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Penerapan Terapi Guided Imagery pada Pasien Dengan Kanker Payudara Dengan Nyeri Sedang Alfi Milenia; Dwi Retnaningsih
Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Widya Husada Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33655/mak.v6i1.129


Kanker payudara adalah adalah tumor ganas yang menyerang jaringan payudara yang terdiri atas kelenjar susu (pembuat air susu), saluran air susu dan jaringan penunjang payudara. Kanker payudara dapat menyerang seluruh jaringan yang ada pada payudara. Pada penderita kanker payudara biasanya timbul efek nyeri pada daerah payudara. Pada pasien kanker biasanya mengalami nyeri. Nyeri merupakan salah satu keluhan yang paling banyak bahkan paling sering dialami oleh pasien. Salah satu tindakan penatalaksanaan untuk menurunkan nyeri yaitu dengan terapi guided imagery. Tujuan dari studi kasus ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektifitas terapi guided imagery terhadap tingkat nyeri pada pasien kanker payudara. Metode studi kasus yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien kanker payudara dengan nyeri dan diberikan penerapan terapi guided imagery. Jumlah partisipan dalam studi kasus ini sebanyak 2 partisipan dengan kriteria inklusi pasien kanker payudara yang bersedia menjadi responden, pasien kanker payudara yang mengalami nyeri dengan skala 6-9 dan pasien kanker payudara yang menjalani tindakan mastektomi. Hasil studi kasus menunjukkan bahwa sebelum diberikan intervensi tingkat nyeri partisipan I yaitu 7 dan partisipan II skala nyeri 6, kemudian sesudah diberikan intervensi tingkat nyeri partisipas I turun menjadi 5 dan partisipan II tingkat nyeri menjadi 4. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari kedua responden bahwa penerapan terapi guided imagery mampu menurunkan tingkat nyeri pada pasien kanker payudara.
PENINGKATAN DERAJAT KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PERAN KADER Dwi Retnaningsih; Rahayu Winarti; Priharyanti Wulandari; Nika Nika; Riska Riska
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Volume 2 Nomor 3 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v2i3.2673


Lansia Indonesia yang sehat, mandiri, aktif dan produktif memberikan kontribusi yang baik bagi negara. Masyarakat yang produktif, berkualitas dan memiliki segudang pengalaman bisa menjadi kekuatan untuk Indonesia. Pada survey pendahuluan didapatkan resiko penurunan status kesehatan masyarakat yang dibuktikan dengan adanya temuan masalah kesehatan seperti penyakit Hipertensi, Diabetes Miletus, Asam Urat dengan jumlah 82 orang lansia. Sudah adanya kader posyandu lansia, namun belum pernah diberikan Pendidikan kesehatan dan pelatihan pemeriksaan tekanan darah, DM, Asam urat. Tujuan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, meningkatnya ketrampilan dan wawasan kader lansia dalam melakukan deteksi masalah kesehatan. Metode pemeriksaan kesehatan, senam, pendidikan kesehatan dan pelatihan kader lansia. Hasil: terlaksananya kegiatan pemeriksaan kesehatan masyarakat, kegiatan senam, meningkatnya wawasan dan ketrampilan kader. Kesimpulan peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat dan lansia serta peningkatan ketrampilan kader lansia. 
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v3i2.3816


Ice cream is a kind of semi-solid food made from a mixture of milk, animal or vegetable fat, sugar and or without other food ingredients. Ice cream is one of the foods with high nutritional value. The nutritional value of ice cream is highly dependent on the nutritional value of the raw material. The implementation of the program for making Healthy Ice Cream based on vegetables from carrots to maintain eye health from free radicals consists of three stages, namely: Production, ice cream production, and ice cream marketing. The plan to make vegetable ice cream from carrots is to look at the situation in the surrounding environment, especially for students and schoolchildren who are increasingly attached to gadgets during the pandemic. Therefore, we are innovative in making food that is of interest to all circles, especially school children and students which contains vitamin A which can nourish the eyes, namely carrot ice cream. The existence of HIC (Healthy Ice Cream) based on carrots from carrots in the West Semarang area can more or less help students or schoolchildren in meeting the needs of vitamin A to maintain eye health by consuming this vegetable ice cream from carrots. In addition to a cheap and affordable price, this ice cream can eliminate thirst and can be refreshing when first touched on the tongue.
Keripik Daun Mangrove dalam Upaya OptimalisasiPemanfaatan Tanaman Mangrove Desi Ramadhani; Dina Siti Maisyaroh; Cahyani Setianingrum; Dwi Retnaningsih
Idea Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 02 (2022): May
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1054.755 KB) | DOI: 10.53690/ipm.v2i03.125


