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Evaluasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin Kecepatan Rendah Sebagai Penggerak Refrigerator Es 300 Kg/Hari Untuk Nelayan Adi Saputra Ismy; Ahmad Syuhada; - Hamdani
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.41 KB)


Generally, the fishermen in the fishing village of Lancang only 20 trips/month of the year. The average total amount of ice required for the first type of fishing boat is 300 kg ice/day and 150 kg of ice/day for both types of fishing vessels. So, based on the total number of observations of ice demand data is 9000 kg/month (300 kg ice/day). One solution that can be taken is the utilization of wind energy resources owned by the village to generate electrical energy as the driving engine refrigerator. Methods of research conducted in three phases, the first stage is filled with wind potential measurement, processing and analysis of wind speed data. In the second stage of the development of modeling performed to evaluate the performance of Genesis turbines based on the data load and wind potential. The third stage is filled with measurements of 10 KW wind turbine performance and then made ​​comparisons with modeling results. From the analysis of wind speed data obtained from the measurement results obtained by the average wind speed reaches the village of Lancang 3-5 m/s at a height of 15 m above sea level. Based on analytical results obtained using the software Homer wind turbine energy production is 7.474 kWh/year and the results of measurements of overall performance of the turbine can be concluded that wind turbines are the object of study is only able to deliver an average power 3-7 KW.
Jurnal Vokasi Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Vokasi
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.03 KB) | DOI: 10.30811/vokasi.v2i2.688


Gampong Meunasah Mesjid Puenteut merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe. Gampong Meunasah Mesjid Puenteutletaknya 9 km kearah timur Kota Lhokseumawe dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 4564 jiwa, umumnya Masyarakat Gampong Meunasah Mesjid kegiatan sehari-hari sebagai petani dan sebagian kecil PNS dan wiraswasta.Rendahnya tingkat pendidikan masyarakat di desa ini merupakan salah satu faktor yang berkonstribusi memberikan rendahnya tingkat perekonomian desa. Masalah yang dihadapi mitra adalah banyak pemuda yang putus sekolah di usia produktif yang tidak mempunyai keahlian tambahan sehingga tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mencari kerja yang menyebabkan meningkatnya angka pengangguran. Berdasarkan hal diatas dengan memperhatikan kondisi mitra maka solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dibidang otomotif khususnya sepeda motor. Metode pelatihan ini yang meliputi 30% teori dan 70% praktek dengan jumlah peserta yang mengikuti program pelatihan ini berjumlah 8 orang di mana para peserta semua adalah pemuda gampong Meunasah Mesjid Puenteut,Kecamatan Blang Mangat. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Teori dan Praktek, maka keseluruhan peserta dapat dikategorikan lulus dengan memperoleh nilai rata-rata 80. Nilai tersebut dapat dijadikan indikator kesuksesan pelatihan ini dalam mencapai sasaran pelatihan, seluruh peserta sudah memahami baik teori maupun praktek yaitu membongkar, menyetel dan memasang semua materi servis sepeda motor yang diberikan.Kata kunci: Sepeda motor,servis, komponen, ketrampilan.
Analisa kekuatan sambungan material AISI 1050 dengan ASTM A36 dengan variasi arus pada proses pengelasan SMAW Aditia Aditia; Nurdin Nurdin; Adi Saputra Ismy
Journal of Welding Technology Vol 1, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.053 KB) | DOI: 10.30811/jowt.v1i1.1129


Metal joining is a process carried out to connect 2 or more metal parts of a similar or dissimilar metal. Connection strength is the goal of the process of connecting metals or materials. SMAW welding is a process of connecting metals or materials using heat energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of welding currents on the tensile strength of AISI 1050 and ASTM A36 material links. In this study, test data show that in the welding process using 120A current the tensile strength value is 51.27 kgf / mm2, followed by welding using a current of 140A with 49.31 kgf / mm2, and welding using a current 160A 48.25 kgf / mm2. In tensile testing of welding current variations with currents 120A, 140A, and 160A, all fractures approach the welded joint. From the test data it can be concluded that the current affects the tensile strength of the material which the process is affected by arc voltage, current magnitude, welding speed, magnitude of penetration and electric polarity. Determination of the amount of current in connecting metals using arc welding affects the efficiency of the welding results.Keywords: SMAW Welding, Tensile Testing, AISI 1050 Steel and ASTM A36                                                          AbstrakPenyambungan logam adalah suatu proses yang dilakukan untuk menyambung 2 bagian logam atau lebih baik logam yang sejenis maupun tidak sejenis. Kekuatan sambungan merupakan tujuan dari proses penyambungan logam atau material. Pengelasan SMAW merupakan suatu proses penyambungan logam atau material dengan menggunakan energi panas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh arus pengelasan terhadap kekuatan tarik pada sambunagn material AISI 1050 dan ASTM A36. Pada penelitian ini, Data pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pada proses pengelasan menggunakan arus 120A nilai kekuatan tarik adalah  sebesar 51,27  kgf/mm2, di ikuti oleh pengelasan menggunakan arus 140A dengan 49,31 kgf/mm2, dan pengelasan menggunakan arus 160A 48,25 kgf/mm2. Dalam pengujian tarik variasi arus pengelasan  dengan arus 120A, 140A, dan 160A, semua patah mendekati sambungan las. Dari data uji tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa arus berpengaruh terhadap kekuatan tarik material yang proses tersebut dipengaruhi oleh tegangan busur, besar arus, kecepatan pengelasan, besarnya penembusan dan polaritas listrik.Penentuan besarnya arus dalam penyambungan logam menggunakan las busur mempengaruhi efisiensi dari hasil pengelasan.Kata kunci: Pengelasan SMAW, Pengujian tarik, Baja AISI 1050 dan ASTM A36   
Pengaruh arus pengelasan SMAW terhadap kekuatan sambungan las double lap joint pada material AISI 1050 Azwinur Azwinur; Adi Saputra Ismy; Rizky Nanda; Ferdiyansyah Ferdiyansyah
Journal of Welding Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jowt.v2i1.1833


