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Karakteristik dan kualitas hidup pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Konik (PPOK) Ahmad Asyrofy; Triana Arisdiani; Moch Aspihan
NURSCOPE: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/nurscope.7.1.13-21


Pendahuluan: Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik (PPOK) merupakan salah satu penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas di seluruh dunia, prevalensi internasioanl dari Global Initiative Fot Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) stage II dan lebih tinggi diperkirakan sekitar 10 % dimana angka ini terus meningkat secara bertahap. PPOK berpotensi menimbulkan ketidakcukupan oksigen karena adanya kerusakan pada alveolar serta perubahan fisiologi pernapasan sehingga terjadi keterbatasan saluran nafas. Pasien PPOK cenderung mengalami dispnea dan kelemahan fisik yang berdampak buruk terhadap kualitas hidupnya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik dan kualitas hidup pasien penyakit paru obstruksi kronik (PPOK).Metode:Desain penelitian adalahdeskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pasienPPOK dengan sampel sebanyak 51yang diambil secara conviniencedi RSUD dr H Soewondo Kendal. Alat ukur penelitian berupaCOPD Assesment Test (CAT).Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat menggunakan korelasi Pearsondan atau alternatifnya yaituKendall-tau.Hasil: Pasien PPOK sebagian besar adalah laki-laki (57,1%), umur median 45 tahun, paling banyak berpendidikan SMP (30,4%), paling banyak memiliki pekerjaan swasta (42,9%), lama menderita PPOK median 1 tahun, frekuensi napas rerata 23,6 permenit, komorbiditas terbanyak adalah jantung dan hipertensi (37,5%), bentuk torak terbanyak normal (82,1%), dan sebagian besar merokok (57,1%). Skor Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assesment Test (CAT) rerata 22,6. Kategori kualitas hidup pasien PPOK sebagian besar adalah buruk (60,7%). Simpulan:Tidak ada perbedaan kualitas hidup pada jenis kelamin, umur, lama menderita, dan merokok pada pasien PPOK.
Gambaran Mual Muntah dan Stres pada Pasien Post Operasi Triana Arisdiani; Ahmad Asyrofi
Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing Vol 7 No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Ilmu Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana

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Mual muntah merupakan dua efek samping akibat pembedahan yang dapat menimbulkan stres bagi pasien post operasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mual muntah dan stres pada pasien post operasi di Kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif survey. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 60 orang yang dilakukan operasi di rumah sakit wilayah Kendal. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat. Analisis univariat menggunakan tendensi sentral pada variabel numerik, dan mengunakan distribusi frekuensi dan persentasi pada variabel kategorik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata usia responden 47 tahun, sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebanyak 38 (63,3%), berpendidikan SD 27 (45%), pekerjaan wiraswasta 17 (28,3%), tidak pernah merokok 30 (50%), mempunyai riwayat mual muntah post operasi 34 (56,7%), merasakan mual selama 2-4 jam dalam 12 jam terakhir sebanyak 30 (50%) responden, merasakan mual 1-2 kali dalam 12 jam terakhir sebanyak 31 (51,7%), merasakan stres ringan akibat mual yang terjadi sebanyak 34 (56,7%), 13 (21,7%) responden memberikan pernyataan muntah 1-2 kali dan muntah keluar sebanyak <100 cc dalam 12 jam terakhir sebanyak 14 (23,3%) responden, 11 (18,3%) responden mengalami stres ringan dan 3 (5%) stres berat akibat muntah. Kata kunci: mual muntah, stres, post operasi ABSTRACT Nausea, vomiting are two side effects due to surgery that can cause stres for postoperative patients. This study aims to determine the description of nausea, vomiting and stres in postoperative patients in Kendal District. This research uses quantitative research methods using a descriptive survey research design. The sample of this study was 60 people who performed operations at the Kendal regional hospital. The sampling technique in this study uses total sampling. Data analysis was performed univariately. Univariate analysis uses central tendencies on numerical variables, and uses frequency distributions and percentages on categorical variables. The results showed that the average age of respondents was 47 years, most respondents were male (38 (63.3%), primary school 27 (45%), self-employed 17 (28.3%), not had smoked 30 (50%), had a history of postoperative nausea and vomiting 34 (56.7%), felt nausea for 2-4 hours in the last 12 hours by 30 (50%) respondents, felt nausea 1-2 times in 12 hours last 31 (51.7%), felt mild stres due to nausea that occurred as many as 34 (56.7%), 13 (21.7%) respondents gave vomiting 1-2 times and vomiting came out <100 cc in 12 the last hour were 14 (23.3%) respondents, 11 (18.3%) respondents experienced mild stres and 3 (5%) severe stres due to vomiting. Keywords: nausea, vomiting, stres, post surgery
Study of Knowledge and Sexual Behavior in the Prevention of HIV/ AIDS in Non-Professional Personnel in Kendal District Triana Arisdiani; Hendra Adi Prasetya
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

