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Tarbiyah Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Tarbiyah

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Media has an important role in human life.  Beside it becomes source of the information and knowledge, it can also become an entertainment source for adults and kids. The wrong usage of media can cause problems for the nation’s life. This paper is written based on the writer’s experience in joining ToT (Training of Trainers) on media literacy and media watch, facilitating media literacy and media watch program, and becoming one of the researchers and enumerators of media watch towards two newspapers by using content analysis; the project of  Strengthening Woman’s Rights (SWR) cooperated with Indonesian Government represented by PSGA (the Center of Gender and Children Study) of  IAIN Walisongo Semarang and Germany Government (GTZ). From the output of those activities, the writer recommends to all parties to be care of the usage of media by children. Children need smartness in accessing, enjoying, interpreting, using, and analyzing media. In other words, media literacy education becomes urgent and significant to be educated and implanted by their parents, society, and even schools towards the children. Whereas, industry of media must be wise in producing and providing information for the society, and obey the rules established by UU Penyiaran, P3 (Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran) and SPS (Standar Program Siaran), and the rules made by Dewan Pers and UU Perlindungan Anak.Key words: Media, Media Literacy Education, Moral, Children
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.215 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/let.v5i1.1422


There are many students of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Facultyof IAIN Walisongo Semarang who have complained that Islamic reading texts used by their teachers are hard for them to understand. I examine this issue by seeing some linguistic aspects of those reading texts. This Qualitative and Descriptive approach highlighted the types of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices and the realization of cohesiveness of those reading textsbased on Halliday and Hasan’s theory.The result of the study shows that the six reading texts (A.1, 2, 3; and B.1, 2, 3) stated in reading textbooks: English for Islamic Studies, English for Islamic Studies 2, Understanding Islam; for Islamic Studies; in terms of cohesion (following Halliday and Hasan’s principles of reading texts) respectively the average score of anaphoric references: 54.17% for text A.3, 53.85% for text B.2, 53.06% for text A.1, 48.57% for text B.3, 41.86% for text B.1, 33.33% for text A.3. After consulting to the Halliday and Hasan’s principles of cohesion of the reading texts (1989), that the most cohesive reading texts is text A.3, whereas the least cohesive one is Text A.2. Finally, these factors will assist lecturers and students in choosing the appropriate book for them.
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.437 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/let.v4i2.1406


There are many students of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Facultyof IAIN Walisongo Semarang who have complained that Islamic reading texts used by their teachers are hard for them to understand. I examine this issue by seeing some linguistic aspects of those reading texts. This Qualitative and Descriptive approach highlighted the types of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices and the realization of cohesiveness of those reading textsbased on Halliday and Hasan’s theory.The result of the study shows that the six reading texts (A.1, 2, 3; and B.1, 2, 3) stated in reading textbooks: English for Islamic Studies, English for Islamic Studies 2, Understanding Islam; for Islamic Studies; in terms of cohesion (following Halliday and Hasan’s principles of reading texts) respectively the average score of anaphoric references: 54.17% for text A.3, 53.85% for text B.2, 53.06% for text A.1, 48.57% for text B.3, 41.86% for text B.1, 33.33% for text A.3. After consulting to the Halliday and Hasan’s principles of cohesion of the reading texts (1989), that the most cohesive reading texts is text A.3, whereas the least cohesive one is Text A.2. Finally, these factors will assist lecturers and students in choosing the appropriate book for them.
Implementasi Strategi Membaca Berimbang di Kelas Awal Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) di Semarang Zulaikhah, Zulaikhah; Fadlilah, Sayyidatul
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol 17, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (422.283 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2017.171.1507


This study aims at describing the implementation of impartial reading strategies namely collective reading, guided reading, and independent reading performed by teachers of early grades at Islamic Elementary School (MI and MIN) in six madrassas in Semarang. Implementation is conducted after the training of impartial reading is made and continued by providing assistance to teachers in creating impartial reading programs, applying impartial reading strategies, organizing the variety and types of books, and managing students in impartial reading. The program is focused on the use of books containing Islamic values as the development of modules or manuals that have been used to implement the strategy.
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.215 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/let.v5i1.1422


