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The Capability of Consortium Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and IAA Producing Fungi on Promoting Elephant Grass Growth Witiyasti Imaningsih; Anang Kadarsah; Raden Dwi Thriwantho Rusmannurrachmad
Jurnal Biodjati Vol 4, No 1 (2019): May
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v4i1.4284


 Phosphorus compound in the critical land is relatively low that caused phosphorus is bonded to metals. The isolate BRC-AP and BRC-AK are a phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) indigenous critical land that has the ability to dissolve phosphate. The used of phosphate solubilizing bacteria are able to improve plant growth on critical lands. The aimed of this study was to measure the growth rate of shoot length, root length and biomass of root, and leaf cuttings elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. King Grass) which inocu-lated with the consortium of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and IAA producing mold. Phosphate dissolving activity is determined by the formation of clear zone in solid Pikovskaya medium, synergism assay between bacteria and fungi observed on SDA medium then proceed testing the ability of bacteria and fungi consortium to promote plant growth. The result showed that the highest of phosphate solubility in-dex was found in isolate BRC-AP (27), addition of the combination of isolate BRC-AP, BRC-AK and Humicola sp. R.Dn have significant effect on shoot growth in the first week and leaf dry weight. The high-est length shoot of cutting elephant grass was found in treatment with the consortium of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and IAA producing mold (BRC-AP + BRC-AK + KP) (58.66 cm). The highest of leaf dry weight was found in treatment with BRC-AP + BRC-AK + KP (5.65 gr). The addition of consortium phosphate solubilizing bacteria and IAA producing fungi from South Kalimantan critical land proved can improve plant growth especially length shoot and leaf dry weight.
Species Density and Lead (Pb) Pollution in Mangrove Ecosystem, South Kalimantan Anang Kadarsah; Dafiuddin Salim; Sadang Husain; Marta Dinata
Jurnal Biodjati Vol 5, No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v5i1.7411