   Demak is an area heavily farmed with mangrove plants because part of its area is a coastal area. However, with the large number of mangrove plants in the area it has not been utilized much. Community service activities carried out from October 2021 to February 2022, we are trying to create new innovations to optimize the use of mangrove plants in the form of chips from mangrove leaves of the brayo type which we named "KRIPIROVE". By making mangrove leaves as chips, it is possible to increase the economical value of mangrove leaves, making mangrove leaf chips a healthy, inexpensive and durable snack product. Mangrove leaves have flavonoid nutritional content that can be useful as body antioxidants. The purpose of this program is to 1) Present a healthy and nutritious new diet for the community, 2) Introduce processed products of mangrove leaves that have high antioxidant nutritional content to the community that certainly has benefits for the body, 3) Create a business field for students. Implementation of manufacturing of brayo leaf chips includes: 1) Environmental observation, 2) Manufacturing planning efforts, 3) Business preparation, 4) Production stages, 5) Packaging, 6) Licensing, 7) Marketing. At first we had a hard time establishing cooperation with stall owners, so we took an alternative to delivering chip testers to drop in, when the results were satisfactory, they were willing to become partners. In addition, we market this product through online. 
Management of Discharge Planning Implementation on Chronic Renal Failure Patients Rahayu Winarti; Dwi Retnaningsih; Priharyanti Wulandari
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.629 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v3i1.354


Patients with Chronic Renal Failure experience an inability of the body to remove metabolic waste. Hemodialysis and regulation of nutritional intake are efforts to maintain their health condition. The information provided so that patients understand and comply with the therapy is very important to prevent emergency conditions. Therefore, Discharge Planning is very important on patients with Chronic Renal Failure to provide information concerning the sustainable health needs after patients’ discharge, implementing evaluation and directing the self-care. This study aimed to determine the management of Discharge Planning implementation for clients with chronic renal failure in the Hemodialysis Room at Ungaran General Hospital. The research design used was a case study with an embedded single case study. Participants in the study were nurses and patients with Chronic Renal Failure who were selected using purposive sampling. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and discharge planning documentation studies. The number of participants in the study were three nurse executors of hemodialysis and 3 patients who received hemodialysis therapy. Informant consent was submitted for the informants' approval prior to the interview. The data collected from the interviews were analyzed using pattern matching techniques. Based on the research, it shows that the role of nurses in the hemodialysis room is the most important in implementing Discharge Planning as educator executor, and managerial role is carried out by the head of the ward.
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan Covid-19 Santri Di Pondok Pesantren Dyah Restuning Prihati; Cahyani Setianingrum; Dwi Retnaningsih
Malahayati Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 5 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 5 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.697 KB) | DOI: 10.33024/mnj.v4i5.6230


