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Implementation of Qawa'id Al-Fiqhiyyah Mazhab Hambali in Islamic Economic Hendrianto Hendrianto; Hasan Bisri
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alfalah.v6i1.2521


Purpose: This research aims to provide knowledge about qawa'id al-fiqhiyyah Hambali sect thought and its application in sharia economic law seen of the four popular rules of jurisprudenceDesign/Method/Approach: This research is library research, using documentation data collection techniques, and data analysis using content analysisFindings: Results showed that qawaid fiqiyyah dissect Hambali's for bidden right speed before the time, over the main push of the lift, badal (substitute) is positioned mubdal (replaced), and the latter considered common practice, while rare, and there is no law to him. The fourth method is able to address the problem Kulli (general), and in particular the problems of legal jurisprudence of Islam among the modern economy, which in this case study can not be separated from AL Quran and Hadits.Originality/Values: The main contribution of this research is to fill the gap in how the implementation of qawa'id al-fiqhiyyah mazhab hambali in Islamic economic law.
Kepuasan Muzakki Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Zakat Pada BAZ (Badan Amil Zakat) Kabupaten Kerinci Hendrianto Hendrianto
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 1, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jie.v1i2.99


The muzakki satisfication towards the service quality in BAZ (Badan Amil Zakat) is different each others. It is because of the complicated-factors. Based on that assumption, the research is focused to measure the muzzaki utility towards the service quality of BAZ, Kerinci District. Applied the quantitative method, the study result a main finding in which the trend of muzakki utility toward BAZ service is good enough. But, in other cases, a part of them feels not enough in satistification. It can be proved from the tangible (CM) score ON 211. Keywords: Muzakki utilty, Service, Quality, Satisfication and Zakat Apparatus.
Mitigasi Risiko Pembiayaan Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Safir Cabang Curup Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Ika Gustin Rahayu; Hendrianto Hendrianto
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 3, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alfalah.v3i2.638


Increasingly better risk mitigation will help realize the objectives of the BPRS, namely to improve the economy of the lower middle class. BPRS as one of the microfinance institutions must be faced with risks, especially financing risks. The purpose of this study is to find out the risk mitigation actions carried out by BPRS SAFIR in order to minimize risks properly. This research is a field research (field research) that uses a qualitative approach withmethod descriptive analysis. Data collection used is interviews with accounting staff and secondary data from the literature related to risk in BPRS. The analysis technique used is to classify the data obtained with each category which is then analyzed. The results of this study are: There are several stages of financing procedures at BPRS SAFIR, first is the submission of a financing application, the second is submission of the file to the Account Officer; Third initial survey by the Account Officer in charge, Fourth follow-up survey with several Account Officers; The five decisions on funding by branch managers, the sixth realization decision. The financing risk faced by BPRS SAFIR is credit risk and strategic risk, these two risks are also prioritized by BPRS SAFIR because they are caused by both partners. The mitigation measures of BPRS SAFIR in reducing risk are carried out by:First, establishing certain conditions for each financing that must be met by prospective recipients of financing facilities.The two binding guarantees are fixed assets and movable assets. Third, do monitoring periodic.
I-ECONOMICS: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics Vol 7 No 1 (2021): I-ECONOMICS: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics
Publisher : Islamic Economics Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/ieconomics.v7i1.7915


The researcher conducted this research with the intention of explaining the prohibition of selling/buying on people who are in the process of bidding on goods, both in terms of fraternity and the negative impact (consequences) that arise when bidding occurs while other people are still khiyar. This research was conducted by means of a literature review (Library Research) which uses data collection techniques in the form of documentation. For data analysis, namely literature analysis. The results show that Islam recommends maintaining brotherhood, especially in bargaining for goods when buying and selling so as not to result in market distortion, loss of willingness, violating the value of tolerance, unfair competition, the emergence of hatred, conflict of needs, and a weak level of prudence.
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas Vol 7, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jta.v7i1.8571