Pengelasan merupakan ikatan metalurgi pada sambungan logam atau logam paduan yang dilakukan dalam keadaan lumer atau cair. Mengelas adalah suatu aktifitas menyambung dua bagian logam atau lebih dengan cara memanaskan atau menekan atau gabungan dari keduanya sedemikian rupa sehingga menyatu seperti benda utuh. Kekuatan sambungan pengelasan merupakan syarat dari sebuah konstruksi terutama di industri migas seperti pada instalasi perpipaan dan tanki bertekanan. Prosedur mengelas dan parameternya merupakan suatu hal yang sangat mempengaruhi kekuatan dari sambungan las. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan sambungan lap joint terhadap hasil pengelasan SMAW pada baja AISI 1050 dengan elektroda 7016.Variasi arus yang digunakan dalam proses pengelasan ini yaitu 100A, 125A dan 150A. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arus pengelasan sangat mempengaruhi kekuatan sambungan las, hal ini dapat terlihat dari nilai kekuatan tegangan tarik dimana nilai tertinggi pada spesimen yang dilas dengan arus 100A sebesar 74.05 kgf/mm2, sedangkan untuk tegangan tarik terendah pada spesimen dengan arus pengelasan 150A dengan nilai tegangan tariknya sebesar 68.60 kgf/mm2. Hasil bentuk patahan setelah proses pengujian tensile test tidak terjadi pada daerah weld metal dan bentuk patahan yang terjadi dapat dikategorikan dalam bentuk patahan getas. AbstractWelding is a metallurgical bond in a metal or alloy metal connection which is done in a liquid state. Welding is an activity of joint two or more metal parts by heating or pressing or a combination of the two in such a way that they merge like whole objects. The strength of the welding joint is a prerequisite for a construction especially in the oil and gas industry such as in piping installations and pressurized tanks. The welding procedure and its parameters is a matter that greatly affects the strength of the welded joint. This study aims to determine the strength of the double lap joint to the SMAW welding results on AISI 1050 steel with 7016 electrodes. Current variations used in this welding process are 100A, 125A and 150A. The results showed that the welding current greatly affected the strength of the weld joint, this can be seen from the value of the tensile stress strength where the highest value in the specimens welded with a current of 100A was 74.05 kgf / mm2, while for the lowest tensile stress on the specimen with a welding current of 150A with a value of tensile stress of 68.60 kgf / mm2. The results of the fracture form after the tensile test does not occur in the weld metal area and the shape of the fracture that occurs can be categorized in the form of brittle fracture. 
Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Tempering terhadap Kekerasan Baja JIS SUP 9A pada Mata Pisau Nanda Aulia Fadli; Adi Saputra Ismy; Irwin Syahri Cebro
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 22, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/teknologi.v22i1.2891


The effect of tempering temperature variations on the hardness of the blade has been carried out on SUP 9A leaf spring steel material. The tempering process was carried out at temperatures of 300°C, 400°C, and 500°C with a holding time of 15 minutes and cooled in free air. Specimens without heat treatment and tempering results were tested for hardness using the Rockwell hardness test method and microstructure analysis using an optical microscope. From the results of the study, it was found that the hardness value obtained on the raw material specimen without heat treatment obtained a hardness value of 60.50 HRC, while the tempering temperature variation obtained the hardness value on specimen B (tempering temperature 300°C) of 66.90 HRC, specimen C (tempering temperature 400°C) of 64.70 HRC, while specimen D (tempering temperature 500°C) obtained a hardness value of 65.80 HRC. From the results of the specimen hardness test, the hardness value after heating was higher than the hardness value without heating treatment. Microstructural analysis shows that the higher the given temperature, the larger the grain of the steel structure looks. Without heat treatment the microstructure of the specimen is an irregular black bainite. Meanwhile, by heat treatment, the microstructure of the specimen is irregular black martensite.
Pengaruh Variasi Arus Pengelasan Kombinasi GTAW dan SMAW terhadap Sifat Mekanik pada Carbon Steel A53 GR B Hamdani Hamdani; Adi Saputra Ismy; Muhammad Rizki
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 22, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/teknologi.v22i2.3265