Its crucial to get information about lead (Pb) heavy metal pollution from mining and oil palm plantation on species density in mangrove ecosystem, to anticipate its impacts. This study aimed is to compare the types and densities of vegetation in mangrove ecosystems allegedly due to mining in Setarap village, Tanah Bumbu Regency and oil palm plantations in Kuala Tambangan Village, Tanah Laut Regency. We also analysis the condition of waters (TDS, pH and DO) and organic content in sediments to acquire data from the South Kalimantan mangrove ecosystems. The results showed there were four species of true mangroves (Avicennia alba, Acanthus ebracteatus, Nypa fruticans and Rhizophora apiculate) could live well in the environment affected by mining or oil palm plantations. The species density for trees was low (933 ind/ha) for mangroves affected by coal mines, while those affected by oil palm plantations had higher densities (1,067 ind/ha). pH value of waters in affected area by coal mining showed more acidic value (pH 5.76) especially at the back, while those by palm oil plantations are more acidic (pH 6) in the estuary. Organic matter content in sediments affected by coal mines was in the range of 0.61-6.59%, while those affected by oil palm plantations showed higher values (0.12-2.19%). Lead heavy metal content (Pb) in waters affected by coal mines was 0.031-0.056 mg/L, while the area affected by oil palm plantations was of higher value (0.110-0.128 mg/L). Lead (Pb) levels in sediments indicate higher values than waters, which reach 3.512-6.046 mg/Kg (affected by coal mines), and in areas affected by oil palm plantations reaching 6.658-6.66 mg/Kg. The general conclusion is that vegetation densities in areas affected by coal mines are lower than oil palm plantations. The level of lead  (Pb) pollution in the sediments is higher than in the waters.
Kearifan Lokal dan Strategi Pengelolaan Potensi Tumbuhan Api-api (Avicennia Sp.) dalam Restorasi Ekosistem Mangrove Anang Kadarsah; Nurul Huda
Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional PMEI V 2020
Publisher : The Ethnobiological Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Combination services by Avicennia sp. as a pioneering plants with local wisdom is the best asset in carrying out the program of mangrove ecosystem restoration. The purpose was to describe the knowledge, attitudes and participation of residents in developing the potential of Avicennia sp. for mangrove ecosystem restoration in Pagatan Besar Village, Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan. Literature review and in-depth interviews are used to obtain local wisdom data and formulate management strategies. The results indicated that knowledge of Avicennia sp. is very high (94%) and as a medicinal plant (97%). However, most (93%) do not know if it can be used as food or for mangrove ecosystem restoration (94%). They also agrees with the prohibition of logging (90%) but disagrees (96%) with taking part of it. Regarding the appeal, 94% of them is needed to plant and 88% needed regulations to keep mangrove forests clean. Regarding the activities (from 100% Banjarese with male and female ratio of 63: 47%), seedling maintenance is the highest priority for restoration. Meanwhile, dumping waste is the most disturbing activity. Based on active ingredients, it can be used as raw materials for medicine, wound healing, antioxidants, antimicrobials, antifungials, and anti-inflammatory. Also, its potentials as food ingredients, fish and noodle bioformalin. It has the best growth for restoration at salinity 22.5-30 ppt and spacing of 75 cm. The type III strategy can be applied for Avicennia Sp. management in Pagatan Besar Village through restoration training, empowering plant potential, implementing regulations, and determining land status.
Studi Konservasi Timpakul dan Moluska Berbasis Pengetahuan dan Sikap Masyarakat Desa Pagatan Besar, Kalimantan Selatan Hilda; Anang Kadarsah; Erma Agusliani
Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional PMEI V 2020
Publisher : The Ethnobiological Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The knowledge and attitudes of the community will influence the success of timpakul and mollusc conservation in Pagatan Besar Village. This study aims to study the knowledge and attitudes of the community and to compare the level of knowledge and attitudes of the community regarding timpakul and mollusc conservation in Pagatan Besar Village. This research was conducted in Pagatan Besar Village with a total of 85 respondents. Data collection was done by direct interviews using a questionnaire with the help of the Google form application. This research data analysis using descriptive analysis and Chi Square analysis. The results showed that the level of community knowledge in Pagatan Besar Village was dominated by people who had sufficient knowledge, namely as much as 79%. The attitude of the community in Pagatan Besar Village is dominated by people who have a positive attitude, namely as much as 94%. Based on the Chi Square analysis, there is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes with the characteristics of research respondents (gender, profession, and place of residence) on the conservation of timpakul and mollusks in Pagatan Besar Village. It can be concluded that gender, profession, and place of residence influence people's knowledge and attitudes.
Studi Konservasi Timpakul dan Moluska Berbasis Pengetahuan dan Sikap Masyarakat Desa Sungai Bakau, Kalimantan Selatan Nurhikmah; Anang Kadarsah; Erma Agusliani
Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology 2021: Prosiding Seminar Nasional PMEI V 2020
Publisher : The Ethnobiological Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Knowledge and attitudes of the community toward conserving resources will guarantee the success of conservation programs. By knowing the knowledge and attitudes of the community, it will be easier to design an effective conservation and management strategies to maintain natural resources sustainably. This study aimed to document the knowledge and attitudes of the community regarding the conservation of timpakul and mollusks in the mangrove ecosystem of Sungai Bakau Village. The method used was questionnaire in the form of google form. The selection of respondents was based on the criteria of four professions, including farmers, fishermans, civil servants and students. There were 84 interviewed respondents. The data analysis used was Chi Square analysis using the SPSS. The results showed that the level of knowledge belonged to the sufficient category, while for the level of attitude most of the respondents had a positive attitude. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes towards respondents’ characteristics such as gender, profession, and study area in the efforts to conserve timpakul and mollusks in Sungai Bakau Village.
Jukung (Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan) Vol 2, No 2 (2016): SEPTEMBER 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.994 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jukung.v2i2.2312