ABSTRACT Coronavirus Disease of 2019 is a group of alphacoronavirus and betacoronavirus viruses that often cause colds and other mild upper respiratory tract infections in the human body. The role of Islamic boarding schools in the preventive and promotive efforts of COVID-19 by following the rules from the government for safe activities during the pandemic and the provision of infrastructure in the pesantren environment. Objective to find out the relationship between the level of knowledge and behavior of students in the prevention of COVID-19 in Islamic boarding schools. This study used a descriptive design with a cross-sectional study approach, which was to find a relationship between the level of knowledge and the COVID-19 prevention behavior of students in Islamic boarding schools. Sampling with solving sampling technique. The research time is 1 month in 2021 with the location at the APIK Demak Islamic boarding school. The inclusion criteria are students who are teenagers (11-19 years old) and have not received counseling about COVID-19. While the exclusion criteria are bat students who do not stay overnight in the cottage. The instrument uses a knowledge questionnaire about COVID-19 using the Guttman scale and a student behavior questionnaire in preventing COVID-19 with a Likert Scale. The results of this study showed that most respondents showed a good level of knowledge with negative behavior as many as 24 people. The significance value is 0.038 which indicates that there is a significant correlation between the level of knowledge and the attitude of the respondents. The gamma correlation value of 1,000 indicates that the correlation in the positive direction with the strength of the correlation is very strong. There is a relationship between the level of knowledge on the COVID-19 prevention behavior of students in Islamic boarding schools. It is hoped that pesantren administrators can further facilitate the need for information on health education regarding the prevention of COVID-19. Keywords: Knowledge, Behavior, Prevention of COVID-19, Santri ABSTRAK Coronavirus Disease of 2019 adalah sekelompok virus alphacoronavirus dan betacoronavirus yang sering menyebabkan pilek dan infeksi saluran pernapasan atas ringan lainnya di tubuh manusia. Peran pesantren dalam upaya preventif dan promotif COVID-19 dengan mengikuti aturan dari pemerintah beraktivitas yang aman selama pandemi dan pengadaan sarana-prasarana di lingkungan pesantren. Tujuan untuk mencari hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku santri terhadap pencegahan COVID-19 di pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study, yaitu mencari hubungan tingkat pengetahuan terhadap perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 santri di pondok pesantren. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik slovin sampling. Waktu penelitian selama 1 bulan pada tahun 2021 dengan lokasi di pondok pesantren APIK Demak. Kriteria inklusi yaitu santri dengan usia remaja (11-19 tahun), belum mendapatkan penyuluhan tentang COVID-19. Sedangkan kriteria Eksklusi yaitu santri kalong yang tidak  tinggal menginap di pondok. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner pengetahuan tentang COVID-19 dengan menggunakan skala Guttman dan kuesioner perilaku santri dalam pencegahan COVID-19 dengan skala Likert Scale. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat responden terbanyak menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan baik dengan perilaku negatif sebanyak 24 orang. Nilai significancy 0,038 yang menunjukkan bahwa ada korelasi antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan sikap responden yang bermakna. Nilai korelasi gamma sebesar 1,000 menunjukkan bahwa korelasi arah positif dengan kekuatan korelasi sangat kuat.  Terdapat hubungan tingkat pengetahuan terhadap perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 santri di pondok pesantren. Diharapkan agar pengurus pesantren dapat lebih memfasilitasi kebutuhan informasi edukasi kesehatan tentang pencegahan COVID-19.Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Perilaku, Pencegahan COVID-19, Santri
Jurnal Surya Muda Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Surya Muda
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kendal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38102/jsm.v4i1.109


Cancer is a non-communicable disease caused by the increase and growth of cells that grow abnormally in the body. Colon cancer is the third most common malignant cancer in the world. Problems that often arise in cancer patients include physical and non-physical problems. In addition to causing physical problems, cancer also causes psychological, social and economic problems. This study aims to describe the experiences of end-stage colon cancer patients. Qualitative research phenomenological study design, data collection method was in-depth interviews. The research site was at RSI Sultan Agung Semarang, the time of the study was from April to May 2020. The participants in this study were 3 end-stage colon cancer patients, with the criteria of participants suffering from end-stage colon cancer, adults over 18 years old, cooperative and able to communicate and communicate with each other. willing to be a participant. This study found 4 themes, namely when participants were diagnosed with colon cancer (1), the process of grieving colon cancer participants (2), changes in activities and social interactions experienced by participants (3), and participants' spiritual changes during illness (4). Conclusion: Initially, participants were diagnosed with colon cancer, namely signs of symptoms and chronology of participants being diagnosed, the grieving process for colon cancer participants consisted of feelings when diagnosed and considered it as destiny, changes in activities and social interactions experienced by participants, namely there were changes in the activities and relationships of participants' social interactions, and the spiritual changes of participants during illness consist of belief in healing from illness and changes in worship practices.
Kecemasan Penderita Kanker Payudara yang Menjalani Kemoterapi Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dwi Retnaningsih; Roudhotul Auliyak; Mariyati Mariyati; Enggar Purnaningsih
Jurnal Ilmiah Permas: Jurnal Ilmiah STIKES Kendal Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Supp Januari 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32583/pskm.v11i1.1222


Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit yang cukup serius yang ditandai dengan adanya pertumbuhan yang tidak terkontrol dan adanya penyebaran sel yang bersifat abnormal dan beresiko tinggi tertular COVID-19. Kelelahan merupakan keluhan yang sering terjadi pada pasien kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kecemasan terhadap kelelahan penderita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi di RSI Sultan Agung Semarang. Penelitian korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan tehnik pengumpulan data pada 30 orang responden dengan kriteria penderita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi, berusia dewasa dan bersedia menjadi responden. Responden menandatangani informed consent, peneliti menjaga kerahasiaan responden dengan anonymity. Analisa data dengan uji statistik non parametrik Rank Spearman. Hasil analisis didapatkan p value=0,000 yang berarti terdapat hubungan kecemasan terhadap kelelahan penderita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi.
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 13 No. 1, Januari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.611 KB) | DOI: 10.34035/jk.v13i1.809


