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STABILISASI DIMENSI PADA KAYU TANAMAN KARRI (Eucalyptus diversicolor) DAN JARRAH (E. marginata) - Bagian II : Furfurilasi (Dimensional Stabilization on Regrowth Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) and Jarrah (E. marginata) Part II : Furfurylation Jamal Balfas
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 11, No 4 (1993): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1993.11.4.134-136


Wood blocks of karri and jarrah measuring 10 mm (radial) x 25 mm (longitudinal) x 100 mm (tarigential) were ovendried for. 48 hours at 105°C prior to treatment. Furfurylation was carried out by soaking wood specimens in a 98. % furfuryl alcohol solution containing 1 % (w/w) of ZnCl2 as catalist. Three soaking times, i.e., 12, 24 and 48 hours were used. Treatment results are expressed in terms of weight (WG) and volumetric (VG) gains. The ability of treatment to dimensionally stabilize wood blocks is expressed as anti- swelling efficiency (ASE). Results showed that furfurylation imparted substantial increase in weight, volume and dimensional stability of both regrowth eucalypts. Alike acetylation (reported earlier in Part I),furfurylation on karri specimens revealed higher weight gain,volumetric gain and ASE than jarrah. The rate of furfurylation significantly increased with increasing soaking time to 48 hours. Although furfurylation imparted a high degree of swelling reductions comparable to those obtained by acetylation, the furfurylated specimens and a lower ability to resist swelling during prolonged wetting exposure.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 13, No 1 (1995): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1995.13.1.9-18


Production  of laminated  structural  timbers   suitable  for use under severe  conditions  dates back to the development   of resorcinol and phenol-resorcinol   adhesives.    These adhesives  could provide  highly  durable  bonds  with  untreated    wood.     Because  preservative  treatment  of the - wood is commonly  required,   it  became necessary   to  investigate  the effect of the treatment on glue bond strength.This  study  examined  the  shear  strength   of resorcinol formaldehyde on the untreated  and cetcure  treated   timbers.    Additionally,   a mechanical and a chemical surface  activation treat- ments   were   imposed  lo  the  system  prior  lo  gluing.    Species   included for  the  study  were: jeungjing   (Paraserianthes    falcataria   (L.)  Nielsen,   adinandra  (Adinandra brasii  Kobuski) and pala burung (Horsfieldia sylvestris Warrb.).  Defect-free airdried wood slicks measuring  50 mm (radial) x 50 mm (tangential) x 500 mm (longitudinal)  were divided into  two groups,   of which one  group   was celcure-treated    using  an  empty-cell process  and  the  other  was remained  as control.  Each  slick   was  then    cut  into  billets  for  adhesive   lamination.    Surface  activation treatments   were made mechanically by sanding  wood surface with an 80-grit  abrasive  paper, or chemically by smearing wood surface with  IM solution of NaOH approximately 24 h before  gluing.  Resorcinol formaldehyde  was applied  to each surface  at a spread rate of  120  mg/cm2.  Panels  were clamped  at  12   kg/cm2  for  7 h as recommended  by the   adhesive  manufacturer. Each panel  was  cut   into four  shear   specimens,    of  which  two specimens  were  tested   in dry condition   and the remaining  after  24 h immersion  in water at room temperature.    Strength  loss  due to wetting was also determined.Results  showed  that bond strength  of resorcinol formaldehyde varied according  to wood species.    Jeungjing had a weaker bond strength  than adinandra and pala burung.   Preservative treatment  had  no  deteriorating  effects on dry  shear  strength,   but it did  reduce  the wet  shear strength  of  wood laminates. The  application  of surface activation treatments  was more effective on the higher extractive  contained species   (adinandra  and pala  burung) and the  unpreserved laminates.    Surface mechanical  treatment  showed a better improvement on bond strength  than the chemical   treatment.  Jeungjing   experienced  a higher strength  loss during  immersion  than
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 5, No 5 (1988): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1988.5.5.279-286


Fifteen  mahogany and  six  agathis logs in fresh  cut  condition were sawn  into  boards  by a  band saw  machine.  Each wood  species  was  sawn  using  three  saw blades  with  different  cutting   edge  hardness  i.e. hand  swaging,  alternate  stellite .  tipping  and  full  stellite   tipping.   Sawing  properties recorded include  power consumption,  cutting   rate  and  sawing  productivity    for each  wood  species and cutting  edge hardness.The  results of  study   showed   that  wood  species  had no significant  difference   in terms  of power   consumption   and cutting  rate.  Meanwhile, sawing productivity   of agathis was higher than mahogany.Furthermore, the cutting  edge hardnes had significant  effect on sawing properties. It  is found that the saw blade with alternate stellite tipping reduced power consumption, and  increased  the  cutting rate and productivity. 
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 12, No 4 (1994): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1994.12.4.128-131