The piping system in process industry plays an important role and generally is connected by welding where the welding uses a certain current, therefore this study analyzes the appropriate current variation for welding combinations between GTAW and SMAW on A 53 GR B material using 3 variations of currents, namely 70A, 100A, and 120A. The results of the stable hardness test occurred in specimens with a holding time of 20 seconds with a hardness value of 33.67 HRC on base metal 1, on HAZ 1 of 36.00 HRC, 38.83 HRC on weld metal, 38.83 HRC on HAZ 2, on base metal 2 of 32.00 HRC. The value of the impact energy of the A3 specimen with a value of 142 joules and an impact value of 3.55 j/mm2, The value of the impact value of the B3 specimen with a value of 92 joules and an impact value of 2.30 j/mm2.
The Effect of Heat Input on the Tensile Strength and Toughness of welded SS400 Materials by SMAW Syukran Syukran; Alvi Syahri; Adi Saputra Ismy; Al Fathier Al Fathier; Fadhlurrahman Fadhlurrahman; Amrizal Amrizal
Journal of Welding Technology Vol 5, No 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jowt.v5i1.3508


Joint materials using welding require the correct stages, starting from the design stage to the processing stage. The design stage starts from the selection of the type of welding, to the selection of the seam angle used. Meanwhile, at the processing stage, the current strength will be selected according to the processing position. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of welding heat input on the mechanical strength of SS-400 steel in SMAW welding. In this study the material used was SS-400 with current variations of 90 A and 100 A. The results showed that the welding current affected the tensile strength and toughness of the material. The welding current of 100 A has the highest tensile strength and toughness, and then 90 A which has the lowest tensile strength and toughness, while the strain that occurs at current 90A is 13.53%, and the strain that occurs at current 100 A is 12.07%.
Modification of polyurethane coating based on palm oil with filler bentonite to improve heat resistant properties Teuku Rihayat; Shafira Riskina; Adi Saputra Ismy
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 18, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v18i1.1655


This work aims to prepare and characterize polyurethane nanocomposite sequences modified with bentonite as fillers and palm oil as a soft segment component while Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) was chosen as a hard segment component. Bentonite fillers are needed to provide heat resistance to the polyurethane coating. Morphological, structural and thermal polyurethane nanocomposites are characterized by SEM, FTIR, and TGA. FTIR analysis is the NH urethane group in palm oil polyurethane compounds while the absorption of C=O urethane group widens at 1735 cm-1. While the CH group occurs at absorption wavelengths of 2120-2180 cm-1, adding bentonite (7% by weight) is completely laminated and well dispersed in the form of a mixture of peeling / intercalating layers in the polymer matrix. Polyurethane nanocomposites have a morphology separated by clearer microphase. The resulting thermal stability is higher compared to the addition of bentonite 3 and 5% by weight. Because of its enhanced features, the polymer developed can be considered a material with heat resistance as a coating.
Study on improving thermal and compatibility behavior of gypsum PLA/stearic-lauric acid composite as phase change material Nurhanifa Aidy; Rozanna Dewi; Azhari Azhari; Teuku Rihayat; Aida Safitri; Adi Saputra Ismy
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v19i2.2278


Commercial buildings, one of which is for hospitality, consumes a large amount of energy. The energy needs are generally dominated by lighting systems, domestic hot water systems and air conditioning systems. Energy consumption in commercial buildings and residential use of 35.3% of the total global energy use. The aim of this study is to investigate thermal properties and chemical compatibility of PCM based eutectic fatty acid (lauric-stearic) combined with polylactic acid in the pores of the gypsum that was established using the vacuum impregnation method. The procedure ensures that pla 1.5% and 2% with Lauric-Stearic (LA-SA) are mixed evenly, compared with pure gypsum and LA-SA addition. Based on TGA test  specific lauric acid and stearic acid heat analysis was performed in the modulated tga mode between 90.34oC and 369.51oC. The degradation material decreased significantly at -3.404 mg. Sample mixed between Poly lactid acid, eutectic fatty acid and gypsum  contain hydroxyl groups with significant absorptions for ft-ir analysis. The bonded oxygen-hydrogen stretching vibrations of lactid acids and gypsum,  range between 2000 and 3000 cm-1. Similarly, alcohols exhibit similar shapes at higher wavenumbers ranging from 3230 to 3550 cm-1.
Rancang bangun mesin pembuat kawat arkadion Adi Saputra Ismy
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 6, No 2 (2008): Agustus
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jop.v6i2.1374


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat satu unit mesin pembuat kawat arkadion. Penggunaan mesin secara mekanis untuk melaksanakan proses mekanis dalam upaya menggantikan kerja manual, biasanya ukan menghasilkan produk jauh lebih praktis, efekiif dan efisien. Bagian utama dari unit mesin pembuat kawat arkadion ini adalah poros yang dipasangkan pada roda gigi. Kawat dengan diameter 2 mm dimasukkan kedalam mesin penggulung kemudian dengan proses mekanis kawat tersebut digulung oleh parang penggulung sehingga membentuk sudut patahan kawat. Patahan oleh sudut terus terjadi selama mesin berputar sesuai dengan lebar bentangan.Kata Kunci: Offinasi, sudit patahan, kawat arkadion