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Metapatologi Abraham Maslow Menurut Perspektif Al-Quran Ina Zainah Nasution
Al-Ulum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Al-Ulum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56114/al-ulum.v1i2.68


The hierarchical theory of multilevel needs, which was initiated by Abraham Maslow as the founder of Humanistic Psychology, is not yet fully understood. Above the need for self-actualization which occupies the last rung of the basic needs theory, Abraham Maslow stated his concept of metaneeds as the highest need. The theory of high needs (metaneeds) is an abstract need of the human soul which means being above the need for self-actualization. The concept of high needs is not as popular as the concept of basic needs. It even seems forgotten. This is because the Western view which is rooted in materialistic philosophy requires science to be in the empirical realm (sensory experience) and rejects belief in transcendental and unseen things. This is what makes the final concept of human needs initiated by Abraham Maslow like hanging and stopping until the concept of self-actualization alone. Therefore, it can be said that metaneeds (high needs, spiritual needs) are the missing rung in the unified whole concept of Abraham Maslow's ideas about motives and motivation. Maslow's metaneeds include truth, unity, harmony, justice, self-autonomy (independence), uniqueness, kindness, ease, simplicity, joy, and meaning in life in values (religion). If the need for things that are noble and abstract is not fulfilled, it can lead to metapatology or mental illness which in the language of the Koran is known as mental illness which has an impact on hardness and harshness of the heart. Keywords: Abraham Maslow, metaneeds, metapathology, humanistic psychology
Pelatihan Penyusunan Kurikulum Pengajian Aisyiyah Kota Medan Ina Zainah Nasution; Rasta Kurniawati Br. Pinem; Nur Sakinah
Maslahah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Maslahah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

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The existence of a recitation curriculum is not only evidence of good management of the recitation but also an effort to produce higher quality and militant recitation outputs. Based on this, training on the preparation of the Medan City Aisyiyah recitation curriculum was carried out.  The training was carried out using the lecture method by the service team and direct practice in preparing the recitation curriculum. The training was attended by 31 delegates from the Medan City Aisyiyah Branch Manager and 6 members of the Medan City Aisyiyah Regional Leadership Tablighi Assembly. After the training, participants have been able to develop a recitation curriculum. This dedication is important in order to achieve a better recitation management and quality of recitation.
Bimbingan Perkawinan Pranikah Bagi Usia Remaja Dalam Upaya Mencegah Pernikahan Anak Rasta Kurniawati Br Pinem; Nur Rahmah Amini; Ina Zainah Nasution
Maslahah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Maslahah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

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Marriage or marriage is a sunnatullah commanded by Allah SWT. The command to marry has a very noble purpose in accordance with Maqashid sharia, namely to maintain or maintain offspring. This goal can be achieved if the implementation is in accordance with the rules that have been set by Allah SWT as the Lord who creates and makes rules so that humans remain noble.Child marriage is a marriage that is not in accordance with the rules made by Allah SWT because to achieve the purpose of marriage, responsibility is an urgent requirement. The ability of this responsibility, of course, needs to be tested for prospective husbands and wives. Liability will be subject to legal burden, be held accountable for the trust received.Cases of child marriage are still common and even tend to increase, this happens because of the low knowledge and understanding of parents about religion, economic factors, association, culture, lack of knowledge of spro, unwanted marriage, and easy access for children to pornographic and pornographic sites.Child marriage is not justified by religion and the state. As a result of child marriage, there will be a loss of generations who will become leaders in the future. Child marriage does not bring benefits but brings harm to both the child himself and his family and country. Therefore, the State and the existing government should cooperate with religious organizations, related agencies and even the community to find solutions. All elements must work together to reduce or eradicate cases of child marriage, with the campaign being a child, don't have children.
Pemikiran Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun Ina Zainah Nasution
Intiqad: Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 12, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UMSU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/intiqad.v12i1.4435


Ibnu Khaldun was the greatest Muslim scientist of his time. His thoughts are futuristic and still be used for today. As a recognized scientist both in the West and in the East, we should take the wisdom points of his thinking in the field of education. Ibnu Khaldun set educational goals that are free from materialistic elements, an integrated curriculum and even holistic teaching and learning methods. Khaldun's view later in the 20th century, along with the development of contemporary learning psychology, we know him with the term gestalt psychology which was introduced by Wolfgang Kohler in 1912 in Germany. Khaldun's three steps in the delivery of teaching material are also in accordance with the theory issued by Kohlerberg about the maturity of one's cognition affecting one's ability to receive things. Therefore, to make closer to the true concept of Ibn Khaldun's education, the writer uses the method of content research which is to make Ibn Khaldun's monumental work: The Muqaddimah as the main reference and several other supporting books. So with this effort we can know that Ibn Khaldun was truly "the great Muslim thinker" whose idea in the field of education is very inspiring and even continue to be used for today. Another idea that is even used as a trend in the world of education today is the study tour learning method (rihlah) and homeschooling (sekolah rumah) and its curriculum. Nowadays, Khaldun's bright ideas in the world of education, along with the methods he offered that were global and holistic, are still being used. Thats becoming clear evidence that Ibn Khaldun was a great thinker throughout history
Metapatologi Abraham Maslow Menurut Perspektif Al-Quran Ina Zainah Nasution
Al-Ulum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Al-Ulum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (992.754 KB) | DOI: 10.56114/al-ulum.v1i2.68