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HIV/ AIDS cases are an iceberg phenomenon with a much less reported number than the facts. A number of data reports that non-professional personnel are one of the highest contributors to the number of HIV/ AIDS cases in Indonesia. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe sexual knowledge and behavior in the prevention of HIV/ AIDS among non-professional personnel in Kendal Regency. In this study, researchers used quantitative research methods using descriptive survey research design. The research sample consisted of 85 people with a purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the majority of non-professionals have good knowledge of HIV/ AIDS (58.8%) but their behavior falls into the category of risky sexual behavior (71.8%). The conclusion of this study that the majority of respondents had a good level of knowledge of HIV/ AIDS and had risky sexual behavior.
Family Knowledge about Covid-19 and Family Attitude Towards Family Members Suffering with Covid-19 Siti Maghfiroh; Triana Arisdiani; Setianingsih Setianingsih
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 2 No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v2i2.936


Family knowledge about Covid-19 is the beginning of an effort to provide a conducive climate for family members being treated for Covid-19. The family is the most important source of treatment for sick family members and greatly helps increase immunity for family members who are infected with Covid-19. The purpose of knowing family knowledge about Covid-19 and family attitudes towards family members who suffer from Covid-19 at Dr.H. Soewondo Kendal. This study used a descriptive survey study design, a sample of 65 samples, the sampling technique used consecutive sampling. The questionnaire used was family knowledge about Covid-19 and a family attitude questionnaire towards family members who suffered from Covid-19. Statistical analysis using univariate analysis. This research has been declared ethically feasible according to 7 WHO standards with ethically appropriate information number 24/KEPK- RSUD/EC/VII/2021. The results showed that the average age of the respondents was 39 years, the minimum age was 28 years and the maximum age was 58 years, the majority were educated. SMA as much as 55.45%, male 55.4%, working as an employee 26.2%, status in the family of children as much as 43.1%, having good knowledge as much as 49.2%, having a good attitude as much as 75 ,4%. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for implementing health promotions to increase family knowledge about Covid-19 so that families are able to determine and make decisions on how to behave towards family members who are infected with Covid- 19.
Hubungan Waktu Bekerja dan Aktivitas Kerja Ibu dengan Persalinan Prematur Alfi Nahwiyah; Triana Arisdiani; Yuni Puji Widiastuti
Jurnal Gawat Darurat Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal

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Persalinan prematur merupakan persalinan yang dimulai setiap saat setelah awal minggu gestasi ke-20 sampai akhir minggu ke 37. Kematian perinatal yang tinggi sekitar 70% disebabkan oleh persalinan premature. Bayi prematur karena tumbuh kembang organ vitalnya belum sempurna menyebabkan masih belum mampu untuk hidup diluar kandungan, sehingga sering mengalami kegagalan adaptasi yang dapat menimbulkan morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan waktu bekerja dan aktivitas ibu selama bekerja dengan persalinan prematur di ruang Mawar RSUD dr.H. Soewondo Kendal. Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan case control. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 105 orang. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara waktu kerja dengan persalinan nilai p value 0,000 (P<0,05) Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara beban kerja dengan persalinan dengan nilai p value 0,003 (P<0,05). Kata kunci: waktu bekerja, aktivitas bekerja, persalinan prematur THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORKING TIME AND WORKING ACTIVITIES OF MOTHERS WITH THEIR PRETERM LABOR ABSTRACT Preterm delivery is a labor that begins at any time after the start of the 20th week of gestation until the end of week 37. A high perinatal death of about 70% is caused by premature labor. Premature babies due to the imperfect death of about organs still are not able to live outside the womb, resulting in failure adaption leading to high morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study is to see the relationship between working time and working activities of mothers with their Preterm Labor in Mawar Room dr.H.Soewondo Kendal City Hospital. This study used a descriptive correlation study design with case control approach. The sample size of this research were 105 people. This study showed that there was a significant correlation between their working time and delivery process with p value 0,000 (p value< 0,05). In addition, there was a significant correlation between their workload and delivery process with p value 0.000 (p value< 0,05). Keywords: working time, work activity, preterm labor
The Application of Modified Early Warning System Triana Arisdiani; Rani Lisa Indra; Fransisca Kristiningsih
Jurnal Gawat Darurat Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal

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The use of modified early warning system (MEWS) as an early detection tool for worsening patient conditions is still rare in Indonesia. This is a challenge for medical staff, especially nurses who provide services with the culture of Pro Care CS (Professional, Care, Continuity improvement and Synergy). This study aims to determine the description of the application of MEWS in the ER of Dharmais Cancer Hospital. The trial use of the modified early warning system (MEWS) in the ER of the RSKD was carried out for 2 weeks and then evaluated in the third week using a questionnaire. The total number of patients included in the pilot project was 49. The results showed that most nurses agreed or strongly agreed to use MEWS. MEWS in cancer patients is different from non-cancer patients, so further research must be done to find the right MEWS parameters for cancer cases
Study of Knowledge and Sexual Behavior in the Prevention of HIV/ AIDS in Non-Professional Personnel in Kendal District Triana Arisdiani; Hendra Adi Prasetya
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2020): July-December 2020
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

