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Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 1, No 3 (1984): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1984.1.3.39-43


Pengujian efikasi dua macam  formulasi  Dichlofluanid  (DCFN)  komersial  terhadap  jamur  biru pada papan  ramin, masing-masing  dengan  kandungan   bahan  aktif  50  persen  dan 80 persen (DCFN 50 dan DCFN 80), baik sebagai larutan tunggal maupun  dikombinasikan   dengan garam Diazeniumdioxv (DD), Borax (B) dan BHC,  dibandingkan  dengan campuran NaPCP + B  +  BHC,  memberi  hasil sebagai berikut   :DCFN   50  dan  DCFN   80  sebagai  larutan   tunggal  menunjukkan  efikasi  yang  nyata   lebih baik  daripada campuran NaPCP + B + BHC, baik  dalam  hal pewarnaan  permukaan   maupun  pewarnaan  intern.DCFN 50  (tunggal)  menunjukkan efikasi yang  nyata  lebih  baik  daripada DCFN  80  (tunggal) dan dalam hal ini larutan 1.5 %  DCFN  50  memberi   hasil  yang  efektif    dengan   nilai  rata-rata pewarnaan   permukaan   dan  pewarnaan  intern kurang   dari  satu  persen.Borax  sebagai  larutan  tunggal  maupun  dicampur  dengan  BHC  tidak  dapat  mencegah  serangan jamur biru pada papan ramin, tetapi  efikasi DCFN  meningkat  secara nyata  jika  dikombinasikan  dengan  campuran  B + BHC,  terutama  pada DCFN  50.  Pada  kombinasi   1,5 % DCFN  50  + 1.5 % B  +  1,0 % BHC  diperoleh  papan  ramin  yang praktis  bebas dari pewarnaan  permukaan  dan pewarnaan intern  dengan  tingkat  serangan  kurang  dari satu  persen jauh  lebih  baik dari campuran  NaPCP + B + BHC. Efikasi  DCFN  80  juga  dapat  meningkat secara nyata  jika  dikombinasikan dengan  campuran  B + BHC  dan  memberi hasil  yang  nyata lebih baik  daripada  campuran   NaPCP  + B  + BHC. tetapi  masih  menunjukkan  tingkat  pewarnaan yang  nyata  di atas satu persen.Garam DD secara tunggal (0,1 - 1,5 %) memberi hasil yang nyata lebih  baik dari campuran  NaPCP + B + BHC,  tetapi tidak  sebaik  DCFN  50  atau  hombinasi  DCFN  50  +  B  + BHC.  Dalam hal ini penambahan   campuran  B  +  BHC  tidak meningkatkan efikasi  DD.Untuk  mencapai  hasil efektif   dengan  tingkat  pewarnaan  di  bawah satu persen,  dapat  digunakan  konsentrasi  DCFN 50 yang  lebih  rendah  dari  1,5 % tetapi  tidak  kurang dari 1,2 %, jika  dicampur  dengan  garam DD,  dalam  hal ini dengan kombinasi   1,2  % DCFN  50 + 0,4 % DD. Konsentrasi DCFN 50  dapat  dikurangi  lagi meniadi  0,8   % jika  ditambah dengan  campuran  DD+ B + BHC,  dalam hal ini berupa kombinasi 0,8 % DCFN 50 + 0,2  % DD+  1,5  % B + 1,0 % BHC.Dengan  menaikkan lagi konsentrasi   DCFN 50  dan  DD pada  kombinasi  DCFN  50  +  DD + B + BHC  menjadi  1,2 % DCFN  50 + 0,4% DD + 1,5%  B + 1,0 % BHC diperoleh  papan  ramin yang  bebas sama sekali dari pewarnaan  permukaan dan pewarnaan  intern. 
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 4, No 3 (1987): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1987.4.3.65-70


The result of dip diffusion treatment  of ten wood species from lrian Jaya is reported in this paper. The wood species comprised  among others wafut (Cananga odorata Hook.f.  et Th.), starka (Octomeles sumatrana Miq.), senai (Dracontomelon mangiferum Bl.), sutiet (Spondias cytherea Sonn.), bemoe (Canarium indicum L.), raja (Pterygota forbesii F.v.Muell), sehiega (Celtis latifolia Planch.), sehiye (Sterculia macrophylla Vent.), susu (Alstonia scholaris R.Br.), and bimiek (Pterocymbium beccarii K. Schum.).  Particular  attention is directed to penetration  and retention requirement/or wood uses under roof and outdoor without soil contact. Solution concentration of BFCA preservative used was 30 percent.Among ten wood species tested, only one species (sehye) could not be treated by dip diffusion process in 30 percent solution, because retention requirement for  use under roof without soil contact (condition A) could not be reached.  Two of the remaining nine wood species which could be treated by dip diffusion process and hence fulfilling the requirement for uses under condition B were raja and sehiega woods.Storage phase proposed for bemoe, raja and sehiega wood is 8 weeks, while for six other wood species ( wafut, stark a, senai,  sutiet, susu and bimiek) is 4 weeks.During storage phase, severe attack of blue-stain on seven wood species  were observed, while the remaining three species which were not affected were senai, sehiega and bimiek wood. An addition of anti blue-stain compound in the preservative  is recommended 
PENGAWETAN KAYU KERUING UNTUK MENARA PENDINGIN (Preservation of keruing woodfor cooling tower) Barly Barly; Abdurahim Martawijaya; Pipin Permadi
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 11, No 8 (1993): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1993.11.8.303-307