Abstract. Asy-Syifa Study Group of Rejang Lebong Regency manages the eid savings by paying dues at each study event. If one member needs urgent funds, then the funds raised can be lent. The loan must be returned with a value more than the nominal loaned, so that in the future the group can enjoy the excess given by the group members at the time of repayment of the loan. This kind of advantage in Islam is called riba. The purpose of this devotional activity is to provide knowledge about islamic views in counseling to the Asy-Syifa Study group about the concept of saving and borrowing in accordance with Islamic Sharia, realigning the practice of saving eids that have been practiced to conform to the concept of Islam, and accompanying the Asy-Syifa group in the practice of managing nir-riba eid deposits. So that this devotion will benefit in helping the Local Government of Rejang Lebong Regency realize one of the visions of Rejang Lebong area that is free from riba so that it creates a smart, taqwa and prosperous Rejang Lebong, as well as raising public awareness to stay away from Riba in any form of activity. This service is carried out by counseling, mentoring, and supervision methods. After the implementation of this service, the study of Ash-Syifa has gradually changed the practice of saving and borrowing that has been done to save loans in accordance with Islamic sharia through murabahah, hiwalah bil ujrah, and Qardh.Abstrak. Kelompok Pengajian Asy-Syifa Kabupaten Rejang Lebong melakukan pengelolaan simpanan hari raya dengan membayar iuran di setiap acara pengajian. Jika salah seorang anggota membutuhkan dana mendesak, maka dana yang terkumpul boleh dipinjamkan. Pinjaman harus dikembalikan dengan nilai lebih dari nominal yang dipinjamkan, sehingga dikemudian hari kelompok bisa menikmati kelebihan yang diberikan oleh anggota kelompok pada saat pelunasan pinjaman tersebut. Kelebihan seperti ini dalam Islam dinamakan riba. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pandangan Islam dalam penyuluhan kepada kelompok Pengajian Asy-Syifa tentang konsep simpan pinjam sesuai Syariat Islam, meluruskan kembali praktek simpanan hari raya yang selama ini telah dipraktekkan agar sesuai konsep Islam, dan mendampingi kelompok Asy-Syifa dalam praktek mengelola simpanan hari raya yang nir-riba. Sehingga pengabdian ini akan memberi manfaat dalam membantu Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Rejang Lebong mewujudkan salah satu visi daerah Rejang Lebong yaitu bebas riba sehingga tercipta Rejang Lebong yang cerdas, taqwa dan sejahtera, serta menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjauhi Riba dalam bentuk kegiatan apapun. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan metode penyuluhan, pendampingan, dan pengawasan. Setelah dilaksanakan pengabdian ini, pengajian Asy-Syifa secara bertahap telah merubah praktik simpan pinjam yang selama ini dilakukan kepada simpan pinjam yang sesuai dengan syariat Islam melalui murabahah, hiwalah bil ujrah, dan Qardh. 
Critical Theory and Constructivism in the Perspective of Islamic Epistemology Noza Aflisia; Hendrianto Hendrianto; Nanat Fatah Nasir; Erni Haryanti
NALAR Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Nalar: Jurnal Peradaban dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : IAIN Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23971/njppi.v5i2.3010


This paper aims to analyze critical theory and constructivism as well as the Islamic perspective on these two things. This library research uses various references and references from existing books, national and international journals. The data obtained is then processed with data analysis techniques through the stages of collecting data on critical theory and constructivism through various sources and literature, understanding and analyzing the substance of critical theory and constructivism, and finding comparisons between the two, analyzing the Islamic perspective on critical theory and constructivism, and carry out verification and inference. The results show that critical theory invites us to realize that it is possible for a certain ideology to deliberately take advantage of the opportunity to make us neglect, then exploit, and take oppressive actions. While the constructivism paradigm presents an alternative in finding the truth about social reality, it also raises a shift in the rationality model in finding and establishing rules to a practical rationality model that emphasizes the role of examples and mental interpretation. In Islamic epistemology it is believed that humans not only know physical objects, but also non-physical objects. Muslim scientists use scientific methods that differ significantly from western scientists. Muslim scientists use the observation method (bayani) which comes from the senses, the logical or demonstrative method (burhani) which comes from the mind, and the intuitive method (irfani) which comes from the heart.Keywords: Critical Theory; Constructivism; Islamic Epistemology
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law Vol 6, No 2 (2021): AL-AMWAL : JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ECONOMIC LAW
Publisher : Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Syariah, IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/alw.v6i2.1794