There are many students of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Facultyof IAIN Walisongo Semarang who have complained that Islamic reading texts used by their teachers are hard for them to understand. I examine this issue by seeing some linguistic aspects of those reading texts. This Qualitative and Descriptive approach highlighted the types of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices and the realization of cohesiveness of those reading textsbased on Halliday and Hasan?s theory.The result of the study shows that the six reading texts (A.1, 2, 3; and B.1, 2, 3) stated in reading textbooks: English for Islamic Studies, English for Islamic Studies 2, Understanding Islam; for Islamic Studies; in terms of cohesion (following Halliday and Hasan?s principles of reading texts) respectively the average score of anaphoric references: 54.17% for text A.3, 53.85% for text B.2, 53.06% for text A.1, 48.57% for text B.3, 41.86% for text B.1, 33.33% for text A.3. After consulting to the Halliday and Hasan?s principles of cohesion of the reading texts (1989), that the most cohesive reading texts is text A.3, whereas the least cohesive one is Text A.2. Finally, these factors will assist lecturers and students in choosing the appropriate book for them.
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (281.437 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/let.v4i2.1406


There are many students of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Facultyof IAIN Walisongo Semarang who have complained that Islamic reading texts used by their teachers are hard for them to understand. I examine this issue by seeing some linguistic aspects of those reading texts. This Qualitative and Descriptive approach highlighted the types of grammatical and lexical cohesive devices and the realization of cohesiveness of those reading textsbased on Halliday and Hasan?s theory.The result of the study shows that the six reading texts (A.1, 2, 3; and B.1, 2, 3) stated in reading textbooks: English for Islamic Studies, English for Islamic Studies 2, Understanding Islam; for Islamic Studies; in terms of cohesion (following Halliday and Hasan?s principles of reading texts) respectively the average score of anaphoric references: 54.17% for text A.3, 53.85% for text B.2, 53.06% for text A.1, 48.57% for text B.3, 41.86% for text B.1, 33.33% for text A.3. After consulting to the Halliday and Hasan?s principles of cohesion of the reading texts (1989), that the most cohesive reading texts is text A.3, whereas the least cohesive one is Text A.2. Finally, these factors will assist lecturers and students in choosing the appropriate book for them.
Maximizing Religious Capital: Building English Villages Based on Islamic Education around the Campus Saifullah, Muhammad; Muthohar, Sofa; Fadlilah, Sayyidatul
Nadwa Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Islamic Education and Trancendence
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2019.13.2.5870


Some Islamic groups, especially the traditional Indonesian circles, have a negative view of English. English is considered the language of infidel invaders and the language of hell. This paper aims to describe the development of society in implementing Islamic religious education while eliminating the negative impression of the use of English in Islamic societies to be an important language to be learned as a language of global communication. The research method uses the sociological phenomenological method. The results showed that the Amanah village had six social capital namely human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital, and financial capital and religious capital. The development strategy undertaken is to maximize religious capital by establishing religious institutions and carrying out religious activities by being given English language lessons. There are two centers of activity, namely the Baitussalam mosque and the AleC (Amanah Learning Center). Other capital that plays a significant role is social capital that is inclusive and accommodating towards migrants.AbstrakSebagian masyarat Islam terutama kalangan tradisional Indonesia berpandangan negative terhadap bahasa Inggris. Bahsa inggris dianggap sebagai bahasa para penjajah yang kafir dan bahasa neraka. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pembangunan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan pendidikan Agama Islam sekaligus menghilangkan kesan negative penggunaan bahasa Inggris di masyarakat Islam menjadi bahasa penting untuk dipelajari sebagai bahasa komunikasi global. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode fenomenologis sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kampung Amanah memiliki enam modal sosial yaitu human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital dan financial capital serta religious capital. Strategi pembangunan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memaksimalkan modal relgius dengan mendirikan institusi agama dan menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan agama dengan diberi sisipan pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pusat kegiatan ada dua yaitu masjid baitussalam dan AleC (Amanah Learning Center). Modal lain yang sangat berperan adalah modal sosial masyarakat yang bersikap inklusif dan akomodatif terhadap para pendatang.  
Grammatical Cohesion Found in Recount Texts of “Pathway to English” X Grade Curriculum 2013 General Program by Erlangga Masithoh, Hanita; Fadlilah, Sayyidatul
Vision: Journal for Language and Foreign Language Learning Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/vjv6i11586