Keluarga dalam merawat klien yang memerlukan palliative care harus mempunyai pengetahuan tentang kemampuan dalam mengenal masalah, mengambil keputusan, merawat, memodifikasi lingkungan dan memanfaatkan layanan kesehatan yang ada di sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi dukungan keluarga terhadap perawatan palliative pada pasien Ca mamae dirawat di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan cara indept interview dan validasi hasil penelitian ini menggunakan member checking. Peneliti melaksanakan penelitian ini pada bulan Juli - Agustus 2020. Partisipan sejumlah 4 orang dengan kriteria inklusi keluarga yang merawat penderita Ca mamae stadium akhir dirawat di Rumah Sakit, serta bersedia menjadi responden. Metode analisa ini menggunakan analisa Colaizi. Hasil analisis data didapatkan empat tema, yaitu: (1) Awal mula keluarga mengetahui pasien terdiagnosis Ca Mamae, (2) Persepsi keluarga mengenai Ca Mamae, (3) Dukungan keluarga dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pada pasien Ca mamae (4) Beban dan hambatan keluarga dalam merawat pasien dirumah sakit. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa awal mula keluarga mengetahui pasien terdiagnosis Ca mamae yaitu tanda gejala dan kronologi pasien. Persepsi keluarga mengenai Ca mamae terdiri atas pengertian dan pencegahan Ca mamae. Dukungan kelurga dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pada pasien yaitu pemenuhan kebutuhan fisik, sosial, psikologis dan spiritual, namun terdapat hambatan yang dirasakan keluarga dalam merawat dirumah sakit. Families in caring for clients who need palliative care must have knowledge of the ability to recognize problems, make decisions, care for, modify the environment and take advantage of the health services around them. The purpose of this study was to explore family support for palliative care in Ca mamae patients hospitalized. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The data collection technique used is by means of in-depth interviews and validation of the results of this study using member checking. Researchers carried out this study in July - August 2020. The participants were 4 people with family inclusion criteria who cared for patients with end-stage Ca mammae who were hospitalized and were willing to be respondents. This analysis method uses Colaizi analysis. The results of data analysis obtained four themes, namely: (1) The beginning of the family knowing the patient was diagnosed with Ca Mamae, (2) Family perception of Ca Mamae, (3) Family support in meeting the needs of the Ca Mamae patient (4) Burden and family barriers in caring for patients in the hospital. This study concluded that, in the beginning, the family knew that the patient was diagnosed with Ca mammary, namely the signs and symptoms of the patient and the chronology of the patient. The family's perception of Ca mamae consists of understanding and preventing Ca mamae. Family support in meeting the needs of the patient, namely the fulfillment of physical, social, psychological, and spiritual needs, there are obstacles felt by the family in caring for the hospital.
Cube Therapy Application in Gout Patients Dimas Arindha Sutrisno; Dwi Retnaningsih
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.638 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i3.1165


When uric acid crystals accumulate in the body's joints as a result of excessive consumption, gout develops. Three types of treatments are used to manage gout patients: pharmaceutical, non-pharmacological, and complementary treatments. Use pharmaceuticals such NSAIDs, cholcicine, and corticosteroids for pharmacology. By consuming low-purine diets and doing mild exercise, for non-pharmacological. Cupping is another supplementary therapy technique. This study sought to ascertain whether cupping may lower uric acid levels in gout patients in Tunjungharjo, Grobogan. A case study research methodology with a pre-study and pretest-posttest design was employed in this study. The sampling technique that was used was purposive sampling. Four people who met the inclusion criteria were the case study's four subjects high uric acid clients, defined as men >7 mg/dl and women >6 mg/dl. Data collected from uric acid levels before and after cupping intervention. Data analysis is done by presenting facts, then by comparing existing theories and putting them into discussion opinions. According to the findings, 75% of the responders had uric acid levels above 6.0 mg/dl prior to cupping. All (100%) of the responders saw a drop in uric acid levels after cupping, it was discovered. According to the study's findings, cupping helps gout patients with lower uric acid levels.