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Aplikasi Algoritma Dijkstra dalam Penyelesaian Berbagai Masalah Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim; Muhammad Haikal Satria; Yanuar Zulardiansyah Arief; Agung Pangestu; Ariep Jaenul; Revita Desi Hertin; Dian Nugraha
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i1.1939


Dijkstra is a greedy algorithm that gives a choice of several available shortest routes and then provides a solution. The application of Dijkstra's Algorithm in everyday life is very diverse. This study collects research results regarding the application of Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve everyday problems such as the shortest path problem, this mini-review paper can explain the study of Dijkstra's Algorithm for various things, including solving bi-objective shortest routes, multi-objective routes, emergency evacuation, Dijkstra's graph, the connection between LBS features, best route distribution, and fuzzy solution.
Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Aplikasi E-commerce Shopee menggunakan Metode PIECES Framework Heru Dwi Permana; Anindya Ananda Hapsari; Dian Nugraha; Ariep Jaenul
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology Vol 20, No 2 (2021): JICT-IKMI, Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK IKMI Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36054/jict-ikmi.v20i2.358


Saat ini persaingan platform E-commerce semakin ketat sejak mewabahnya pandemic covid-19, maka tidak sedikit perusahaan E-commerce dihadapkan dengan berbagai peluang dan ancaman baik dari dalam maupun dari luar negeri. Penggunaan Aplikasi Shopee sebagai objek penelitian dikarenakan Shopee paling banyak diakses oleh kalangan anak muda dimana pada tahun 2021, menurut penulis Aplikasi Shoppe akan mengalami sebuah kendala jika dipakai secara bersamaan disaat mengadakan kampanye big sale. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem dengan menggunakan metode PIECES framework yang meliputi 6 dimensi variabel performance, information, economics, control and security, efficiency, dan service terhadap Aplikasi E-commerce Shopee, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat Kinerja Sistem Aplikasi dari sisi kelemahan, kekuatan dan menganalisis komponen apa saja yang perlu ditingkatkan Kinerjanya. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif karena adanya variabel-variabel yang telah di telaah hubungannya, serta bertujuan untuk menggabarkan dan meringkas dari berbagai situasi dan kondisi mengenai fakta - fakta tertentu antara keterkaitan variable yang diteliti. Adapun data primer yang didapatkan berdasarkan dari jumlah responden sebesar 78 Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika Kampus Jakarta Global University. Variabel Indpenden (X) dalam penelitian ini adalah Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem sedangkan Variabel dependent (Y) dalam penelitian ini adalah Aplikasi E-commerce Shopee. Maka Dengan metode PIECES Framework akan mengefesiensikan Kinerja Sistem untuk menjadi acuan dimensi manakah yang harus diperbaiki kedepannya agar kinerja system Aplikasi E-commerce Shopee menjadi lebih optimal
Aplikasi Toko Sembako Online Berbasis Web Codeigniter (Study Case Pt Jtrust Olympindo Multifinance) Ariandi Nugroho; Dian Nugraha; Untung Suprihadi; Safira Faizah; Dewi Rahmasari; Rizki Adrian Firdaus
Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology Vol 20, No 1 (2021): JICT-IKMI, Juli 2021
Publisher : STMIK IKMI Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36054/jict-ikmi.v20i1.349


The outbreak of the covid-19 virus has caused many listing and funding companies to go bankrupt. J-trus group is one of the companies that has experienced the impact of covid 19, so that the company is able to survive, the company is looking for other ways to get additional income, namely by expanding the sale of basic necessities online, here the author provides a solution using a web-based application to realize this the. So the purpose of this paper is to design and build a PHP-based application with the Codeignither framework. The method uses the waterfall and the database uses a MYSQL database. The design includes Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, class diagrams. Testing the application with the Black Box testing method, functionally has been declared successful. And based on the test results using the System Usability Scale (SUS), a score of 71 has been obtained with a value above the average so that it can be accepted by users
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v10i1.833