The role of a textbook in the teaching-learning process is significant since most teachers used it as the source and guidance of teaching materials. In order to know the quality of the textbooks, the teachers should be able to analyze the materials contained inside because the selection of the textbooks determines the quality of the materials which will be delivered to the students. This study aimed to find out the grammatical cohesion of recount text in Pathway to English; English textbook for the tenth grade of senior high school published by Erlangga. The design of this study is a qualitative study using literature review as an approach. The study found that there are three recount texts in Pathway to English. Text 1 and 3 contained three types of grammatical cohesion (reference, ellipsis, conjunction).  Text 2 contained complete grammatical cohesion (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction). This textbook categorizes as objective criteria because the percentage of grammatical cohesion is 33%.
Maximizing Religious Capital: Building English Villages Based on Islamic Education around the Campus Saifullah, Muhammad; Muthohar, Sofa; Fadlilah, Sayyidatul
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 13, No 2 (2019): Islamic Education and Trancendence
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2019.13.2.5870


Some Islamic groups, especially the traditional Indonesian circles, have a negative view of English. English is considered the language of infidel invaders and the language of hell. This paper aims to describe the development of society in implementing Islamic religious education while eliminating the negative impression of the use of English in Islamic societies to be an important language to be learned as a language of global communication. The research method uses the sociological phenomenological method. The results showed that the Amanah village had six social capital namely human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital, and financial capital and religious capital. The development strategy undertaken is to maximize religious capital by establishing religious institutions and carrying out religious activities by being given English language lessons. There are two centers of activity, namely the Baitussalam mosque and the AleC (Amanah Learning Center). Other capital that plays a significant role is social capital that is inclusive and accommodating towards migrants.AbstrakSebagian masyarat Islam terutama kalangan tradisional Indonesia berpandangan negative terhadap bahasa Inggris. Bahsa inggris dianggap sebagai bahasa para penjajah yang kafir dan bahasa neraka. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pembangunan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan pendidikan Agama Islam sekaligus menghilangkan kesan negative penggunaan bahasa Inggris di masyarakat Islam menjadi bahasa penting untuk dipelajari sebagai bahasa komunikasi global. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode fenomenologis sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kampung Amanah memiliki enam modal sosial yaitu human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital dan financial capital serta religious capital. Strategi pembangunan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan memaksimalkan modal relgius dengan mendirikan institusi agama dan menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan agama dengan diberi sisipan pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pusat kegiatan ada dua yaitu masjid baitussalam dan AleC (Amanah Learning Center). Modal lain yang sangat berperan adalah modal sosial masyarakat yang bersikap inklusif dan akomodatif terhadap para pendatang.  
The Improvement of English Skills for Islamic Junior High School Teachers Using ESA (Engage Study Activate) Approach Ikhrom Ikhrom; Ruswan Ruswan; Sayyidatul Fadlilah
Kontribusia : Research Dissemination for Community Development Vol 1 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : OJS Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.619 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/kontribusia.v1i1.249


Language is a skill that insists approach and certain strategy to master it. ESA (Engaged-Study-Activate) is an approach used in learning foreign language based on the theory that the success of learning language is determined by the factor of involvement in learned language environment. Therefore, the ideal way of learning language is that it is done in the country in which the language is used as the first language. When it is difficult to be achieved, it needs the availability of artificial learning atmosphere that gives situation as if the students are in English speaking community. This training needed three main activities: involvement, study, and language-based activities. By using those three main activities, the program of English skill improvement for the teachers of Islamic Junior high school in Tugu and Ngaliyan District was held. The result of the study through guidance shows that participants’ English skills increased. Although it is not too significant, the improvement of their English skills proves that ESA approach was appropriate to be used to maximize participants’ learning achievement. Its less significance was caused by several factors, they are: learning activities (offline learning) was held in every Friday, at the time teachers had felt tired. The offline program was also only held once a week although they were facilitated with online learning program. Another important factor that must be considered is that the teachers had many other activities related to their Islamic social organization activity. However, they still had high motivation in joining the program. They also had a good commitment to learn English. This factor had good effect towards the learning achievement improvement although it is not too high