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Analisis Efektivitas Iklan Restoran Melalui Media Sosial Daring (Online) (Studi Pada Masyarakat Di Tangerang Selatan) Tito Siswanto; Asriyal Asriyal; Yanti Budiasih
Liquidity: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Manajemen Vol 8 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/lq.v8i1.333


This research examines the level of advertising effectiveness carried out by restaurants on online Social Media. The research was conducted in South Tangerang City by taking 43 respondents who have online social media and have seen restaurant advertisements online. The objectives of this research are: (1) to determine the relationship between the use of advertising on online social media based on AIDA with consumer responses in making purchasing decisions; (2) to determine the effectiveness of restaurant advertisements on social media based on the EPIC dimension in encouraging consumers to make purchasing decisions. This research is a quantitative study using canonical correlation analysis and EPIC analysis model that is used to answer the research problem. From the results of the data analysis that has been done, it is known that in advertising activities on social media, the duration of advertising in the advertising attribute gives a big contribution compared to other aspects. However, although ad duration is a very important aspect in this research, it is not clear what the ideal ad duration to do. Overall, advertising attributes have a very close relationship with audience response. Furthermore, from the 4 (four) dimensions contained in the AIDA approach, it is known that the dimension of desire has a major contribution to the audience response. The finding can be said that advertising on social media is able to give a desire to viewers to make a purchase. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis using the EPIC model, advertising on social media is considered effective. On each dimension measured, advertising on social media can score well in encouraging viewers to make a purchase. However, there are two dimensions that have a dominant score, namely the empathy dimension and the impact dimension
Muhammadiyah International Journal of Economics and Business Vol. 1, No.2, 2018
Publisher : Asosiasi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah

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This analytical descriptive research aims to find out the relationship between the investigated variables. These variables had been previously tested hence this study made several modifications. The   data  consisted  of   primary   data  and  involved   150   students   of  Ahmad   Dahlan   Economics School  as the  respondents.  The  research variables  were divided  into  exogenous  variables (i.e.,  eco  labeling,   eco  knowledge, green  product,   green  packaging  and   green  advertising)   and endogenous  variables (i.e.,  purchase  intention  and green  customer).  The  data analysis  technique was the Partial Least Square (PLS) by using SmartPls software. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it can be concluded that: eco-knowledge has a significant negative influence on purchase intention; eco-knowledge has a significant negative influence on green customers; eco-labeling has a significant positive influence on purchase intention; eco-labeling has a significant negative influence on green customer; green product has a  significant positive influence on purchase intention; green product has a significant positive influence on green customer; green packaging has an insignificant influence on purchase intention; green packaging has an insignificant influence on green customer; green advertising has a significant negative influence on purchase intention; green advertising has a significant positive influence on green customer; and purchase intention has a significant positive influence on green customer.
Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Berbasis Home Industry Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Krukut, Kota Depok Yanti Budiasih; Asriyal Asriyal; Silvi Reni Cusyana
Intervensi Komunitas Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

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Tidak sedikit orang yang kini memilih jalan untuk berwirausaha daripada bekerja kantoran atau menjadi karyawan/pegawai disuatu perusahaan atau instansi. Untuk menjadi sukses melalui kewirausahaan tidak hanya membutuhkan modal yang besar akan tetapi diperlukan juga mental yang kuat dan perjuangan yang tidak mudah. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan/workshop kewirausahaan inilah diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan jiwa enterpreneur yang mandiri. Melalui penyuluhan dan workshop/ pelatihan ini dapat menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan berbasis home industry dilingkungan masyarakat sekitar kelurahan Krukut Kota Depok sehingga diharapkan dapat mengatasi kesulitan dalam potensi peningkatan pendapatan rumah tangga. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat secara keseluruhan dapat dilihat berdasarkan beberapa komponen. Pertama, Target peserta pelatihan atau khalayak sasaran sebanyak 25 orang yang merupakan warga RT RW Kelurahan Krukut. Dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 20 orang serta bekerjasama dengan Tim Omah Bio. Kedua, ketercapaian tujuan pelatihan dapat dinilai cukup baik. Dalam kurun waktu tiga bulan sebanyak 6 orang (%) telah berusaha menyusun bisnis plan serta laporan keuangan sederhana.
Kebijakan Perencanaan Pajak Melalui Instrumen Natura dan Zakat Untuk Meminimalkan Pajak Penghasilan Badan Pada PT Milenium Kreasi Albas Tomi; Yanti Budiasih
Indonesian Journal of Economics Application (IJEA) Vol 2 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32546/ijea.v2i1.371


The purpose is to assess and analyze the accuracy of tax planning at PT. Millennium Kreasi. To studty and analyze the amount of tax planning carried out by PT. Millennium Kreasi. To find out the amount of tax savings obtained by PT. Millennium Kreasi by doing tax planning. The data used in this study are secondary data from PT. Millennium Kreasi. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques in literature and Fields studies. Based on the results of this study The application of tax planning at PT. Millennium Kreasi is considered very appropriate by researchers, this is based on that after the tax planning was carried out, PT. Millennium Kreasi can minimize the tax burden owed to PT. Millennium Kreasi. In this study, the researcher can minimize PT. Millennium payable income tax expense of IDR 49,581,535. Ie, with the details of the application of zakat payments of IDR 32,249,030, and the application of giving in kind of IDR 17,332,505. In this calculation, the Corporate Tax that must be paid by PT. Millenium Kreasi before tax planning is IDR 482,273,115, and the Corporate Income Tax that must be paid by PT Millennium Kreasi after tax planning is IDR 432,691,580.