Ajeng Sri Hikmayani
STKIP Sebelas April

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Pengembangan Dongeng Antik (Anti Kekerasan) Sebagai Upaya Mengenalkan Nilai-Nilai Moral bagi Anak Usia Dini Gaharani Saraswati; Ajeng Sri Hikmayani; Dedi Irawan
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Spiritualitas pada Anak Usia Dini
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/cej.v2i1.1533


ABSTRAK : Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti mengembangkan sebuah buku dongeng Anti Kekerasan (Antik) untuk mengenalkan nilai-nilai moral kepada anak. Buku Dongeng Antik merupakan sebuah buku berbentuk pop-upberisi teladan bagi anak. Buku ini dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku Dongeng Antik seri kekerasan fisik dengan judul “Sayang Teman”. Nilai-nilai moral yang dikenalkan dalam buku Dongeng Antik “Sayang Teman” ini yaitu berkaitan dengan perilaku buruk dan baik. Perilaku buruk dalam buku Dongeng Antik ini digambarkan ke dalam beberapa bentuk kekerasan fisik seperti memukul, menendang, dan mendorong teman. Perilaku baik digambarkan melalui tindakan melerai teman yang berkelahi, mengakui kesalahan, dan meminta maaf. Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain menghasilkan buku Dongeng Antik untuk mengenalkan nilai-nilai moral anak usia dini, mengetahui kelayakan buku Dongeng Antik untuk mengenalkan nilai-nilai moral anak usia dini, dan mengetahui keefektifan buku DongengAntikuntuk mengenalkannilai-nilai moral anak usia dini.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam empat tahap yaitu define, design, development, dan dissemination. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa TK kelompok B di kabupaten Sumedang. Analisis data kombinasi dengan tipe Convergent Parallel Mixed Methodsdigunakan untuk mengetahui keefektifan Dongeng Antik dalam mengembangkan nilai-nilai moral anak usia dini. Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba lapangan, efektivitas Dongeng Antik “Sayang Teman” adalah sebesar 0,74 termasuk ke dalam kategori tinggi.Peneliti merekomendasikan kepada guru dan orang tua agar mau menjadi pendengar dan teman yang baik bagi anak-anak, sehingga mereka lebih terbuka dan merasa dihargai. ABSTRACT : Through this research, researchers developed an Anti Kekerasan (Antik) fairy tale book to introduce moral values to children. Antik fairy tale book is a pop-up book containing model for children. The book developed in this study is the Antik fairy tale series of phisical violence with the title “Sayang Teman”. Moral values introduced in the book Antik “Sayang Teman” is related to bad and good behavior. Bad behavior in the Antik fairy tale book is  illustrated into several forms of physical violenve such as hitting, kicking, and encouraging friends. Good behavior is described through the act of breaking up a friend who is fighting, admitting, a mistake and apologizing.  The objectives of this research include producing Antik fairy tales books to introduce moral values ​​of early childhood, knowing the feasibility of Antik fairy tales books to introduce moral values ​​of early childhood, and knowing the effectiveness of Antik fairy tales books to introduce moral values ​​of early childhood. The method used in this research is research and development. This research was carried out in four stages namely define, design, development, and dissemination. The subjects of this study were group B kindergarten students in sumedang district.  Based on the results of field trials, the effectiveness of the Antik”Sayang Teman”  fairy tale is 0.74 included in high category. Based on the results of field trials, the effectiveness of the Antik”Sayang Teman”  fairy tale is 0.74 included in high category. The researcher recommendeds that teachers and parents want to be good listeners and friends to children, so they are more open and feel valued.
Jurnal Edukasi Sebelas April Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Edukasi STKIP Sebelas April
Publisher : STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang

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This study is motivated by the children’s visual spatial skills issue in TK Wijaya Kusumah which focuses on activities such as pointing direction by hand, drawing. It also focuses on the limited tool of learning resources to support visual spatial skill learning.The issue is then formulated in questions such as (1) how is the condition of children’s visual spatial skills in TK Wijaya Kusumah before the kirigami activity, (2) how is the process of kirigami activity in improving children’s visual spatial skills in TK Wijaya Kusumah, (3) how is the condition of the children’s visual spatialskills in TK Wijaya Kusumah after the kirigami activity.This study aims to find out the efforts of improving children’s visual spatial skills through kirigami activity. The method used is the class action research. This research consists of two cycles. There are two actions performed in each action. There are 11 children in total that are given the action (age of 5-6 years old). The result of pre-cycle observation shows visual spatialskills in percentage as follows: children in the categories B=46,02%, category C=38,64%, and category K=15,34%. The post-cycle observation result shows that the children’s visual spatial skills are increased through the kirigami activity. In percentage, children in category B=84,56%, category C=15,44%, category K=0%,. It can be concluded that kirigami activity can improve children’s visual spatial skills development. It is recommended forSchoolto provide references to support the preparation of teaching materials. As for teachers, it is recommended tousevarious media that canstimulate children’s visual spatial skills developmentstages. Finally, it is expected from the next researchers to be able to solve the visual spatial skill issue with methods and techniques that are more advanced to improve the quality of early childhood education.
Jurnal Edukasi Sebelas April Vol 4 No 1 (2020): JESA : Jurnal Edukasi Sebelas April
Publisher : STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang

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Early childhood education is one means to help children get the basic concepts of knowledge and the first institution that can provide meaningful life skills/experience. One of the skills that needs to be stimulated in children is science skills. Science skills are techniques used by children in obtaining first-hand information from the activities they carry out. But the problem that is often found in Early childhood education is that science learning is only focused on the reasoning of children with minimal media at the time of learning. While children are still in the period of concrete thinking, it means learning media are needed to support the development of the concept of thinking and having skills, especially in science skills. Seeing the existing problems, researchers tried to conduct research by trying the Discovery Method in developing science skills at the age of 4-5 years. The aim of this research is to describe the condition of science skills in the aspects of observing and communicating before and after the discovery method treatment. This research uses quantitative methods that use quasi-experimental research. The subject of the research is Wijaya Kusumah Kindergarten Cimahi City students aged 4-5 years. The results showed that the use of discovery methods to improve the skills of the process of observing and communicating in TK Wijaya Kusumah showed significant significance. The ability to observe in children based on the results of the pretest average value of 33.38 and the average value of potstest results 59.54. The data contained a difference in increase of 26,16. The results of the study of the ability to communicate in children in Wijaya Kusumah Kindergarten based on the results of the pretest average value of 25.88 and 49.96 posttest results. There was a difference of increase of 24.08. Thus the discovery method is effective in developing aspects of observing and communicating science skills in children aged 4-5 years.