In this COVID-19 pandemic season, there are still many people who tend to lack awareness in complying with health protocols, especially in terms of crowding and maintaining hand hygiene. Many innovations for hand washing facilities have been made in tourist places, restaurant toilets, malls, and even places of worship. However, during the current Covid-19 pandemic season, have these placements and tools been able to break the ropes of spreading the virus? The answer is that it is still not enough, because the hand washing place is still touched by many hands. Even though some have used automatic or touchless hand washing stations, the purchase of these tools is quite expensive among the surrounding community. Therefore, in this project we intend to break the rope of the spread of the coronavirus, by designing an economical touchless hand washing sink. Then, after the tool was completed, the grant process to the party in need, namely SMK Global Prima in Tambun Utara, Bekasi Regency, was carried out. Although on a small scale, we hope that this effort can be useful for the students involved, the partners of SMK Global Prima, and the community in general.
Journal of Education and Culture (JEC) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Education and Culture
Publisher : Indra institute Research & Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.697 KB) | DOI: 10.58707/jec.v1i1.59


Assessment of learning outcomes essentially aims to measure the success of learning carried out by the teacher as well as to measure the success of students in mastering predetermined competencies. Learning outcomes can be said to be successful if most of the students' scores get scores on the KKM. At the time of observation in the Basic Electrical Electronics subject, it was found that around 19 students got scores that were still below the KKM during midterm tests. This study aims to obtain information related to an increase in learning outcomes in Basic Electrical Electronics in the competence of explaining and using electronic measuring instruments. This study used an experimental research method with a one-group model and used the pre-test and post-test methods as a means of comparison testing with a population of 10th grade students at one of the private vocational schools majoring in Industrial Electronic Engineering in the Bekasi area and a sample of 34 class 10 students majoring in Industrial Electronics Engineering. The results of the study can be concluded that there is a positive influence on the inquiry learning model on student learning outcomes in the Basic Electrical Electronics subject and dk = 33 is 2.445.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran E-Learning Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Berbasis Moodle di SMK Islam Said Na'um Jakarta Ariep Jaenul; Agung Pangestu; Dian Nugraha; Arya Arief Budiman
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/jetclc.v1i4.24195


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran e-learning pada masa pandemi covid-19 berbasis moodle di SMK Islam Said Na'um Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (RnD) untuk menghasilkan suatu produk berupa website e-learning. Pendaftaran pengguna baik guru dan siswa mendaftar secara mandiri, bagi pengguna yang sudah terdaftar akan mendapatkan peran sebagai pengguna yang terdaftar (pengguna asli). Untuk mengikuti mata pelajaran yang tersedia, pengguna yang terdaftar bisa mendaftar ke mata pelajaran tersebut secara mandiri dengan memasukkan sandi mata pelajaran sebelumnya yang sudah diberikan oleh guru. Administrator akan memberikan peran manager kepada akun guru dapat secara mandiri membuat dan mendaftarkan akunnya sebagai pengajar pada mata pelajaran yang diampu. Fitur-fitur untuk menyajikan bahan ajar yang sangat beragam seperti fitur page, buku, file, label, dan URL. Sementara aktivitas pembelajaran yang tersedia berupa Forum, Chatting, Assignment, Kuis, Survei, Feedback dan Questionnaire. Skor rata-rata yang didapatkan dari ahli media menyatakan bahwa kualitas e-learning yang dibuat berada pada kategori baik dan para pengguna yakin bahwa e-learning dapat digunakan secara efektif sebagai media pembelajaran.
Sentiment Analysis on Tiktok Application Reviews Using Natural Language Processing Approach Abdul Majid; Dian Nugraha; Faisal Dharma Adhinata
Journal of Embedded Systems, Security and Intelligent Systems Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Vol 4, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Technology today is very developed, there are so many media that can be used to communicate, these media are very easy to use by connecting to the internet network. Research on the sentiment of this analysis can still be relatively small and new. The rapid development of technology today makes it very easy for humans to communicate with one of the modern technologies, namely smartphones. The initial stage of this research begins with the review to be analyzed, then continues with the collection of review data. Conducted on reviews that have been collected with and without an NLP approach resulting in 2 datasets, with an NLP approach and datasets without an NLP approach. The first step is to identify the problem with the research object. It then looked for related literature studies from both journals and review proceedings used as many as 1000 reviews, which have been labeled by 5 correspondents and resulted in positive reviews and negative reviews. The review is used as a dataset, then pre-processed with an NLP approach. Classification using the NLP approach got an accuracy of 76.92%, a precision of 80.00% and a recall of 74.07%, while without NLP it only got an accuracy of 69.23%, a precision of 80.00% and a recall of 64.52% At the preprocessing stage, the stemming feature, and stopword removal features were applied to each review. Word normalizer to handle variations in writing words that have the same meaning to be counted as a single term Furthermore, a stopword removal process is carried out to remove the stopword from the review.
Assistive Technology Tools for Learning Physics Courses for Students with Special Needs Dian Nugraha; Mohamad Zaenudin; Safira Faizah
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 8, No 2 (2023): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v8i2.33581


