - 19,13%; ash content 1% - 1.94%, fiber content 2.04% - 3.34%. The panelist favorite test of the subconscious tofu press produced by substitution 20% KM score 2.94 "rather like", the aroma know 20% substitution KM score 3.30 "Neutral / ordinary", the color know substitution 0% KM score 3.08 "kinda likes "and the texture know 20% substitution KM score 3.08" kinda like "
Pengaruh Perendaman Larutan Kalsium Klorida Terhadap Sifat Fisik Dan Tingkat Kesukaan French Fries Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata Durch) (Effect of Calcium Chloride Solution Immersion on Physical Characteristic and Hedonic Scale of Pumpkin French Fries (Cucurbita moschata L.) Diah Kartikawati; Dyah Ilminingtyas; Nurtekto Nurtekto
Serat Acitya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Optimalisasi Pangan demi Kemakmuran
Publisher : FEB UNTAG Semarang

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Pumpkin contains nutrients that are complete enough with carbohydrates, protein, some minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins are vitamin B and C and fiber. Yellow or orange flesh indicated very high carotenoid content and had potential to be processed into one kind of food product frozen french fries. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum concentration of CaCl2 to produce french fries pumpkins. The study design was completely randomized with 4 treatments CaCl2 concentration,  0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%. The test was done on the physical properties of texture and color, and organoleptic properties include taste, color and aroma. The results showed that the use of a solution of 1% and 1.5 CaCl2 generate texture higher than 0.5% CaCl2; The highest brightness and color value in the treatment without the addition of CaCl2. Keywords: pumpkin french fries, blanching, CaCl2