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HIV/ AIDS cases are an iceberg phenomenon with a much less reported number than the facts. A number of data reports that non-professional personnel are one of the highest contributors to the number of HIV/ AIDS cases in Indonesia. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe sexual knowledge and behavior in the prevention of HIV/ AIDS among non-professional personnel in Kendal Regency. In this study, researchers used quantitative research methods using descriptive survey research design. The research sample consisted of 85 people with a purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the majority of non-professionals have good knowledge of HIV/ AIDS (58.8%) but their behavior falls into the category of risky sexual behavior (71.8%). The conclusion of this study that the majority of respondents had a good level of knowledge of HIV/ AIDS and had risky sexual behavior.
Family Knowledge about Covid-19 and Family Attitude Towards Family Members Suffering with Covid-19 Siti Maghfiroh; Triana Arisdiani; Setianingsih Setianingsih
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 2 No 2 (2021): July-December 2021
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v2i2.936


Family knowledge about Covid-19 is the beginning of an effort to provide a conducive climate for family members being treated for Covid-19. The family is the most important source of treatment for sick family members and greatly helps increase immunity for family members who are infected with Covid-19. The purpose of knowing family knowledge about Covid-19 and family attitudes towards family members who suffer from Covid-19 at Dr.H. Soewondo Kendal. This study used a descriptive survey study design, a sample of 65 samples, the sampling technique used consecutive sampling. The questionnaire used was family knowledge about Covid-19 and a family attitude questionnaire towards family members who suffered from Covid-19. Statistical analysis using univariate analysis. This research has been declared ethically feasible according to 7 WHO standards with ethically appropriate information number 24/KEPK- RSUD/EC/VII/2021. The results showed that the average age of the respondents was 39 years, the minimum age was 28 years and the maximum age was 58 years, the majority were educated. SMA as much as 55.45%, male 55.4%, working as an employee 26.2%, status in the family of children as much as 43.1%, having good knowledge as much as 49.2%, having a good attitude as much as 75 ,4%. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for implementing health promotions to increase family knowledge about Covid-19 so that families are able to determine and make decisions on how to behave towards family members who are infected with Covid- 19.
The Level of Anxiety of Hypertension Patients Against Covid-19 Disease with Repeat Visits of Hypertensive Patients During the Covid-19 Pandemic Indarwati Indarwati; Ahmad Asyrofi; Triana Arisdiani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 3 No 1 (2022): January-June 2022
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v3i1.1131


Hypertension is the comorbidity that causes the most deaths due to positive cases of Covid-19, with a reality like this, residents who suffer from hypertension to take control every month of course feel anxiety during a pandemic like now, even though hypertension sufferers have to take medicine every day and control it. routinely. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the anxiety level of Hypertension patients against Covid-19 disease with repeat visits of Hypertensive patients during the Covid-19 pandemic at the Brangsong II Health Center. This study uses a descriptive correlation study design, a sample of 85, the sampling technique using Consecutive sampling. Statistical analysis using chi-square. The results showed that the majority of respondents aged 51-60 years were 68.2%, 45.9% had elementary school education, 65.9% were female, and 25.9% worked as farmers. The average length of time patients suffer from hypertension is 5 years, a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 20 years, patients experiencing severe anxiety as much as 47.1%, non-routine repeat visits as much as 63.5% and there is a relationship between the level of anxiety of hypertensive patients with Covid-19 disease. 19 with repeat visits of Hypertensive patients during the pandemic with p value = 0.003 (P < 0.05). It is hoped that it can provide information as a basis for managing anxiety and the psychological impact of Covid-19 on hypertensive patients
The Effect of Five Finger Therapy on Hypertension Elderly on Anxiety Reduction Dian Fazira Khoirunisa; Qurrotul Aeni; Andriyani Mustika Nurwijayanti; Triana Arisdiani
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 3 No 1 (2022): January-June 2022
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v3i1.1132


Five finger therapy is a relaxation technique using the five fingers technique by relying on positive thoughts to help reduce anxiety in people with chronic hypertension. This study was to determine the level of anxiety before being given five finger therapy pain management and after being given five finger therapy pain management and the effect of giving five finger therapy management to reduce anxiety levels in patients with chronic hypertension. This research is a Quasy Experiment quasi-experimental research with One Group Design Pretest – Posttest design, quantitative research type. The sample of this research is 56 respondents with consecutive sampling technique. the results showed that the majority of respondents experienced a decrease in anxiety levels before and after being given 5-finger therapy. Statistical analysis test using T-test. From the research results obtained p value is 0.000. This value is smaller than 0.05 (p < 0.05). Based on these results, it means that there is an effect of 5 finger therapy management on reducing anxiety in patients with Chronic Hypertension Disease.