The spread of digital information has grown very rapidly and has become a common tool used by all people. This is in line with the development of various infrastructures and digital ecosystems for all lines of life in all fields without exception, especially in this paper which discusses the development of information technology in the field of education. Because in essence education can play an active role in developing the potential of students to develop religious spiritual values, self-discipline, personality, intelligence, noble personality, and abilities that are beneficial to themselves, society, the state, and the Indonesian nation. In line with the vision and mission of Jakarta Global University which concentrates learning on student centered which refers to 21st century learning, where learning is focused on the use of information technology to trigger a learning process that focuses on student learning experience. The development of this system aims to make it easier for students with special needs to understand physics concepts by using simulation methods assisted by modules and other learning tools that can be used by students with special needs, especially for students with hearing disorders. SUS Questionnaire are distributed to get after the posttest to get usability test for the system. Tests using Cronbach's Alpha have been used to find the value of validity and reliability by obtaining an average result of 0.702 for reliability and 0.312 for validity testing. This shows that the developed system can be used easily thanks to the optimization of the features that the author has implemented in the CDIES system to facilitate the needs of students with disabilities.
Design and Development Early Detection of Neurodegenerative Disease Using IoT Technology Safira Faizah; Dian Nugraha; M. N. Mohammed; Muhammad Irsyad Abdullah
Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang Vol 8, No 2 (2023): JURNAL INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS PAMULANG
Publisher : Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/informatika.v8i2.32842


Parkinson's disease (PD) stands as one of the most prevalent conditions, impacting approximately 6.3 million individuals globally. This disorder becomes even more complex due to commonly associated non-motor symptoms like depression, cognitive impairments, and disruptions in sleep patterns. The root of PD remains largely unclear as a significant portion of cases lack a specific cause. In the initial phases of the illness, prominent indicators encompass tremors, rigidity, slowed motion, and difficulties in mobility. Presently, patients are obligated to have appointments with their medical practitioner at intervals of six months to a year, typically for brief consultations. The visit to the medical facility offers a limited glimpse into the patient's state, frequently failing to capture the day-to-day obstacles they encounter. The current evaluation methods are insufficient in comprehending this matter. This highlights the significance of promptly identifying PD, as it allows for the early implementation of treatment measures and management tactics. Additionally, this suggested approach contributes to the enhancement of human life within the healthcare framework and holds the potential to identify Parkinson’s disease swiftly and precisely.
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 10 No 3 (2023): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v10i3.1064


Enhancing the academic capabilities of senior-level students in higher education involves a series of pivotal tasks such as completing a thesis, publishing scholarly works, and creating scientific posters. However, the execution of these tasks still encounters several challenges, including limitations in academic writing skills, a restricted understanding of enhancing writing quality, as well as a deficiency in comprehending ethical writing aspects, such as avoiding plagiarism and employing proper citation methods. Moreover, there are challenges in embarking on the path toward publication and within the overall writing process. In this context, the purpose of organizing the workshop is to provide an in-depth understanding of essential elements within these three areas. This encompasses enhancing writing skills, enriching the understanding of ethical writing to mitigate instances of plagiarism, and ensuring accurate citation practices. Furthermore, it aids participants in grasping research requisites and guidelines, while elevating awareness of academic norms. Crafting a thesis necessitates an understanding of fundamental principles and established regulations, while scholarly writing involves formulating strategies and meticulously presenting research outcomes. The creation of scientific posters also plays a crucial role in effectively conveying research findings visually. This workshop offers practical guidance and training in these aspects, including elucidating formats, arranging layouts, and employing tools such as the Canva application. The outcomes of this workshop materialize in the form of attraction, enthusiasm, and a profound understanding among participants regarding thesis writing methods, scholarly work composition, and research poster presentations. Participants have mastered the use of the citation tool Mendeley, as well as the implementation of Canva in designing research posters. This workshop has been successfully conducted and serves as a platform to advance the academic careers of participants. The workshop is deemed successful to sharpen the skills and self-confidence of participants in thesis writing, precise citation utilization, and crafting scholarly writing effectively.