Adri Efferi
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus

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EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Teacher as educators is someone who contributed greatly to thecommunity and nation. The high and low culture, progress or decline of acommunity and the cultural level of the country largely depends on the educationand teaching provided by teachers. If the teachers have higher education, so thestudents will receive the better quality of education, and the community degreewill be high too. Therefore, teachers should be confi dent and proud, that theycan carry out the task. One thing that is not less important is that they shouldtry to run all the tasks as well as possible, so that people will eventually realizethat actually how heavy and noble work of being a teacher. Keywords : quality of teaching, Islamic teaching
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Electing leaders (Rector, Directoror Chairman) in an important position, is based on a motive. By these criticisms and global challenges, to over come this heavy responsibility, college management should be supported by quality leaders and suffi cient managers. Leadership in the context of college is academic leadership. In general, leadership means a person’s ability to infl uence or motivate others, to do something to achieve a certain goal, while academic leadership can be defi ned as aperson’s ability to understand and empower university strength sin the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. For this reason, an academic leader at all levels of the organization must have the vision and ability to cooperate with academics, administrative staff and partner sin communicating the vision of the institution. Without this ability, the process of continuous improvement as one of the pillars of improving the quality of education will be very diffi cult to be achieved. Keywords: Leader, College, Performance of Lecturer.
QUALITY Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Jurnal QUALITY
Publisher : QUALITY

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Conflict in the world of education is seen as one of the weak points in the management of educational institutions. This perspectiveemerged due to the institution managers view conflict as somethingnegative and counterproductive. The conflict in the organization isdirectly proportional to the age of the organization, including one ofwhich is the educational institution. Beginning of the conflict can beborn of issues that could be considered trivial or simple. However,it is not uncommon to be a determinant of lifespan or future survival of an organization for the duration of time much longer. Therefore, need proper management to resolve the conflict.
QUALITY Vol 1, No 2 (2013): Jurnal QUALITY
Publisher : QUALITY

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AbstractIslamic Higher Education (PTAI) is an institution that becamethe foundation of Muslims, in order to provide or facilitate theMuslim community and other communities that want to learn Islam.Complaints about the quality of Islamic education is still low, oneof which is caused by the low quality of educators. Therefore, asan institution educators should be more serious in performingtheir duties. Besides the support of stakeholders, both central andlocal levels, this makes the task of PTAI would be lighter, because education as a system would work well if it is supported by many stakeholders.
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 2 (2014): EDUKASIA
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Guru  sebagai pendidik adalah seseorang yang memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat dan bangsa.  Budaya tinggi dan rendah, kemajuan atau kemunduran suatu masyarakat dan tingkat budaya negara sangat tergantung pada pendidikan dan pengajaran yang diberikan oleh guru. Penelitian  ini mengkaji bagaimana cara memperbaiki kualitas mengajar guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)  dengan menggunakan metode library  reasearch. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh hasil bahwa cara yang efektif dari pemerintah untuk memperbaiki kualitas mengajar guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)  adalah dengan memberikan mereka apresiasi atau  penghargaan berupa  sertifikasi  guru. Sertifikasi ini merupakan bukti formal pengakuan formalitas guru yang diberikan kepada guru sebagai tenaga profesional. Untuk itu, gurupun diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalitasnya.kata kunci: kualitas, guru, PAITeacher as educator is someone who gives contribution  to the society in a country. The culture level and the progress of society lie on the education quality. It can not be separated from teachers’ role. The aim of this study was discussing and finding the way how to improve the Islamic Education  teachers’ quality. The method  used in this study was library research. Based on the data analysis, the result showed that the effective way from government to improve the Islamic Education teachers’ quality  is giving the appreciation.  That appreciation  is in the form of teachers’ certification. It can be the formal proof that the government acknowledge them as professional personnel. Hopefully, the teachers are able to improve their competence and professionality.Keywords: quality, teacher, Education, Islam, Studi
QUALITY Vol 1, No 2 (2013): QUALITY
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/quality.v1i2.216


AbstractIslamic Higher Education (PTAI) is an institution that becamethe foundation of Muslims, in order to provide or facilitate theMuslim community and other communities that want to learn Islam.Complaints about the quality of Islamic education is still low, oneof which is caused by the low quality of educators. Therefore, asan institution educators should be more serious in performingtheir duties. Besides the support of stakeholders, both central andlocal levels, this makes the task of PTAI would be lighter, because education as a system would work well if it is supported by many stakeholders.
MENGELOLA LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN DI ERA GLOBAL (Pergeseran Paradigma Humanis Menjadi Bisnis) Efferi, Adri
QUALITY Vol 3, No 1 (2015): QUALITY
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/quality.v3i1.1170


