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Jurnal Manajemen Informasi dan Administrasi Kesehatan Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Perekam Medis & Informasi Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32585/jmiak.v5i1.2111


Rumah sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna yang menyediakan pelayanan rawat inap, rawat jalan, dan gawat darurat. Manajemen pelayanan rekam medis dan informasi kesehatan adalah kegiatan menjaga, memelihara dan melayani rekam medis baik secara manual maupun elektronik sampai menyajikan informasi kesehatan di rumah sakit, praktik dokter klinik, asuransi kesehatan, fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dan lainnya yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan dan menjaga rekaman. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan rak penyimpanan rekam medis menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menghitung rak penyimpanan dengan rekam medis yang ada, menghitung luas ruangan untuk memperkirakan kebutuhan 5 tahun kedepan. Yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) penyimpanan berkas rekam medis di rumah sakit, menghitung kebutuhan rak penyimpanan rekam medis 5 tahun yang akan datang, menghitung kebutuhan luas ruang penyimpanan rekam medis 5 tahun kedepan, dan mengidentifikasi faktor – faktor masalah yang ada pada ruang penyimpanan rekam medis. Faktor masalah yang ada di ruang penyimpanan yaitu kurangnya rak penyimpanan rekam medis, tinggi rak yang tidak terjangkau oleh petugas rekam medis, tidak adanya tracer, retensi yang tidak rutin dilakukan, perlu penambahan petugas rekam medis dengan lulusan D3 Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan dan rak penyimpanan dapat diganti dengan rak roll o’ pack.
Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Perilaku Petugas Terhadap Keterlambatan Klaim Biaya Rawat Inap Pasien BPJS Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit X Tahun 2018 Wiwik Viatiningsih
Indonesian of Health Information Management Journal (INOHIM) Vol 6, No 2 (2018): INOHIM
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.025 KB) | DOI: 10.47007/inohim.v6i2.9


AbstractDelay is execution of a job is not in accordance with a predetermined time or not on time. The delay is influenced by various factors. Some of them are knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Delay claims hospitalization costs resulting cash flow of BPJS Kes patiens hospital disrupted so would disrupt hospital operations are likely to impact the delivery of health care to patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards officials delay hospitalization expenses claims BPJS Kes patiens in RS X. The method used is quantitative approach to the study of observational and cross-sectional design. The population of this study is related to the implementation of the officer claims hospitalization costs BPJS Kes are doctors, cashier, Laboratory, Radiology, Medical Records, and Verification numbering 25 people, while the sample used is saturated sample is the number of the population. Analysis of the data used is univariate and bivariate (chi-square). The results showed that the implementation cost of hospitalization BPJS Kes claim not timely 48%. Knowledge workers on hospitalization expenses claims provisions BPJS Kes 52%. and good officer behavior is 52%. Bivariate test results indicate that there is a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards hospitalization expenses claims delays BPJS Kes Patiens where P <0.05. The odds ratio for knowledge is 59.813, and behaviors  35.840. Delay claims hospitalization patien BPJS Kes patiens will result in the timely payment of claims that are not necessary for the implementation of quality improvement officers claim not too late. To improve the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors required personnel training, seminars, socialization, motivation, improved work discipline and responsibility towards work.Keywords : knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and delay claims.AbstrakKeterlambatan adalah pelaksanaan suatu pekerjaan tidak sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan atau tidak tepat waktu. Keterlambatan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Beberapa diantaranya yaitu pengetahuan, dan perilaku. Keterlambatan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kesehatan dapat mengakibatkan cash flow rumah sakit terganggu sehingga akan mengganggu operasional rumah sakit yang akan berdampak pula kepada pemberian pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, dan perilaku petugas terhadap keterlambatan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kesehatan di RS X Cikupa-Tangerang penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan observasional serta disain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah petugas yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kesehatan yaitu dokter, bagian Kasir, Laboratorium, Radiologi, Rekam Medis, dan Verifikasi yang berjumlah 25 orang, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh yaitu jumlah dari seluruh populasi. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa univariat dan bivariat (chi square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kesehatan tidak tepat waktu 48%. Pengetahuan yang baik petugas tentang ketentuan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kesehatan 52%. dan perilaku petugas yang baik 52%. Hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan, dan perilaku terhadap keterlambatan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kes dimana P < 0,05. Odd ratio untuk pengetahuan 59,813, dan perilaku 35,840. Keterlambatan klaim biaya rawat inap pasien BPJS Kes mengakibatkan pembayaran klaim tidak tepat waktu sehingga diperlukan peningkatan kualitas petugas agar pelaksanaan klaim tidak terlambat. Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, dan perilaku petugas diperlukan pelatihan, seminar, sosialisasi, pemberian motivasi, peningkatan disiplin kerja dan tanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan.Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, keterlambatan, klaim.
Literature Review: Peranan Media Informasi Kesehatan Dalam Penanganan Kasus KLB (Covid 19) Willy Haposan; Deasy Rosmala Dewi; Noor Yulia; Wiwik Viatiningsih
SEHATMAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.162 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/sehatmas.v1i2.71


