Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika, Jln. Raya Tlekung No. 1, Junrejo, Batu 65301

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Uji Patogenisitas Jamur Entomopatogen Hirsutella citriformis, Beauveria bassiana, dan Metarhizium anisopliae secara Eka dan Dwiinfeksi untuk Mengendalikan Diaphorina Citri Kuw. Dwiastuti, Mutia Erti; Nawir, W; Wuryantini, S
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 17, No 1 (2007): Maret 2007
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Pengendalian kimiawi terhadap hama D. citri, vektor penyakit CVPD sudah banyak dilakukan, namun ada beberapa kelemahan dan efek langsung yang terjadi, antara lain biaya besar, resistensi serangga, dan pencemaran lingkungan. Penggunaan agens hayati berupa patogen untuk mengendalikan D. citri merupakan salah satu pendekatan ekologi dalam mengatasi masalah ini. Entomopatogen H. citriformis merupakan salah satu pilihan, di samping entomopatogen M. anisopliae dan B. bassiana yang sudah dikenal lebih dulu. Beberapa pengamat hama di lapang menduga infeksi alami H. citriformis lebih cepat mematikan D. citri bila ada jamur entomopatogen lain yang sudah menginfeksi lebih dahulu. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui patogenisitas H. citriformis terhadap imago D. citri dengan cara eka dan dwiinfeksi. Percobaan dilakukan di Laboratoium Mikologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika Tlekung dan kebun jeruk milik petani di Jombang. Perlakuan yang di uji adalah H. citriformis, B. bassiana, M. anisopliae, dan kombinasinya. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak lengkap dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada dwiinfeksi B. bassiana dan H. citriformis menunjukkan hubungan sinergisme dan menyebabkan persentase kematian D. citri lebih tinggi disusul dengan ekainfeksi H. citriformis.ABSTRACT. Dwiastuti, M.E., W. Nawir, and S. Wuryantini. 2007. Pathogenicity Test of Entomopathogens of Hirsutella citriformis, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae with Single and Double Infection to Control Diaphorina citri Kuw. The chemical control of D. citri, CVPD disease vector’s was one of major method applied in the field, but it has several side effects, such as of insect resistance or environmental pollution. Control measures of D. citri by using biological agents have the potency to reduce insecticide application, especially the use of H. citriformis entomopathogen, besides M. anisopliae and B. bassiana, that were popular before. Several field pest observers indicated that natural infection of H. citriformis could accelerate the mortality of D. citri if combined with other entomopathogens. The objectives of this study was to measure entomopathogenicity of H. citriformis in controlling D. citri in combination with other entomopathogens. The research was conducted at the Micology Laboratory, Indonesian Citrus and Subtropic Fruit Research Institute and Jombang citrus farmer field. The treatments tested were H. citriformis, B. bassiana, M. anisopliae and their combination. The randomized block design with 3 replications was used in this experiment. The results showed that double infection of B. bassiana and H. citriformis was most sinergism than others treatments, which caused highest mortality of D. citri, followed by single infection of H. citriformis.