Globalization is like a two-sided coin that each piece has its own role, meaning that globalization has led to remarkable progress in human civilization, but at thesame time is also not a few negative effects caused by the advent of globalization.We take the example that occurred in education today. Globalization that is characterized by ease of access to information, has caused a tremendous leap.Important discoveries were created in education such as teaching methods, curricula, media and others, so easily dispersed in a short time even within minutes and even seconds. But on the other hand, globalization also brings negative effect nor simple, for example in the management of educational institutions, there has been a paradigm shifting which originally humanist (humanity), into the calculations of profit and loss (business)
RESPON GURU DALAM MENYIKAPI PERUBAHAN KURIKULUM (Studi Kasus Pada Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kudus) Efferi, Adri
QUALITY Vol 5, No 1 (2017): QUALITY
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/quality.v5i1.3164


The curriculum is important in the world of education. Teachers play an important role in the change of a curriculum. Therefore, the determining factor for the successful implementation of the curriculum is the understanding of teachers, the core of the curriculum. This study aims to assess the level of teachers' understanding of the curriculum in 2013 and their responses to those changes. This study used a qualitative approach with interviews as the main data collection techniques. After collecting and analyzing the data, the results are as follows: with respect to the level of understanding of the teachers of the curriculum, would still need to be always serious attention especially by the leadership of the madrasas, such as teachers' understanding of the principles of learning, creation of lesson plans and assessment in accordance curriculum 2013. Regarding the response of teachers to address the changes to the curriculum, that is two some accept and some are refused. Although teachers actually realize that a change or innovation implies the change of a condition long to become better.
QUALITY Vol 4, No 1 (2016): QUALITY
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/quality.v4i1.2112


AbstractThis research will explore data related to several problems: first, how the learning management in establishing achievement motive for students in SMK Wisudha Karya Kudus is. Second, what the supporting and barrier factors of learning management with motivation strength pattern to form the achievement motive for students in SMK Wisudha Karya Kudus are. The type of this research is field research with the qualitative approach in a naturalistic perspective (naturalistic inquiry). The results of this research are, related to the management of learning, in particular in order to strengthen the achievement motive for students, teachers reached it with a variety of ways, most often is in academic formal activities such as learning on some particular subject, ceremony event together, new student orientation, flag ceremony on Monday and another big day or in some exercise programs in the workshops leading up to the holding of a competition between students. In activities such as orientation or flag ceremony, the builder of ceremony, both principal and vice principal or teachers are very often inserts the items advisories contain a motivation of overachievers and discipline, especially with regard to each vocational achievement. Related to the supporting factors against students’ success in gaining achievements could come from school administrators (the leader element), the support of parents and the last of the students themselves. The barrier factors that potentially become inhibitors are: the first, time allocation of the competition; and the second, the mistaken perception of some elderly.
QUALITY Vol 3, No 2 (2015): QUALITY
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/quality.v3i2.1905


The demand on qualified educational institution graduates increasingly urgent, because of the intense competition in the labor market. One of the implications of globalization in education is the deregulation that allows educational institutions (including foreign universities) to open new school in Indonesia. Therefore this competition between educational institutions and the labor market will be more severe. Anticipating these rapid changes andchallenges, there is no other way for educational institutions except to look for the brilliant ways to increas the competitiveness of graduates and otheracademic products, which could be achieved through improving the quality of education. Improving the educational model for the teacher has a big role inimproving the quality of the teachers.Tuntutan terhadap lulusan lembaga pendidikan yang bermutu semakin mendesak, karena semakin ketatnya persaingan dalam lapangan kerja. Salah satu implikasi globalisasi dalam pendidikan, yaitu adanya deregulasi yang memungkinkan peluang lembaga pendidikan (termasuk perguruan tinggi asing) membuka sekolahnya di Indonesia. oleh karena itu persaingan antar lembaga  pendidikan danpasar kerja akan semakin berat. Mengantisipasi perubahan-perubahan yang begitu cepat serta tantangan yang semakin besar dan kompleks,tiada jalan lain bagi lembaga pendidikan selain mengupayakan segala cara untuk meningkatkan daya saing lulusan serta produk-produk akademik lainnya, yang antara lain dicapai melalui peningkatan mutu pendidikan. khusus terkait dengan peningkatan mutu guru, salah satu cara yang bisa ditempuh adalah dengan memperbaiki model pendidikan bagi guru itu.