Five wood species originated from Jambi were observed for their machining properties in this study.    Sawing characteristics (feed speed and surface smoothness) of each species were observed to determine  its cutting-ability.  Sawn timbers were then cut to sample boards and air-seasoned to approximately 17% moisture content prior to further machining processes. The examined machining properties include planing, shaping,  boring,  turning and sanding.  Examinations were  undergone according 10 the modified ASTM D-1666 as firstly described in the Forest Products Research Institute Report No.  160 (1982).Results from this study showed that most of the species could be sawn at medium feed speed  with a variation in cutting surface quality, ranging from fair  to rough.   One species, i.e., rengas pantai (Gluta renghas) is fairly difficult  to saw for  its irregular (partly interlocked) grain orientation and the abundant deposition of silica (crystals) in its fiber  structures.   Some species consistently showed good qualities in almost all machining tests, and likely produced excel/en/ surface quality when worked on using sharp culling tools and controlled machining condition.   Wood samples tested in wet condition produced a fairly good planing and shaping quality for most wood species. In  comparison, however, the air-dried samples significantly revealed a better machining quality. Based on the machining characteristics observed on the five wood species from Jambi, it is recommend able to use rengas tembaga, sumpung and rengas manuk for wood working purposes. Whereas, rengas pantai and kempas are more suitably intended   for indoor structural uses.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 12, No 4 (1994): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1421.374 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1994.12.4.128-131


Five wood species originated from Jambi were observed for their machining properties in this study.    Sawing characteristics (feed speed and surface smoothness) of each species were observed to determine  its cutting-ability.  Sawn timbers were then cut to sample boards and air-seasoned to approximately 17% moisture content prior to further machining processes. The examined machining properties include planing, shaping,  boring,  turning and sanding.  Examinations were  undergone according 10 the modified ASTM D-1666 as firstly described in the Forest Products Research Institute Report No.  160 (1982).Results from this study showed that most of the species could be sawn at medium feed speed  with a variation in cutting surface quality, ranging from fair  to rough.   One species, i.e., rengas pantai (Gluta renghas) is fairly difficult  to saw for  its irregular (partly interlocked) grain orientation and the abundant deposition of silica (crystals) in its fiber  structures.   Some species consistently showed good qualities in almost all machining tests, and likely produced excel/en/ surface quality when worked on using sharp culling tools and controlled machining condition.   Wood samples tested in wet condition produced a fairly good planing and shaping quality for most wood species. In  comparison, however, the air-dried samples significantly revealed a better machining quality. Based on the machining characteristics observed on the five wood species from Jambi, it is recommend able to use rengas tembaga, sumpung and rengas manuk for wood working purposes. Whereas, rengas pantai and kempas are more suitably intended   for indoor structural uses.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 10, No 4 (1992): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1992.10.4.66-69


The wear of wood cutting tools. is. generally, the process which makes a usable tool unfit for continued use.  The replacement of the worn cutter by  reconditioning  or substitution of a new one represents a necessary cost which can be minimized  by controlling tool wear. Numerous  studies have been conducted through direct  observations on the cutting edge using a variety  of photographic methods. Such observations are quite complicated and can hardly be introduced to industrial practices.  This study is aimed to explore a possibility of determining  cutting  tool wear indirectly  through the work piece observation.   It is based on assumption  that knife blunting has a direct  bearing on the quality of the finished product,  i.e., changing the geometry of cutting marks on the wood surface.Boards of two wood species,  rasamala and mangium,  were seasoned to air-dry condition and planed  using new sharp knives at one feed  speed of 30 .m/min.  Observations were carried out sequentially at 5 pianing  distances, i.e., 10, 20,  40,  80 and 160 m.  Cutting marks  geometry on the wood surface  was distinguished by rubbing the surface gently with a carbon paper.  Measurements  of cutting marks and the width of cutting peak were undertaken using a digital calliper.  Results showed that values of cutting marks and width of catting peaks markedly increased with increasing planing distances.  Blunting process was significantly   affected  by wood species. Knives used for planing  rasamala boards blunied quicker than those used for  mangium.   These, to some extend, revealed  a possible use of cutting marks structure  on wood surface for  determining the wear of cutting edge.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 6, No 3 (1989): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1989.6.3.209-211