Keefektifan Entomopatogen Hirsutella citriformis (Deuteromycetes: Moniliales) pada Kutu Psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuw. Dwiastuti, Mutia Erti; Kurniawati, M Y
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 17, No 3 (2007): September 2007
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Diaphorina citri Kuw. (Homoptera:Psylidae) adalah salah satu hama penting pada tanaman jeruk dan merupakan vektor penyakit CVPD. Diaphorina citri dapat dikendalikan dengan insektisida, predator, parasitoid, dan patogen serangga. Pengendalian dengan patogen serangga, khususnya dengan entomopatogen sedang dikembangkan, salah satu yang ditemukan menginfeksi D. citri adalah Hirsutella citriformis. Di lapang H. citriformis ditemukan pada serangga dewasa dan tidak pernah menyerang stadia nimfa. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui stadia D. citri yang dapat terinfeksi oleh konidia jamur H. citriformis. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak lengkap faktorial 2 faktor, dengan 20 perlakuan kombinasi, masing-masing diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama stadia D. citri, yaitu imago, nimfa instar 3, 4, dan 5. Faktor kedua, yaitu konsentrasi konidia jamur, yaitu kontrol, 105 konidia/ml, 106 konidia/ml, 107 konidia/ml, dan 108 konidia/ml. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa H. citriformis lebih patogenik terhadap stadia imago daripada nimfa (instar 3, 4, dan 5) dengan konsentrasi 108 konidia/ml dengan median lethal time 11,72 hari. Patogenisitas H. citriformis pada D. citri dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan stadia D. citri.ABSTRACT. Dwiastuti, M.E. and M. Y. Kurniawati. 2007. The Efectivity of Entomopathogen of Hirsutella citriformis (Deuteromycetes: Moniliales) on Psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuw. Diaphorina citri Kuw. (Homoptera Psyllidae) is one of the important pest in citrus, and the vector of CVPD disease. D. citri is normally controlled by using insectiside, parasitoid, predator, and insectpathogen. The control measured using insectpathogen, especially entomophatogen fungi has still being developed. The entomopathogen which was found attacking D. citri was H. citriformis. The research was intended to know which stadium of D. citri can be infected by H. citriformis. The study was designed in a complete randomize factorial with 2 factors. The first factor was D. citri stadium, i.e. adults, nymphs instar 3, instar 4, and instar 5. While the second factor was concentration of H. citriformis conidium, consisted of control (untreated), 105 conidia/ml, 106 conidia/ml, 107 conidia/ml, and 108 conidia/ml. The results showed that H. citriformis was more pathogenic on the adults of D. citri than the nymphs, and at 108 conidia/ml was the most effective concentration to kill D. citri with 11.72 days of median lethal time. The pathogenicity of H. citriformis on D. citri was affected by concentration of conidia rather than D. citri stadia.
Deteksi Penyebaran Geografis Penyakit CVPD di Bali Utara dengan Metode Polymerase Chain Reaction Dwiastuti, Mutia Erti; Triwiratno, Ana; Garnier, M; Bove, J.M
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 13, No 2 (2003): Juni 2003
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi  penyebaran  geografis penyakit  citrus vein phloem  degeneration pada tanaman jeruk di Bali Utara hasil rehabilitasi jeruk, dilakukan di sepanjang Bali Utara pada ketinggian 10-1.000 m di atas permukaan laut dari berbagai keparahan gejala.  Teknik deteksi CVPD yang digunakan adalah dengan metode polymerase chain reaction dengan tiga primer (oligenukleotida) spesifik CVPD O11, O12, dan OA1 yang sesuai untuk Liberobacter asiaticum dan Liberobacter africanum. Pelacakan DNA sampel yang teramplifikasi dilakukan pada 0,7% agarose dengan elektroforesis horisontal. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel asal pohon yang tidak bergejala memberikan reaksi PCR negatif. Sampel-sampel dengan gejala visual spesifik CVPD memberikan reaksi PCR positif.  Hasil reaksi PCR selalu positif pada sampel-sampel dari pertanaman jeruk keprok tejakula pada ketinggian 10-700 m dpl. Pada ketinggian di atas 700 m dpl. tidak ditemukan hasil positif deteksi dengan PCR. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menentukan strategi pengendalian CVPD di wilayah terinfeksi. Kata kunci: Citrus sp; CVPD; Deteksi; PCR; Penyebaran geografi. ABSTRACT. The objective of this research was to evaluate the present status of CVPD disease on citrus trees after the citrus rehabilitation. This research was conducted along North Bali on 10-1,000 m above sea level. The technique of CVPD detection used was polymer- ase chain reaction with three specific primers (oligonucleotide) of CVPD O11, O12, and OA1 that are sensitive for both Liberobacter asiaticum and Liberobacter africanum. Identity of samples DNA amplified that were appeared on 0.7% agarose with horizontal electrophoresis. The result of observation showed of all samples from 11 symptomless samples on infected trees gave negative PCR reaction. The samples with specific symptom of CVPD gave positive PCR reaction. Based on the observation, the positive result was always obtained from orchards with altitude 10-700 m above sea level, but no reaction sign of PCR on samples from orchards above 700 m above sea level. This research re- sult can be used to arrange the control strategy of CVPD in infected areas.The detection technique can be used to deter- mine a strategy for controlling CVPD in that areas.