The number of deaths due to Covid-19 is increasing from time to time. The industrial era 4.0 is one of the eras of public information disclosure, therefore there are many media that can be used to support communication patterns and activities. This information disclosure will make it easier for citizens to carry out remote control and communication to monitor activities carried out by the government in dealing with this pandemic. This is one form of easy access to public information disclosure supported by information technology media. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of health information media in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak and to find out the most common way the media used to provide health information on Covid-19. This study was designed using a Literature review that examines the Role of Information Media in Handling Covid-19 cases. The results of a study of 8 journals found that health information media had several roles in handling Covid 19. The largest role was the media that played a role in educating the public about the importance of implementing health protocols and social distancing. It can be concluded that the role of the information media in handling the Covid-19 outbreak is very important, because the media are asked to always update data quickly, validly and in real time. The media are also asked to be able to break the chain of spread of Covid-19 by informing the travel ban, recommendations to comply with health protocols and recommendations to comply with social distancing procedures. distancing is the most common way.
Literature Review Desain Formulir Rekam Medis Di FASYANKES Fatkur Ridho; Wiwik Viatiningsih; Deasy Rosmala Dewi; Noor Yulia
Indonesian Journal of Health Information Management Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Husada Karanganyar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54877/ijhim.v2i2.59


Abstrak Desain formulir merupakan suatu kegiatan yang bertujuan melakukan proses perancangan formulir menggunakankreativitas seseorang untuk menghasilkan fungsi dan nilai keindahan pada formulir. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian desain formulir rekam medis berdasarkan aspek anatomi, aspek isi, serta aspek fisik yang terdapat pada desain formulir rekam medis di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dengan menggunakan metode literature review terhadap 10 jurnal. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditinjau dari aspek anatomi pada komponen heading dengan sub komponen tanggal penerbitan semua jurnaltidak memiliki tanggal penerbitan, sedangkan pada komponen body dengan sub komponen type style dan cara pencatatan semua jurnal memiliki type style dan cara pencatatan yang sesuai serta pada komponen introduction, instruction, dan closing terdapat jurnal yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip desain formulir. Ditinjau dari aspek fisik pada komponen tinta semua jurnal memiliki tinta yang sesuai sedangkan pada komponen warna, bahan, dan ukuran terdapat jurnal yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip desain formulir. Ditinjau dari aspek isi pada komponen kelengkapan butir atau item formulir dan terminologi data terdapat jurnal yang sesuai dan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip desain formulir. Abstract Form design is an activity that aims to carry out the form design process using one's creativity to produce the function and aesthetic value of the form. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of the mediscal record form design based on anatomical aspects, content aspects, and physical aspects contained in the mediscal record form design in health care facilities using the literature review method of 10 journals. The results of this study are viewed from the anatomical aspect of the heading component with the publishing date sub-component, all journals do not have a publication date, while the body component with the style type sub-component and the recording method of all journals has the style type and the appropriate recording method and the introduction component instruction, and closing there are journals that are appropriate and not in accordance with the principles of form design. Judging from the physical aspect of the ink component, all journals have the appropriate ink while on the color, material, and size components there are journals that are appropriate and not in accordance with the principles of form design. Judging from the content aspect of the component of completeness of items or form items and data terminology, there are journals that are appropriate and not in accordance with the principles of form design.
Tinjauan Analisis Desain Formulir Ringkasan Pulang Rawat Inap di RSUD Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2022 Anggita Nurul Fadlilah; Wiwik Viatiningsih; Puteri Fannya; Nanda Aula Rumana
Sehat Rakyat: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Penelitian Pengabdian Algero

