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NATURAL ZEOLITES AS MANURE ADDITIVE: THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Estiaty, Lenny Marilyn; Fatimah, Dewi; Suherman, Dadan; Alamsyah, Kamaludin
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2005)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Research has been done to evaluate the addition of zeolite to manure fertilizer. This research is aimed to review the advantages and disadvantages of zeolites as manure fertilizer additive. Investigation is carried out by different variables: zeolite particle size, zeolite concentration and curing time. The results show that zeolite particle sizes of –7 +10 mesh and –20 +48 mesh did not significantly different. Zeolite – compost mixture can dry very fast, just in 2 weeks curing time the residual water content is only 5-6%, while that on the controlled compost (without zeolite) is still 70%. Higher zeolite concentration will speed up the compost drying process. On the other hand, zeolite addition will increase the potassium content by 1.7–2% but it also increases NH3 volatilization, which will result in a lower N content. Higher zeolite concentration will give lower N content in the composite. It can be concluded that zeolite addition is suggested not applied to the fresh compost but just before the compost will be used in order to increase the nutrition efficiency.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2004)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.292 KB)


Nitrogen fertilizer is one of the fertilizer type which is required for plant growth. This fertilizer is easily dissolved and the ions are not clay bonded, that it is often washed out by rain, evaporated or changed to other forms which can not be used by plants. In order to increase the efficiency of N-fertilizer, the loss of N must be minimized. In other hand, it is well known that natural zeolites have the capability as adsorbents and cation exchangers, such as for ammonium ion. Investigation has been carried out to analyze the capability of natural zeolite from Cikancra, Tasikmalaya to store ammonium ion from ammonium sulfate fertilizer. This research can be used to predict the quantity of zeolite to be added to the soil if we use ammonium sulfate fertilizer. The natural zeolite applied has been selected of the highest cation exchange capacity (CEC) value zeolite from various particle sizes and activation method. The highest CEC, of 150.92 meq/100g is gained by activation at 105oC of particle size –20 +48 mesh. The optimum CEC of natural zeolite against ammonium sulfate fertilizer is 146.11 meq/100g in 0.2 N (NH4)2SO4 solution. Therefore, the quantity of ammonium sulfate fertilizer (ZA), which can be stored in 100g zeolite is 19.306 g.
Improvement of Animal Manure by Mixing with Natural Zeolite Estiaty, Lenny Marilyn; Fatimah, Dewi; Goto, Yoshiaki
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.353 KB)


Nowadays, Indonesia suffer a serious economic crisis. The situation is mainly caused by national industrial development strategy which is depend on import materials, e.g. in agriculture . In the cases, the national need are depend on import fertilizer, so that makes the national food stock become decreasing. This research is designed to offer another alternative in preparing and producing own fertilizer that we need, to solve the problem. New compotition of Animal manure has been made by addition of natural zeolite to gain a high nitrogen content. Characterisation analysis of materials included chemical composition of natural zeolite and manure fertilizer using AAS and Kyedhal analysis, structure analysis by XRD and SEM and CEC. The result of experiments showed that addition of natural zeolite to excrement (animal waste) increased the content of nitrogen and decreased the content of water in manure fertilizer. Ammonia absorption by natural zeolite with particle size of either –8+14 or 14+20 mesh was almost similar. The nitrogen content of manure fertilizer which mixed with natural zeolite from kedung Banteng , Malang was bigger than that which mixed with natural zeolite from Cikancra, Tasikmalaya. The adsorbtion of water by natural zeolite of both particle sizes was also similar. Manure fertilizer which mixed with natural zeolite from Kedung Banteng was dryer than that which mixed with natural zeolite from Cikancra, Tasikmalaya. The improved animal manure has better properties like a high nitrogen content, dry and not malodorous.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (643.176 KB)


Industrial minerals, such as natural zeolite can be engineered into raw materials on manufacturing of medical products, especially as an antiseptic. Zeolite with the crystal structure characteristic could be function as an antiseptic carrier and active subtances would be saved on crystal structure of zeolite which was on certain circumstances will be work or out of the frame structure. The active substances are an inhibitor metal with low concentration and could be a toxic for microbial cell plasma. The used natural zeolite as an antiseptic carrier with inhibitor metal Cu has not yet developed. In this study, antiseptic substances has made by impregnation method with flow continuously were a compound or metal substances put in crystal structure without changing the crystal structure. The impregnation conducted by purification process and modification of natural zeolite become a zeolite-H in order easily to substituted by Cu metal. The products is much metals K, Na, Ca, Mg out from zeolite making a Zeolite-H was perfect, so the planting of Cu metals was maximum. The purification, modification, and impregnation process did not change the shape of crystal zeolite, and degradation do not occur on modernite peaks so expected the characteristic from zeolite does not change so it is could be functions as antiseptic carrier. Absorption test and power test of bacterial growth was conducted to try the antiseptic substances against bacteria and fungi. The result that zeolite-Cu had been successfully made although not optimal. The absorption capacity of natural zeolite higher than the absorption capacity of zeolite-Cu, because the absorption capacity of zeolite-Cu was disrupted by entry of metal Cu. Inhibition of bacteria and fungi growth occurs more on media with addition zeolite-Cu. It was because the inhibition of zeolite-Cu already functioning.
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Badan Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.156 KB) | DOI: 10.34126/jlbg.v7i1.90