This study aims to reveal the comparative norms of sharia economic dispute resolution through litigation and non-litigation, both in terms of settlement time, costs, procedures, settlement institutions, enforcement of rights, and justice.research (Library Library Research Research) Thisuses documentation data collection techniques with data analysis, namely comparative analysis. The results showed that both litigation and non-litigation attempt to apply legal justice in resolving cases. While the differences exist in terms of the relatively long settlement time through litigation, the cost of cases through litigation is relatively expensive, procedures through formal litigation while informal non-litigation, there is only one litigation settlement institution, namely the court, while non-litigation has more variations in deliberation, consultation, mediation, conciliation or assessment of experts and arbitrator, litigation is the enforcement of rights, while non-litigation is not, and through litigation feels less justice, while non-litigation prioritizes the agreement of both parties.
Development of Local Food Products in Rejang Lebong According to Islamic Economics Hendrianto Hendrianto; Noza Aflisia
Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities Vol 4 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijesh.4.1.55-71


This study aims to explore more deeply the strategies for obtaining raw materials, diversification, and marketing of local food products of Rejang Lebong and the ethics according to Islamic economics. This qualitative descriptive study used data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data processing and analysis techniques used were descriptive and analytic. The results showed that the strategy for obtaining raw materials for local food production was by selecting quality raw materials. Diversification of local food products of several forms, namely Jantan Cookies, Vegetable Chips, and Krispi Petai. Marketing of local food products of Rejang Lebong is carried out by consignment, Direct Selling, Open Reseller, Online Shopping Applications such as, Shopee, Bukalapak, Tokopedia, social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Website, Whatsapp, and Television. Meanwhile, ethics in the development of local food products of Rejang Lebong according to the Islamic economic perspective, namely being honest, accepting criticism and suggestions from consumers, beneficial for others, affordable prices, not vilifying other people's businesses, not hoarding goods, not monopolizing, not selling haram goods, free from the element of Riba, and without coercion.
Education Financing Policy : Implementation and Impact in Madrasah Aliyah Hendrianto Hendrianto; Noza Aflisia; Soleha Soleha
AL-FALAH : Journal of Islamic Economics Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/alfalah.v7i1.4321


Purpose: This research analyzed the implementation of education financing at MA Nurul Haq Semurup as well as the consequences and impacts of these policies on Sharia economy, educators and education personnel, madrasah environments, learning activities, and students.Design/Method/Approach: This research use descriptive qualitative approach. Sources of data came from the principal and teacher of MA Nurul Haq Semurup by using a research instrument in the form of closed interviews. The data obtained is then processed by stages of understanding the substance of the education financing standards contained in government policies and scientific articles, analyzing the results of interviews, analyzing the consequences and impacts of financing policies, as well as verifying and drawing conclusions.Findings: The results showed that MA Nurul Haq Semurup education financing was carried out in two ways, namely investment costs focused on financing learning facilities and human resource development, and operational costs focusing on educators' salaries and education personnel, student activities, consumables, indirect education, power subscriptions and services. The management of madrasah financing implemented has an impact on Sharia Economy (muamalah avoids Maysir, Gharar, Haram, and Riba), improving the competence of educators and education personnel, cleanliness and comfort of the madrasah environment, harmony between fellow madrasah personnel, systematic, measurable, and orderly madrasah governance,  learning activities become interesting, meaningful, effective, and efficient, the spirit of leadership, independence, and discipline of students is formed, and students gain theoretical and practical learning.Originality/Values: The contribution of this research can provide valuable information related to education financing and become a reference of choice for other schools in the expenditure costs that have been set by the government and do not ignore the provisions in sharia economy.
Development of Pesantren Nurul Haq Semurup: SWOT analysis Noza Aflisia; Hendrianto Hendrianto; Nurwadjah Ahmad E.Q; Andewi Suhartini
FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jf.v7i1.3737


Abstract. This study aims to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Pesantren Nurul Haq Semurup. This is a qualitative research. The data sources come from the ustadz and santri of the Pesantren Nurul Haq Semurup, scientific articles and related written documents. Collecting data using observation, interviews, and documentation. To analyze the data, the researchers uses the stages of reducing data, presenting data, and verifying or concluding. The results show that the strength of the Pesantren Nurul Haq Semurup lies in the development of Islamic education, general science, life Skills, the strategic location of the pesantren, affordable education costs, and the attached pesantren label. The weaknesses include the fact that Arabic lessons do not have the right teachers, there are no special unique characteristics of the pesantren, they do not study the yellow book directly, and they do not have special standard books that students must master regarding tafaqquh fiddin. The high public interest in learning Islam and the independence of children are opportunities for pesantren to respond well. Meanwhile, the threat comes if it persists in a state where there is no dominant skill as a hallmark that students get after studying at this Pesantren.