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54259/sehatrakyat.v1i3.1103


Medical record form is a design tool with a predetermined filling limit to be used as one of the media. Inpatient discharge summary form is a brief record of the patient's condition during inpatient treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the inpatient discharge summary form design at the Bekasi District Hospital 2022. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method by re-examining the data that had been obtained in order to obtain valid data and classifying the data that had been obtained by entering it into a data table. then redesigned the form as a suggestion for the Bekasi District Hospital. Based on the data analysis that has been carried out, it is concluded that the Bekasi District Hospital has an SOP for Changes in Form Design which is used as a guide for any form design changes in the Bekasi District Hospital which has been determined by the Director of the Bekasi District Hospital on December 27, 2017. The results of the analysis carried out on Inpatient discharge summary form on physical, anatomical and content aspects shows that the paper used is still using NCR 55 gsm, the title of the form is still using an Inpatient Medical Resume not using the title of the Inpatient Discharge Summary form, on the form there is no edition number and page number, no there are instructions in filling out the form, there are unusual abbreviations such as ICD-9 CM and ICD-10 CM and there is a "/" symbol which means or.
Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas (SIMPUS) Ahmad Hikmi Aldio; Deasy Rosmala Dewi; Noor Yulia; Wiwik Viatiningsih
Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3812.735 KB) | DOI: 10.59141/cerdika.v2i4.364


In evaluating the implementation of the Puskesmas Management Information System (SIMPUS) at the puskesmas, it is expected to be able to minimize the accumulation of patients the health service procedures at the puskesmas and also to foster more enthusiasm for the officers at the puskesmas so that services become more effective. So it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the health center management information system (SIMPUS). Objective: evaluate the implementation of the puskesmas management information system (SIMPUS) to find out what methods are used in evaluating the implementation of the puskesmas management information system (SIMPUS). This study uses the google scholar database in computing a literature review search by using the keyword search for this research journal, namely ” Evaluation of applications (SIMPUS) at the puskesmas. Research results in it can be seen that the most dominant SIMPUS evaluation used is Hot-fit while the least is the cloud-based methods in evaluating the implementation of the puskesmas management information system (SIMPUS). The puskesmas management evaluation information system (SIMPUS) has several methods in implementing the SIMPUS evaluation, namely, web-based, hot-fit, and cloud-based.
Tinjauan Kejadian Misfiled di Rak Penyimpanan Rekam Medis RSUD Dr. Adjidarmo Kab. Lebak Tahun 2022 Nabila Raihani; Wiwik Viatiningsih; Noor Yulia; Deasy Rosmala Dewi
Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda Edisi Februari
Publisher : Akademi Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jipiki.v8i1.1123


Misfiled is an error in the storage of medical records, or the non-discovery of medical records on the storage shelf. This study aims to determine the description of misfiled events in the medical record storage shelf of RSUD Dr. Adjidarmo Kab. Lebak in 2022. This study uses a descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach by conducting observations and interviews. The results of the study with 99 samples found that 9 (9.1%) of the misfiled and the non-misfiled were 90 (90,9%). Most of the medical records that occurred were misfiled because it did not fit on the proper shelf or medical record documents located on another shelf. The storage system used is a centralized system and its alignment system uses a digit filing terminal. The first factor causing the misfiled in the hospital is that the medical record officer is not careful in storing medical records, because there are still often errors when reading the numbers written. Another factor is in the facilities and infrastructure of the storage room, because there is no tracer as a substitute for medical records that come out of the shelves. The advice is always to use tracers to replace medical records that come out, so as not to misfiled the alignment of medical records.
Tinjauan Penyebab Dispute Klaim pada Pasien Covid-19 di RSUP Dr. Sitanala Periode Mei 2020 - Februari 2021 Hana Muta’allima; Nanda Aula Rumana; Puteri Fanya; Wiwik Viatiningsih
INSOLOGI: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/insologi.v2i1.1124