ABSTRAKBaku Mutu Air Limbah (BMAL) dibuat sebagai salah satu bentuk regulasi untuk mengendalikan tingkat pencemaran.Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan mengevaluasi peraturan BMAL, khususnya untuk industri tekstil di Bandungyang berada di kawasan DAS Citarum. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan analitik regulasi terkait. Eksperimentasidegradasi limbah industri tekstil PT. X menggunakan bakteri Bacillus licheniformis juga dilakukan untuk memperkuatrekomendasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa parameter pada BMAL yang bernilai lebih tinggi daribaku mutu air (BMA) yang digunakan sebagai acuan untuk pengendalian kualitas air Sungai Citarum. Sementara analisisdata primer dan sekunder di beberapa titik Sungai Citarum telah menunjukkan kondisi tercemar, sehingga dapat dipastikanbahwa air limbah industri tekstil yang dibuang ke badan air Sungai Citarum maupun anak-anak sungainya akan selalumemberikan beban terhadap Sungai Citarum. Hasil eksperimen terhadap degradasi air limbah juga menunjukkan bahwanilai BOD dan COD mengalami penurunan, namun tidak signifikan memberikan perubahan warna sebelum dan setelahpengolahan. Hasil pengenceran untuk menyesuaikan nilai COD dengan BMAL hingga 150 mg/l juga tidak memberikanperbedaan warna yang signifikan. Oleh karena itu, BMAL perlu segera dievaluasi dan disesuaikan dengan daya dukung dandaya tampung Sungai Citarum agar tetap sesuai dengan peruntukannya.Kata kunci: Bacillus licheniformis, Citarum, regulasiABSTRACTWastewater quality standard (BMAL) is the regulation policy for controlling water pollution level. This paper aims to examineand to evaluate the wastewater quality standard rules (BMAL), especially for textile industries in Bandung located suroundingthe Citarum Watershed. The method used is the related regulation analytical approach. Experimentation of degradation of textileindustry wastewater from PT. X using bacteria Bacillus licheniformis was carried out to strengthen the recommendation. Theanalysis showed that there are some parameters on BMAL which have higher values than the water quality standard (BMA) usedas a reference for water quality control to Citarum River. The primary and secondary data analyses at some points of CitarumRiver show polluted conditions. Thus, it can be ascertained that the textile industry wastewater discharged into the water body ofCitarum River and its tributaries will always give load of contaminants. Results of experiments on the degradation of wastewateralso show that the BOD and COD values decreased, but not significantly give a colour change before and after the treatment. Resultdilution to adjust the value of COD with BMAL up to 150 mg/l also did not provide significant colour differences. Therefore,BMAL needs to be evaluated and adjusted to the carrying capacity of Citarum River in order to keep its function as intended.Keywords: Bacillus licheniformis, Citarum River, regulation
Publisher : Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1042.563 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/risetgeotam2012.v22.63


ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan untuk menentukan model kesetimbangan dan kinetika adsorpsi logam tembaga untuk pengembangan material berbasis zeolit. Optimasi impregnasi tembaga ke dalam zeolit merupakan hal yang penting untuk pengembangan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pencucian, pemurnian, modifikasi kemudian diikuti dengan impregnasi zeolit dengan variasi waktu impregnasi dan variasi konsentrasi awal ion tembaga. Proses impregnasi dilakukan menggunakan metoda batch. Kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi struktur menggunakan metode spektroskopi Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), sedangkan terjadinya proses impregnasi ditentukan melalui pengukuran AAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi awal ion tembaga yang digunakan, semakin banyak ion yang diserap. Proses impregnasi optimum tercapai pada waktu kontak 10 jam dengan konsentrasi larutan Cu(NO3)2.3H2O 0,05 N yaitu sebesar 98,69%. Dari spektroskopi FTIR menunjukkan adanya perubahan spektra difraktogram pada zeolit yang telah dimodifikasi, artinya bahwa proses impregnasi ion logam tembaga berhasil dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini proses adsorpsi ion logam tembaga dengan menggunakan zeolit alam mengikuti model persamaan adsorpsi Freundlich dengan nilai koefesien relasi (R2) 0,996. Data kinetika menunjukkan bahwa proses adsorpsi ion tembaga terhadap zeolit mengikuti kinetika reaksi orde ketiga dengan nilai koefesien relasi (R2) 0,6261 dan konstanta laju adsorpsi (k3) - 1,5.10-9 jam-1.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 9 No. 2 (2010)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Industrial minerals, such as natural zeolite can be engineered into raw materials on manufacturing of medical products, especially as an antiseptic. Zeolite with the crystal structure characteristic could be function as an antiseptic carrier and active subtances would be saved on crystal structure of zeolite which was on certain circumstances will be work or out of the frame structure. The active substances are an inhibitor metal with low concentration and could be a toxic for microbial cell plasma. The used natural zeolite as an antiseptic carrier with inhibitor metal Cu has not yet developed. In this study, antiseptic substances has made by impregnation method with flow continuously were a compound or metal substances put in crystal structure without changing the crystal structure. The impregnation conducted by purification process and modification of natural zeolite become a zeolite-H in order easily to substituted by Cu metal. The products is much metals K, Na, Ca, Mg out from zeolite making a Zeolite-H was perfect, so the planting of Cu metals was maximum. The purification, modification, and impregnation process did not change the shape of crystal zeolite, and degradation do not occur on modernite peaks so expected the characteristic from zeolite does not change so it is could be functions as antiseptic carrier. Absorption test and power test of bacterial growth was conducted to try the antiseptic substances against bacteria and fungi. The result that zeolite-Cu had been successfully made although not optimal. The absorption capacity of natural zeolite higher than the absorption capacity of zeolite-Cu, because the absorption capacity of zeolite-Cu was disrupted by entry of metal Cu. Inhibition of bacteria and fungi growth occurs more on media with addition zeolite-Cu. It was because the inhibition of zeolite-Cu already functioning.
Improvement of Animal Manure by Mixing with Natural Zeolite Lenny Marilyn Estiaty; Dewi Fatimah; Yoshiaki Goto
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 1 (2003)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Nowadays, Indonesia suffer a serious economic crisis. The situation is mainly caused by national industrial development strategy which is depend on import materials, e.g. in agriculture . In the cases, the national need are depend on import fertilizer, so that makes the national food stock become decreasing. This research is designed to offer another alternative in preparing and producing own fertilizer that we need, to solve the problem. New compotition of Animal manure has been made by addition of natural zeolite to gain a high nitrogen content. Characterisation analysis of materials included chemical composition of natural zeolite and manure fertilizer using AAS and Kyedhal analysis, structure analysis by XRD and SEM and CEC. The result of experiments showed that addition of natural zeolite to excrement (animal waste) increased the content of nitrogen and decreased the content of water in manure fertilizer. Ammonia absorption by natural zeolite with particle size of either "“8+14 or 14+20 mesh was almost similar. The nitrogen content of manure fertilizer which mixed with natural zeolite from kedung Banteng , Malang was bigger than that which mixed with natural zeolite from Cikancra, Tasikmalaya. The adsorbtion of water by natural zeolite of both particle sizes was also similar. Manure fertilizer which mixed with natural zeolite from Kedung Banteng was dryer than that which mixed with natural zeolite from Cikancra, Tasikmalaya. The improved animal manure has better properties like a high nitrogen content, dry and not malodorous.
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2004)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Nitrogen fertilizer is one of the fertilizer type which is required for plant growth. This fertilizer is easily dissolved and the ions are not clay bonded, that it is often washed out by rain, evaporated or changed to other forms which can not be used by plants. In order to increase the efficiency of N-fertilizer, the loss of N must be minimized. In other hand, it is well known that natural zeolites have the capability as adsorbents and cation exchangers, such as for ammonium ion. Investigation has been carried out to analyze the capability of natural zeolite from Cikancra, Tasikmalaya to store ammonium ion from ammonium sulfate fertilizer. This research can be used to predict the quantity of zeolite to be added to the soil if we use ammonium sulfate fertilizer. The natural zeolite applied has been selected of the highest cation exchange capacity (CEC) value zeolite from various particle sizes and activation method. The highest CEC, of 150.92 meq/100g is gained by activation at 105oC of particle size "“20 +48 mesh. The optimum CEC of natural zeolite against ammonium sulfate fertilizer is 146.11 meq/100g in 0.2 N (NH4)2SO4 solution. Therefore, the quantity of ammonium sulfate fertilizer (ZA), which can be stored in 100g zeolite is 19.306 g.
NATURAL ZEOLITES AS MANURE ADDITIVE: THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Lenny Marilyn Estiaty; Dewi Fatimah; Dadan Suherman; Kamaludin Alamsyah
Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005)
Publisher : Jurnal Zeolit Indonesia

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Research has been done to evaluate the addition of zeolite to manure fertilizer. This research is aimed to review the advantages and disadvantages of zeolites as manure fertilizer additive. Investigation is carried out by different variables: zeolite particle size, zeolite concentration and curing time. The results show that zeolite particle sizes of "“7 +10 mesh and "“20 +48 mesh did not significantly different. Zeolite "“ compost mixture can dry very fast, just in 2 weeks curing time the residual water content is only 5-6%, while that on the controlled compost (without zeolite) is still 70%. Higher zeolite concentration will speed up the compost drying process. On the other hand, zeolite addition will increase the potassium content by 1.7"“2% but it also increases NH3 volatilization, which will result in a lower N content. Higher zeolite concentration will give lower N content in the composite. It can be concluded that zeolite addition is suggested not applied to the fresh compost but just before the compost will be used in order to increase the nutrition efficiency.