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Student’s Worksheet Practically by Using Discovery Learning Model to the Ability of Understanding Concept and Mathematics Problem Solving at Grade VII Grade of SMPN 38 Padang Teni Suriani; Dewi Devita
Operations Research: International Conference Series Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Indonesian Operations Research Association (IORA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47194/orics.v1i2.73


The ability of understanding mathematical concept and problem-solving mathematics is one of aims of mathematic subject it is expected to develop in mathematics learning. Based on the observation that was doing by students of VII grade SMPN 38 Padang in 2019/2020 academic years, this research obtain that the students got difficulty in doing story problem that related in real life situation without illustration’s picture. It causes, mathematics learning still focused on text book and LKPD. LKPD that SMPN 38 Padang has still less variation and there is no step to find out and construct by their own learning concept. One of learning models that can be developed is discovery learning. Discovery learning is a learning model that can be informed by discovering process. The aims of this research are to obtain and develop LKPD by using discovery learning that is practicable. Thetype of the research use development research with formative evaluation type that according to Tesmer view. Practicality of LKPD is limited on field test step which giving practical questionnaire to students and teachers. The result of practicality of LKPD from teacher is 85% with very practical category and from the student is 85.30% with very practical category.
Analysis of Willing to Pay Program on Rice Business Insurance in Karawang Regency Teni Suriani; Dewi Devita; Gemilang Ralfianandha Putra S; Risdawati Risdawati; Avisa Kemala Puspitasari
Operations Research: International Conference Series Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Operations Research Association (IORA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47194/orics.v2i1.154


This study aims to determine the level of farmer participation in the Rice Farming Business Insurance (AUTP) program, and to determine the estimated willingness of farmers to pay the AUTP premium in Karawang Regency and the factors that influence it. The sample in this study amounted to 100 people taken from two villages from two sub-districts, namely Kutapohaci Village in Ciampel District and LemahKarya Village in Tempuran District. Farmers in Karawang Regency are willing to pay the AUTP premium. There are 44% of respondent farmers who are willing to pay the AUTP premium, the average value of the willingness to pay the AUTP premium is IDR 42,480/ha/planting season, which is greater than the value of the AUTP self-help premium set by the current government, which is IDR 36,000/ha/season planting, with a WTP value of IDR 42,480/ha/MT. Farmers hope that there will also be an increase in claim benefits to IDR 7.080.000. Based on multiple regression analysis, the factors that influence the farmer's Willingness to Pay (WTP) value on the AUTP program are the variables of education, land area, land status and income (at the real level). 5 percent). Meanwhile, based on the results of the logit analysis, it is known that the factors that can increase the chances of farmers participating in the AUTP program independently by paying the AUTP premium are the WTP value and income.