Dispute claims are disagreements between facilities of health and BPJS. it can take effect on delays in services to be provided to patients. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors causing disputes over the claims of Covid-19 patients at Dr. Sitanala for the period May 2020 – February 2021. The research method used in this research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques by means of interviews and observation. Percentage of claim disputes at RSUP Dr. Sitanala: in stage 1 of 63.63%. Stage 2 of 100%. Stage 3 of 12.5%. Stage 4 of 15.38%. Stage 5 of 27.27%. The total percentage of claims disputed by Covid-19 patients from stage 1 to stage 5 is 27.19%. Based on the results of the study the factors causing claim disputes, it was that patients are treated the most even though the SWAB results have been declared negative, namely 35.48%, confirmation limit is over by19.35%, patients have no significant Covid symptoms at 16.12%, accommodation billing billed inappropriately by 9.67%, evidence of intubation was not attached by 6.45%, laboratory results and other support was not attached by 6.45%, comorbid therapy was not carried out in Covid-19 patients who had comorbid diseases by 3 .22%, patient's rapid test and PCR were not attached as supporting evidence that the patient had confirmed to Covid-19 at 3.22%. SOP for the bpjs verification flow for Covid-19 patients needs to be made. Casemix staff is added so that it avoid an errors when inputting claims.
STRATEGI MERAIH KESUKSESAN SMK BINA INSANI AL-BAROKAH, PANDEGLANG, BANTEN Muniroh Muniroh; Elistia Elistia; Sri Rosmalina Soejono; Lista Meria; Wiwik Viatiningsih
EJOIN : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): EJOIN : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Maret 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/ejoin.v1i3.654


Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan teknologi dan seni berdampak pada cara pandang dan perilaku siswa sekolah, mempersiapkan mereka dalam era digital dan globalisasi dalam menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045 sangat diperlukan untuk memperkaya wawasan siswa SMK Bina Insani Al Barokah dalam upaya memperkuat kapasitas dan kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia yang unggul, sehingga mampu berkontribusi dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta kestabilan sosial. Untuk itu diperlukan pengayaan wawasan yang diberikan oleh Dosen dalam kegiatan kuliah umum sebagai Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Metode pelaksanaan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dalam bentuk Kuliah Umum yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 17 November 2022 oleh 5 (lima) orang Dosen dengan peserta siswa-siswi SMK Bina Insani Al Barokah dan didampingi oleh para guru melihat secara langsung kegiatan para dilingkungan SMK, sehingga kami bisa memberikan pengarahan terkait menambah wawasan dengan membekali ilmu pengetahuan dan kesehatan secara global. Dalam rangka menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045, bagaimana generasi muda seyogyanya mempersiapkan kompetensi dirinya di era industri 4.0 dan 5.0. Selain itu, tentu generasi muda menghadapi banyak tantangan dan problematika masa kini, dan ke depan harus siap menjadi insan cerdas dan kreatif untuk kemajuan SDM Indonesia.
Gambaran Prosedur Klaim Peserta Rawat Inap Bpjs Kesehatan Di Rspad Gatot Subroto Tahun 2022 Isnaini Amalia; Puteri Fannya; Wiwik Viatiningsih; Nanda Aula Rumana
Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Cerdika : Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.377 KB) | DOI: 10.59141/cerdika.v3i4.578


Jaminan kesehatan yang dilaksanakan memiliki prosedur dan kebijakan. Prosedur dan kebijakan tersebut merupakan penjelasan fasilitas kesehatan diharuskan mengajukan klaim secara rutin yaitu maksimal tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya. Dalam prosedur dan kebijakan tersebut BPJS Kesehatan memiliki sebuah sistem yang digunakan untuk mengajukan klaim dengan pola pembayaran Indonesian Case Base Groups (INA-CBG’s) pada tarif pelayanan kesehatan tingkat lanjut. Sebelum mengajukan klaim, pihak rumah sakit melakukan verifikasi administrasi dengan dokumen yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara. SPO dalam pengajuan klaim sejak dibuat tahun 2016 belum memiliki perubahan. Isi dari SPO itu tetap sama dengan memiliki 16 poin yang menjadi pedoman dalam pengajuan klaim. Pengajuan klaim memiliki 4 tahapan yaitu verfikasi JKN, grouper JKN, verifikasi BPJS Kesehatan dan pembayaran. Pada pelaksanaannya masih terdapat kendala dalam proses pengajuan klaim yaitu masih terdapatnya kode yang salah, tidak lengkapnya berkas yang dibutuhkan, serta sistem yang terkadang bermasalah. Maka dari itu petugas diharapkan agar memperhatikan kembali SPO yang ada apakah SPO tersebut memerlukan perubahan atau tidak. Dan petugas agar lebih teliti lagi dalam proses koding dan mengumpulkan berkas yang diperlukan.