The utiliization of wood for cooling tower in Indonesia tends to increase and has become more important. Wood as material for cooling tower has been applied commercially in several developed countries such as New Zealand,USA and Japan. While in indonesia it has just been started in 1981 after the establishment of Kamojang Geothermal Power Station Unit 1. This paper deals with some experience in treating keruing wood (Dipterocarpus spp.) as material for cooling tower by vacuum-pressure impregnation. The result shows that keruing is easy to treat. In other to meet the retention of 24 kg/m3, the concentration of the solution must be at least 6.25 percent and absortion of 384 liters of preservative per cu.m.
RESPONS KUMBANG AMBROSIA TERHADAP PERLAKUAN DENG AN PESTISIDA Paimin Sukartana; Abdurahim Martawijaya; Dominicus Martono
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 6, No 1 (1989): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1989.6.1.12-17


A  case study   on  the  behavioral  responses  of  ambrosia  beetles  to some  pesticidal  formulations   was carried out  at  a logging area in West Kalimantan  in 1981.    Each  pesticide  formulation   was sprayed  to debarked  logs of fresh1%  felled  ramin trees  (Gonystylus bancanus Kurz.}.   The  tested   logs  were,  then,  allowed  for  the  beetle  infestations for  four  weeks,   and inspections  were conducted   weekly  to count  the beetle  tunnels. A  lower  intensity   of  the  beetle   infestation   on  the  treated  logs  than  those  on  the  controls   was  considered  as an inhibitory   response.  in contrast,   a  higher  intensity   of  the  infestation   on  the  treated  logs  was  indicatively   caused  by  a stimulatory    response. These following  conclusions  are drawn  from  this  study:                            1. A  highly  inhibitory   response  on  the  ambrosia  beetle  attacks  was shown  by  treatments   with  pesticide   containing  50% cypermethrin   or  50%  fenithrotion.2. Ramin   logs  treated  with  pesticide   containing   either  30%   TCMTB  or  a  mixture   of  90%  thiourea  + 10%  quarternary ammonium  +  0.1 % diazenium   dioxy   seemed   to  be  highly  stimulating   to  the  beetles.   The  stimulating   effect   of  the second  formulation   initially  decreased  and  lost afterwards  if  the diazenium   dioxy   component  was increased by 0.1   to 0.2%.   A  doubtful    record  was shown   if  the  TCMTB  was mixed   with  2%   borax.3. The pesticide  containing  5%  Cu-8-oxyquinolinolate   and 80% dichlofluanid   were also unaffected to the beetle  responses
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 4, No 4 (1987): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1987.4.4.26-34


Fifteen  wood species from  Irian  Jaya  with sample  test pieces  measuring  5 x 5 x  60 cm,  and  water content  from 20. 0-21.4 percent, were subjected  to cold soaking  treatment,  using 5 and 10 percent  concentration  of BFCA  preservative,  for  three, five  and seven  days. Taking into account  the penetration  and retention  requirement for  wood use condition  under roof and outdoor,  without ground contact,  the result indicates that matoa  wood could not be treated  with the schedule proposed  in this paper.  The other fourteen   wood species could be treated with any of the treatment schedule (Table 4). However,  two species (honggimako  and senai) meet only the requirement for  use under roof  without ground  contact. 
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 5, No 6 (1988): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1988.5.6.369-374


This  experiment was designed  to  find  out  a  proper   method   of  killing  rasamala  trees  (Altingia  excelsa  Noronha) before  felling  to  improve  the value of the wood. The methods  in the testing  include girdling,  singed with  blowtorch  on the girdling  section,   and poisoned   with  5%  sodium  arsenite solution  or triclopyr  483.6 g/l or a mixture  of triclopyr 100 with picloram   50 g/l. The  chemical  methods   was conducted   by pouring  5 ml of each chemical  into each axed part  of about  30 cm  spacing  which  were made  on the base of the tested  trees. Poisoning  with sodium  arsenite  was also done  by brushing  the solution  on   the girdled  areas.  The incidence  of ambrosia beetle attacks was inspected  to study the effect  of  the treatments on  the  susceptibility of  the  tested   trees  to  the  wood  boring  insects  because   this  group  of  the  pests  may  cause severe damage  on  the  newly  dead  trees if improper  treatment   was carried out.  The  experiment  concludes  that :It  seemed  hard  to kill  rasamala trees  by girdling  even  though  the girdled   section  was singed  with  blowtorch.Poisoning   with  5% sodium  arsenite  solution was  effective  if  the chemical  was brushed  on  the  girdled  section. Application  of this method  killed about  80%  of  the tested trees  after six month  period  of treatment.Poisoning  of  rasamala trees  with  483.6 g/l  triclopyr of  a  mixture  of triclopyr 100 with picloram 50 g/l  through  spacing axed  cuts  made on  the  base of  tree  was effective. The  first  formula  killed  about 80%   of  the  trees after six months  to one  year. Application of  the  latter  chemical  showed better  result  because at the  same  treatment  period  this formula killed  more trees,  about  80 - 100% of the tested  samples.In  case of  the  ambrosia  beetle  infestation, the  entire  poisoned   trees  were  more  susceptible   than  that  of the other treatments. Because the most attacks were  mainly concentrated   arround  the  treated  areas,  the  damage  is probably only  meager in economic role.