Alih fungsi lahan secara besar-besaran berdampak negatif pada kualitas ekologis area perkotaan yang mengakibatkan perubahan habitat hijau menjadi berbagai fungsi yang salah satunya menjadi daerah pemukiman mengakibatkan penurunan tutupan hutan. Loktabat Utara adalah salah satu area yang memiliki permukiman baru dalam jumlah besar. Sehingga, perlu dilakukan studi terhadap lebar tajuk dan porositas tajuk pada pohon yang ditaman oleh masyarakat di ruang hijau pribadi untuk melihat seberapa besar kualitas revegetasi setelah alih fungsi lahan yang terjadi. Lebar tajuk diukur dari ujung terluar hingga ujung terluar berikutnya yang dapat dibentuk oleh tajuk pohon. Porositas dikurung dengan menggunakan software ENVY yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan tabel konversi porositas. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa lebar tajuk terbesar terbentuk pada pohon mentega dan porositas terendah terbentuk pada pohon jambu air. Sedangkan pohon yang paling digemari oleh adalah pohon rambutan yang ditaman oleh 26,7% masyarakatpermukiman baru karena dapat memberi manfaat langsung dan memiliki pertumbuhan yang cepat. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa lebar kanopi dan porositas pohon di daerah permukiman baru dapat dikatakan baik dan memberi mamfaat langsung terhadap pemiliki ruang hijau pribadi. Kata kunci:      Kanopi, lebar tajuk, permukiman baru, porositas, ruang hijau pribadi. Land use give a massive negative impact on the ecological quality of the urban area resulted in changes of green habitat into various functions, one of which became a residential area resulted in a decrease of forest cover. North Loktabat is one area which has a large number of new residential area. Thus, necessary to study the canopy width and porosity on the trees in the garden by the people private green space to see how much the quality of regrowth after land conversion happens. Canopy width is measured from the outer edge the the opposite side formed by the tree canopy. Porosity measured using ENVY software then compared with a conversion table of porosity. The study results showed that the largest canopy width formed on butter tree and low porosity formed in water guava tree. While most favored tree is rambutan by 26.7% of new residential communities because it can provide direct benefits and have rapid growth. Thus, can be concluded that the canopy width and porosity of trees in new residential areas can be said to be good and give direct benefitto the owner of a private green space. Keywords : canopy, canopy width, new residential area, private green space, porosity.
Kajian Morfologi Ikan Timpakul (Famili Gobiidae) dari Dua Tipe Ekosistem Mangrove yang Berbeda Anang Kadarsah; Krisdianto Krisdianto; Ika Oksi Susilawati
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v5i1.322


Abstrak  - Kajian ekologi hewan eksotik seperti ikan Timpakul pada ekosistem mangrove penting digali selain memperkaya pengetahuan juga menjadi landasan pengelolaan biodiversitas secara keseluruhan. Tujuan penelitian ini membandingkan kelimpahan dan morfologi ikan Timpakul (Famili: Gobiidae) pada dua tipe ekosistem mangrove di Muara Kuala Tambangan dan Pantai Pagatan Besar, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. Survei data dan penangkapan ikan menggunakan jaring 1 meter x 10 meter dengan 10 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan tiga jenis ikan Timpakul yakni: Boleophthalmus pectinirostris, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, dan Boleophthalmus boddarti. Vegetasi Rhizophora sp.  dan Bruguierasp. dominan pada Muara Kuala Tambangan (65,8% dan 34,2%), sedangkan di Pantai Pagatan Besar didominasi Bruguiera Sp. (50,8%)dan Avicennia sp. (49,2%). Persentase kehadiran Boleopthalmus pectinirostris tertinggi di Pantai Pagatan Besar (64%), sedangkan di Muara Kuala Tambangan lebih dominan Boleophthalmus boddarti (71,11%). Berdasarkan lima karakter utama morfologi terpilih (SL=panjang standar, HL=panjang kepala, FDFB=Panjang dasar sirip dorsal pertama, SDFB=Panjang dasar sirip dorsal kedua, dan VFL=Panjang Sirip Ventral : satuan mm), rerata tertinggi dijumpai pada Periophthalmodon schlosseri (SL=167,50:HL=46,67:FDFB=22,17: SDFB=35,33 dan VFL=24,17), disusul Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (SL=131,89:HL=31,22: FDFB=21,67:SDFB=49,67 dan VFL=17,11) kemudian yang terakhir Boleophthalmus boddarti (SL=130,55:HL=30,64:FDFB=18,27:SDFB=52,73 dan VFL=16,73). Persentase rerata kandungan substrat (pasir:debu:liat) di Muara Kuala Tambangan 17,26%:77,52%:5,21% sedangkan di Pantai Pagatan Besar perbandingannya adalah 3,52%: 85,46%:11,03%.Abstract - Ecological studies of exotic animals such as Timpakul fish (Family of Gobiidae) in mangrove ecosystems is important to enriching the knowledge and for the overall of biodiversity management. The purpose of this study was to compare the abundance and morphology of Timpakul fish in two types of mangrove ecosystems. especially in the Village of Kuala Tambangan and Pagatan Besar, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. Survey data and fishing was used by 1 meter x 10 meters of nets with 10 replications. Its found about three types of Timpakul fish, ie: Boleophthalmus pectinirostris, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, and Boleophthalmus boddarti. Rhizophora sp. and Bruguiera Sp. types vegetation were dominantly in Kuala Tambangan estuary (65.8% and 34.2%), while in Pagatan Besar beach it is dominated by Bruguiera Sp. (50.8%) and Avicennia sp. (49.2%). The highest percentage attendance in Pagatan Besar Beach is found for Boleopthalmus pectinirostris (64%), while in Kuala Tambangan Estuary was dominantly by Boleophthalmus boddarti (71.11%). Based on the five main morphological characters (SL=standard length, HL=head length, FDFB=first dorsal fin base, SDFB=second dorsal fin base length, and VFL=Ventral fin length: in mm of unit), so the highest average was found in Periophthalmodon schlosseri (SL=167.50:HL=46.67:FDFB=22.17:SDFB=35.33 and VFL = 24.17). It is followed by Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (SL = 131.89: HL = 31.22: FDFB = 21.67: SDFB = 49.67 and VFL = 17.11). Then the lowest is Boleophthalmus boddarti (SL = 130.55: HL = 30.64: FDFB = 18.27: SDFB = 52.73 and VFL = 16, 73). Substrate content (sand: dust: clay) percentage average in Kuala Tambangan estuary is 17.26%:77.52%:5.21% while in Pagatan Beach the ratio is 3.52%: 85.46%: 11.03%.Keywords - Abundance, Mangrove, Morphology, Mudskipper 
Bioscientiae Vol 2, No 2 (2005): Bioscientiae Volume 2 No 2
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.6 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/b.v2i2.144