Hubungan Gejala Blotching, Defisiensi Zn dan Fe dengan Hasil Deteksi Penyakit CVPD Jeruk dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction Dwiastuti, Mutia Erti; Triwiratno, A; Taflikan, U.N
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 13, No 2 (2003): Juni 2003
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Identifikasi penyakit citrus vein phloem degeneration pada jeruk di lapang sering mengalami kerancuan, karena sulit membedakan dengan defisiensi hara, terutama Zn dan Fe.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hasil deteksi CVPD dengan   polymerase chain reaction (PCR) pada daun jeruk yang memiliki penampilan gejala khas blotching, defisiensi Zn dan Fe yang berasal dari Siompu (Kendari), Bali, Punten (Batu), Kalimantan Selatan, dan Madura. Penelitian ini perlu diinformasikan untuk mengklarifikasi tentang ketepatan identifikasi CVPD di lapang.  Metode PCR yang digunakan mendeteksi Liberobacter asiaticum, adalah dengan amplifikasi 16 Sr DNA pada 1160 bp. Hasil deteksi menunjukkan, bahwa gejala khas blotching atau mottle, yaitu belang-belang kuning dengan pola tidak teratur pada  helai  dan  tulang  daun  hijau  atau  menguning  menampilkan  pita  tebal pada hasil elektroforesis, artinya mengandung L. asiaticum (patogen penyebab CVPD); sedang sampel bergejala defisiensi Zn dan Fe tidak menampilkan pita pada hasil elektroforesis, artinya gejala seperti ini tidak mengandung atau bukan disebabkan oleh patogen L. asiaticum. Kata kunci: Blotching; Jeruk; CVPD; Defisiensi; PCR; Liberobacter asiaticum. ABSTRACT. Field identification of citrus greening or CVPD is often questionable, because it is very similar to nutrient deficiency especially Zn and Fe. The aim of this observation was to determine result of CVPD detection by polymerase chain reaction analysis on citrus leaves with blotching symptoms, Zn and Fe deficiency symptoms.   The samples were collected from Siompu (Kendari), Bali, Punten (Batu), South of Kalimantan, and Madura that those indicated CVPD contamination. Poly- merase chain reaction (PCR) was used for detecting Liberobacte asiaticum, with 16 Sr DNA amplification on 1160 bp. The result of detection showed that blotching or mottle characteristic symptom samples (yellow of the vein and adjecent tissues with irregular design) produced a thin band on electrophoresis gel, it means this samples contained L. asiaticum. Samples of Zn and Fe deficiency symptoms did not exhibit similar band, it means these symptoms were not caused by L. asiaticum.
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): EL-HAYAH (VOL 7, NO 2 Maret 2019)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v7i2.8426


Phytophthora spp. is one of the fungal pathogens that kills plants on several kinds of the citrus rootstock. In other countries, it is reported that disease pathogens were reduced in roots containing Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM interaction). However, in Indonesia, there is less information about the effect of VAM on the roots of citrus plants against root disease caused by Phytophthora sp. This study aimed to identify VAM in citrus roots and study the potential of VAM in controlling root rot of Phytophthora sp. on five types of the citrus rootstock. The research was carried out at the Phytopathology Laboratory, Indonesian Citrus, and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICSFRI). Phytophthora spp. and VAM samples originated from several citrus centers endemic to Phytophthora were collected. VAM was isolated from the rhizosphere area of citrus plants, while Phytophthora sp. was isolated from infected plant roots. The fungus isolates were isolated, purified, then identified through references. The test of the potential of VAM in increasing resistance of root diseases caused by Phytophthora sp. was performed at the screen house in ICSFRI. The results of the study showed that VAM was identified in 39 gardens in 6 districts from samples collected in 49 yards in 10 regions of citrus centers. The dominant VAM genus is Glomus sp. with the highest density of spores was originated from Ponorogo area. The results of the identification of Phytophthora morphologically showed a diversity of Phytophthora, namely P. parasitica, P. palmivora, and P. citrophthora. The test of the potential of VAM in increasing plant resistance to Phytophthora results showed that Kanci, JC, RL, and Volkameriana varieties inoculated with Phytophthora sp. and Glomus sp. have higher plant height than healthy plants.