Eighteen logs of several wood species were used as material for the above study. Each log was sawn on a 44 inch Band Headrig with automatic carriage. Specifications of machine and sawblade used are listed in table 2. Sawing velocity was determined by the ampleness of cutting area per unit cutting time on every sawing line. Whereas the power consumption was detected by the ampere-meter set on the motor electric circuit. The ampere value is then transformed to the power consumption unit (Watt-second/cm2). The result of statistical calculation revealed a close relationship between power consumption and sawing velocity. Power consumption can be estimated from the sawing velocity in accordance with the regression equation : Y = 82.97 -0.118 X. The correlation is negative and almost perpect (correlation coefficient r = - 0.908). This means that, power consumption will increase if sawing velocity decreases, and vice versa.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 38, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.2020.38.3.189-198


Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh umur pohon, posisi batang, tebal venir, dan komposisi inti panel kayu sawit terhadap produksi kayu lapis mindi.  Dolok berukuran panjang 1,3 m dipotong dari pohon sawit berumur 25 dan 32 tahun masing-masing empat batang kayu dari setiap pohon sejumlah sepuluh pohon dari masing-masing kelas umur.  Selanjutnya dikupas pada mesin spindle less rotary dengan ketebalan venir 2,5 dan 3,4 mm.  Venir sawit kering (KA 10%) dirakit menjadi dua macam komposisi panel, yaitu 3 lapis dan 5 lapis, di mana lapisan muka dan belakang menggunakan 1,2 mm venir kayu mindi (Melia azedarach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa batang sawit umur 32 tahun memiliki nilai rendemen venir basah maupun kering lebih tinggi daripada batang sawit umur 25 tahun.  Kadar air dan kerapatan panel kayu lapis mindi berinti sawit umur 25 tahun memiliki nilai lebih rendah daripada umur 32 tahun. Nilai keteguhan rekat panel yang terbuat dari venir inti 32 tahun memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi daripada venir inti 25 tahun. Keteguhan rekat panel 3 lapis memiliki nilai lebih tinggi daripada panel 5 lapis. Keteguhan rekat pada panel yang terbuat dari venir 2,5 mm lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan keteguhan rekat panel dengan ketebalan venir 3,4 mm.
FURFURILASI PADA KAYU TUSAM (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vr.) DAN MANGIUM (Acacia mangium Willd.) Jamal Balfas
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 13, No 5 (1995): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1995.13.5.176-185


Wood specimens of tusam (Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vr.) and mangium (Acaciamangium Willd.) were air-dried to approximately16-18% moisture content. One group of the specimens was further oven-dried ttJ reach moisture content of 6-8%. Furfurylation was undertaken by soaking wood specimens/or 24 hours in a 98%.furfuryl alcohol solution containing 0.35% (vlv) of ZnCl2 as catalyst. Furfurylated specimens were then cured at 1 OO°C for 48 hours. Wood characteristics observed in this study include dimentional stability, hardness, compression strength and shear strength.Test results showed that the initial wood specimens of tusam had a higher radial but a lower tangential swelling rates than those specimens of mangium. Furfurylation could improve wood dimentional stability of both species by more than 90% on tusam and 75% on mangium.Values of hardness, compression strength and shear strength of tusam were markedly lower than mangium. After furfurylation, however, tusam had a greater hardness than mangium. Furfurylation could increase hardness, compression strength and shear strength of tusam by more than 94%, 83% and 76% respectively. A lower wood mechanical improvements were encountered with the mangium specimens.
Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol 6, No 4 (1989): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jphh.1989.6.4.215-219


Two units of sawmill in Lampung (Sumatera) and three units in West-Java have been visited for the purpose of this study. Determination of target size on each sawmill was firstly done by collecting data from thickness measurements of 100 board samples. The data was then calculated using the most common formulas used for determining the lumber target size.The result of the study revealed that actual size produced by two sawmills surveyed were higher than target size, ranging from 1.08 to 1.58 mm. The actual size from three other sawmills were lower than target size, ranging from 0.26 to 2.18 mm. The sawmill A has apparently the best sawing capability. This was indicated by the smallest thickness range either within or between board i.e. 0.89 mm and 0. 79 mm. Meanwhile, its total sawing variation was smallest i.e. 0.49 mm.The result of this study was an indication that there is a need for improving the efficiency of sawing process through the application of target size determination.