Subterranean termites is one kind of termites that live in the soil.  This termites build their nest and find their food in the soil and the woods and trees is as a mainly food for their life. Because of their activities, the subterranean termites as a dangerous animals. The aims of study is looking for and found the kind and the diversity of subterranean termites that live under the rice straw and the bagasse .This research is done with cluster random sampling and collected by baiting technique.   Seven kind of subterranean termites from genus Macrotermes, Microtermes, Odontotermes and Capritermes. All of the  species is subterranean termites, except Capritermes are not potential to destroy the woods.
Analysis of Avicennia Sp. Plants Herbivory and Associated Insects in Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Anang Kadarsah
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Vol 9, No 1 (2021): January-June, 2021
Publisher : Center for Journal Management and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (685.622 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v9i1.261


Herbivory is a natural mechanisms for adjustment of tree growth, form, survivorship, and reproductive output of forest ecology including in mangrove ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to compare herbivory and insect diversity in various growth stages of Avicennia Sp. related with restoration of mangrove ecosystem. The research was carried out four months (July-October 2020) in Pagatan Besar mangrove ecosystem in Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan Province. The results showed that marginal pattern is the most leaf attack case, both in every plant growth stages (39-68%) and canopy (53-58%) of Avicennia Sp. The highest average of leaf damage was found in lower canopy (3.06%), and the growth stage of seedling (3.62%).  Herbivory most often found at lower canopy (3.17%) and seedling life stages (3.76%) of Avicennia Sp.  It was found about 13 species of insects in all growth stages of Avicennia Sp. with the highest Biodiversity Index found in seedling (0.753).  Insects function on all life stages of Avicennia Sp. was dominated by predator.
Kajian Potensi Tumbuhan Nipah (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.) di Desa Tabanio Kabupaten Tanah Laut Jumidah Jumidah; Anang Kadarsah; Sasi Gendro Sari
Jurnal Natural Scientiae Vol 1, No 1 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jns.v1i1.4424


Nipah or Nypa fruticans (Thunb.) Wurmb is a member of the palmae tribe that lives along the river coast grouped in a mangrove forest ecosystem that is influenced by tides. Currently Nipah is used as a source of livelihood for the people of Tabanio Village, Tanah Laut Regency. This study aims to find out information about the potential of stands, the parts of the plant that are used and to study the potential of Nipah plants. This type of research is observative on the Nipah plant. The method used to explore the various potentials of Nipah leaves is done by taking an inventory of the presence of nipah plant stands using the plot sampling method with the compartmental path technique. Furthermore, measurements of plant parts were carried out according to the criteria used, in each plot 3 plant samples were taken. Meanwhile, to explain the use of Nipah leaves by the people of Tabanio Village, data was collected using interviews through questionnaires. Based on the results of this study, the total density of nipah plants was 1,231.3 ind / ha with a plant height of 10.4 m.