The hierarchical theory of multilevel needs, which was initiated by Abraham Maslow as the founder of Humanistic Psychology, is not yet fully understood. Above the need for self-actualization which occupies the last rung of the basic needs theory, Abraham Maslow stated his concept of metaneeds as the highest need. The theory of high needs (metaneeds) is an abstract need of the human soul which means being above the need for self-actualization. The concept of high needs is not as popular as the concept of basic needs. It even seems forgotten. This is because the Western view which is rooted in materialistic philosophy requires science to be in the empirical realm (sensory experience) and rejects belief in transcendental and unseen things. This is what makes the final concept of human needs initiated by Abraham Maslow like hanging and stopping until the concept of self-actualization alone. Therefore, it can be said that metaneeds (high needs, spiritual needs) are the missing rung in the unified whole concept of Abraham Maslow's ideas about motives and motivation. Maslow's metaneeds include truth, unity, harmony, justice, self-autonomy (independence), uniqueness, kindness, ease, simplicity, joy, and meaning in life in values (religion). If the need for things that are noble and abstract is not fulfilled, it can lead to metapatology or mental illness which in the language of the Koran is known as mental illness which has an impact on hardness and harshness of the heart. Keywords: Abraham Maslow, metaneeds, metapathology, humanistic psychology
Pelatihan Muballighat Pendamping Mu’allaf Sebagai Upaya Pembinaan Mu’allaf Yang Berkualitas Pada Pimpinan Daerah ‘Aisyiyah Karo Rasta Kurniawati Br. Pinem; Nursakinah Nursakinah; Ina Zainah Nasution
IHSAN : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ihsan (Oktober)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/ihsan.v2i2.5334


Hakikat dakwah adalah adanya sebuah usaha yang dapat merubah seseorang dari yang belum tahu menjadi tahu, belum paham menjadi paham,  dan adanya peningkatan pengamalan keagamaan objek dakwah. Pendampingan mu’allaf merupakan dakwah yang intensif yaitu perbuatan seseorang dengan cara tertentu untuk membantu kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi mu’allaf dalam seluruh aspek kehidupannya untuk mencapai tujuan yakni meraih kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Maka yang dimaksud pendamping mu’allaf adalah orang yang dengan keahliannya tertentu diberi tugas untuk membantu kesulitan-kesulitan atau permasalah yang dihadapi mu’allaf, baik yang berkaitan dengan permasalahn spiritual (keberagamaan), psikis, ekonomi, sosial budaya. Pelatihan bertujuan untuk memperoleh para pendamping yang memiliki pemahaman ilmu agama cukup, ikhlas, berakhlak mulia, berwawasan ilmu pengetahuan, umum yang luas, bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dan menarik. Semangat berkemajuan dan beradaban membawa dampak pada perkembangan upaya dakwah yang dilaksanakan umat Islam dalam hal ini Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah. Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah sebagai organisasi keagamaan (dakwah), sosial dan kemasyarakatan. Muhammadiyah dan Aisyiyah harus menjadi yang terdepan dalam memperhatikan para mu’allaf, oleh sebab itu perlu diadakan pembinaan  dan pelatihan pendampingan mu’allaf untuk menjadikan mereka sebagai seorang muslim yang taat. Sebagai organisasi dakwah amar makruf nahi munkar dan tajdid di lingkungannya,  perempuan Aisyiyah terpanggil membina dan membimbing kelompok mu’allaf. Ini menunjukkan ghirah kuat untuk memberikan pencerahan kepada masyarakat luas di bawah Pimpinan Daerah ‘Aisyiyah Kabupaten Karo.
COACHING MODEL FOR FEMALE MU'ALLAF (Studies on Pimpinan Daerah 'Aisyiyah Karo District) Rasta Kurniawati Br. Pinem; Nursakinah Nursakinah; Ina Zainah Nasution
Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies INSIS 2 (January 2021)
Publisher : Proceeding International Seminar of Islamic Studies

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Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah Karo District particularly collaborates with Majelis Tabligh of Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah Karo District that maintains for coaching and mentoring muallaf, synergize with Pimpinan Daerah Aisyiyah Karo District who will make muallaf to have solid understanding about Islam, economically empowered and independent and have a stable psychological condition.The problem faced by Pimpinan Daerah 'Aisyiyah Karo District is the lack of ability to coach and assist mu'allaf in carrying out their role as a companion which resulted in the emergence of inadequate goals in mentoring and coaching. Another problem is the long status of mu'allaf carried by someone because there is no good planning in coaching and mentoring, syllabus and goals to be achieved in fostering and accompanying mu'allaf.The solution offered in order to improve the quality of companions who will assist and foster female Mua'allaf in Karo District is a separate model, namely by forming a special recitation group for mu'allaf, compiling special recitation material, refreshing da'wah tours, and special training for muallaf companion. All is done to improve the quality and skills of mentoring as well as improving the quality of mu'allaf. Key words: Model, Coaching, Female mu’allaf